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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1977, p. 10

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HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Satirday 9 i.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 926 FRONT RT.31 815-385-9303 mmmmiCMTRE iNvrTED*1------- To see the all new 1977 TRAVEL WORLD MINI HOME Complete Metal Frame - An Incomparable Recreational Vehicle 1976 GRANADA 4 door, automatic, radio. 6 cyl.. power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof. 14.000 miles, mint condition 1975 % TON FORD RANGER XLT SUPER CAB CAMPER SPECIAL 1975 MUSTANG II COUPE jlstNtttic, psvff stomal, fttfw. *2775 1975 CHEVELLE MALIBU COUPE '3475 1974 FIAT 128 SPORT COUPE 4 i#m4 rats 23,000 mtti. '1675 1974 MUSTANG II COUPE totMutic. .tut* with Mac* mtf istensr, «*«. '2275 1974 CUTLASS COUPE •4775 1975 CHEVY LUV PICKUP IMK casftr csp, isiit. Thii MM fts MAT M! '2675 1975 CHEV. EL CAM I HO PICKUP •2775 1973 FORD SQUIRE 10 PASSENGER WAGON •2775 1974 VOIVO 145 WAGON AMIMade, pMorHMtatMnMi. •3975 1973 DODGE CHARGER /UtMMtic, isin, pmm statfMf. tmm krata. •1975 1973 FORD TORINO COUPE Masatk, ptw liMnat **•». ""»• &**• •1975 ! rn *{ tew* •* | •&&& * Klflofc ^ i | ̂ J v> Wo vwo I ******* ****** to-im »«»- { A »V*b Jft Oftt | I fc* Oft W* «M» I !C rtj : isr :: , lo'iifcw** >:><x » •»**.«**» .<WJW>5 of *«*k «n$ XW*- fS StW > ?>* «>» SSS:iWN£ 4: E^Sk p*><ir.<* •**«» o> •t5KSO.< V<R>»^ vn»*; SVt*f>:t ItMKtt cv« <**«» h>.v •>*•! i f f >\x« MM**#." feN* >*** to**? '.fetter.,i ttiU W >**v*s*c< Jfc, tv L *S*t tad* isc* ;ofcv t*» *ww» M«|St • <>» K\OV* «*a> V JSi-iviiiC -- 48W&- **« 1# '• vwiik' :»«*!»€>; m &»*<*** r r' «&*«*," m '***• **»>• Jvi iKfU^Ortxn ssy, VV* w s;A X %i sxss«o:»: 4<S< ~r st>; ^ov«ss« -** yw «« 0«I* «•>•<*»« ta il' Wy*>«< f>w>*Hi ^ h*»ijr?v OiWWM <$« M " *^•1^^^."".^ ̂ vjri <K4 WW iSjvecfeww » At * . 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H»a> 4M*it »ow* VM *»Ws «»*| <v<*. *}>»i Ai-j» ««« <fc« *»»• ' SERVICES tfiive ̂ //iafi/ti syfttend Glaviano9s Interiors & Palatine Millwork 385-3764 414 S. ROUTE 31 JUST NORTH OF McHENRY FLORAL McHenry Savings & Loan N.XI 1209 McHENRY, ILL. ;REE!\ STREET 385-3000 Guettler's Service, Inc. 818 N. FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILL. 385-9831 Brake Parts Co. P.O. BOX 11 McHENRY, ILL. 385-7000 Halm's Wonder Lake Funeral Home 7611 HANCOCK DR. WONDER LAKE 1-728-0233 Mitchell Sales, Inc. BUCK - OLDS - OPEL 903 N.^JIONT ST., McHENRY 385-7200 / Ace Hardware 3729 W. ELM STREEV McHENRY, ILL. 385-0722 The Bath Shop 3012 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILL. 3854)048 The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 WEST ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. 3854)170 Tonyan Construction Co. 1309 N. BORDEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. 385-5520 McHenry State Bank 3510 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. 385-1040' Coast to Coast Hardware 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY MARKET PLACE 385-6655 Honor Member Offer Placement Service George R. Justen First National Bank Peter M. J listen Funeral Home of McHenry Funeral Home 3519 W. ELM STREET 3814 W. ELM STREET 3807 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. 385-2400 , McHENRY, ILL. 385-5400 McHENRY, ILL. 3854)063 I'M 'I.MNDKAI.KR-FRII)\Y. APRIL H. 1»77 Target Prices For Farmers Jim Lucas. County Executive director. McHenry county ASCS office, reported the following 1977 target prices: Wheat. $2 47 per bushel; corn. $1.70; sorghum. $1 62; and barley. $1.39. Lucas said 1977 target prices were adjusted from 1976 levels to reflect increases in the index of prices paid by farmers for production items.4 interest, taxes and wage rates, as well as changes in the three-year moving average of yields for each crop "Target prices represent a floor price that eligible producers may receive for their crops." Lucas said. If the national average market price of a particular crop falls below the target price, a deficiency payment is made equal to the difference between the target price.and the market price, he explained Deficiency payments have not been made on wheat or feed grains in the three years of the program. Target