PAGE 10 Window blinds are both decorative, protective Tailored, traditional or whimsical window treat ments are of major im portance to room decor. Too often, windows are overdone with yards of ex pensive fabric, or under done in a plain white shade. Neither very prac tical in the sense that the windows are blocked or covered, so sunlight and neat are either streaming into the room, or are shut out completely along with the view. Adjustable slatted blinds have long been accepted as the most practical and functional of all interior window coverings. Now with the advent of the easy-care Levolor Rivi era a luminum bl inds which come in more than 100 decorator colors, you can select just the right amount of daylight and still prevent heat gain and loss through your home's windows. It's a fact that a great deal of heating fuel is wasted when heat rays, like light, pass through glass windows. Hence, the heat from your home can escape in winter, just as the sun's heat penetrates the glass in summer. The reflective aluminum slats of the Riviera blinds can reduce this waste considerably. Dressing up the windows with these blinds alone is an easy task. As further adornment the window can be framed with a simple plywood structure. This frame could be covered with any of a variety of fabrics, papers,, paints, or even mirror tiles. The decorative covering may be as elaborate or simple as your room re quires. Padding may be added for a softer look, or the material can be applied directly to the wood with March 11, 1977 glue or staples. -Regardless of the dec orative theme, you can be sure there will be a Riviera color to complement it You might want to add a hinged ledge with a cushion which will provide a window seat and some storage space. For instruct ions on building the frame and other ideas on decorating with Riviera blinds, write to: "Window Magtfc," P.O. Sox 323, Radio City sta tion-, New York, N. Y. 10019 When home repairs can't wait, we can (up to 7 years) MAKE IT HAPPEN" THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF McHENRY MEMBER F.D.I.C. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE 3814 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL 385-5400 If you need cash to fix-up, re paint, re-roof or remodel your home make plans to see us fir st We have a Home Im provement Loan with budget payments to fit your pocket- book. We are anxious to work with you. May we see you soon? - "TOGETHER WE CAN