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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Mar 1977, p. 2

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--rtf&r. PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. MARCH 25. 1977 MARINE FESTIVAL QUEEN CONTEST Name Address Phone Parents* Names Birth Date Hobbies School Activities Parents'Signature Include two pictures Return to Plaindealer office. 3812 W. Elm St. Complaints FoFBivorce Christine Allsup from Roy W. Allsup. McHenry. Joan S. Murray from James R. Murray, McHenry. Virginia A. Gertsma from Merlyn B. Gertsma, McHenry. Cynthia M. Thelen from Raymond Thelen Jr., Pistakee Highlands. Rosella M. Wilbus from Robert F. Wilbus, McHenry. Carole J. Knor from Anthony J Knor Jr., McHenry. Carole A. Klama from An­ thony F. Klama, Lakemoor. Virginia O'Leary from Thomas O'Leary, Ringwood. SPRING SALE The Zion Ladies Aid will hold their spring rummage sale March 31 and April l at the Zion Lutheran church located at 4206 W. Waukegan road, McHenry. The doors will be open Thur­ sday March 31 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday, April 1 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. DON'T MISS OUR Litton Microwave Oven Demonstration S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H 2 6 Carey Appliance 1 2 4 1 N . G r e e n S t . M c H e n r y & SPWTS SINCE 1868 3425 W. PEARL ST., McHENRY EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL PRIME RIBOFBEEF SALAD, BAKED POTATO $4.95 SOMETHING NEW and DIFFERENT -for our SUNDAY NIGHT SPECIAL-- STEAK and SLIPPERS FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL- Enjoy our famous BEER BATTER FISH EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT CARRY-OUTS PALM and CARD READING 385-3130 EVERY TUES. BY ANN AT THE O BREWERY Nominating Committee To Give CD.A. Slate MR. AND MRS. LEE MURPHY REPEAT VOWS-Miss Katherine (Kasey) Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Anderson of McHenry, and Lee Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Murphy of Woodstock, were united in marriage Friday, March 18 at St. John the Baptist Catholic church, Johnsburg. A reception for the couple followed at the Chapel Hill Country club. Si (DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY) New, officers for Joyce Kilmer Court No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America, will be coming in for a two-year term, namely a regent, first vice- regent. second vice-regent treasurer, financial secretary, recording secretary and monitor. A nominating com­ mittee to be elected at the April 21 meeting will present its slate at the May meeting and the installation will take place at the June 16 potluck. Other calender events coming up are the annual Communion Sunday Mass May 1 at 9 o'clock at St. John the Baptist Catholic church, Johnsburg, followed by break­ fast at the K.C. hall, McHenry. Then, a Mother's day banquet May 2 and the public card party May 5. The Downey committee were warmly greeted by Mrs. Cynthia Cook, new recreation therapist at the Veterans hospital. Mr. Miller will be missed, having served in this post for over eighteen years. The March visit was made by Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, Clara Slegar, Bertilla Freund. Bobbie May, Frances Widhalm • and Laura Weber. A touch of Erin filled the evening of the March 17 meeting with Mary Agnes Hartman's travelogue on a trip to Ireland and green corsages and Jeanne Driscoll's fluffy dessert plus piano Irish tunes by Dorothy Weber. Genevieve Knox. Susan Wruck and Eleanor Strache gave helping hands. Mary Kantorski's birth­ day was remembered in ab­ sentia with the attendance prize going to Marge Cahill. The refreshment hostess for the April 21 meeting will be Susanna Marshall with assistance from Ann Simonson. Mathilda Stoffel, Frances Sch- mitt. Julia Justen, Carrie Justen and Florence May. With unity and charity as the Court's motto. Regent Bertilla Freund opens her meetings with prayers for the sick and absent and likewise closes them remembering the d e c e a s e d m e m b e r s . Recognition of her con­ scientious efforts through the Marian Press reach all the way into India. DAR To Hear Report On State Conference Members and guests of the Kishwaukee Trail chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will meet at the home of regent, Olive Nolan, at 626 Blakely street, Woodstock, Monday, March 28. Mrs. Rosemary Belmonte will