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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1977, p. 4

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I* U. K 1*1 \I\DE \LER-WEI>\E5»DA\ MARCH L« U.S. Mail Take "Un" Out Of Undeliverable HOSPITAL NOTES s £ I / / / 0 I *r I * TITLE IX \\ H \T >11 ST SCHOOLS DO? REQUIREMENTS NO SEX DISCRIMINATION Ail schools are required to take the following actions in order to comply with the Title IX Sex-Discrim in a t i o n Guidelines 1 Give notification of non­ discrimination 2 Appoint a Title IX hearing officer 3 Draw up Title IX Grievance Procedures 4 Make a Title IX Self- Evaluation of all the school programs and practices 5 File an Assurance of Compliance with the govern­ ment ' ' 4' HIGH SCHOOL IN COM­ PLIANCE McHenry High School District 156 completed all of these steps according to schedule as of the summer of 1976 MUST GIVE NOTIFICATION In order to give notification of non discrimination, various school publications and forms such as curriculum guides and applications were studied and had a statement added ex­ plaining that discrimination due to one's sex would not take place APPOINT HEARING OF­ FICER The McHenry high school board of education appointed a Title IX hearing officer during the 1975-76 school year D William Dodds is currently the Title IX hearing officer In this capacity he deals with all Title IX developments in the school ESTABLISH GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Also during the 1975-76 school year the high school board of education established a grievance procedure for complaints alleging a Title IX USE OUR FREE LAYAWAY! violation In addition a Self- Evaluation Committee made up of students,, parents, con­ cerned citizens, teachers and administrators, completed a thorough study of McHenry High School's programs and procedures The recom­ mendations of this Committee were adopted by The Board of Education in September of 1976 as The McHenry High School .Affirmative Action Plan NEXT 'TITLE IX - WHAT IS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION" Area Woman To Preside Over Welfare Meeting Maxme Wymore. chairman of District II. Illinois Welfare association, will preside over the March 18 meeting to be held at the Northern Chalet. Libertyville Mrs Wymore. 528 West Kimball street. Wood stock, is the superintendent of the McHenry County Depart­ ment of Public Aid The topic of the morning program is "Social Work Where It's Been. VShere It Is. Where It's Going James Underdown. program director- Children and Adolescent Service. Elgin Mental Health center, will moderate a panel discussion or. social work education Panelists will be Dr Harold Schrage director of Field Work. School of Social Work. George Williams college: Dr Phil Hovda. director of Field Instruction. School of Social W o r k a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . University of Chicago and Dr George Magner. professor of Social Work. Jane Addams School of Social Work. University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Gill Watson, senior social worker. Wheaton Police department, will speak on "Law Enforcement and Social Work"" during the afternoon session, commencing at 1 30 p m Registration and coffee is at 9 30 a m followed by a short business meeting at 10 am Registration fee includes registration, morning coffee and lunch Anyone wishing to attend the luncheon must make reservations by calling 338- 0234 One need not be a member of the Illinois Welfare association to attend the meeting, however reservations for the day are needed The Illinois Welfare association is an organization for people who want to get first hand know ledge of the issues in the health and welfare fields .As such, it is open to the general public Coffee Hints Never boil coffee since boiling brings out the tannic acid in the bean and makes for a bitter as wei! as a ctoudv brew If coffee is ground in the household it should be done m small quantities in a clean grinder Store ground cof­ fee in a tightly-closed jar in the refrigerator The U S Postal Serv ice has a $344 million dollar headache known as UAA" (un­ deliverable as addressed) and is asking the mailing public to help ease some of the 'pain' Last year, the nation's post offices received more than three billion pieces of mail that could not be delivered as ad dressed Cost of handling that mail is estimated at S344 million Much of this undeliverable mail could become deliverable with cooperation from mail users. McHenry Postmaster LeRoy Smith said c For example, when yOu plant to move and know your new address, let your post office and those who send you mail regularly (newspaper and magazine publishers, people you do business with, family members and friends, clubs etc.) know about your move There s a free kit available at the post office to make this easy to do." Smith said Given such information, the post office will forward your first class mail to your new address for a full year without any additional charge Publications will be forwarded for only a three-month