March 11, 1977 PAGE 31 New levels of Comfor t , Warmth and Quiet Vinyl Floors GAFSTAR Supreme and GAFSTAR Deluxe SHEET V INYL FLOORING 1975 > p.f, M m ! r m * it i lwi ; > i aj -«S5** ""as*** "*S** "*-£?* »me^3*Ji ••aa» -rr ' -jr ~ jSE* ir-nr*- 'mŝ rm ry vKXSam- _-?-_L. - ̂ ^5?* «co=»- *-?* «c». • - i*GZ**r*g- -•yLWP1' /̂ Li mccsm- .-"»• -wczzm- -? -miSsm. ÎPlBsF̂ r •=* ̂ HKgawr Ĵjimm£- r -wr-i ' vtV';. jp c \^-.. ̂ v*. * • 'JE "Super-Cushion "comfort, no-wax ease, rugged and non-porous, quick and easy to "do-it-yourself" ...what else, but the very finest from GAF Sheet Vinyl Floors! . See this and much more at. . . i / / / <zJi/e an J f 9^#/? 5002 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILL. 815-385-7310