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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Mar 1977, p. 17

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PAGE 17 - PLA1NDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1977 JD'U iW (Contlnusd from page 16) >(,Has been filed for a Tax Deed, which will transfer "title and the right to •"possession of this property if redemption is ncit made on or before June 90, 1977. This matter is set for hearing in the Circuit Court of this County, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, on July 7, 1977 at 9:30 A.M. You may be present at this hearing, but your right to redeem will already have expired at this time. I YOl ARK I lUiKI) TO RKI)KK!V1 IMMKDIATKLY •urn TOPRKVKNT •h) LOSS OK PROPKRTY Redemption can be made at any time on or before June 30. 1977 by applying to the County Clerk of McHenry County. Illinois, at the County Courthouse. 2200 North Seminary Avenue. W o o d s t o c k , I l l i n o i s . 00098. For further in- iformation. contact the '" County Clerk. 7/1 William L. Lightbody. /Jn.'j<. Assignee of the .if- Tax Sale Purchaser i Pub. Mar. 11. 16. 18. .'4977) Legal Notice TO: D. EVADNE NORRIS; LAKELAND P A R K P R O P E R T Y OWNERS ASSOCIATION. INC., an Illinois Corporation; V E R N O N W . K A Y S , County Clerk of M c H e n r y C o u n t y , Illinois, and UNKNOWN OWNERS OR PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS TAX DEED . CASE NO. 74-4742 K PETITION FILED March 7,1977 • TAKE NOTICE COUNTY OF McHENRY DcMte Prfemi&fcSftldi December 10; 1074 Certificate No. 62 : THIS PROPERTY „ HAS BEEN SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES The Property is located on the South side of Clearview Drive approximately 500 feet West of Central Street in the Township of M c H e n r y , M c H e n r y County, Illinois. Legal Description: Lot 5 in Block 8 in Lakeland Park, Unit No. 4, a Subdivision of part of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the t h i r d P r i n c i p a l Meridian, according to the Plat thereof 1 recorded March 9, 1954 as Document No. , 276054 in Book 11 of ,, Plats, page 102, in McHenry County, Illinois. Permanent Property Index No. 9-27-207-005 This Notice is to advise you that the above property has been sold tor delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the sale, as extended, will expire on June 30, 1977. This Notice is also to advise you that a Petition has been filed for a Tax, Deed, which will transfer title and the right to possession of this property if redemption is not made'on or before June 30, 1977. This matter is set for* hearing in the Circuit Court of this County, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, on July 7, 1977 at 9:30 A.M. You may be present at this hearing, but your right to redeem will already have expired at this time. YOU ARE URGED TO REDEEM f. IMMEDIATELY • TO PREVENT m , LOSS OF PROPERTY --(Redemption can be made at any time on or before June 30, 1977 by ajbplying to the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, at the County Courthouse; 21W* North Seminary Avenue, W o o d s t o c k , I l l i n o i s , 60098. For further in­ formation, contact the County Clerk. William L. Lightbody, Assignee of the Tax Sale Purchaser (Pub. Mar. 11, 16, 18, 1977) Legal Notice TO: JOSEPH T LUNA; CAROLYN E. LUNA; V E R N O N W . K A Y S , County Clerk, of M c H e n r y C o u n t y , Illinois, and UNKNOWN OWNERS OR PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS TAX DEED CASE NO. 74-4742 PETITION FILED March 7,1977 TAKE NOTICE COUNTY OF McHENRY Date Premises Sold: December 10,1974 Certificate No. 179 THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR DELINQUENTTAXES The Property is located on the North side of Sunset Drive ap proximately 81 feet East o f t h e E a s t L i n e 0 o f Venice Road, Nunda Township, McHenry County, Illinois. Legal Description: lx)t 36 in Block 33 in Sampson, Sex and Co.'s Lily Lake Subdivision, being a Subdivision of part of t h e S o u t h e a s t Quarter of Section 32, Township 45 North, Range 9 and part of t h e N o r t h e a s t Quarter of Section 5, Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the T h i r d P r i n c i p a l Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded July 28,1926 as Document • No. 74254 in Book 5 of Plats, page 