WHO KNOWS! 1. Which President was the oldest at the time of inauguration? 2. Define fledgling. 3. When were the U.S. Girl Scouts organized? 4. What would you call a collection of hounds? 5. What three colors make up the flag of Italy? 6. Who is the Secretary of Agriculture? 7. What is the flower for the District of Columbia? 8. Who was the 26th U.S. President? 9. How was "March named? 10.When did Hitler in vade Austria? Answers To Who'Knows 1. William Henry Harri son, 68. 2. A young bird or young .inexperienced person. 3. March 12, 1912. 4. A mute. 5. Green, white and red. 6. Robert Bergland. 7. American beauty rose. 8. Theodore Roosevelt. 9 It was named for the Roman diety. Mars. lO.March 11, 1938. MENTAL HEALTH DOCTORS Gov Thompson recently proposed a four-point program to deal with the problem of limited-licensed physicians in Illinois Mental Health in stitutions Gov. Thompson said that the aim of the plan is to guarantee, in as short a time as possible, that patients in public institutions will be receiving the same high quality care as the best care received by private patients. "Under no circumstances will patients in Illinois hospitals be treated by persons not technically com petent and adequately supervised." the Governor said GET PROFESSIONAL carpet cleaning results! (At do-it-yourself prices) If NT OUR RINSE N VAC fh. n» portable Msy-to-us* Hot water • (traction carpat clooning machlna that OtNTlY... •rintat corpat fibart with hot water and cloaning tolution. * loo ton t and lifts all dirt. grime and residue* to the carpet surface where they ere immediately vacuumed up •leoves your carpets CLEAN FRESH end ODOR FREE I * 9 CHAM CARKU £ * Relit Ditty CUAMR MIPS TNCM CLfJUKR LOKU ... tioo •5.00 Mm.) PR HOUR ONIY *12.00 FOR 24 HOURS. ACE HARDWARE 3729 W. Elm St. McHenry-, III. 385-0722 ADVERTISED ITEM POLICY SEC TION 2 - PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER-VVEDNESDAY. M ARCH 1«. 1977 RECIPE By Sarah Ann Sheridan This is an easy recipe that high schtxM couples can make for snacks while watching tele vision. MINI PIZZAS 1 10' j-oz can pizza sauce 1 T grated Parmesan "cheese 1« t garlic powder 1 j lb Mozzarella cheese, shredded 1 4-oz can sliced mush rooms. drained 2 8-oz cans refrigerated buttermilk biscuits pitted ripe olives, halved, for garnish Preheat oven to 450 de grees F. Heat pizza sauce with Parmesan cheese and garlic powder. Roll each biscuit from one can into ovals about 4 inches long. Arrange side by side in a circle on a greased cookie sheet- touching each other. Press center biscuit edges to gether with ftngers to form wid£ strip. Use jhalf of each ingredi ent. First spread pizza sauce over biscuits, leaving Vi-inch rim. then sprinkle Mozzarella and mushroom slices. Bake 12 minutes; garnish with olives and bake 2 minutes longer or until crust is browned. Remove to serving platter. Pull apart to serve. While first pizza is baking, prepare second pizza with re maining ingredients. Make 20 nibblers. Each of these advertised items is required to be readily available for sale at or below the advertised price in each A'frP Store, except as specifically noted in this ad. GREAT A&P HIGH QUALITY _ m WHOLE OR A&P Com CREAM STYLE . Ann Page Pear Halves Mixed Peas • lona Tomatoes Kidney Beans YOUR CHOICE ^ 5-1/2 TO 6-1/2-OZ CANS ANN GREEN BEANS 3 *cans0Z 89c SULTANA IN TOMATO SAUCE 52-02. CAN A&P THIN CRISP Saltines SULTANA ELBOW MACARONI OR ANN PAGE YOUR CHOICE EACH ANN PAGE TOMATO SAUCE «-°Z - CANS *100 FRESHNESS DATED Sliced Bacon COUNTRY STYLE SLICED VEAL . LIVER lb. 69c \B. Ground Beef 5-LB. PKG. OR LARGER APPROX. 