period, free locally, and out of town if postage is guaranteed Parcels will be forwarded free for one year locally and to another office if postage is guaranteed If you move and leave no forwarding address, the post office will hold your mail for ten days to be claimed Then it's considered undeliverable Other mail is considered undeliverable if it has no postage, if it's refused by the addressee at time of delivery or returned unopened and marked "refusedor if general delivery mail is not picked up with thirtv da vs. spurgeons OPEN DAILY 9-9 SAT. 9-6 SUN. 10-5 SEMI­ ANNUAL HOSIERY SALE 3*5-4520 BEAUTY SALON u MOM. *-L ( TUB. WB>. *•$ n CWI>M DAY TMUCS 1 MM %•% SAT. • $ SAVE ABIC. S U N D A Y 10 to 5 * ** r\ Everything included . . .hosiery, pantyhose, socks, knee-hi's Styles for women, children, men Our famous Spurgeon's brand National brands, too! HURRY! Sale ends March 27th 4400 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILL PHONE 385-4100 What happens to UAA mail"* Postmaster Smith explained that undeliverable mail is returned to the sender if there's an address If there is no return address, the mail goes to a dead letter" office where it is opened and an effort made to determine a deliverable ad­ dress for either the sender or receiver When UAA mail is returned to the sender, a "hand" poin­ ting to the return address is stamped on the envelope, along with the words "return to sender" Another stamp adds one of several possible reasons, such as "moved, left no for­ warding address', addressee unknown ', "no such number", or "not deliverable as ad­ dressed-unable to forward". Other notations that may be written on the envelope by the letter carrier include "deceased", "refused", "vacant, "no mail receptacle and "temporarily away". In addition to notifying the post office and correspondents of a change of address, these suggestions were offered by postmaster Smith for "stamping out" undeliverable iftail: make the address legible and as complete as possible, including full name, street and apartment number (where applicable*, city, state and zip code. When writing to a business organization, it helps to add the department name and room number to the ad­ dress "If you have any doubts about a correct zip code or have any other mail questions", Smith said, "call the post office at 385-0816 and we'll help vou" MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Recent admittances to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Sandra Hester, Judy Goorsky, Millie Peterson. Lauretta Romani, Marie Diedrich, Joseph Crick, all of McHenry, Peter Janouschek. Elise Haber, Leroy Rollins. Eileen Weber, Pearl Mathews. Joseph Burczynski. all of Wonder I^ake. H A R V A R D H O S P I T A L Patients admitted to Harvard hospital recently were Mrs Bruce Smith, Andrew Wolniak and Mrs. Peter Golden, all of McHenry Pension Plans For Retirement More and more people are becoming interested in developing pension plans to fiannce their retirements According to the Internal Revenue Service. one relatively n?*1 %"2v for manv workers not previously covered by company pension plans to set up retirement programs and receive a tax break at the same time is through an in- d i v i d u a 1 r e t i r e m e n t arrangement, or IRA for short As a result of the Employee Retirement Income Security act of 1974. workers are eligible to Start an irvA aS n>ug is !nr; did not participate in any pension program Social Security is not considered to be a pension plan, the IRS ex­ plains There are five ways to set up an IRA Through a bank or other financial institution in an individual retirement account: annuities offered by insurance companies; by purchasing certain securities on the stock market: by purchasing U.S. Individual Retirement Bonds from the Treasury depart­ ment's Bureau of the Public Debt or the Federal Reserve banks: or via trust accounts available through employers and employee associations In establishing an individual retirement arrangement, a taxpayer can annually con tribute up to 15 percent of total earnings, to a maximum of $1500 Beginning in 1977. qualified taxpayers will also be able to make contributions for an unemployed spouse For additional information, obtain free IRS Publication 590. "Tax information on individual Retirement Savings programs". No tax is due on the con tnbution or on interest or dividends that might accrue until th<» money is withdrawn at age 59'2 or later At that time the tax could be less because you likely would be in a lower tax bracket. That means that, while working, a taxpayer who earns $10,000 could deduct the full $1500 from earnings, which would lower his or her income to $8500 while contributing In certain circumstances, taxpayers can take advantage of a roll-over provision a worker who leaves a job that had a pension plan can take a lump-sum payment from that program and use it to start an individual retirement program. Details on how to make a transfer and the amount that may be rolled over are con­ tained in Publication 590. Also, funds from one fund may be