;i\VC.E 4 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. MARCH 4. 1977 |CLEP Exams Offered March 5-12 Jp An opportunity "to earn Jptnll e^e credits by taking an Semination vrill be offered at IflcHcnrv County college two JJfcfrnsecutive Saturdays. March and 12. As many as 30 semester rs of college credit can be rned by taking the animations which are part of he College Level Examination Togram (CLEP'. Credits can earned in five subject areas J kit the two Saturday sessions j £ Examinations will, test » general knowledge in English 5 attjmanities. social science ! ̂ history >. mathematics and * ;*»atural science As many as six < Jiemester credits can be earned i Sby taking the one hour exam in pny one subject fj, The exams are open to yone regardless of whether e-she is currently enrolled in a liege These tests were designed for 3£e adult who has been out of School and in the world of work S^Janv adults returning to school 5l_ : have taken the CLEP tests and have reduced by one year the length of time required to finish their college training Many high school seniors have also taken these exams and have received up to one year of college credits The cost of the exams is payable when one registers to take the exams on the day they are held Veterans currently enrolled in college under the Illinois Veterans Scholarship may take the examinations free of charge The tests on March 5 and 12 will begin at 8 a m in room 152 of the MCC Main hall building on the college campus at Route 14 and Lucas road. Crystal Lake 4? Additional information on the CLEP program is available from George Cowgill. coor dinator of placement and financial aids at the college, by telephoning 815-455-3700. ex tension 266 POET'S CORNER THE LAKE The lake has waves, and lots of shells. all the people enjoy the smells. The lake makes sounds. the lake has fish, you can throw in a coin and make a wish. But most of all the people swim. they go back and forth. against the wind Donnie Neubauer Age 8 Edgebrook school Mrs. Schmaling's Language Arts Group I Area Students Perform Well In Various Music Contests rfMHI School Staff Views Heimlich Maneuver Bob Nebel. paramedic with the McHenry Area Rescue squad, is shown presenting a demonstration of the Heimlich Maneuver, a life-saving technique for choking victims. His subject is Gary Gray, a MCHS coach. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Students from McHenry Junior high and Johnsburg Junior high schools par ticipated recently in separate music contests, with students at both schools faring ex tremely well. Members of the vocal and instrumental department of the McHenry Junior high par ticipated in the district solo and ensemble contest at Prospect Heights. Those students who received a superior rating on an in strumental solo were Stephanie Allen. Alice Armstrong. Lisa Benoy. Michelle Brossman. Wally Henshall. Carole Manny. Jack Marinich, Jenny Prust. Alynde Robertson. Mark Schneider, and Gavin Wilson First place awards for vocal solos went to Chris Lacullo. Ten Landis. Barbara Pintozzi. Norma Schopp. and Karen Strohman Students participating in Division I ensembles were Eileen Smith. Cathy Costigan. Lynn Weiss. Stacy Anderson. Vicky lwanski. Shari Oliver. Matt Lange. Dan Joza, Mark Schneider. Susan Malenius. Karen Strohman. Dori Peterson. Colleen Foley. Jeanine Sek, Melissa Dowe, Alynde Robertson. Stephanie Alien. Cindy Stanek. Raymond Giagnoni, and Gavin Wilson. Earning an award of ex cellent at the contest were instrumental soloists Beth Alderman. Stacy Anderson, David Ewald. Mary Forner. Chris lacullo. Elissa Miller. Debbie Mortell. Barbara Pin tozzi. Mark Popelka. and Jenny Prust Vocal scores of excellent went to Susan Bielsky. Donna Hoich. Dan Joza. Susan Malenius, Tim