81, in McHenry 'County, Illinois Permanent Property Index No. 15-05-233-034 This Notice is to advise you that the above property has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the sale, as extended, will expire on June 30, 1977. This Notice is also to advise you that a Petition has been filed for a Tax Deed, which will transfer title and the right to possession of this property if redemption is not made on or before June 30, 1977. ® This matter is set for hearing in the Circuit Court of this County, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, on J u l y 7 , 1 9 7 7 a t 9 : 3 0 A . M . You may be present at this hearing, but your r i g h t t o r e d e e m w i l l already have expired at this time. % YOU ARE URGED TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TOPREVENT LOSS OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at any time on or before June 30, 1977 by applying to the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, at the County Courthouse, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, W o o d s t o c k , I l l i n o i s , 60098. For further in­ formation, contact the County Clerk. William L. Lightbody, Assignee of the Tax Sale Purchaser (Pub. Mar. 11, 16, 18, 1Q77) Legal Notice TO: JOSEPH T. LUNA; CAROLYN E: LUNA; V E R N O N W . K A Y S , County Clerk of M c H e n r y C o u n t y , Illinois, and UNKNOWN OWNERS OR PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID TAX DEED CASE NO. 74-4742 PETITION FILED March 7,1977 TAKE NOTICE COUNTY OF McHENRY Date Premises Sold: December 10,1974 Certificate No. 178 THIS PROPERTY IIAS BKKNSOLI) FOR DKLINQUKNT TAXKS The Property is located on the North side o f S u n s e t D r i v e a p ­ proximately 68 feet East of the East line of Venice Road, Nunda Township, M c H e n r y C o u n t y , Illinois. Legal Descriptions The East Half of Lot 35 in Block 33 in S a m p s o n , S e x a n d Co.'s Lily Lake Subdivision, being a Subdivision of part of t h e > S o u t h e a s t Quarter of Section 32, Township 45 North, Range 9 and part of t h e N o r t h e a s t Quarter of Section 5, Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the T h i r d P r i n c i p a l Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded July 28,1926 a s D o c u m e n t N o . 74254 in Book 5 of Plats, page 81, in McHenry County, Illinois. Permanent Property Index No. 15-05-233-033 This Notice is to advise you that the above property has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the sale/as extended, will expire on June 30, 1977. This Notice is also to advise you that a Petition has been filed for a Tax Deed, which will transfer title and the right to possession of this property if redemption is not made on or before tJune 30, 1^77. this matter is set for hearing in the Circuit Court of this County, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, on J u l y 7 , 1 9 7 7 a t 9 : 3 0 A . M . You may be present at this hearing, but your r i g h t t o r e d e e m w i l l already have expired at this time. YOU ARE URGED TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS OF PROPERTY R e d e m p t i o n c a n b e made at any time on or before June 30, 1977 by applying to the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, at the County Courthouse, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, W o o d s t o c k , I l l i n o i s , 60098. For further in­ formation, contact the County Clerk. William L. Lightbody, Assignee of the Tax Sale Purchaser (Pub. Mar. 11, 16. 18. 1977) Legal Notice TO: JIM CASWELL: V E R N O N W . K A Y S . County Clerk of M c H e n r y C o u n t y , Illinois, and UNKNOWN OWNERS OR PARTIES INTERESTED IN SAID LAND OR LOTS TAX DEED CASE NO. 74-4742 PETITION FILED March 7,1977 I AKE NOTICE C O U N T Y O F M c H E N R Y Date Premises Sold: December 10,1974 Ce rtificate No. 88 THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLI) FOR DKLINQUKNT TAXES The Property is located on the West side of North N Boulevard, approximately 170 feet South of Dale Avenue, in L i l y L a k e , M c H e n r y T o w n s h i p , M c H e n r y County, Illinois. --• ftegal-Pescription: Lot 7 and Nopth Half of Lot 8 in Block 26 in Lilymoor, being a Subdivision of the Sou hwest Quarter of Seciion 32, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded April 10, 1928 as Document