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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Feb 1977, p. 2

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1 V \(iK •_» PI VINDEALKR-FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 4. 197 I United Methodist Women Hold Luncheon Meeting MR. AND MRS. GARY L. REINW ALL RINGWOOD NEWLYWEDS -- Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Reinwali are making their home in Ringwood following their exchange of wedding vows Dec. 19 in the Ringwood United Methodist church before the Rev. James E. Segin. The bride, the former Angie Slove, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Slove of McHenry and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Reinwali. also of McHenry. Both are students at McHenry County college. The monthly general meeting of the United Methodist Women of the First United Methodist church of McHenry began with "A Call to Prayer and Self Denial" service, led by the officers with the membership also participating It was a most inspiring program. The "Agape" or Love lun­ cheon was then served, with the executive committee as hostesses. Following tl\e lun­ cheon the meeting was called to order by President Pat Esposito. Treasurer Ruth Collins presented the proposed budget which had been approved by the executive committee, and was unanimously ap­ proved by the membership. Members present turned their pledge cards in to the treasurer, who was happy to report that many pledges with payment had already been received in the mail. Members were urged to attend the district meeting in Antioch. Jan 31. whether of­ ficers or not as these meetings are very informative and in­ teresting The president read the proposed program schedule, which met with unanimous approval The spring rummage sale Two Area La Leche League Groups Schedule Meetings The McHenry group of La Leche league will hold its monthly meeting Thursday. Feb 10. at 8 p.m. The fox Lake group wiy hold their meeting Feb. 9. at 8 p.m. The topic of discussion will be "Techniques of Breastfeeding and Over­ coming Difficulties." League members have found that although many women who have nursed or tried to nurse a baby know that it is a simple and natural function, it does not always happen n a t u r a l l y . P r o b l e m s sometimes do occur, and unless they are handled properly can end th^ nursing relationship between mother and baby prematurely. The philosophy of La Leche league is good mothering t h r o u g h b r e a s t f e e d i n g . Members of the groups meet the second week of every month to give each other advice and encouragement in the field of mothering. Along with the personal support of other mothers, the groups also have a lending library and literature available. The league says pregnant women will find it most helpful to attend this meeting before the baby arrives. Nursing babies are always welcome. Anyone who would like more information about La Leche league should call Mrs. Thomas Bors in McHenry or Mrs. Len Schoenherr in Spring Grove. McHenry County Salon Holds Initiation Rite MARY SUE SCHARF PLAN SUMMER WEDDING - Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Scharf of 3008 W. Mourine, McHenry, announce (he engagement of their daughter, Mary Sue, to Patrick J. O'Donnell. He is the son of Mrs. Edna O'Donnell of St. Charles and the late James O'Donnell. A July 16 wedding is planned in McHenry. Miss Scharf is a graduate of McHenry Community high school and received her degree from Illinois State university in 1975. She is employed in Special Education in Lake county. Her fiance is a 1969 graduate of Southern Illinois university and teaches high school in Wheeling. A very impressive initiation ceremonial was conducted by Le Petit Chapeau May Chesak at the Jan. 24 McHenry County Salon 483 Eight et Forty. Assisting her were La Petit Secretaire Lauretta Homo, McHenry; L'Aumonier Agnes Wappler; Alden; La Petit Concierge Iolone Biangardi, Fox River Grove; Le Cemi Petit Chapeau Deuxieme Mabel Schultz, Huntley; Le Demi Petit Chapeau Premiere Virginia Mann, Woodstock; L Archiviste and Ritual and Emblem Dorothy Ogle, Woodstock and La Surin- tcndante Mary Earner, Marengo. New partners who were initiated into the salon