1' Vt.L \\ LR-KKIDAY. MARCH 4. 1*7: Get-Acquainted Coffee AndRound Table Talk Community Leaders LINDA M. CATANZARO £\\\Ot'NCE BETROTH AL - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Catanzaro. •Jr.. «if McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter. Ij.inda Marie Catanzaro. to David J. Boberg. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ittussell Boberg of Cambridge. 111. Miss Catanzaro is a 1973 Marian *1 entral graduate and she will be an English Journalism graduate •|r«»m \uguslana college in May. 1577. Her fiance graduated from ambridge high school in 1971 and from Western Illinois university "in lwith degrees in Financing and Banking. Mr. Boberg is ~rmplo> ed in Moline. III., while the bride-elect works at the college -she is attending. SjiEW CLL'B ORGANIZED - Valleys Edge Woman's club of ^IcHenrv, a newly organized association, presents its board 'uiembers. left to right. Joyce Hauge, secretary ; Bobbie Fantus, president; Armanette Miller, vice-president and Nancy jherchelman. treasurer. The club's official meetings are the third Wednesday of each month. The organization is twenty-five strong ^and hopes to add many new members by the September meeting 4then they will join the Illinois Women's club federation. * MARRIAGE LICENSES £ Charles N. Tubbs. McHenry. £and Mrs Sharon A Hattrem. >Jo<)4 N Front street. McHenry • Dennis H Justen. 1113 N ^Green street. McHenry. and Ollrs Patricia J Schopp. 2617 -^lichael drive' Wonder Lake Dr. Loren Lesner announces the opening of his dental office located at 1324 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. Hours by Appointment Only PHONE 385-1360 Sorority Mem bers Hear SEDOM Director Speak The Alpha Theta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma held its regular monthly meeting at the McHenry Country club The group enjoyed a brunch before the meeting A special program was presented to this teacher s professional club by the Alternate Education program for high school students Mrs Jane. Koehler. chairman of Professional Affairs com mittee. introduced Barry Lamb. Director of the Special Education services for McHenry county Through the use of a slide presentation and a question and answer session with students from this school, the very innovative program was explained Mr Lamb told the group that this was a school designed for those students who have in tellectual and social abilities but cannot operate in a structural school setting They become "turned on' by this school again and will graduate with full high school credit These " students become acquainted with personal responsibilities as a citizen, a student, an employee and a member of a familv unit At the business meeting over which Janet Yierke president, presided it was announced that Ms Marguarite Smith of Marengo a student of McHenry County college, was the recipient of the chapter's scholarship award for 1977 She was selected on her academic achievement She is currently enrolled in the field of Bi- Lingual education Navajo jewelry was displayed The proceeds from this jewelry will go to the Navajo Indians school in New Mexico The members also exchanged paperback books The expansion of Delta Kappa Gamma's new chapter was discussed by Chairman Edith Newcomer The president then presented those members who had February birthdays with a small rememberance Mini courses will be resumed in March They had been cancelled because of the severe cold weather The next meeting will be held at South school. Crystal Lake, at 7 pm "Getting To Know You' wilLbe the theme of the program The Lamaze mothers of the McHenry county Lamaze Parent's organisation will hold their monthly meeting at Libby Pappalardo s home. March 8 at 10 a m The address is 315 Meridian Gate 12 > in Crystal Lake A get to know-you coffee and round table discussions are planned The round table discussions will cover subjects sucty as toilet training, eating and sleeping habits of young children, safety, babysitters and first-time parents Pam phlets on these subjects will be given out The Mother Help Line \olunteers are selling the toddler cookbook "Feed me. I'm Yours" They will discuss some of their favorite toddler recipes and ideas from the hook .All mothers and children are invited to attend other activities 'this month include a parent's meeting March 14 at x p m at the < ipcr.i House in Woodstock Dr Robert Boxer, well known allergist, will speak on " Nutrition in the Preschool Child The October class ol Lila Keller and November classes of Marie Walters and Carol Steele will, hold their reunions at 6 45 March 31 the Lamaze mothers will sponsor a demonstration party at Linda Gough s home. 357 Tryon. Woodstock It will be a come- and-go part> from 7 to y p m and all mothers and children are welcome Grandma Sez • • • Flower Show Sure Cure For "Cabin Fever" If there is someone suffering from w inter cabin fever or one who feels the w alls are steadily closing in on them, the McHenry Garden club invites them to join the happy mem bers for a touch of spring on their trip to the annual Chicago Flower and Garden show at McCormick place March 28 A few seats are still open on their chartered bus which will depart from the skating rink parking lot at 914 V Front street at 9:15 a m For reservations please call lone Barth at 385-2235 or Aldona Cepulis. McHenry