No. 82908, in 3ook 6 of Plats, pages 462^nd 47, in M c H e n r y C o u n t y , . Illir ois. Permanent Property Index No. 10-32-353-012 This Notice is to advise you that the above property has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the sale, as extended, will expire on June 30, 1977. This Notice is also to advise you that a Petition has been filed for a Tax Deed, which will transfer title and the right to p o s s e s s i o n o f t h i s property if redemption is not made on or before June 30, 1977. This matter is set for hearing in the Circuit Court of this County, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock. Illinois, on J u l y 7 , 1 9 7 7 a t 9 : 3 0 A . M . You may be present at this hearing, but your r i g h t t o r e d e e m w i l l already have expired at this time. YOU ARK URGKI) T O I t K D K K M I M M E D I A T E L Y T O P R K V K N T LOSS OF PROPKRTY R e d e m p t i o n c a n b e m a d e a t a n y t i m e o n o r before June 30, 1977 by applying to the County C l e r k o f M c H e n r y County. Illinois, at the County Courthouse. 2200 North Seminary Avenue, W o o d s t o c k . I l l i n o i s . (>0098. For further in­ formation. contact the County Clerk William L. Lightbody. Assignee of the Tax Sale Purchaser • Pub Mar 11. 16. 18. H > 7 7 > Far A way Places Legal Notice NOTICE The Nunda Township Cemetery Trustees will hold their regular board meeting on Monday, March 28th, 1977, at 7:30 P.M., at the Township Office, 95 Grant Street, Crystal Lake, Illinois. Anita Sherwood Executive Secretary Nunda Township Cemetery Fund Dated: March 1st, 1977. (Pub. Mar. 4,11,18,1977) Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a tentative budget and ap­ propriation ordinance for the Town Fund, General Assistance Fund and Revenue Sharing Fund for the Town of Nunda, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1977 and ending March 31, 1978, will be on file and con­ veniently available to public inspection at the township office, 95 Grant Street, Crystal Lake, Illinois between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. any weekday prior to the Public Hearing, from and after 8:30 A.M., the 25th day of February, 1977. Notice is further given hereby that a public hearing on said budget and appropriation inance will be held at 7:30 ordinance P.M., Wednesday, April 6th, 1977, at the Nunda Township Office, 95 Grant Street, Crystal Lake, Illinois in this Town and that final action on this or­ dinance will be taken by the Board of Trustees at this meeting. Dated this 23rd day of February, 1977 -s- Harold Freese, Supervisor -s- Anita Sherwood, Town Clerk NUNDA TOWNSHIP (Pub. Mar. 11,18,25,1977) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF JOHN F. NEUMANN Deceased, FILE NO. 77-P-60 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on March 7, 1977, to Carol J. Neumann, 8700 Crystal Springs Rd., Woodstock, Illinois, whose attorneys of record are Stinespring, Stinespring & Stinespring, One First National Plaza, Suite 3190, Chicago, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood­ stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Mar. 11,18, 25,1977) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF MARTHA C. ROSENCRANS Deceased, FILE NO. 77-P-7 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on March 7,1977, to Jane L. Peloquin, 701 W. Hickory Trail, McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Leroy J. Welter, 1303 N. Richmond Rd., McHenry, Illinois. X .' Students in Mrs. Kohrt's fourth grade class at Edgebrook school have been taking book and film trips to far-away countries to learn about the people, their customs, the plants and animals living there. Kristine Basely and Christine Norman visited Australia and became intrigued by the unique animals there. The girls are shown putting the finishing touches on paper mache models of a kangaroo mother and baby and a Koala for a report on their travels. Japanese Quints Celebrate First Birthday Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood­ stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Mar. 11,18,25,1977) Tab March 25 Pickup Date For Goodwill Rehabilitation of the han­ dicapped people is the only objective of Abilities Center Goodwill industries, according to Mrs. Nick (Agnes) Adams, local representative as she announced the pickup