ton FEBRUARYS Faith PresbyterianChurch -- Salad Luncheon Follows Grant Swing Choir - 11 a.m. -- Tickets From Mrs. Tom (Karen) Thennes or At The Door Hilltop Fun Fair--Hilltop School - 1 to 4 p.m. FEBRUARY 6 Order of Eastern Star ~ Initiation Rehearsal -- 2 p m. -- Acacia Hall Roast Beef Dinner -- Zion Lutheran Church, Rt. 120 West - - Noon to 3 p.m -- Public In vited. Benefit Breakfast And Bake Sale -- First United Methodist Church -- 8 to 11 a.m. FEBRUARY 7 McHenry Senior Citizens Club -- Executive Committee Meeting -- 3:30 p.m. - Land mark School. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild ~ Meeting --1 p.m. -- Church Hall. FEBRUARY 8 Town and Country Newcomers Club Meeting -- St. Paul's Church -- 7:30 p.m Business Meeting and Speaker - - "Right to Read" Program. FEBRUARY 9 McHenry Senior Citizens Club -- Loop Bus Trip -- Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild Valentine Luncheon and Card Party -- Church Hall -- 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. -- Public Invited. FEBRUARY 10 Job's Daughters -- Advance Night -- Acacia Hall -- 7 p.m. McHenry Senior Citizens Club -- Driver Refresher "Course -- Third Session -- 10 am. to Noon -- McHenry City FEBRUARY 14 McHenry Senior Citizens Club -- Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria FEBRUARY 15 Women of the Moose -- Meeting -- 8 p.m. -- Moose Hall. C C D Parents Association Meeting - St Patrick's Church Hall -- 8 p.m. o FEBRUARY 16 McHenry Senior Citizens Club -- Bus-Luncheon Trip to Janesville, Wis. - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank at 7:30 a.m. Whispering Oaks Woman's Club -- "Neapolitan Night" - 7 p.m - Men's Night. FEBRUARY 17 United Methodist Women -- Potluck Luncheon and Meeting - Noon - First United Methodist Church - Marcia Mary Ball Circle Hostesses - Program. Home Missions. Joyce Kilmer Court 573, C D. of A. - Meeting -- 8 p.m. - K of C Hall. NEW BANQUET0 HALLS AVAILABLE Parties from 25 to 750 Taken lor any Occasion FISH $050 J^fY FRY £ NIGHT <crfndxe. \ <Stca(i cMouse y2 Mi. N. of Richmond, III. on U.S. Rt. 12 815-678-2671 AMERICAN FAMILY I N S U R A N C E AUTO HOME HEALTH LlfE AMERICAN FAMILY MUTUA&ftSURANCE CO MADISON. WISCONSIN S370I CHUCK LEWAND0WSKI 1108 Violet St. McHenry Phone 385-2304 Community Calendar toooooooooooct HOSPITAL NOTES NATIONAL NEWSPAPER USOCUTION fllUH 1H1 ... raNNA SUSTAINING "" --MFMBER-1977 3812 West Elm Street I THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER I SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year $10.50 l Year $15.00 | In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry aod i County Lake County established 1875 Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY SuDscrioers are requested to provide immediate notice of change of a^ress to The McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry. IL 60050_ . deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription wll be ma where a change of address is provided through the_Post Office Dep Larry E Lund Publisher Adele Froehlich Editor r-J'77*: : MEMBER NEWSPAPER Now you can own a fine lithograph at remar kable low prices. A wide selection of styles, sub jects and sizes to decor ate your home or office to your own taste. Pri ced from $10 to $40, in cluding glass and frame. McHenry Savings V A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N ^ ^ Brings You Fine Lithographs For Your Home Or Office FORMAL WEAR RENTALS for ALL OCCASIONS . k fctw Ion Ml 1214 \. (.i con St., Vh-Henry FINAL WINTER CLEARANCE BEGINNING WED., FEB. 2 • DRESSES • SLACKS • BLOUSES • SHELLS • LINGERIE REDUCED TO Lg§§ THAN HALF PRICE SOME UP TO 75% OFF Juniors - Misses - Half Sizes THE FASHION SHOPPE 1007 N. FRONT ST. (Rt. 31) McHENRY, ILL. 385-7747 To obtain your lithograph at our low cost, just deposit $25 or more in a McHenry Savings account and make your selection. Hurry . . . while selection is complete! FSLIC choose from our large selection of lithographs at a fraction of their usual cost when you