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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Mar 1977, p. 2

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ennaluc 44 Community Calendar MARCH 31 £ Annual Spring Luncheon- ^"Card Party- Noon -Pistakee ^Highlands Community Center- fSponsored By Mt Hope J Methodist Women J Stretch N Sew Demon­ s t r a t i o n - F i r s t U n i t e d iMethodist Church-1 p.m. MARCH 31 & APRIL 1 7 R u m m a g e S a I e - - Z i o n ^Lutheran Church-Thursday, 9 {a.m to7p m --Friday,9a.m. to p.m. APRIL 1 • I^ake Region Church Women 2 United--Forum Meeting-First ' C o n g r e g a t i o n a l C h u r c h - - •Crystal Lake--9:15 a m ,1 St Margaret Chapter of J.NAIM -Fish Dinner-American JI>egion Hall--5:J0 p.m. APRIL 2 J Friendship Club Potluck \ Dinner-Meeting--6 p.m.-First »l mted Methodist Church \ Rummage Sale-Bake Sale- J F i r s t C o m m u n i t y • Congregational Church, Island Il^ake -9 a m to 5 p.m.-Benefit J Lake Region Rescue Squad t APRIL 3 C O F -Mens Communion jMass- St Mary's Church -8 • a m # I APRIL 4 * McHenry Senior Citizens *Club--Executive Committee *Meeting-3:30 p.m.--Landmark J School 1 Blood Pressure Screening- » First National Bank, McHenry- r 9 a m to 1 p.m APRIL 5 E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e • M e e t i n g - U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t £ W o m e n - F i r s t " U n i t e d • Methodist Church-9 a.m. j Marcia Mary Ball Circle Meeting--12:30 p.m.--First | United Methodist Church- (' lx>nah Wendlandt, Hostess. APRIL 6 McHenry Grandmother^ M I Club -White Elephant Sale - 11: :M> a m -McHenry Fox Hole APRIL 7 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Meeting-Home of Mrs Jean Bialochowski Lakeland Park Women's Club -Meeting--9 30 a m.-- Lakeland Park Community House APRIL 11 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting-7:30 p.m.-East Campus Cafeteria APRIL 12 Town and Country Newcomers Meeting-Drug Enforcement Program-St. Paul's Church-7:30 p.m. APRIL 13 McHenry Senior Citizens Club-Chicago Loop Trip-Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. *PRIL 14 La Leche League-McHenry Group-8 p.m. APRIL 15 St Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Meeting-Bring Silent Auction Item-St. Mary's Oak Room-7 :30 p.m APRIL 15 & 16 H u r r i c a n e * H a p p e n i n g - Marian Central Catholic High School-7:30 p.m Rummage Sale-First United Methodist Church-Friday, 8 a.m. to8 p.m.-Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. APRIL 18 McHenry B. P. W-- Dinner Meeting-Chapel Hill Country Club - Cocktails, 6:30 -- Dinner, 7 p . m . APRIL 20 McHenry Senior Citizens Club-Chicago Bus Trip-Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 9 a m. APRIL 21 Craft Club-Lakeland Park Community House-9:30 a.m. McHenry Senior Citizens Club-Driver Refresher Course- Second Session-10 a.m. to Noon-City Hall Council Chambers. United Methodist Women- General Meeting-First United M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h - N o o n Meeting -Ringwood Tea Court Joyce Kilmer C D of A-Meeting--8 p.m.-K.C. Hall. Ringwood Church-"Spring Tea"-1 p.m.-Monologue By Mrs Robert Pierce Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Meeting-Home of Mrs Sandy Etten-Preferential Tea Senior Citizens Of Wonder Lake Elect Officers Election of officers of the Wonder Lake Senior Citizens club took place at the March 21 meeting The following officers were elected: President, William Lamont; Vice President, C. Maier; Secretary, Peg Thorne; Treasurer, Tom Hillier and Financial Secretary, Helen Eckert. who will be in charge of future bus trips. Dr Ray Jones will be guest speaker and will install the above officers at the next meeting April 4. Blood pressures were taken prior to the meeting All Senior Citizens of Wonder Lake are welcome to come and take advantage of this service the third Monday of each month from 11 a.m. to 12:30. A trip to Cedarburg, Wis. to visit the winery and shops is planned for April 20. Full details will be given at the April 4 meeting A Happy Birthday was ex­ tend to 80 year young, Louise Hanson, from all our members. Refreshments were served and the afternoon was spent playing cards. Eighty-six members were in attendance. Tlowers for your WeddingUay V HAPPINESS IS BECOMING ENGAGED! And we wi«h you the very bent. Bu*y and happy day* arc in More for you an you plan the exciting details for your wedding. Slop in for your free