pi HORNSBYS w f a m i l y centers -- LOVES TO BRING YOU DREAMY VALUES OF FASHION 3 Shirt Blouse Reg. 3.64 Top Quality, pull on girls' pants made of polyostor knit. CI* >>• from a largo soloctlon of prin, i and solids. Sizos 7*14. Reg. $19 Pants Bankamericard R*g. $25 Junior blouse of fine nylon knits in assorted prints and Junior pants of woven polyostor In solid colors. Both com* in size 7-15. Ladfes Waterproof Jacket |«Rm'S| Afork Shirt Reg. 16.87 Waterproof, slicker jackets made of nylon taffeta. Zip front, elastic waist, 3 pc. hood In colors of black and silver. Sites S-M-L Men's long sleeved chambray work or play shirt. 100 % cotton. Made in U.S.A. All sizes. Ladies 2 Pise* ilUMIlbl* I xLhl m U Reg. 14.54 Reg. 13.94 weovo, eesy cere perme-press. Choose from fashion colors of nude, cornflower or ague. Sizos S-M-L Cheese from foshien colors of nude, cornflower, or aqua. All sized Swell Mod.-targo. Crisp, Dacron-Cotton blend "Lino" weave In colors of nude, cornflower end egue. Sizes S-M-L. Comfortable 100% stretch terry lounaers In solid colors of brown, blue, yellow, or orange. Floor Izes S-M-L. THESE HORNSBY S FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY Rt . 34 & 47 Yorkv i l le , I I I . 1 10 Waver ly Morr is , I I I . Route 1 36 Havana , I I I . R t . 66 & 116 Pont iac , I I I . U .S . 6 4 Rt . 26 Pr inceton , I I I . MarWet Ct r . McHenry , I I I . Route 47 Woodstock , I I I .