72% LEAN Smoked Liver Sausage Oscar Mayer Little Friers Hygrade Polish Sausage KlementsThuringer SUPER RIGHT 14 TO 17 LB AVQ HOT OK MILD 2-LB. PKQ. ON SUMMER SAUSAOI KEF, Q ANUC ON COUNTRY STYLE 12-OZ WHOLE Pork Loin Roast WE WILL GLADLY CUSTOM CUT • c - ^ •MNMIR FULL RIB HALF Pork Loin Roast SHOULDER BLADE CUT Veal Chops ARM BONE SHOULDER CHOPS OR Veal Rib Chops LB. LB. LB. '149 ]89 CHEESE 12-OZ. OR SAUSAGE 14-OZ Ann Page Pizza - 79 A4PMACARONI & Cheese Dinner 3 RIVER VALLEY FROZ Strawberries PKO. A&P FROZEN H<M> Waffles IO-OZ. PKoa $100 IO-OZ. PKGS A4P FROZEN >1" Vegetables X 3 ££>!" f lDAA jn . HEALTH & BEAUTY AMBER, RED OR GREEN A&P Mouthwash 9i|00 BTLS. I 15c OFF LABEL RIGHT GUARD Deodorant 4-OZ. SIZE TWIN PACK-100 CT. PKG _ MULTIPLE PLUS IRON A A D l/itamirie DAILY MULTIPLE PLUS IRON GILLETTE REFILL Trac II Blades VITAMIN C-250 mg • COUNT REFILL PKG 84 $199 $169 BAKERY DEPARTMENT & /> LUSCIOUS LARGE CALIFORNIA Strawberries 69 SERVE THIS DESSERT FAVORITE TONITE! PINT CALIFORNIA LARGE Avocados BUNCH _ Green Onions 2 fo. ?9c Carrots •-OZ. CELLO BAG HEARTY Red Radishes 2 FOR 29C Rutabagas c 3'1°« 1-LB. BAG GOLDEN 3 n. U®« LB. 23c CONTAINS RICH BRAZILIAN COFFEES EIGHT O'CLOCK, WONDER English Muffins MASTER Sliced Pound Cake tS: 45c ""oz 99c Instant IO-OZ. JAR SIZE BEVERAGE DEPARTMENT Coffee WITH COUPON BELOW More and more products at A&P carry a clear legible Ireshnew date that represents the last day of trash sale, so you will still have a reasonable time to store and use the product at home This is your assurance of buying fresh, quality foods for your famify One More Reeaon to Shop A&P Canfield ASSORTED BEVERAGES FLAVORS ft MIXERS 4?°.$100 I ASST FLAVORS DIET RITE OR Yukon Beverages 6 R.c. Cola 8 ssk* *1" ^ PRICE > PRIDE . PRICE I PRlOg » PRiCeYp'riOe"PRICE 4 "»"pRlC*EYp"mDE"." PRICE I PRIDE Y! >141 SAVE 40c INSTANT EIGHTO'CLOCK COFFEE IO-OZ. JAR PRICE WITHOUT COUPON $3.59 . LIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY _ JWOttlMBlI ™RU "ARCH 1», ,»77 SUBJECT TO STATE SALES TAX AT REQ. PRICE ??'Pf * *PRICE 4 PR,0E* PR|CE SPRIDET CARY HARVARD WOODSTOCK McHENRY RTE- 14 & 106 W. 220 N. 3750 W. SILVER LAKE RD. SUMNER JEFFERSON ELM ST. FAMILY BRANDS SALE! SECTION 2 - PAGE 5 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16,1977 r AND GREAT SAVINGS PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT. MAR. 1», 1877 .NONE SOLD TO DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS. Sirloin Steak FROM HEAVY GRAIN FED BEEF as Boneless Rump or BOTTOM ROUND ROAST BONELESS * ,SIRLOIN TIP ROAST A»P « OR KNIEP POINT CUT Corned Beef Brisket LB. HYGRADE Corned Beef Rounds BONE IN Strip Steak WHOLE BEEF TENDERLOIN OR Boneless Rib Eye Steak LARGE SIZE Pineapples A JUICY TROPICAL TREAT 99 LARGE SIZE NAVEL Oranges 10 RED RIPE Watermelon TROPICAL FOR 99c Papayas FLAVORFUL BEAN LB 25c Sprouts EA 59c 49c FRESH FLORAL DEPT. Foliage Plants T? 4 INCH POTS GREEN & HEALTHY Mirm Plants FLORIST QUALITY 6" POTS *049 EA. House In Bloom Foliage Plant Food House In Bloom Insecticide e-i/4-oz. SIZE $149 $149 CAP'N JOHN'S WHARF Beachaven Fish Cakes V* 99c Cap'n John's Haddock Dinner STSE 79c Mrs. Pauls Fish Sticks T™ Van De Kamp's Fish Kabobs si *149 A "A I ZIGGYS DELICATESSEN Free - ITEMS AVAILABLE ONLY AT STORES WITH ZIGGY DELICATESSENS ONE POUND ORVAL KENT CREAMY POTATO SALAD WITH THE PUR CHASE OF ONE POUND CREAMY MACARONI SALAD ' VIENNA TOP ROUND Roast Beef CottoSalami HORMEL HAM & CHEESE LOAF OR POUND HALF $1 58 FOUND LONGACRE QVEN ROASTED ECKRICH OLD TurkeyBreast 'S1™-!!1' Fashion Loaf POUND HALF S1 78 FOUND 79c 89C fRESH,GRADE"A" 1% DEAN S & OR SPINNEY A&P Yogurt Asst. Flavors Mel-O-Bit Sliced American A&P Soft Margarine A&P Fresh Orange A&P Cinnamon Rolls A&P Biscuits -- PROCESSED CHEESE OR GRAPEFRUIT 3-LB. PKA 1-LB. PKO 2-E OZ. TUBS 9-1/2-OZ. EIGHT O'CLOCK GROUND COFFEE HEIGHT O'CLOCK f , I 0 C * P R l C E & P R , 0 E * P R , C E & * P R I C E 4 P W D E * P R l C E 4 P R I D E * SAVE 60c "IN THE BEAN" EIGHTO'CLOCK COFFEE 3-LB. BAG PRICE WITHOUT COUPON $7.59 LIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. REDEEMABLE THRU MARCH 10. 