serve as co-hostess. The business meeting will begin at 11 a.m. and will in­ clude a report of the state conference, held at the Drake hotel, Chicago, given by Vivian Bassett, Amy Brink, Ida Howell and Olive Nolan. Luncheon will be served at 12:30. Following lunch, Richard D. Gardner will present a History of the Airlines as the afternoon program. He is a pilot for Delta airlines. Members are urged to bring commemorative stamps, which will be mailed to veterans, and unwanted jewelry, which will be mailed to St. Mary's School for Indian Girls, where new items will be made from it. The objects of the DAR society are (1) to encourage patriotic service; (2) to promote historical ap­ preciation and preservation; and ^3) to provide educational aid and encouragement. Anf woman wishing information about the Daughters of the American Revolution should contact Mrs. R.O. (Lotta) Andrew. Luncheon Invitation Extended An invitation is extended to- McHenry residents to the annual spring luncheon and card party to be held at St. Patrick's church hall, 3500 W. Washington street. Serving will begin at 11:30 a.m. Men are welcome Wed­ nesday, April 27, not only for the luncheon but also to stay and play their favorite card games. Business people will be served promptly and reser­ vations are suggested in ad­ vance, stating the time arrival is expected and how many are in tlfe party. This will assure there will be no delay. Reservations may be made through Mrs. John (Maureen) Johnson, 4516 W. Ramble road, McHenry. • • • • News isn't always what happens;it's what you happen to read or hear. Flower Show Trip Arranged For March 29 The Whispering Oaks Garden club is sponsoring a bus trip Tuesday, March 29 to the McCormick Place Flower show. Seats are still available and any interested parties are urged to contact Mrs. Elmer (Mila) Bauer, 1015 N. Oakwood drive or Mrs. Roy (Virginia) Miller, 5012 N. Oakwood drive for reservations. Total cost includes bus fare and entrance fee. The bus leaves the Whispering Oaks Community center at 9:15 a.m. SPRING FLING A spring fling celebration has been planned by the Crystal Lake branch of the Sherman Hospital auxiliary Saturday, April 2, from 7:30 p.m. to midnight at the Crystal Point Mall in Crystal Lake. It will feature the Air Force Band from Chanute field in concert from 7:30p.m. to 8:15 p.m. and dancing from 8:30 to midnight. All proceeds will go to the Sherman-Crystal Lake Health center. HAPPY EASTER FROM f McHenry U.M.W. To Attend Ringwood "Tea •M U 9 9 An invitation to™ the "Ringwood Tea" was read to the United Methodist Women at the general meeting March 17. As April 21 is the date of the regular monthly general meeting, it was decided to have a short meeting at Noon at the church and then attend the "Tea". The program will be a monologue by Mrs. Robert Pierce of Chicago, who was so well recieved at the Ringwood luncheon last year. Tea and cookies will follow the skit. The secretary's report of the February general meeting was read following the potluck luncheon and members were reminded of the Spiritual Renewal service at the Arlington Heights Methodist church March 30. Reservations should be made promptly. A baby sitter will be available and parents should bring a sack lunch for their family. The program is "Everything Is Possible If You Have Faith". Marilyn Haines has arranged for a Stretch 'N Sew demon­ stration to be held at the church at 1 p.m., March 31. Guests will be most welcome. Rummage can be brought to the church at any time after April 1 for the sale scheduled to open at Noon Thursday, April 14 until 6 p.m. Friday hours are from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday times are from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Many volunteers will be needed to help set up prior to the sale and also during the sale days. Lilah Jordan or Gertrude Anderson may be contacted if anyone" wishes to help. Pat Esposito reminded the ladies of the Crop Walk on May 7 at Moraine State park and also in future plans is the fall bazaar scheduled for Tuesday, March 29 at 11:30 a.m. All are invited and urged to bring new ideas and be prepared to work. Long hours of preparation culminated in an interesting presentation by Gloria Cassell entitled "History, Tradition and Discipleship. The program was informative and enjoyable. Friendship Club Views Washington Trip Slides Fifty-three were in at­ tendance when Vivian Bassett showed the very