booklet to NIIOW ju*l a few ideaM about the many kind** of flowers, bouquetH and decoration* whirl) will help make your wed­ ding day a memory y ou'll cheritth forever. AM wedding flower NpeeialiHtM. may we have the op­ portunity to talk with you personally? We'd like to tell you about our wedding Merviee and the many wayn in which we ran help you in planning the flower* for your wedding. With every wedding or­ der plaeed you will reeeive a lovely going away cordage eomplimentN of UH. Give UH a call and we'll lie happy to arrange an ap­ pointment at ' your convenience and without obligation. ASK ABOUT R COMPLETE ADDING PACKAGE AVAILABLE TO YOIJ! FLOWER SHOP & GREENHOUSE 3301 W. ELM ST., Mi HENRY, ILL. 385-4747 Four In A Garden Next Theatre Offering The comedy, "Four On A Garden" by Abe Burrows will be presented by the American Repertory Theatre system at the McHenry County club, 820 N John street, McHenry. Featured in the cast are Ann Marie Cina, Pam Messel and Nicholas Muschal of McHenry; Larry Bunton, Wauconda; and Thomas Harper of Bristol, Wis. "Four On A Garden", dn adaptation of the French original by Gredy and Bardlet, features the actors in four sketches In the opening sketch. The Tiffany Lamp, the tenants of the apartment are a middle- age divorced couple thfkt somewhat tearfully and >«t t icle humorously attefftpt to divi< equally the accumulation of twenty years of marriage. "Four On A Garden", directed by Barbara D Miller, will be presented in the Red Carpet room at the McHenry Country club opening Friday, April 15, and playing Friday- Saturday through April Theatregoers may reserve theatre only seats (show time Fridays at 9 p.m. - Saturdays at 8 p. m.) or reserve dinner- theatre seats. Since seating is limited and reservations necessary it is advisable to call 815 675-2066 or write to A.R.T.- S., Box 542, McHenry, at an early date. Actors interested in auditioning for future shows are invited to schedule an in­ terview. Lamaze Mothers Host Spring Fund-Raiser The Lamaze mothers of the McHenry county Lamaze Parents organization will sponsor a housewares demonstration party March 31, as one of its spring fund­ raisers. It will be a come-and- go party from 7 to 9 p.m. at Linda Gough's home, 357 S. Tryon. Woodstock. Anyone interested is invited to attend. The Lamaze mothers group was organized to provide mothers with more information on the art of mothering and parenting as well as to provide camaraderie and friendship for mothers of preschool children. The fund raising projects help pay for speakers, mother-help line and meeting expenditures and yearly projects such as buying equipment for area hospitals. RUMMAGE SALE The spring rummage sale sponsored by Zion Ladies Aid will be held Thursday, March 31 from 9 a m to 7 p.m. and Friday, April 1 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. "Friends In Service Here" If Everyone Does a Little - We will have plenty for our Easter Baskets! Plans are now being made by Fish, for the distribution of food baskets for our neediest families at Easter, as well as Easter baskets for little children. The thought is not tc remember these families only once a year, since the need is year 'round. The Girl Scouts will again make baskets for the children, but we can use wrapped candy, gum, small toys, crayons, and other small items you know they would like to receive. Also, remember those little things that our Senior Citizens also enjoy. For the food baskets we can use canned goods and non- perishable food - those items in use every day - as well as gift certificates from McHenry food stores, to be used for perishable items. Canned goods and food items should be received by Satur­ day, April 2. Delivery should be made to a Fish volunteer, but please call 385-6182 and advise when you plan to come. Your help will be most appreciated. Easter baskets for the little baskets for the entire family...God bless you! Call Fish if you are in need of answers, or if we could help you in an emergency ...or write to Fish, Box 282, McHenry, if you would like more information about us. M.F. BIRTHS HARVARD HOSPITAL BIRTHS A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Slack of Wonder lake March 26. * * * * Temptations may over­ whelm anyone but not those who intelligently avoid temptation. w ' i- ^ V A 7j it's more than a look... It's the newest way to make dull, dead hair come up gleaming with elegant sensuality. Hennalucent tones, brightens, thickens