date. The truck will be in McHenry on Friday, March 25. The combined service area of Goodwill, covers fourteen counties. "Some people are of the opinion that this agency serves only the greater Rock- ford area or it is limited to one church denomination. The clients come from all denominations and from many areas. Sometimes one area exceeds the others in a given year, but they eventually balance out," Mrs. Adams reported. "It is a non-profit, non- sectarian agency, not funded by church or state. It is locally controlled, not by a central headquarters, and serves only local handicapped people, retaining all materials and funds in this area," Mrs. Adams added. 1 4-H NEWS | LINCOLN CLOVERLEAFS The March 14 meeting of the Lincoln Cloverleafs came to order at 7:45. The American pledge was led by Tom Dvitkovic and the 4-H pledge was led by Laurie Nank. The secretary took roll call with six absent. The minutes of the last meeting were read. Under old business, we discussed Share the Fun. Shelly Von Bruenchenhein reported on the costumes and how much they would cost. The balloon sale Saturday was also discussed. Dan Miller reported on the garage sale we plan on having in April. Under new business, we received our order forms for the pizza sale. The meeting was adjourned. Talks were given by Lisa Adams on dough art, Sue Malenius on rabbits, Lynne Podpora on muffins and Bev Finkbeiner on laying out patterns. After this we prac­ ticed for Share the Fun and refreshments were served. Wendy Adams, Reporter On January 31, 1977, Japan's first quintuplets celebrated their first birthday. The quin­ tuplets were born last January in Kagoshima, Kyushu, to Yorimitsu and Noriko Yamashita. The three girls and two boys were not able to leave the hospital until last September but since then have been in fine health. At birth the quintuplets, born premature, barely tipped the scales at weights between 2.2 and 4.0 pounds. By the end of last December, however, all five babies were developing normally and weighed between 12.4 and 17.0 pounds. The doctors who care for the Yamashita children are confident that they will all continue to grow in good health. Taeko, Hisako, Satoko and their brothers, Fukutaro and Yohei are all learning to walk. Their parents expect that they will soon be able to mapage without help. Yorimitsu, a re­ porter for NHK, the national broadcasting system, and Noriko admit that life with their active children is often hectic, but both parents glow with obvious pride when discussing their unique offspring. The quintuplets have captured the hearts and imagination of the Japanese people. Their charm is only enhanced by their occasional mischievous pranks. Their mother, Noriko, re­ cently released from the hospital after a bout of hepatitis, was especially happy to attend the special celebration held in Tokyo on the birthday of her five toddlers. REAPPOINTMENT Senate Minority Leader David C. Shapiro, R-Amboy, has announced the re­ appointment of Senator Jack Schaffer, R-Cary, as minority spokesman of the Senate Public Health, Welfare and Correc­ tions committee during the 80th General Assembly. The minority spokesman is the leader of the Republican members of the committee and the chief proponent of his party's position on legislation brought before the Committee. Poison Prevention Make every week Poison Prevention Week by practic­ ing good housekeeping rules. Keep all household products and medicines out of reach of youngsters. Use products packaged with safety clos­ ures. Read "Dennis the Men­ ace Takes a Poke at Poison" with your children and repeat the message to them as often as possible. Single copies of this cartoon-illustrated book are available free from the Food and Drug Administra­ tion. Write to: FDA, CR-4, P.O. Box 4646, Chicago, IL 60680. 3UDDYRUFF S5 the &V -Stripping LENNOX AIR CONDITIONING ^ *T0P DISCHARGE •QUIET OPERATION •ECONOMICAL •COMPACT 312/526-6286 HEATING AND COOLING UNCI 1*11 Ml I S. WtlCHT ID , McHENRY, ILL. FINANCING AVAILABLE 815/459-2300 TURBO-VENT MOWER Designed to maneuver easily, resist clogging and make mowing quick and easy. • Easy to empty grasscatcher • No-clog Turbo- Vent design • Easy to start and drive • Controls on handle - no bending See one today at 2103 RTE.120 McHENRY ILL. 815/ 385-0434 1

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