deposit $2500 or more. Make Way for Spring! in all your insurance needs! McHENRY S A V I N G S EARN UP TO 7%% ON YOUR SAVINGS McHenry Savings V A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N ^ ^ 1209 North Green Street 10520 Main Street • McHenry. Hlinoj£- Richmond IllinoiC"*^ 385-3000 678-2061 FEBRUARY 4 Church Women United -- Annual Luncheon Meeting -- First United Methodist Church, Crystal Lake FEBRUARY 4 & 5 Johnsburg Community Club - - Roaring 20's Night -- 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. - Benefit St. John's Church Restoration Fund. Hall -- Council Chambers. Knights of Columbus - Regular Business Meeting -- 8 p.m. - K of C Hall. Parkland School -- Cary- Grove Swing and Acapella Choir -- 7:30 p.m. Grade School Children Free - Minimal Adult Charge La Leche League - Meeting - 8 p.m. McHenry Woman's Club - Social Hour-Noon-Meeting - 1 p.m. - VFW Hall-Reciprocity Day * FEBRUARY 12 Friendship Club Potluck Dinner and Meeting - 6 p.m. -- First United Methodist Church. falling to the floor, suffered a cut on her face, and a hip in jury. A neighbor reported the incident to the police. PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER-KKIIIA*. KjhBKUAiv* *, ivu McHenry police and the area rescue squad responded to a call Saturday from a local drugstore concerning a woman in ill health. When police arrived, they discovered Jayne M. Lane, 4213 E. Wonder Lake road, WoMer Lake, sitting in a chair in the front of the store. She stated she had become dizzy and had passed out. Oxygen was given to her, and the rescue squad transported her to McHenry hospital. DIVORCES Richard J. Axell from Shirley R. Axell, McHenry. Susan L. Kaszuba from Dale F. Kaszuba, Wonder Lake. Joan K. Dillon from Norman D. Dillon, Island Lake. Arietta D. Polnow from David L. Polnow. Nancy Marie Dickerson from Carl Edgar Dickerson Jr. Robert L. Clausing from Betty L. Clausing. Community Leaders Women's Role... GRETCHEN THOMAS STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD For people who can afford it, restaurants run fish frys. For people who can't, Gretchen Thomas runs the FISH pantry. That's FISH, as in Friends In Service Here, an organization whose sole purpose is to help the less fortunate people in the McHenry area. "Most people don't realize that there are persons right here in McHenry who don't have enough to eat," Gretchen said. People not having enough to eat is how the FISH pantry got started. It's now as much a part of the entire FISH organization as fish frys are to most restaurants on Friday nights. The Pantry got its start four years ago, before FISH became a viable organization in the McHenry area. "My sister was working at the hospital at the time," Gretchen said. "And she was telling me about a family that was living in a barn, and didn't have any food or clothing." It was a migrant family out of work, and Gretchen, having lived in California, and thus more familiar with the migrant situation, decided to get in volved. "It started with that one family," she recalled. "Then, other families started hearing about it, and the FISH Pantry came from there." No& the Thomas garage looks like a supermarket, with an entire cabinet full of canned non-perishables. "The Lions club came and built an insulated cabinet," Gretchen explained. "It keeps the food from freezing in the winter, and from spoiling in the summer." When the FISH organization 'started up, Gretchen joined, and her Pantry is now stocked through contributions to FISH. "Churches in the area donate canned goods on a regular basis," she said. "Various civic groups and individuals also contribute." The Pantry, as it now operates, is a stopgap. "Essentially, it s a place for people to get food while waiting for help," she said. "Waiting for food stamps and public aid checks can take awhile. So, the Pantry helps these families by giving them food until regular aid comes." Gretchen, and the entire FISH organization, become aware of needy families through various means. Church