Schopp. SQsan Smith, and Jon Ulrich. Ensemble members with excellents were Jon Smith, Tonee Weyland. Debbie Bauer, Shani Blankenhorn. Susan Malenius, Barbara Pintozzi. Alice Armstrong, Karen Stroh man, Michelle Brossman. Debbie Mortell. Missy Dowe, Kathy Jdhnson. Jenny Prust. Jamie Kirk, Nancy Hupe, Dawn Shepit. Tina Harwood. Sue Smith. Tammy Tripamer, Sue Bielsky. Tracy Ziebel. Gabi Suhr. Norma Schopp. Donna Hoich. Sandy Williamson. Jon Ulrich. Tim Schopp. and Nancy Tibbs Accompanists for the students were Mrs Pat Gat- tone. Mrs. RoseMary Schneider, Lori Robertson. Mrs. Eloise Leighty, Miss Donna DeFranco. Karen Stroh man. Barbara Pintozzi, and Carl Kohrt Students from Johnsburg Junior high school recently competed at the District Solo and Ensemble contest held at Wonder Lake. They received a total of forty-five superior ratings and twenty-four ex cellents Those students who received a superior rating on an in strumental solo were: Brian Conant. Inge Dschida. Michelle Emerson. Krista Kaefer, Marc Lovenguth. Paul Metzger, Ann Moehling, Mike Novak. Lvdia Oakley. Rich Preston. Linda Schmitt, Pam Ullrich, and Laura Wharton « First place awards for vocal solos went to: Karen Alvord, Jodi Beutel, Karla Moe, Kristie Price. Melody Rogers, and Laura Wharton. Students participating in Division I ensembles were: Sue Marker. Lori Stetter, Michelle Emerson, Sharon Cahill, Lisa Carlson. Valeri Zimbrick, Dawn Anderson. Sue Chyllo, Diane Chyllo. Cheri Bruser, Jodi Beutel, Sue Tripp, Cheri Kofler, Debbie Nolan, Gina Pecucci. Marc Lovenguth, Mary Pritchard. Krista Kaefer, Deanna Davis. Inge Dschida. Pat Haag. and Kristie Price. Earning ar^ award of ex cellent at the contest were instrumental soloists:Terry Boyer. Frank Burens. Deanna Davis. Jack Engstrom, Trina E v e r t s e n , M a r y B e t h Gallagher. Pat Haag, Eric Johnson. Kathy Lupo, Mary Pritchard, Pat Ullrich, Brian Madsen. and Steve Sisk. Vocal scores of excellent went to: Geanitta Case. Charise Nielsen and Linda Sch mitt Ensemble members with excellents were: Laura Wharton. Ann Moehling. Melody Rogers, Kelly Kozicki. Mike Novak. Paul Metzger and Trina Evertsen. The students are under the direction of Mrs Iris Bruhnke. Mrs Kathy Belcher, and Mr Hal Thompson In addition many members of the com munity served as accompanists and were very instrumental in helping the students achieve such high scores The West Campus high school staff spent last Monday morning prior to the scheduled parent-teacher conferences in a staff meeting that included a breakfast sepved by the cafeteria personnel, a film and demonstration of the Heimlich Maneuver. and various building reports at West campus Bob Nebel. paramedic with the McHenry Area Rescue squad, presented a demon stration of the Heimlich Maneuver. a life-saving technique used to free food or objects lodged in the throat of choking victims. The film was made available by the McHenry hopsital Nebel indicated that this procedure.is probably the best way to save the life of a choking person. Usually the person choking has four to six minutes before death occurs due to a lack of oxygen West Campus administrators reported on staffing for next year and outlined plans for staff evaluation of this year's programs and precedures Three members of the Op tional Planning committee reported on progress of the group. Plans call for those staff members w ishing to meet some FEBRUARY NEW CAR SALES BRING MARCH ncrn nun SPECIALS classes in a variable pattern may do so during pre determined periods each day. Final proposals are yet to be approved by the school ad ministration and board of education Discussion was held regarding the feasibility of starting an adult advisor program for next year. This will allow more students to see an adult for guidance