Methodist Women Sponsor Luncheon The Mount Hope Methodist Women are sponsoring their annual spring luncheon and card party Thursday. March 31. at the Pistakee Highlands Community center Serving starts at noon The public is invited, but there will be advance tickets sales only. PLhN MARCH DINNER St Patrick s ladies guild will meet at 1 p m Monday. March 7. in St Patrick s parish hall Plans will be made for the corned beef and cabbage dinner on March 13. Serving will be from 1 to 4 p.m.. with the public invited There's a mighty good reason why the society we live in t day. has fallen into th' condition o deterioration we're a trvin' t' cope wi'. A few years ago. young folks had t' abide by certain rules an' regulations, laid out by th' head o" the household, th' father Per missiveness. leniency, an' lack o disciplinary measures weren't practiced until th' crack-pot theory, that th old- fashioned ways, o' bringin' up th' offspring, frustrated th' young Young parents b gan t' doubt th' ways o' their own parents, an' impressed wi' th' new ideas, cast em aside, went along wi th' trend, an' called good, ol fashioned discipline harmful Well, t" me own mind, parents who let th' younguns grow up. in th' way they will, wi' out trainin". wi out r'spect f'r home rules, parents, an f'r emselves. ha' turned out folks, unprepared f'r adult life, in capable o' rearin' families o' their own. t' be a credit t' society. All they've succeeded in doin is harm t' their own childern They grow like weeds in a garden, an' we all know how t git rid o' them It takes work, carin enough t' spend th' effort t' teach an' train th* young ••Now comes th' problem o' permissiveness in schools. Ignorant parents protest when a child is found in trouble wj' those in charge This granny attended school, when we respected our teachers, an' th' pride we were taught t have, f'r ourselves, an' our ac complishments brought out th' best we had t" give, t' our education We learned t" be self-respectin as we grew t' adult years Th' latest indignity, that makes me blood curl, is th' question that's come up. in some areas, as t' th problem o' tobacco chewin' little culprits, an whether r not th' school might pervide spittoons, t' try an" keep em from messin' up th floors What, in th' name o' heaven, has gotten inter folks, t allow any chewin o anythin' whilest in class, r on th' premises In my day. we weren't allowed t chew gum. in school, r e'en when marchin in line, on enterin' th buildin' f'r classes It's come t' a pretty pass, when th young get the elders by th throat, so t speak Young folks ha been the topic o th day. f'r quite a while, an' they've been promoted t' first place, by th same element that taught t' destroy confidence in th' well- proven ways o' our fathers an mothers They've learned that they don t need t' git out an work, "r even do chores around th' home If they need money, they don t need t" earn it. cause Mom isearnin" th money they should be bringin' in God help us. where's it a goin't' end! Grandma Radtke Gerald -M Hansen. 3211 Chelmsford road. Spring Grove, and Linda C Beall. 5712 Liberty street. Richmond Thomas G Meyer McHenry . and Tina L Fendt. 515 Mineral Springs road. McHenry "Friends In Serv ice Here" A happy smile of satisfaction for the public's very prompt and considerate response to our recent request for supplies of non-perishable food for our almost-empty Pantry ' As usual you were most generous and we were soon back in businsss God bless each one of you - as we do' We need more Fish Can you help0 TTiere are no meetings to attend You can sign up on the days most convenient to you. once a month or oftener. There are no dues to pay - just the offering of your willing heart On an emergency basis only, we can help by driving folks, visit by phone calls to the elderly and shut-ins. help with food through our Pantry, babysitting, all of which is possible through our volunteer FISH Husbands and wives and lady or men friends often work together in this most satisfying endeavor Fish would be happy to have you join us in making people happy You possibly have given it some consideration at various times, why not do it now ° Call Fish 385-8020. or write Box 282. McHenry. 111.. 60050 Don't neglect the chance today To do a kindly act Or pay a little compliment With thoughtfulness and tact. M G BENEFIT COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Fashion show committee members for the auxiliary to McHenry hospital March 21 benefit include, from left, front, Kay Smith, co-chairman; June D'Isa, chairman; and Annie Cuda, co-chairman. Back: Gail Paulsen, Fran Herrmann, Aastri Cunat, Carole Barnicle, Pat Coiomer and Donna Diedrich. Theme for this fund raising event is "La Fashion .Affaire" and will be held at the Branded Steak bouse. Crystal Lake. Reservations are now being accepted by the auxiliary at P.O. Box (S in McHenry. Committee members missing from the photo include Kathi Porter, Barbara Stanell, Sandra Eckstein and Barbara Wernquist. (DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY BY KAAREN DODGE) Women's Role... ARLETTE RIETESEL BACK BY POPULAR DifiM. FRIDAYS 5 To 11 p.m OPEN FOR LUNCH DAILY 11:30-5 SUNDAY 11:30-3 Perch Dinner Includes Steak Fries Soup or Saiad ^y'3 Lenon Tar'a^ Sauce Poor Man's Lobster $3« Community leaders come in various shapes