IWCIK is - !M.\ l \ l ) l \ I .KR-FHin\Y; MARCH 11. 1977 Ringwood News 653-9008 65*3-9262 728-0295 Ben Jacobs, Jr. Wins Championship Trophy For Heifer _ Lkst weekend, the Little International Livestock show was held at the University of "Wisconsin. Madison Ben Jacobs. Jr . who is a student in the university's Ag short " course, entered an animal in the beef show and was awarded championship trophy for the . cross-bred heifer he showed as well as winning a plaque for the showman championship Our congratulations to you. Ben. for these honors WEEKEND TRAVELERS Art Baker, with Cindy and Bill, travelled to Strawberry Point. Iowa, to visit family and relatives Bob stayed home with Mom and Laura but he did attend the Auto show in *Chicago w ith other Sentinel r earners *• It was northward that Art and Katy Christopher travelled to spend the weekend in Ap- pleton with Diane and Gary Linstad Art's sister and niece drove down from Green Bay Sunday to join the group for a wonderful visit RUMMAGE SALE Ladies of the Ringwood United Methodist church will be busy this np*t week sortings. - and pricing items for the rummage sale to be held at the church Friday. March 18. 9 a m to 5 p.m. and Saturday. March 19. 9 a m to noon Donations may be brought to - the church Tuesday and - Wednesday of next week HOSPITALIZED Dick Zell has been admitted I, to Woodstock Memorial ? hospital For the present. visitors are limited but he would enjoy receiving cards We wish you a speedy recovery. Dick We are happy to hear that A1 Null is finally recovering from the bad siege of the flu that he had ABOUT TOWN Web and Jane Blackmon visited with Nellie Hepburn Sunday and then they visited Art Jensen who is at the McHenry hospital Cards would be appreciated by Mr. Jensen I'm sure in room 307. bed 2. Kenneth and Wayne Brennan of Woodstock were also visitors in the Brennan-Hepburn home last Sunday HOME AGAIN Walt t>nd Doris Low and John and Marge Granath of McHenry have arrived home after traveling as far south as the north end of Padre island (Corpus ChristD. Tex. Twas beautiful weather and rained only one day coming home The sun shone every day but three Thpy went to the rodeo in Houston and saw Holidays On Ice while there then on home through New Orleans. A good time by all. and lots of miles. GAMES DINNER Rich and Chris Gillispie entertained relatives and friends with a wild game dinner (ducks, rabbits, etc.' in their home last Sunday evening.. A. delicious time was enjoved bv all • 4-H CLUB NEWS The Busy Three 4-H club held a very short meeting iate in January It had been postponed due to the snow and extreme cold. The attendance was small and very little business took place. The regular February meeting was held at the Ringwood school. The pledge to the flag was led by Tim Watkins and the 4-H pledge by Tim Whitehead Sandy Madden presided over the meeting Record books for the 1977 projects were handed out by the leaders Robert Doessel and Mrs George Madden The club tour of individual projects is scheduled for the first Sunday in May. At that time members and their families are invited to visit each home and see the progress being made and give helpful suggestions. Sandy Madden will be chairman to make necessary plans for the day She w ill be assisted by Lee Tomlinson, The holiday bowling and pizza party was greatly en joyed by all The total cost was $53.00 Everyone was reminded to turn in their itibney for the sale of the gift wrap. The Busy Three club will not enter an act in this year's Share-The.Fun festival in April All members were urged to enter a designed program cover in the contest. Lee Tomlinson reported on her trip to the University of Minnesota sheep barns in the twin cities She told of the housing, lambing conditions and feed experiments in process there Plans were made tor Bob Doessei, John Doessel and Tim Watkins to attend the sheep shearing school in Oregon. A county-wide sheep day is being planned for June. The Busy Three club is planning an all-day program to aid 4-Her's FREE ATTIC INSULATION UP TO 6" OF INSU LATION FREE WITH ANY SIDING JOB! FOR DETAILS CALL: (815) 385-9427 (815) 653-9720 interested in learning the art of preparing sheep for show. Darrell Hall of Sycamore will lecture and demonstrate blocking the animals fft?ece for judging and show Janet Bauer won the door prize The next meeting will be held March 14 at Ringwood school. Come and bring a. friend 1 Lee Tomlinson, Reporter - BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday goes to two lovelies of yesteryear (they'll