organizations notify FISH of needy people, as do public welfare people, and private citizens. If there is one type of person Gretchen would like to see helped the most, it's the family that has had a temporary setback from what would normally be a satisfactory level' of living. "The saddest thing is that so many people can't get food stamps or public aid because they make just too much," she said. "There should be something for people who do their damn dest, but just can't make it. These are the people who thought they'd never have to ask for aid, but for some reason, need temporary help," she added. Even with her work with FISH, Gretchen always makes time for her husband. Bill, nd their three children.. "Without Bill, I couldn't get nearly as much done as I have," she said. And Willie (age 8) helps all the time. He grew up with it." The one philosophy Gretchen carries with her, and tries to convey to her family is this: "If j somebody needs help, and they really need it, and you can help out in a practical manner, then you should do it." Gretchen also does volunteer work with the mental health out-patient clinic at the hospital. She is also a den mother for a Cub Scout troop, and between all this, fits in gardening, reading, and horseback riding "We do things as a family", she concluded. It's time for .: ople of McHenry to do 'thing as o community also Help this community leader out Next time you can afford it, skip the fish fry, and give to the FISH Pantry instead You'll be glad you did Hold Marian Alumni Party This Saturday The annual alumni party for all Marian Central high school graduates will be held Saturday, Feb. 5, following the basketball game between the Hurricanes and Marmion Military academy. The party will be held in the high school cafeteria between 9 p.m.-l a.m. Refreshments will be served, and music will be provided. There will be a slight ad mission charge to the party Anyone seeking further in formation can call Marian Central high school. OPEN HOUSE The children of Mr. and Mrs John J Hertel, Turtle Lake, Wis., formerly of Fremont Center, will be honoring theii parents' fiftieth wedding an niversary at an open house beginning at 2 p.m. Feb 13, at the St. Mary's church hall Relatives and friends in the area are welcome MARRIAGES Kenneth R. Wright, 2502 E. Wonder Lake road. Wonder Lake, and Kathleen H Kac- prowicz, 7616 Hancock drive, Wonder Lake. Gerald E. Sossong, Crystal Lake, and Cathleen A Nellis, 3101 W. Lake street, McHenrv Deposits insured to $40,uuu oy tne Federal Savings and Loan insurance Corp Complete with glass and frame WHAT'S COOKING? -Preparations are under way for the annual roast beef dinner at Zion Lutheran church. The dinner, sponsored by the Couples club of the church, will be served Sunday, Feb. 6, from noon to 3 p.m. Reservations are welcome by calling the Zion HARVARD HOSPITAL Mrs. Thomas Jornd of McHenry and Mrs. Earl White of Wonder Lake have been admitted as patients to Har vard hospital. MEMORI AL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Recent admittances to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Diane Kofler, Kathleen Keating, Sylvia Cooper, Virginia Hodges, Ralph Justen, Phyllis McKee and Jenna Burke, all of McHenry; Master Michael Shouse and Bernadine Stott, both of Wonder Lake. HOSPITALIZED A McHenry woman was taken to McHenry hospital by the McHenry Rescue squad for treatment of injuries sustained in an accident at home Sunday morning. Mary Wood, 5013 W. Shore drive, apparently fainted while in her home, and upon SAVERS HOURS 9 00am to 4 30 pm Monday Tuesday and Thursday 9 00am to 800pm (riday 9 00am to 3 00 p m Saturday McHenry Dnve-ln Window open Wednesday 9.00 am to 2 00 p m Closed Wednesday >n Richmond McHENRY MONEY MACHINE OPEN ?4 HRS A DAY EVERY OAY1 Lutheran church office between the hours of 9 and noon. Tickets may also be purchased at McHenry banks. Above, Roman Miller and Maria Bremer check utensils. - (STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD) V