and sizes. There are leaders who "burn the trail ". and initiate wor thwhile programs within a community And there are leaders who serve as ""reinforcers." con tinuing to upgrade worthwhile program^ that have already been initiated There are also a few people who serve as "inspirational" leaders in a community Mrs Arlette Rietesel. a life time resident of McHenry. qualifies as a community leader no matter whose definition is used She's "burned the trail", initiating FISH in McHenry She's been a "reinforcer" through her work with the Women's club, the Garden club, and the Senior Citizens club And she's also been an inspirational" leader to the community, overcoming a >evere stroke to contribute in many meaningful ways And yet. it doesn t seem quite fair to speak of Mrs Reitesel without speaking also of her husband. Carl, who operates a boat-covering business The two just seem to go .together When Mrs Rietesel suffered her stroke five years ago. it was Carl, among others, who helped her "He was a real inspiration to me." she said "He always encouraged me to do things, and to keep trying " . Through her husband's support and understanding, and her own dogged deter mination. Mrs. Rietesel has been able to return to a full and active life And her recovery spawned FISH. Friends In Service Here "While I was going to therapy. 1 began to become aware of people who needed therapy and had no means of transportation to get it." she explained "At the time, there was a FISH operating in Crystal Lake, but even before ours started. 1 was looking for people w ho would be w illing to help drive others to therapy "You need a lot of backing and support to start an organization like FISH." she added So I went before the Women's club, and presented my idea They thought it was a good idea, and FISH grew from there." Now that FISH is a suc cessful. viable organization. Mrs Rietesel continues to serve the organization in a very important way She writes and distributes a newsletter each month explaining to members what FISH is doing and what it plans to do Mrs. Reitesel is proud of the way FISH has grown, but mostly, she likes to talk about people "You hear so much about people not helping one another." she said "But my neighbors here have been so wonderful One drove me to Includes Steal« Fries Scup c Sa'ad ' crr-rx. Ta"ar Sauce RT. 31 NORTH TO JOHNSBURG RD., EAST TO SUNSET RD. 815/675-2302 J ( omr in and broitw. tou'll grl idea* for furnishing tour bath and discover many charming gift*. \ £ A n r - a i h ' ! t . 1 \ 3012^. Rie. 120. MrHenr* East of Nf» Bridgr-Ffer Parking 385-0048 Mon.-THur*. <*-5:30. Fri. 9-9. Sal. 9-5 (.ompletr planning and installation of fiilurn and arrrsaories. 1 American Legion Post 491 I - RINGW00D ROAD, McHENRY - I FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY j (5:00-9:00 P.M.) I I I I I I . PERCH - ALL YOU CAN EAT . OTHER MENU AVAILABLE . OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE SATURDAY NIGHT "BOB & THE BLUE TONES" < Story Series by Jeff Konato. Staff Photo bv Wavne Gavlord i Easter Seal therapy for a w hole year." she added "You can't believe how good people are." she said. "That's the message of FISH." Mrs Rietesel feels the key to overcoming a handicap is to avoid despondency "I've been spared the despondency." she said "My husband and others have been so helpful, that I never fell into that trap "Some people get so despondent." she added, "that they cannot ever get out of it "I don't consider myself handicapped." she said "1 don't like people to wait on me except when it's appropriate, like at a restaurant. In the home, though, anything goes "My husband has always encouraged me to do things." she added "He does worry about me doing too much, though " Mrs Rietesel's philosophy on life is "to take things one day at a time " It's all the things she done in one day that's so amazing Seventy-five plants of various shapes and sizes adorn the Rietesel household, and she takes daily care of each one She also does bookwork for her husband and has time for her Women's club. Garden club, and Senior Citizen outings That amount of activity is remarkable for any woman, let alone one who suffered a stroke just five years ago. "I'm moved by people," she concluded "People are won derful." Mrs Arlette Rietesel has served as a moving in spiration tor many other people also. She's a community leader by any definition. Invitation To Prairie Grove Smorgasbord The entire community is invited to attend the annual Prairie Grove school smorgasbord, this Sunday. March 6. from noon till 4 p.m The featured entrees will oe chicken, roast beef and swedish meatballs which will be especially prepared for the dinner a'l vegetable, salad, and dessert dishes are being donated through the efforts of the room mothers contacting the entire school district Tickets may be purchased at the door with children under years free Tickets purchased before Friday at the school w in be discounted <:<M:kT4lL HOt R MOY-*K|>._TH! RS.--FRIDAY 3:30 In ( ut Price- I / • I I I Hal L Kitterman from Doris L. Kitterman. McHenry. Kathleen Ann Cottrell from Ronald F. Cottrell. INDIAN MANOR KESTAURAHT & L0UH61 BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER 43 DINNER ENTREES '^ITALIAN BEEF DELUXE TO $14°° TWIN LOBSTER TAIL » ---- H ML SO. OF 120 ON RT. 31 McHENRY 385-8600