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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1977, p. 10

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\4.!: III - PI.AINDI VtJ IM\» DM SIIAV. MAIM H 9 . Il»77 ̂tZcftbn tf/ay No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in clas­ sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AUTOS 1966 Ford. 6 cylinder $300. 815- 344-2670 Q 3-9-3-11 AUTOS AUTOS FORD MUSTANG 1972 V-8 with air conditioning Power steering & brakes. One owner White interioi with buckets & console Excellent condition. Phone^ 815 -385-0170 jda VS or ,815- 185-2718 nites. 2-25TF1-2 67 Chev 2 door. Impala Fastback. good tires & battery. Runs good $450 385-7705 , 3-9-3-11 73 Olds Cutlass Supreme, p.s., p b . power windows, air conditioned, buckets, console, $2,750 815-459-1940 3-4-3-9 74 Plymouth Satellite, p.s., p.b., air conditioned, radial tires, mag wheels, all gauges. Days 1*85-0783 evenings 385-3456 3-4-3-11 1976 Chevrolet, full time. 4 wheel drive U ton pick-up. Automatic transmission, less than 3.000 miles. Silverado package, power steering power brakes, heavy duty rear end. step bumper. AM-FM radio Priced to sell Ask for Mike 385- 5201 3-4-3-9 1972 Ford Gran Torino, 4 dr., p.s . pb . good condition $1200. Call after 5:30pm 385-6293 3-9-3-11 1972 JAVELIN low mileage, excellent condition, new tires. 385-1653 3-9-3-11 1970 Mustang V8. p.s ,d.b.f call 385-0475 3-9-3-11 1967 VW BUG rebuilt 1970 engine Very good condition, very clean Call .385-7950 3-9-3-18 1973 Mercury Montego MX Brougham* This V8 fully automatic, copper. 2 door, has only 51.000 miles, and is un­ blemished This full size luxury auto is for sale for $2,395 It may be seen 24 hours a day in the Arnold May Builders parking lot on Route 12, Rich­ mond. Call 815-678-2861 3-9TF1-2 Ford LTD Station wagon. 1970. runs good. $650 385-1480 3-9-3-11 1969 Ford pickup 4 ton with cap, 55,000 miles, good con­ dition $1,200 385-0225 3-9-3-11 1971 Ford Country Sedan wagon, 8 cylinders, automatic $500 . 385-8230 3-9-3-11 1975 Chev. ^Impala, 2 door sports p.s., p.b., air, low mileage. Asking $3,250 or best. 385-1140 3-9-3-11 72 CHE VIE LOVE TRUCK. Needs engine work. Best offer. 815-459-1940 3-9-3-11 1961 one ton dump truck. 385 3244 evenings. 3-39-3-11 Pontiac Bonneville 1963. Make reasonable offer. 385-6934 3-9-3-11 1966 VW Window van. body excellent, engine out for overhaul, 3 engines available, plus many spare parts. $250 takes all 385-8721 weekend onlv. 3-9-3-11 1973 Ford LTD fully equipped, custom interior, top condition. 385-3576 anytime. 3-9-3-11 BUSINESS SERUKES S E W I N G M A C H I N E S REPAIRED, any make. In shop or home Dodd Sewing C e n t e r 2 9 1 1 - W ' R t e 1 2 ( L McHenry. 815-385-9120 3-2TF1-2 Highest Prices paid for Junk cars and trucks Dav or night. 815-459-0081 3-2TF1-2 Highest prices paid for Junk cars. 815 385 6368 3-2TF1-2 WANT THAT TREE OUT? Reasonable Work with you or do it myself. Call Ron 815-344- 1351 2-18-3-16 ESTATE & CONSIGNMENT HOUSEHOLD ANTIQUES FARM FLUGER'S AUCTION SERVICE We ll Sell Them All Large or Small COL DONALD FLUGER AUCTIONEER Member of National Auctioneer Assoc. 815-385-5218 McHENRY ! BUSINESS SERVICES S R & D AUTO SERVICE 24 Hour Towing & Emergency Service I "We'll Get You Started This Winter" j | £ 385-7448 ££1 | 4250 W. Bull Valley Rd., V« mi. West of Rt 31j 3/2-TF 1-2 3/2-TF 1-2 =*« M ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL SPRING SAVINGS. Call now and Save. * Driveways * Parking Lots * Resurfacing * New Driveways * Patching A Sealing All work Guaranteed Free Estimates 24 Hour Service 815-459-5757 j - WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING INC. COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL SERVING YOUR AREA - 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER & SAVE! -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE- GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312-367-0676 3/2-TF 1-2 2-23-4-6 S B0EDECKER UPHOLSTERING * Expert Workmanship * Large Selection of Fabrics * Free Estimates Phone 815-385-5478 01-26-4-26TF1 ADDING ON? RBftODg&'G? * Carpentry * Concrete * Additions * Dry Wall * Painting * Demolition * Light Hauling "No Job too small... we do 'em all" ALRAY CONSTRUCTION 344-2639 3-4-3 9 TAX RETURNS Established for 22 years with * An experienced staff to handle your in­ dividual problems * Prepared and verified on our in-house com­ puter * One day service * Year around availability for follow up Tax Counseling PHONE 385-4410 For an Appointment Paul A. Schwegel & Company 4410 W. Highway 120 McHenry, III. OOOOSOOOOOOSOOOOOOCOOOOQ099Qe$« 3-2-3-30 COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE Complete tree and stump removal Fully insured Free Estimates 385-6733 3-2TF12- J0TUL NORWEGIAN WOOD STOVES & C0MBI-FI REPLACES Artistic quality A efficiency. 