both kill me if they read this), March 14. Donna (Low ) Meyer and Susan (Fossum) Thorton. March 15 finds Gary Harrison celebrating another year Muriel Gilmore celebrates her day March 17. Happy Birthday to you Wonderful people. ANNIVERSARIES Happy Anniversary goes to Lynn and June Stuart on the eighteenth of March. We do hope you have many more Happy Anniversaries. THINGS TO REMEMBER Everv Sundav - Church Plan Monthly Meeting For INA Members Members of the Sixteenth District Illinois Nurses' association will hold their services -- Ringwood church -- 9:15 a.m. Every Sunday -- Church school - Ringwood church - 9:45 a.m. Every Tuesday -- Bible study - 9:30 a.m. Tuesday. March 15 - Official board meeting -- Ringwood church -- 7:45 p.m. Tuesday. March 15 -- Bring articles for rummage sale - Ringwood church Wednesday. March 16 -- Bring articles for rummage sale -- Ringwood church * Friday. March 18 - Ringwood church -- semi-annual rum: mage sale - 9 a.m. til 5 p.m. Saturday. March 19 - Ringwood church - rummage sale -- 9 a m til noon. monthly dinner meeting at the Black Angus Steak ranch. Gurnee, on Monday, March 14. Dinner will be served at 6:45 p.m., the business meeting at 7:30 p.m.. followed by a program. "Economic Security and General Welfare." v Two guest speakers from I N.A. will present „ the program, which has been awarded two contact hours for continuing education Non-members may attend this dinner meeting and program for a fee. The dinner portion is always optional. All dinner reservations must be made by March 11, making checks payable to the Sixteenth District INA. and sending them to Mrs. Kathleen Prestwick, 1261 Wincanton drive, Deer- field. Ill 60015. The Veterans administration has hospitals under con s t r u c t i o n a t B r o n x , N Y . . Columbia, SC.. Los Angeles and Loma Linda. Calif., and Augusta. Ga BACK BY POPULAR DEM^ FRIDAYS 5 To 11 p.m.Ts OPEN FOR LUNCH DAILY 11:30-5 SUNDAY 11:30-3 Perch Dinner Includes Steak Fries. Soup or Salad. Lemon Tartar Sauce $295 Poor Man's Lobster Includes Steak Fries. Soup or Salad. Lemun Tartar Sauce $395 RT. 31 NORTH TO JOHNSBURG RD„ EAST TO SUNSET RD. 815/675-2302 Church To Host Hebrew Evangelist The Churclr of Christian Fellowship. a non- denominational. spirit-filled. Christian church, will host Hezekiah Jacobson Sunday, March 1*3. The meeting will be held in the old town hall, located at the corner of Brink and Williams streets in downtown Crystal Lake at 6:30 p.m. Rev. Bob Schroy.who is well known throughout the area as founder and director of Chicagoland Ministries, ex tends sC welcome to all who would care to come and "hear what God is doing among his chosen people." Rev. Jacobson's grandfather was an orthodox rabbi, and two of his uncles were renowned cantors. After Hitler and the Nazi holocaust, Hezekiah became an atheist. While majoring in World History and searching through the Scrip tures, he became convinced that there is a Living God. He is presently with the Jewish Evangelism depart ment of the Pacific Garden mission in Chicago. The Veterans administration operates 171 hospitals, seventeen of which have been completed during the last ten years. Planned bridalhood Anxious to moke the right arrange ments for your wedding? The details fall into place after a WELCOME WAGON Engaged Girl call. As your Hostess, I hove some lovely gifts, useful suggestions, and lots of helpful information for you from a wide range of wedding professionais. And I'm as close as your telephone. Plan to coll soon. w /n- Sj/r n umt N T C R N A T I O N A Carolyn Farrington 385-7980 * McHenry IT TAKES MORE THAN' MORTAR AND BRICKS i ".rz cP,: f to build a strong savings and loan • It takes 52 years of sound financial experience. • It also takes caring about the needs of people, helping them make their dreams a reality. • It takes the assurance that every savers dollar is protected by strong reserves. • It takes a variety of high-earning sav ings accounts with interest com pounded daily. • It takes low-cost home mortgage and home improvement loans. • It takes pre-paid save-by-mail, Free money orders, travelers checks and lots of free parking,-- In short it takes Marengo Federal Savings and Loan. . . .Helping /Vop/c Is What We're All About MA HER i 1 •0 FEI DEI A 1 SJI inn I s and loan association 200 EAST GRANT HIGHWAY • MARENGO. ILLINOIS 60152 * 815-568-7258 4400 WEST ROUTE 120 * McHENRY, ILLINOIS 60060 * 815-344-1900 118 CASS STREET * WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS 60098 * 815 338 2900 hag t= i IQUAi M0USMC UNDER