and nature intended. Let one of our super stylists show you the natural* Hennalucent difference today! it's a feeling! RIVERSIDE HAIRS1YLIN6 STUDIO 2020 W. Rt. 120, McHenry, PHONE: 385-7010 Men's Hairshaping by Appt. "100% organic Non-peroxide No tell-tale roots \ |M>K\I.EK WhDNESDU M\Kt I I Ml. 1977 "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's to the Fair we go! It's May 15 on Wood­ stock Square. Hi Ho, Hi Ho!" was sung by the seven "Did- dleys" as the Mental Health Resource league kicked off its "Fair Diddley"' campaign at its annual brunch last month. The "Diddleys" were part of a skit to publicize this annual fund raising event, to be held May 15 from noon until 6 p.m. in the Woodstock Square. Among the highlights of the Fair are over 175 booths of artistic and craft items, exhibited by amateur and professional persons from throughout the midwest. Shoppers will find an abundance of bargains, in­ cluding not only crafts, but also used books and records, new and nearly new children's clothing and toys. Made to order for the small fry will be games and prizes, cartoon photographs, a painted f a c e s b o o t h , b a l l o o n s , a n d clowns. In the tradition of country fairs, there will be an ample supply of delicious refreshments. * From the bandstand there will be non-stop musical en­ tertainment, with other en­ tertainers roving the gaily decorated square. Special attractions, including Freddie Fredricks the Magician, and the Performing Arts child- rens theatre, will be featured at the Woodstock Opera House. The Mental Health Resource league wants to remind everyone to mark May 15, "Fair Diddley," on their calendars for a delightful af­ ternoon of family fun. Artists or craft persons in­ terested in exhibiting in a booth may contact Mrs. Martin Perenchio in Harvard. "Getting To Know You" Sorority Meeting Theme "To The Fair We Go"... Birthdate Of Bride Chosen For Wedding Woodstock acted as ushers. The bride's mother wore a print dress with a sheer brown overlay trimmed in white while Mrs. Adams chose a beige outfit with embroidered hem and cuffs. Each wore a daisy corsage. The bridal couple greeted four hundred at a reception at the VFW hall of McHenry with the guest book passed by Lucy O'Donnell and Todd Condon. Following a trip through the western states with California as their destination, the couple will make their home in McHenry. The bride and groom are both 1973 graduates of Marian Central high school. The new Mrs. Adams is employed at the First National bank of Wood­ stock and Mr. Adams works on the family farm. Served 9:00 -- 1:00 p.m. 3.50 per person OPEN TO THE PUBLIC EASTER DINNERS Served 2:00 p.m. -- 6:00 p.m. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC McHenry Country Club 820 N. John, McHenry, III. Reservations 815/385-1072 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT COCKTAILS: 75® to *1.50 INDIAN MANOR L0UN6E % Ml. So. of 120 on Rt. 31 McHENRY "(Jetting to Know You" was the theme of the March meeting of Alpha Theta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma In ternational The meeting was held at South Elementary school in Crystal Lake Mrs Terri Diorenberger. chairman of the Personal G r o w t h a n d S e r v i c e s , i n ­ troduced Mrs Fran Andrusyk. who was the featured speaker for the evening She related to the group her experience as a teacher of the Navajo Indians in New Mexico and Arizona. She told of the religious beliefs, education, recreation and superstitions of these Navajo people Discipline jn these schools wi 5 excellent and Art was the favorite subject taught Cross country was the sport in which most Indians excelled She also told of the lack of good nutrition and severe health problems of ^hese people Few Indians attend college and prefer to stay on the reservation President Janet V'ierke presided over the business meeting which followed R e p o r t s o f t h e S t a n d i n g committee were given by Mrs Lucille Maguire, Marie Patton. Jeanne Ludwig and Alice Roman Mrs Vierke presented birthday favors to those members with spring natal days Mrs Emile Lepthian. State Expansion chairman, spokr to ' the group about the varki'- aspects of expanding As the Aln»'0 Theta chapter is plan­ ning on expanding next fall, she told of the assets and liabilities vhen this is carried out Alpha Theta has over a hundred members presently from all of McHenry county. The need is being seen to add a chapter to be