relating to scheduling, decision-making, self-discipline and citizenship O u r a d v i c e : Remember there's no magic to accomplish worthwhile things. ' • * * * Human beings, for some reason, seem more interested in the mistakes of others. Children's Choirs In "Story-Tellin' Man" On Sunday. March 20. the combined children's choirs of the First United Methodist church of McHenry will present "The Story-Tellin' Man"' at 3 p m in the West campus auditorium The two choirs. "The Joyful Noises" and "The Heavenly- Host" are under the direction of Ed Wittrock Wittrock has sung with the church choir for many years, has been a member of the McHenry Choral club since 1968 and has performed in many local musical comedy productions "The Story-Tellin' Man" was a teacher who told many stories Some were happy, some were pensive and sad. Some were full of adventure. some were quiet and thought- provoking Some made obvious points, others were difficult to understand But every story taught an important lesson This children's musical by Ken Medema tells the Parables of Jesus in an exciting manner Tim Ballowe is the narrator who tells the stories of The Lost Coin. The Lost Sheep and The Prodigal Son . They are told and sung with a modern day flavor and are vividly portrayed in the songs. "Live It Up" and "Kill The Fatted Calf". Other songs that depict the story of The Good Samaritan are "Beaten Up On The Highway", "Are You A Loser?" and "Friend. You Need A Hand". Those who would like to spend a pleasant and en tertaining Sunday afternoon are invited to "Listen To The Happy Sound" BIBLE VERSE ' Don t misunderstand why I have come-it isn 't to cancel the laws of Moses and the warnings of the prophets. No. 1 came to fulfill them, and to make them all come true. " 1. Name the author of this statement. 2. To whom was he speaking? Answers To Bible Verse 1. Jesus Christ. 2. To his disciples and the multitude. tS^ USED CAR TORKLESON LINCOLN-MERCURY 1974 CADILLAC 4 DR. SEDAN DeVILLE full power luxury cloth interior. G.M. s finest 4 dr. SALEPRICE $5295 [l976roM^DR!sEDA^^^^^^ 6 cyl. outo.. p.s., p.b, factory air. radio vinyl trim & WW tires. 10 000 mi. 1974 CADILLAC COUPE DeVILLE Full power, cloth interior. G.M.'s hotest seller. SALE PRICE $4995 1975 CHEVY 4 OR. MALIBU V8 auto., p.s., p.b. factory air, radio WW A family car you can afford. SALE PRICE $3195 1972 THUNDERBIRD 2 dr. hardtop bucket seats in this sport luxury car. SALE PRICE $2895 1975 M0NTEG0 MX 4 DR. V8 automatic, p.s., p.b. factory air, radio, V-Roof, WW. Wheel covers. Mid size family car. SALE PRICE $3295 TIME TO MAKE YOUR MOVE... WE 1/VANT TO BE YOUR CAR STORE! mmimwmimmmmm UmsHHfl SERVICE 8-5 Hon. thru Fri. Saturday 8-12 OPEN SUNDAYS 11 to 4 SALES 9-9 Mon.-Fri 9-5 Sat. 11-4 Sun M C H E N R Y f l I L L ' 4611 W. RT. 120 McHENRY, ILL BANK FINANCING •AVAILABLE!! 815/344-1200 «fWT)*G Crystal Point Mall FIRST FOR FASHION SHOP MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 10-9 SATURDAY 10-S:30, SUNDAY 12-5 Que€£ 1 Pair Pack REG. 69' PR YOU SAVE 14' 3 Pair Pack MARCH 5 THRU MARCH 19 REG. 1.79 YOU SAVE 36* Hurry in, get acquainted with famous for fit and famous-for comfort May Queen knee-highs. They're the nylon with extra wide comfort band that Keeps them up without irritation to your legs. One size stretch fits all shoe and leg sizes. Choose from Brown Sugar, Toast, Gingerbread, Teasing Taupe, Blushing Beige. HOSIERY, ELGIN AND CRYSTAL LAKE | ELGiN <REE PAhkiNG CRYSTAL LAKE FREE PAR* NG .ASF PACE PERSONA SHOPPER Ticket validates first 2 hours, upper deck ElQin Plan Parking Direct entry into Spiess thru enclosed ramp Convenient free parking tor 2J00 cars at Crystal Point Mall For Elgin sto<« ca« her at 741-4300 F#r McHenry County store call her at Crystal Lake 455 3600