1077 SUBJECT TO STATE SALES TAX AT REQ. PRICE. 30-M |JANE PARKERL White Bread 1-LB. LOAVES Salad Oil 38-OZ. BTL. A&P BRAND We Juice THE ANY TIME REFRESHER 32-OZ. SIZE REGULAR OR BLUE oeteroem A&P bran° FABRIC qPTEHER GAL. JUG 84-OZ- PKG. A H 0 Y BRAND LIQUID _ Dish Detergent FOR SPARKL/NG CLEAN . DISHES HALF GAL. YOU SAVE 60c WITH COUPON TO THE LEFT ! • PRICE ft PRIDE • PRICE ft PRIDE • PRICE ft PRIDE • PRLCE N m1 • PRICE ft PRIDE • PRICE % PRIDE .J A SUPERB BLEND OF FINE BRAZILIAN COFFEES PEOPLE, PRIDE AND PRICE IT TAKES ALOT TO MAKE A FOOD STORE GREAT WE RE WORKING AT IT* NEW HOURS TO CONSERVE ENERGY McHENRY STORE ONLY SUNDAY 9 AM TO 5 PM MON. -- FRI 8 AM TO 9 PM SATURDAY 8 AM TO 7 PM g.TrtICAT10MAI^ I College Honors} * ^ Local Coed Named To Dean's List Lynn Tomlinson. a senior nursing major at the University of Evansville in Indiana, has been named to the dean's list in recognition of scholastic achievement during the recent winter term. To be eligible, a student must complete at least twelve hours during the quarter, earn at least a 3.5 average for that term and maintain a cumulative average of B or above. Lynn will be awarded the Bachelor of Nursing degree at the graduation, May 15, 1977. During the winter quarter the university hosted the annual U- Sing competition, The first place prize was awarded Chi Omega, who featured Lynn in their musical production of "Music Man". Lynn is treasurer of the U. of E. chapter of Chi Omega social sorority. Lynn is a 1973 graduate of McHenry high school and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tomlinson of McHenry. JOINS FRATERNITY Steve Koerber, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Koerber, 304 N. Country Club, McHenry, is among pledges to the Kappa Alpha fraternity at Oklahoma City university. Teacher Of The It eek I D i s t r i c t / . » ; . LINDA SPEAR Ms. Linda Spear is the Bilingual-Bicultural teacher in District 15. She is a graduate of Northern Illinois university and has also taken graduate studies from Universidaa Veracruzana at Xalapa, Ver., Mexico, National college, NIU and from SIU. She has previously taught in Waukegan, and Mundelein. Mrs. Spear, who is married, enjoys cooking and sewing. She presently resides in McHenry. The students in her class maintain their own countries' culture while learning ways to improve themselves in this culture. They read in both Spanish and English. The students are preparing for a Fiesta April 25, where they will present plays, songs of Mexico and various Spanish crafts. They are studying Juarez, who is considered the Abe Lincoln of Mexico. They are also planning a field trip to a Tortilla factory. First Clocks The first clocks were made by blacksmiths around 1300 They were enormous iron contraptions driven by bulky weights, usually too big to fit into anything smaller than a church steeple. A gigantic indoor clock built in 1360 for the King of France (and still running in 1852) was driven by a 500-pound rock RADIATOR CLEANING A N D REPAIRING G U A R A N T E E D if Radiators • Air Conditioning • Stool Salot ADAAAS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) 3006 W. Rte. 120 Phone: McHenry 385-0783