were Shirley Brockrogge of Crystal Lake and Alice Kanaley of Marengo. Unable to attend was Phyllis Kunde of Marengo. During the ceremonial Chapeau May presented each with a red carnation and welcomed them as partners. La Surientendante Mary garner presented them with av flight bag after a special in­ troduction. The meeting which took place at the home of Betty Paulin of Wonder Lake had twenty-three in attendance. Motions were made for various donations and a rinfovwi RP FM I M S i niiirpiAn "ri r that the cookie sale profited $72 and that monies were sent to the National Jewish hospital and to Harvard hospital for the nurses scholarship fund. Final plans were made for c 1976 Hallmark Cards Inc ***** Valentine's Day Monday, Feb. 14! Shop early for all your Hallmark Valentine needs. WE HAVE MRS. SUTLER'S CANDY (REGULAR AND DIABETIC) BY THE POUND OR GIFT BOX. PALMERS FOUR SEASONS GIFT SHOP RESERVE NOW^FOR CHOICE DATES! ROUND TRIP- FLIGHTS FROM CHICAGO FRANKFURT LONDON AMSTERDAM * HONOLULU LOS ANGELES FROM *309 FROM $289 FROM *289 FROM *319 FROM *149 NO TOUR NEEDED TO QUALIFY (Flights operated under C.A.B. regulations) & 2604 John»burg Rd., McHENRY Phone 815/385-0699 J CHAIN-O-LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE 'DEPENDABLE TRAVEL SINCE 1961", 3405 W. ELM, McHENRY ^385-7500 Install Senior Citizen Officers was discussed, and the ten­ tative dates of April 14. 15 and 16 were scheduled. Many volunteers will be needed to make this project a success. Volunteers are also needed to help in the church office an­ swering the telephone one-half day each week, preferably Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Mention was made of the "Benefit Breakfast" Sunday, Feb 6 from 8 to 11 a.m. This breakfast is to help raise funds for the new choir robes. There will be a bake sale at the break­ fast. and donations for this bake sale will be appreciated. Mention was also made about the upcoming International Airport fest, Feb. 18 and 19 and more information on this church event will be available very shortly. Due to the resignation of the secretary. Lvda Radisch will serve in this capacity until another secretary can be secured. The February general meeting, Feb. 17 will be a potluck luncheon with the Marcia Mary Ball Circle being hostesses. The program will be on Home Missions, and all ladies of the church are urged to attend. Bill Wilson, installing officer for the McHenry Senior Citiiens club, appointed a number of the club members to various offices and instructed all as to their responsibilities Monday, Jan. 24 with 132 attending the meeting. Pictured, left to right, first row, Signa Wright, newsletter editor; Virginia Nix, treasurer; Rose Neuharth, program co-chair lady; Bertha Quinn, program chairlady; Marian Schmitt, membership cbairlady; Louise Giel, financial secretary; Eleanore;Schuberth, recording secretary; and Anne Rehfinger, social chairlady; second row, Claire Knetzer, Loop bus trip chairlady; Helen Grenkowitz, Loop bus trip co- chair lady; Alf Heggeland, art and square dancing; Frank Giel, bowling chairman; John Doerr, tour chairman; Henry Rahn, vice president; Ralph Lockerbie, president; Myrtle Grever, social co- chairlady; Lyda Radisch, historian and publicity and Dick Rehfinger, greeter. Membership co-chairlady, Madelyn Kunberger, and sewing chairlady, Alice Wilke, were absent. President Chester Conrad called the meeting of the McHenry Senior Citizens club to order Monday, Jan. 24. at 7:30 p.m. with 132 members in attendance. President Conrad reminded the members of the drivers refresher course just scheduled by Kenneth Bowsher. the first session Thursday. Jan. 27; second session Thursday, Feb. 3; and the third and final session of this series Thursday, Feb. 10. The sessions are from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, at the McHenry city hall, council chambers. Senior Citizens do not have to belong to the club to be eligible to take advantage of these courses, they are open to all senior citizens in the area. Any senior citizens having to take their renewal tests in the near future should avail themselves of this helpful course. John Doerr, tour chairman, reported there are still a few reservations available on the bus-luncheon-tour