interesting slides and gave the narration concerning a trip to Washington. D C. taken Dy the Illinois Daughters of the American Revolution April of 1976. The Friendship club members enjoyed viewing the beautiful scenes of Mt. Vernon, Alexandria, the Cathedral and other historical landmarks of the State capital. The program followed the potluck dinner which took place at the First United Methodist church March 12. Ethel Baily chose "Green Winter" as the theme for the meditations and also read "Letter by Peter to the Christians driven out of Jeruselem". All enjoyed the devotion program. Due to the Easter holiday, it was agreed to hold the next potluck dinner and meeting Saturday, April 2 at 6 p.m. at the church with Helen and Reno Eckardt planning the program. Hosts and hostess will be Cleta and Leonard McCracken, Lyda Radisch, Helen and Harry Lundy and Lonah and Elver Wendlandt. The meat committee will consist of Daisy and Harold Wildhagen, Frieda Olsen, Helen and Dan Creamer, Eunice Tobey, Ethel and Clyda Bailey, Helen and Reno Eckardt, Ann Demke and Gertrude Anderson and Mae Stinespring. Communityi Calendar MARCH 25 & 26 A R T S.-"Ready When You Are, C.B. "--McHenry Country Club-Show, 8 p.m.-Dinner, 6 p.m.-Reservations at 815-385- 1072. MARCH 26 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-St. Mary's Oak Room- Cards-7:30 p.m. Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta S i g m a P h i - - S c o t t i s h Double Bowling Night - Tomaseilo's. Spaghetti Supper-Jobs Daughters-Acacia Hall-5 to 7 p.m. "Spring Fling" Dance- Johnsburg Community Center - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.-Sponsored by St. John's Home and School Association. MARCH 27 Annual General Meeting- L.P.P.O.A.-2 p.m.-Elections- Community House Communion Mass-St. Clara Court--8 a.m.-St. Mary's. MARCH 28 McHenry Senior Citizens- M e e t i n g - - ? : 3 0 p . m . - E a s t Campus Cafeteria. McHenry Woman's Club- Board Meeting-City Hall-10 a.m. McHenry Garden Club- Chicago Flower Show -Bus Leaves Skating Rink at 9:15 a.m. MARCH 29 Bazaar Work Day-United Methodist Women-11 a.m.- First United Methodist Church. Order of the Eastern Star- Card Party-7 p.m.-Acacia Hall. MARCH 31 Annual Spring Luncheon- Card Party -Noon-Pistakee Highlands Community Center- STEAK HOUSE SPECIAL MENU King Lobster Tails Prime Rib of Beef New York Strip Steak Roast Leg of Lamb Home Smoked Baked Ham Roast Turkey Homemade Dressing & Cranberries Full Dinners--Children Portions Available SERVING NOON TIL 10 P.M. MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW RICHMOND, ILLINOIS 815-678-2671 , spurgeon's semi-annual Hosiery Sale Ends Sunday, March 27! H u r r y ! Save 20% and more whi le hose are spec ia " y sa le pr iced by the dozen and save. USE OUR FREE LAY-AWAY! Community Leaders Women's Role, • * ELIZABETH THOMPSON Sponsored By Mt. Hope United Methodist Women. Stretch 'N Sew Demon­ s t r a t i o n -- F i r s t U n i t e d Methodist Church-1 p.m. MARCH 31 & APRIL 1 R u m m a g e S a l e - Z i o n Lutheran Church-Thursday, 9 a.m.to7p.m.~Friday,9a.m. to 5 p.m. APRIL 2 Friendship Club Potluck Dinner-Meeting--6 p.m.-First United Methodist Church. APRIL 3 C.OF.-Men's Communion Mass-St. Mary's~8 a.m. APRIL 4 McHenry Senior Citizens Club-Executive Committee Meeting~3:30 p.m.-Landmark School. APRIL 5 E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e Meeting-United Methodist W o m e n - F i r s t U n i t e d Methodist Church-9 a.m. Marcia Mary Ball Circle Meeting-12:30 p.m.-First United Methodist Church- Lonah Wendlandt, Hostess. APRIL 7 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Meeting-Home of Mrs. Jean Bialochowski. Lakeland Park Women's C l u b M e e t i n g - 9 : 3 0 a . m - Lakeland Park Community House. APRIL 11 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting~7:30 p.m.