12 beautiful cast iron airtight models. Smallest heats 46GO cu. ft. safely & evenly. Ex­ clusive area dealer. Roger Newton Builder. Caledonia 815-885-3074 1-28-3-11 8USINESS SflHJKCS Bill s Cleaning Service. Carpet cleaning special this month. Call for free estimates. 815-728- 0650 3-9-3-11 Professional housecleaner, excellent references on weekly basis 815-344-1717 3-9-3-11 S e a m s t r e s s dressmaker and 385-4397 M o d e r n alterations. 3-9-3-11 FOR SALc Firewood, seasoned oak. split, delivered and stacked. $4U ton. Tree work done. Call 385-1957 or 385-0855 3-4-3-9 1 Fender amp tube type, 15" speaker $175, 1 Vox Amp twin 30 tube type. 2-12" speakers $100, 1 Badstone pedal phase shifter $150, 1- Big Muff fuzz pedal $30. 1 -Maestro rythmn and sound with case $65, $500 for all or will separate. 815-385- 9672 after 6pm 3-4-3-11 8 HP Mini bike $75. 5:30pm 385-6293 Call after 3-9-3-11 15'2 ft. Lark Travel trailer, self contained. Reese hitch, electric brake controls included $2200. 385-5324 3-9-3-11 MINI MOTOR HOME Ford Econoline Much storage space, cab over, dining nook, range, oven, water heater, gas, electric, refrigerator. Many extras. Perfect condition. Ideal for couple. $3,000 firm. 385-5802 3-9-3-11 Matching Bassett triple dresser and 2 chests of drawers. Asking $140. Fiberglass garage door complete with hardware. In­ stallation available. 385-4010 3-9-3-11 Ladies 26" 3 speed bike. $30. 344-1945 3-9 35 gallon Hex shaped aquarium, complete salt water set up $350 new asking $150,. custom built 6 string electric guitar, case, twin 12 amp and more $200. 728-0511 3-9-3-11 Indoor Beer Can Sale. March 12-13-19-20 Cones, flat tops, pull tops. Over 800 cans. 5401 N. Lake St. Corner of Fox Lake and Ringwood Rds. Call 497- 3975 after 8pm 3-9-3-11 Olympic water skis, life vest, & tow rope. Never used. $100. Ph. 815-385-3609 ' 3-9 r SEWING MACHINE i .,ew Zigzag with built in overlock stretch stitch. Make butiuo huiv»', bimu fi«i11, etc. $139.00 cash or small monthly | payments. j DODD SWING CENTER | 2911W.Rte. 120 McHenry, III. | i 385-9120 I l_ 3-9-3-11 | SEWING MACHINE Elna free arm with fashion discs, stretch stitches, etc. $127.00 cash or small monthly payments. DODD SEWING CENTER 2911 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. 385-9120 3-9-3-11 FOR SALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Dinette table plus leaf, 4 chairs plus replacement backs and seats $25. Call 385-2099 3-9-3-11 Upright piano newly repaired, needs tuning and refinishing. 385-6866 3-9-3-11 3 graves. Memorial Park. $50 per grave, below market value. 653-6401 3-9-3-11 WAITRESSES Day and Night Shifts Experience preferred, over 21 PISTAKEE COUNTRY CLUB 815 W. Bay Road McHenry 385-9854 3-9TF1-2 AVON Need cash for Mother's Day, Father's Day, Easter and graduation? Make good ear­ nings on your own time selling quality products. Call Mrs. Bauer 815-385-5385 3-9-3-11 AVAILABLE Special Education District of McHenry County (SEDOM) is seeking full time secretary (12 months). Applicants must have good typing skills, shor­ thand desirable. Paid fringe benefits include health, hospitalization and life in­ surance, sick leave allowan­ ce, vacation, and retirement benefits. Salary commen­ surate with training and ex­ perience. Please contact Mrs. Yvonne Charles SEDOM 1200 Dane Street Woodstock, Illinois 40099 a Phone ' 338-3622 MOOOOOOOOOOOOOS^C FOR SALE ALUMINUM PLATES 25! A Plate • 6 Plate Minimum Size 23 x 35 .009 Thick Inquire At THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St.'-NlcHenrv Phone: ->85-0170 Mahogany Console GE 21" television black and white good condition $30. 497-3902 3-9 Kenmore Zigzag sewing machine with attachments and decorative stitching cams, wood cabinet included $80, Triumph T 2000 AM-FM stereo with speakers and jacks for turntable and tape. $40. 