prices are also used to determine disaster payments if a farmer is prevented from planting a crop, or if yields are substantially reduced. The disaster payment rate • is generally one-third of the target price for each com­ modity. Lucas said Last year's target prices were $2.29 per bushel for wheat; $1.57 for corn; $1.49 for sorghum , and $1 29 for barley Applicants for all ASCS programs will be given equal consideration without regard to race, color, sex. creed or national origin Complete Infant Course Study EDUCATIONAL College Honors Miss Newport Eligible As Mount Hope Church I'nilrd Mcihudi.1 1015W. Broadway Pi.lakrc Highland* R*v. Lcn Schocnhcrr Sunday Wurnhip 11 a.m., Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Faith Presbyterian Church Lincoln t\ < I»h(m I Hill Road- William Clark. Moderator Corporate Worahip -10:30 a.m. Church School: Grade 1-9 9:00 a.m. Adult 9:15 a.m. Prc-School 10:30 a.m. First Baptist Church 509 N. Front St. 3854)083 Rev. Marxhall E. Werry Bible Study-Sunday School 9:30 i*.m. Wonihip Service 10:45 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Training Union: 5:00 p.m. Interpretation for Deaf at all Ser­ vice*. Special Spaniah Service.. Wed- ncuday. Prayer Service, 6:45 p.m. St. Paul's Episcopal Church 3706 W. St. Paul'* & Green Rev. Arthur D. McKay. Vicar 385-7690 Sunday Service* Holy Euchariat • 8 a.m. Family Euchariat • 10 a.m. Church School & Coffee Hour Wedneadaya • Holy Euchariat 9:30 a.m. Friday - Holy Euchariat -9:30 a.m. Wonder Lake Bible Church 7501 Howe Drive Wonder Lake. Illinoia Rev. Richard N. Wright. Paator Sunday: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Morning Worahip Service. 11:00 a.m. Bible Fellowahip Hour 6:00 p.m. Wedneaday: Midweek Prayer and Praiae Hour. 7:30 p.m. St Patrick's Catholic Church Rev. Edmund Petit, Paator Rev. Raymond Kearney. Aa.oc. Paator Sat., Eve. (Sun..\*>bligation fulfilled 5 p.m.) Sunday 7:15. 8:30,9)45,' 11 & i2:15 ' • • • • ' • • - Shepherd of the Hill* Lutheran Church 404 N. Green St. Rev. Roger W. Schneider Phone 385-7786 or 385-4030 Saturday Church, 5:00 pm School, 5:45 pm Sunday Church- 8:30 & 10:30 School • 9:15 & 11:15 Nur»ery Service* Available St Francis National Catholic Church Flanders Rd., ea.t of Ringwood Rd. Sunday Maaaea • 10 a.m. Father A. Wodka - Paator Spring Grove Church United Methodiat 8102 N. Blivin, Spring Grove, III. | Rev. Len Schoenherr - Paator Sunday Worship - 9 a.m. Sunday School • 10:15 a.m. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod} 4206 W. Waukegan Rd. (W. Rt. 120) Rev. Hermann F. Graef 3854)859 385-1616 Sunday Worship, 7:45 & 10:30 Nursery Services provided at 10:30 Education for Eternity Sunday School • Children and Youth, 9 a.m. McHenry Evangelical Free Church 1309 N. Court St. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Sunday Service • 11:00 a.m. Home Bible Studies Available Rev. David Fogleboch 344-1111 or 7284)516 All Knowing A good sermon leaves you wondering how the preacher knew all about you. -Times, Los Angeles. (FACTS FROM Mf HENRY COMMUNITY* HIGH SCHOOL) MCHS Offers Employment Placement Service Many people are probably unaware that McHenry school has its own Employment Placement service. The more than 450 individuals who have located a job through the service know of its existence. Local businesses have listed over 430 position openings with the service. The office has been open since January, 1976. Service Operated With State Funds Employment placement service director, Jerry Gudauskas, says, "Our program is one of Fifteen exemplary- projects throughout the state. Our costs are provided by the Illinois Office of Education. We feel we were most fortunate to have our program approved for funding." Currently funding is scheduled to end in June of 1977. The high school has been looking for other sources of funds from public sources and private foundations. Job Placement Free To Employer And Employee Any student or member of the community has been able to use the services of the Employment Placement office. Additional services provided through Mr. Gudauskas' office include research and development of Career Assistance programs. Mr. Gudauskas and McHenry high school vocational director. Dale Halgren. have worked together on follow-up studies of recent graduates. High school Supt. Richard Swantz indicated. "We believe our Employment Placement office has been of service to many of our students and community members. It is our sincere hope that we will be successful in finding outside funding to allow us to continue this quality service." er set* vtfttto | ( i^scy's* { » k* «>«»- } • :>tSU)ig | KirkpstrkJl;. j *0> " ' S sit Hkx o«KV *.;*$ shifted t » SA ti vt* , V :-tk5 «a.lK-iK (S3? ! tit*)* y\*w j e©$; wf»*vb | U {as- { : : : S-V .