transferred to another without incurring a penalty or paying taxes on the money That means a taxpayer can switch from a conservative plan to one with more risk without tax penalty IRA's are reported on Form 5329 Return for Individual Savings Arrangement", which is attached to Form 1040 Contributions cannot be deducted unless the Form is f i l e d O n c e a n I R A i s established, the Form must be filed each eyar, even in those years in which no contribution is made Failure to file the Form carries a penalty of $io per day ($5,000 maximum). On a joint return where both spouses qualify for the deduction, two Forms must be attached, one for each spouse There are some restrictions, however First, the maximum contributions may not be ex ceeded If they are, there is a tax on the excess, contribution Second, funds mky neither be w i t h d r a w n p r e m a t u r e l y , borrowed, nor used as security for a loan A ten percent penalty is assessed on any amount withdrawn early Furthermore, the money must be listed as part of the person s taxable income for the year in which it is withdrawn Third, no cuiiii ibuiiun may be maut; afier age 70'2 And taxpayers must begin withdrawals within the year they reach that age. Institutions offering in dividuals retirement programs or the Internal Revenue Ser vice can provide more in formation b> JOSEPH COOLS stall ps\ chologisi - mm from the F«mty Seme* tad Meatai Hottk Qimc of McHenry County Editor's note This is the the proper authorities eighteenth in a series of especially written articles for McHenry county readers Joseph Cools is a psychologist on the Family Service and Community Mental Health center staff This article is Coping - Child Abuse."* Child abuse is an extremely serious problem which always requires professional help It is defined quite simply as an act by a parent or parents which causes or is likely to cause serious physical damage to a child Child abuse is also a legal problem, as all physicians are required by law to report any- suspected child abuse cases to First consideration in a case of child abuse is the safety of the child Usually, removal of the child from the abusing parent for a period of time is the only solution which can guarantee the safety of the child Rather than taking a punitive approach to the child abuser, the courts usually provide a stipulation that the parent undergo intensive therapy to deal with the problem, with supervised visits with the child Often the parent can provide many of the child s needs without the additional burden of worry ing whether this day will be another dav that they will strike the child too hard Most parents who are child abusers are genuinely remorseful for hurting the child, and at times cannot even believe that they could have injured the child Many firmly believe that they would never abuse their child again, then find themselves again beating the child Often child abuse cases are detected in the hospital emergency room, when a physician becomes suspicious about an explanation of an improbable injury, and sees evidence on the child's body of old injuries The most important point is that child abuse cannot be controlled by an effort of w ill or by pretending it does not exist. The child abuser, who is often a parent who was abused himself as a child, requires immediate professional help Next: Significant Changes BIRIHS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs Donald Scheppa of Wonder Lake. March 10 Mr and Mrs Wayne Kur china of Wonder Lake are the parents of a girl born March 11 Mr and Mrs Fredrick Sch midt of McHenry welcome a daughter bom March 12 to their home in McHenry SECOND DAUGHTER Mr and Mrs Michael S c h r o e d e r o f M c H e n r y a n ­ nounce the birth of their second child, a daughter named Jana Rae The baby girl was born in McHenry hospital at 7:14 a m Saturday. Feb. 26 and weighed 9 lbs. 64 oz Maternal grand parents are Mr and Mrs Jerry Deede of Fargo. N.D. and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Dick Schroeder of Dickinson. N.D Jana was welcomed home by a sister. Kristy. 2'2 years old HOUSE OF QUAUTT Lossnunn's Meats, Fish & Deli m 5000 W. ROUTE 120, McHENRY, ILL 385-3401 We Accept Food Stamps Mon. thru Sat. 9:00 to 6:30 Fri. 9:00 to 8:00 Sun. 9:00 to 5:30 "WHEN YOU'VE TASTED PRIME...THERE IS NO CHOICE!1' WHERE YOU CAN BUY FRESH FISH 7 DAY'S A WEEK AT REALISTIC PRICES (Fresh Makes A Difference) WE WILL PREP AT* THEM FOP STUFFING FREE' CUT TO ORDER WITH THE TRUE TASTE OF PORK LEAN 'STEAK OF THE WEEK" BUVlOor MORE In Our Deli Always sliced fresh for you SLICED ^ LB. CORNED BEEF MUNSTER SMOKED LIVER J Ct SAUSAGE Ml? HD PR0V0L0NE1LB 85* SUMMER SAUSAGE M CENTER CUT"I LOIN PORK CHOPS 55 LB. LB FRESH - SLICED CALVES LIVER '2!! FRESH SOLE FILLET.. WEST COAST HALIBUT (Cot to ord*r)J'®, 2 LOBSTER SUPPERS.. . SOUTHWESTERN f%g%i LAKE PERCH FILLETS...1? 98 FRESH SMELTS ,rl?80 -WHITEFISK i»$l65 GULF COAST 1Q FLOUNDER 1 DUNGENES CRABS V!*l39 DOC A r\cR\ *410 FRESH CANADIAN 10 NORTHERN PIKE AND MANY, MANY MORE

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