344-1090 3-9-3-11 Estate Sale. Household fur­ nishings. 2909 Shorewood Drive, McHenry, II. 312-428- 2591 Saturday March 12, 9:00- 5:00, Sunday March 13, 9:00- 12:00noon. 3-9-3-11 (AMCC SALC Wedding Dress with veil, size 12 $50 McHenry Resale Shop. 2913 W Rte. 120 3-4-3-9 H£U> WANTED FULL TIME Job Opening in Paste-Up Dept. McHenry Plain- dealer. We need a steady, reli­ able, ambitious person. Others need not apply. Experience helpful. Good typing a must. 8 to 5 p.m. Some Sat. work. Apply in person. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. McHenry Plaindealer 3812 West Elm Street, McHenry, II. No Phone Calls Please TF RELIABLE PERSON NEEDED For tatting aid inspecting daptrtmant. Electrical testing-inspection background preferred PREM ENTERPRISES 3519 N. Chapel Hill Road Johnsburg 385-2700 3.9.301 sssssssssssssssssssssasasssssssssg SALES CLERK Some knowledge of office supplies or bookkeeping background helpful. v Hour*: 9:30-3:00 385-5890 3-9 -QOOQiTCra gPOBP"?1.'1 ipw rtnrwtrtnnnnfiiJfliOOOOOOOOOOOy R.N. - LP.N. FULL TIME DAYS To function as staff Nurse in a 23 Physician multi-specialty Medical Group. --jI'a day-40 Hour Weefc Competitive salory, pension plan, comprehensive Blue Cross Blue Shield, Major medical, disability insurance. Call or apply McHenry Medial Group 1209 N. Green St., McHenry, III. 'I 815-385-1050 Irm-mniionrionriononnnnnnr-innrmrnrnn-r IMMEDIATE OPENING 1 for individual with secretarial and clerical skills. Must be proficient in typing, shorthand and calculator for work in Loan Department. Contact Mr. Larry I. Shrock, Vice President First National Bank ~ of Woodstock, Illinois 815-338-6200 ~ an Equal Opportunity Employer 3-4-3-9 GENERAL PLANT POSITIONS Gearmaster Division of Emerson Electric now has available a limited number of positions for General Plant Help. If you are looking for steady work with good starting rates PLUS: Attendance bonus, paid insurance for all employees, and ex­ cellent fringe benefits. We have the job for you. Apply in person or phone: Gearmaster Division Emerson Electric 1809 S. Route 31 McHenry, III. 60050 PUm: 815-385-7020 an equal opportunity employer M/F 3-9-3-11 EARN EXTRA MONEY_ For Your Vacation Convenient working con­ ditions. Air conditioned of­ fices. 9:00am to 2:00pm or 5:00pm to 9:00pm. Monday thru Friday Please call ,,, 4, 385-0940 3-9-3-11 SECURITY GUARD PART TIME We need a security guard immediately to work in McHenry. If you are at least 18 years of age, a U.S. Citizen and have no criminal record, Burns can offer you a good starting rate, and other benefits. Apply in person to the Burns representative at the Lake Manor Motel 4803 Northwest Highway Crystal Lake, III. FRIDAY MARCH 11,1977 Between 10:00 A*M. and 3:00 P.M. BURNS INTERNATIONAL SECURITY SERVICE An equal opportunity employer M/F J| 3-9-3-11 t0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO6O9OOOOOOOSOOOOOOOa|! FULL AND PART TIME HELP WANTED Experienced counter person ^ Apply in person Beef Villa 3709 W. Elm St. MHenry, III. 3-9TF1-2 ENGINEERING DEPT. We are looking for an em­ ployee to work full time in our engineering dept. Knowledge of electrical and mechanical maintenance necessary. License preferred. Apply to personnel dept. McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. Waukegon Rd. McHenry, III. v.' 815-385-2200 ext. 645 3-9-3-11 W E R E GROWING! ...and that means real job opportunities for experienced: WIRER - S0LDERERS COIL WINDERS CABLE FORMERS Build a real future with a leader in the electronics industry and earn outstanding pay and benefits. APPLY IN PERSON 8:30 AM -5 PM If you can't come in, call us and we'll send you an application. 312-259-9600, Ext. 123 NORTHROP CORPORATION Defense Systems Division 600 Hicks Road Rolling Meadows. II. 60008 NORTHROP . in equal oppor tun i ty employer REGISTERED NURSES Applications now being accepted for full time and part time positions. <,~ > 4 Apply to personnel dept. McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, 111. • 815-385-2200 ext. 645 2-25-3-25 m -- ^i^i-r-irBXTLTLgj' i 'pnnonrtnnnniioonociotKtf' 3-9 BARTENDER COOK Friday tftw 3i00pn WAITRESSES HOSTESS AttHfFr%tft«r5pi CHAPEL HILL 60LF COURSE 2500 Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry 385-0333 Apply in Person 3 9-3-11 Eoooooooooooooogooq ̂

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