able to include a greater percent of key women teachers Mrs Edith Newcomer. Ruth Beard. Eileen Wolf, Marie Patton and President Janet Vierke will attend the Delta Kappa Gamma convention March 25-27 at St Louis Ms Beard and Wolf will receive scholarship awards for higher e d u c a t i o n d e g r e e s a t t h i s meeting. It was also announced that Mrs Lillian Bolger recently was featured as a Women Leader of the community by the McHenry Plaindealer newspaper She is a member of Alpha Theta The next meeting will be in May at Andre's Steak house and will feature a dramatic presentation on the founders of Alpha Theta President Vierke closed the meeting with an Irish blessing, presenting it to the group in an authentic Irish brogue' "Come to the Faitf! Won't You Come to the Fair!" is sung by these members of the Mental Health Resource League for McHenry County. Pictured, left to right are Diane Horan and Peg Stinespring, Woodstock; Jeanne Huebner, Carol Chmiel and Cathy Faestfel. Crystal Lake; and Sharyn Forbes, McHenry. EASTER BRUNCH RBCHS Alumni Dinner Dance In Richmond The RBCHS Alumni, asso c i a t i o n o f f i c e r s h a v e selected Saturday, July 9 as the date for the annual dinner dance. It will be held at Andre's Steak house with music for dancing provided. The officers of the association are Loren Miller, president; Rick Barber, vice president and Lillian Kooistra, secretary-treasurer. Quickest Way Soon after moving to Boston, Ed was having lunch with a business associate. "What's the quickest way to get to the City Hospital?" "Just stroll over to the nearest crowd and shout, Down with the Pope!" A romance that began during their high school years culminated in marriage for Pat O'Donnell and Dave Adams on the bride's birthday, Saturday, March 26. The Rev. John Cahill blessed the union at St. Mary's Catholic church. Woodstock, at 3 o'clock. The altar was decorated with orange and brown carnations and music was provided by vocalist Bill Zingrove with guitar ac- companiement. The bride is the daughter of Edward O'Donnell and Rosina O'Donnell, both of Woodstock and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams of 6412 W. Bull Valley road, McHenry. The bride was lovely in a gown of white chiffon with a full, floor length skirt with chapel train, an empire Waisuta«v* lace and beaded bodice and long sleeves with lace and bead accent points. She wore a full length chapel veil with a lace and beaded cap. A cascade bouquet of white roses trimmed with baby's b r e a t h w a s c a r r i e d a n d diamond earrings, a gift from the groom, were worn. The bride's attendants in­ cluded maid of honor, Mary O ' D o n n e l l , W o o d s t o c k a n d bridesmaids, Sheila Buckley and Janice Dwyer, both of Woodstock and Debbie Burke and Julie Condon, both of McHenry. Junior bridesmaid was Lucy O'Donnell of Woodstock and Tina Diedrich of Spring Grove was flower girl. Each attendant carried a long stem white rose and was gowned in a rust-orange polyester dress with a hooded coat trimmed in maribou. They wore cultured pearl necklaces which were gifts from the bride and groom. Best man duties were carried out by a brother of the groom, Tim Adams of McHenry. Groomsmen were Stan Walczynski, Johnsburg; Tom Zimmerman, McHenry; Chris Kennebeck, Ringwood and Larry O'Donnell, Woodstock. Todd Condon of Madison, Wis. was junior groomsman while Allen VanEvery of Ringwood was ring bearer. Clarence Adams, Jr., Wonder Lake and Mike and Tony O'Donnell of NURSES' WEEK OBSERVANCE - Bertha Stange, right, president of the auxiliary to McHenry hospital, presents a corsage to Judy Rich, R.N., in observance of National Nurses' week, March 13-20. The auxiliary annually honors the registered nurses and licensed practical nurses who work in all departments of the hospital. ^ F ASHION'S FOR FUNDS - Auxiliary to McHenry hospital members serve as models for the fashion show which raises a sizable sum each year to help patients at McHenry hospital. From left, front: x Carole Barnicle. Jill Olszewski, Bernice Spruth. Hjordis Carlson. Charlene Tonyan, Charlene ft; \lowerv. Cassandra Rhode. Norma Brand, Marge Espinsosa and Jan Rodes. Back: Elda Ecklund. 'j Jennifer Leonard, candy striper; Sally Miller, Saundra Clark, Diana Berg, Jean Wettland, Barbara J Stanell. Carol Steadman, Anna Mae Cuda and Ida Barker. (DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY) t

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