trip . to Janesville, Wis., Wednesday, Feb. 16. This consists of the tour through the Chevrolet auto assembly plant. Northwoods mills where they make man- made furs with an outlet store where fur materials can be purchased, at reasonable prices, lunch at the Hoffman house at the Ramada inn, then the tour of the Parker Pen factory. The bus leaves the McHenry State bank parking lot at 7:30 a.m. The reser­ vations on the second bus must be filled promptly so get reservations in to Louise Giel at once. There seemed to be quite a bit of interest in a tour to the Chicago Historical museum in Chicago, so Mr. Doerr will try to arrange a trip there in the near future. He is also<rying to make arrangements for the tour to the Police Com­ munications center in Chicago, and the Tire academy. Mr. Doerr has also lined up a five-day trip to Mackinac Island, Mich., June 13 with the bus leaving McHenry at 7 a.m. and arriving in Manitowoc, Wis., where a boat is boarded to go across the lake to Ludington, Mich., where all will have dinner and spend the night. The next two nights are at the Grand Hotel at Mackinac and the next night at the Holiday innatSault St. Marie, Canada. It will be a very delightful trip, and the cost is quite reasonable. A deposit must be made by March 31 and the balance seven days before departure. Louise Giel is taking reservations. Frank Giel reported 79 bowlers on last Friday and requests the bowlers to get to the lanes in plenty of time for him to get the schedules ready. After all officers and chairpersons were installed, Lyda Radisch, historian and publicity chairlady, presented outgoing president Chester Conrad with a copy of the 1976 history and also presented incoming president Ralph Lockerbie with a copy of the same, Snd also a resume of the McHenry Senior Citizens club history from its beginning through 1975. Both gentlemen were very pleased to receive the gifts and stated they would always be treasured possessions. Mrs. Ann Schwarz introduced Mrs. Behan and Doctor Nehru, from the local hospital group. Mrs. Behan offered check-up services and information and Dr. Nehru spoke on artificial hip replacements. Refreshments were then served and a social hour followed. The executive committee will meet at 3:30p.m. Monday, Feb. 7 at Landmark school and the next meeting of the club will be Monday, Feb 14 at 7:30 p.m at East Campus cafeteria. Plan Luncheon And Card Party At St. Pat nek's St. Patrick's Ladies guild will sponsor its annual Salad Buffet Valentine luncheon, and card party Wednesday. Feb. 9, in the parish hall. Serving will be from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. with the public invited. There will be table prizes and other awards and a beautiful handmade quilt will be presented to some lucky person that day. Claire Miller, Mary Jean Lahs and Isabelle Pierce are luncheon chairmen. The guild will meet at 1 p.m., Monday, Feb. 7, in the parish hall. Dolores Belohlavy and Jo Rizzo will serve as chairmen of the social hour. All women of the parish are invited. Chicago Social Club Schedules Valentine Dance St. Peter's social club will have its seventeenth annual Valentine dance at their club, 220 W. Madison street, Chicago, Saturday Feb. 12, at 9 p.m. The club is open to single Catholics in the McHenry area over twenty-six and under fifty five, and no reservations are rirtrnrri ftrp V.'^ICCITIC. Proceeds of the dance will go to the moving fund. the twenty-fifth anniversary and dinner when Department Le Petit Chapeau Marguerite Adams will be a guest. This will be a swiss steak dinner served at the Huntley Post home Feb. 27. Members of the kitchen band practiced musical selections to be played at the anniversary dinner and all enjoyed lunch at the closing of the meeting. Elgin Chapter Of NAIM Will Host Speaker Meetings of St. Elizabeth chapter of NAIM are held the second Saturday of the month. The next meeting is Feb. 12 at 8 p.m. at St. Mary's rectory, 390 Fulton street, Elgin. The guest speaker will be Robert E. Haeger He is a criminal and civil attorney and has been practicing lav* for ten years in Dundee. He will speak about drug abuse, wills and trusts, and he will be glad to answer any questions. McHenry members are welcome, and information