-East Campus Cafeteria. APRIL 12 Town and Country Newcomers Meeting-Drug Enforcement Program-St. Paul's Church-7:30 p.m. APRIL 13 McHenry Senior Citizens Club-Bus Trip to Chicago Loop-Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. Story series by Jeff Bonato During her few spare moments, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson finds relaxation in doing word-find puzzles. Finding the words may not be much of a challenge for her, but finding the right word to describe Mrs. Thompson is. Thoughtful, considerate, alert, active, energetic, sweet...the list goes on and on. . .and those words all apply to this remarkable individual. But... Ah...REMARKABLE! That's it! If one word best describes Mrs. Thompson, it is that she is truly a remarkable in­ dividual. Remarkable is the only way to describe a person who takes time out the first Wednesday of every month, and visits the Salvation Army hospital (formerly Downey) in North Chicago. Remarkable is the only way to describe a person who serves as the Catholic Daughters of America (CD of A) "Sunshine" chairman, and mails out over ninety get-well cards each year to persons who have run into misfortune. Yes, remarkable is the ONLY way to describe Mrs. Thomp­ son. For over twenty-five years, she has faithfully gone to Downey to entertain hospitalized veterans. At first, she went with the VFW, but then began to organize a group to go from the C D. of A. "I was going to Downey with the VFW, and they asked if I couldn't find some other per­ sons to go once a month with me," she explained. "I thought of the C D. of A., and mentioned it to them, and they all thought it would be a good idea." So now, every first Wed­ nesday of the month, Mrs. Thompson and a group of other women go to Downey and play bingo. "We play bingo and serve lunch for them," she explained. "We play bingo for candy, and I have brought the candy ever since we started. Sometimes, there are as many as seventy- five men playing" she added. Besides her frequent trips to Downey, Mrs. Thompson also finds much of her time im­ mersed in mailing out get-well, birthday and greeting cards. "I send out about ninety cards to C.D. of A. and Royal Neighbor members," she said. "I send out get-well cards, sympathy cards, and past- eighty-years birthday cards." In addition, Mrs. Thompson sends out over 150 Christmas cards, many to hospitalized veterans that she has a soft spot in her heart for. "I got to know many of the people in the hospital," Mrs. Thompson said, "and a lot of those people don't have anybody." Photo by Wayne Gaylord Besides her "family" at Downey, Mrs Thompson also has quite a large family of her own. That is, if ten children, twenty-five grandchildren, and thirty great-grandchildren can be defined only as large. She is a lifetime resident of the McHenry area, living on a farm in Ringwood when she was growing up. To what does she attribute her remarkable energy? "We lived in Ringwood," she explained. "And my father used to make a lot of things. My father had six girls and no boys, so I had to help quite a bit in his shop." In the line of work, Mrs. Thompson worked at a local store as a salesperson until about ten years ago. She remembers walking from her farm in Ringwood to school in Johnsburg, and remembers the then new St. John's church in Johnsburg, after the old one burned down in the late 1800's. But most of all, she remembers persons less for­ tunate than herself. She has served the community for many of her years. She does remarkable work for a woman of any age. And that's the most remarkable thing of all-Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, com­ munity leader, is in the spring of her eighty-ninth year. Marriage Licenses Cary L. Fenner, 3719 Freund, McHenry, and Rae Ellen Smith, 1511 N. Park street, McHenry. David E. Adams, 2120 S. Crystal Lake road, McHenry, and Patricia J. O'Donnell, Woodstock. Michael L. Pingleton, 2300 W. Country lane, McHenry, and Tammie J. Bole, Hebron. Thomas J. Savage, McHenry, and Deborah K. Carlson, 3310 W. First avenue, McHenry. Daniel W. Jensen, 4007 N. Fairview road, McHenry, and Laura L. McClellan, 5117 Westwood drive, McHenry. Lee M. Pankiewicz, 1203 Clover lane, McHenry, and Victoria M. Prince, 405 N. Country Club drive, McHenry. Lee J. Murphy, 437 Pleasant street, McHenry, and Katherine C. Anderson, 1906 Grandview drive, McHenry. James A. Odom, Wonder Lake, and Diane M. Rogers, 4718 Ottawa road, Wonder Lake. Carl W. Hanson, 2702 S. Riverside drive, McHenry, and Sherry Sherfield, Union. John M. Sorenson Jr., Wonder Lake, and Judith L. Higgins, 4120 W. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake. Robert L. Barnett, Round Lake, and Kathleen A. Hudson, 3806 Waukegan road, McHenry. American Legion Post 491 - RINGWOOD R0ADf McHENRY - FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00-9:00 P.M.) . PERCH-ALL YOU CAN EAT . OTHER MENU AVAILABLE . OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE SATURDAY NIGHT "SECOND TIME AROUND" I I I « •

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