can be obtained from Connie Schneider, 385-3234. Woman's Club To View Laser In Construction Hilltop Annual Fun Fair For Ages 6-60 For those prevalent cold weather blues, parents are urged to gather up the family and come to the annual Fun Fair at Hilltop school on Lin­ coln road. There will be games, prizes, surprises and treats. The Fun Fair is an annual event sponsored by the Hilltop Parent Teacher organization. It will be held Saturday, Feb. 5, from 1 to 4 p.m. at Hilltop school, 2615 W. Lincoln road in McHenry. Games included will be magic darts, Detroit pin ball, fish pond, the lollipop tree, 5 pin ball, pitch-till-u-win, jaws, Zodiac, bozo buckets, gold fish, zoo parade, fonzie ball and cup cake surprise. There will be a bake shop, a cake walk, and a makeup booth with artists to create faces of bright summer hues. There are refreshments galore to be sold and a returning favorite to the Fun Fair is the White Elephant auction with Mac Neff as auctioneer. Chairman for this big event of the day is Sherill Weber and her co-chairman is Janet Dowe Chairmen for the booths and committees are Joyce Adams, Nancy Larsen, Virginia Howard, Toni Yerkes, Cheryl Lockwood, Jim Roth, Susan Kane, Carol Piklor, Louise Verene, Marion Vornkahl, Helen and Frank Friesl, * Jeseline Dober, Beverly Cochran, Elaine Boron, Sandra Cole, Ann Obara, Carol Bar- nicle, Marilyn Lang, Betty Davidson and Betsy Bogacz. Proceeds from the Fun Fair go to the school to be used where it is most needed for the benefit of all the children who attend Hilltop. The committee promises that everyone 6 or 60 will enjoy the fun at the Hilltop "Fun Fair' f \ Offer "Preparation For Parenthood" Classes *************• DO IT NOW! = Don't Wait For The Summer Rush At some point in everyone's life, they . wish they hod a H portrait of themselves... NOW is your chance CALL AUDREY, 1st prize winner, this week's annual art exhibit COMMISSIONS DONE BY APPOINTMENT AUDREY'S Fine Art Studio 344-0556 Vary B««iowhU Prk*« ZZZ2ZZUZZX2ZI DONJURGENS "Light Fantastic" is the title of the talk that will be given before the McHenry Women's club Feb. 10 at the VFW hall, Rt. 120, McHenry. A social hour at noon precedes the 1 o'clock meeting. Don Jurgens, Illinois Bell staff supervisor, will build A reminder to prospective psrents tccJsy from Bsrt Hanson, executive director of M«moriai Hospital for McHenry County at Woodstock. Hanson announced the next "Preparation for Parenthood" free instructional course -- a two-evening session -- will begin at 8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 7. The informational program laser in full view of his audience and use the laser beam to transmit telephone, picturephone and data com­ munications throughout the room. The program includes a live demonstration of voice and video over a working .laser beam as well as movies of other non-Bell industrial and medical applications. r I 1 I I I I I I I I I I American Legion Post 491 - RINGWOOD ROAD, McHENRY - FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00-9:00 P.M.) . PERCH-ALL YOU CAN EAT . OTHER MENU AVAILABLE . OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE SATURDAY NIGHT "GREAT NORTHERN" COCKTAIL HOUR MON.--WED.--THURS.--FRIDAY 3:30 lo 6:00 Cut Price# I I I I I I I I will be held in the hospital dining room on botu Feb. 7 aou Feb. 14, as a free community service program of Memorial hospital. Both prospective mothers and fathers are in­ vited, and in the past frequently both expectant parents have attended these sessions. Prospective parents are asked to obtain the routine permission slip from their doctors. Mrs. Fran Scholpp, R.N., obstetrical department supervisor, will take part in the program, which includes a tour of the hospital's maternity department, movies and talks. Fathers-to-be wishing to be in the delivery room with their wives are reminded to obtain the proper permission slip from their doctor and must attend these sessions. Not every plan for mak­ ing money makes money. INDIAN MANOR RESTAURANT £ L0UH6 f BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER 43 DINNER ENTREES 'l^ITALIAN BEEF DELUXE TO f14°° TWLN LOBSTER TAIL y2 ML SO. OF 120 ON RT. 31 McHENRY 385-8600

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