•**•** VMU< MJ j n»!)i ftsr frying to j xiy j**? j S&sukfs ot i aji the N&e#al w- J stir. ;»fto&mk iu toUfj* : s? U*K&t t>N <<*»>- ; toe | SSs»ftvtiJiv I yji I itt'UHKt ; bstosjgs act ; t:> gri- > SSSv, Ba- i vi Nov »|r | to 1 t< • n«w$ >ygvsJ«*- r t be >xwto«« tsat^ \ a r v < " 4 j ttgww*. VKS5C0 Stov* A I ;«gi • VV>y»i ! iorsjs-ttiftfpfr : i toi- «H5 Aftwiton to* •ikvij the Cm This busy reporter is hammering out an important news story. Perhaps he is report­ ing a bank robbery... or the threat of war... or a major disaster, like an earthquake or a famine. The reporter is working against time. He has to get this story in the next edition; and he has to have the facts. Good reporting is an essential element of our democratic society. It is a highly specialized craft. Reporters and the rest of the newspaper staff must all blend into a dedicated, hard-working team. They must be an alert band of men and women on the job Copyright 1977 Kwster Advertising Same*. Strssborg, Virginia Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday / Corinthians I Corinthians Galatians Colossians 8:1-13 13:1-13 3:1-29 3:1-17 around the clock -- ready at a moment's notice. Most newspaper stories come to a con­ clusion. They soon lose their "news" value, and become history. But one of the greatest stories of all time is ever fresh... ever relevant. It is the story of God's great Gift to man ... the story of a promise of life after death. Through the life of Jesus Christ, through the Holy Scriptures and through the Church, we can hear this story forever, knowing that the greatest story ever told is NEWS today. Scriptures selected by The American &Me Society Thursday I Thessalonians 3:1-13 Friday Saturday I Thessalonians Hebrews 1:1-10 13:1-8 First United Methodist Church 3717 West Main Street Church phone 3854)931 Ralph Smith, Pastor Parsonage Phone: 385-1352 Worship: 9:30 a.m. and 11 KM) a.m. Church School: 1 IKK) a.m. Nativity Lutheran Church 3506 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Box 157. Phone 653-3832 Wonder Lake, Illinois Sun. Worship 8 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday School • 9 a.m. (Nursery Facilities Available} Christ Tfte King Catholic Church 5006 E. Wonder Lake Road Wonder Lake, Illinois „ Sunday Masses: 8, 10 a.m. and noon. Eve. Mass 8 p.m. Fulfills Sunday Obligation First United Methodist Church 3717 West Main Street Church phone 3854)931 Ralph Smith, Pastor Parsonage Phone: 385-1352 Worship: 9:30 a.m. and 11 KM) a.m. Church School: 1 IKK) a.m. Nativity Lutheran Church 3506 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Box 157. Phone 653-3832 Wonder Lake, Illinois Sun. Worship 8 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday School • 9 a.m. (Nursery Facilities Available} Ringwood Methodist Church Ringwood, Illinois Rev. James Segin Res. 648-2848 Church 653-6956 Sunday 9:15 a.m. Church Service Church School at 10:15 a.m. First United Methodist Church 3717 West Main Street Church phone 3854)931 Ralph Smith, Pastor Parsonage Phone: 385-1352 Worship: 9:30 a.m. and 11 KM) a.m. Church School: 1 IKK) a.m. St Mary's Catholic Church Rev. Eugene Baumhofer Sat. Eve. Mass - 5 p.m. Fulfills Sun. obligation Sunday Masses • 6:30, 8, 9:30, 9:45, 10:45, 11, 12 noon. Ringwood Methodist Church Ringwood, Illinois Rev. James Segin Res. 648-2848 Church 653-6956 Sunday 9:15 a.m. Church Service Church School at 10:15 a.m. Church of God Creenleaf Ave. at Fairfield Dr. Island Lake Schoi Services: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Church Service, 11 a.m. Evangelistic Service, 7 p.m. Telephone: 312-526-8056 St Mary's Catholic Church Rev. Eugene Baumhofer Sat. Eve. Mass - 5 p.m. Fulfills Sun. obligation Sunday Masses • 6:30, 8, 9:30, 9:45, 10:45, 11, 12 noon. Ringwood Methodist Church Ringwood, Illinois Rev. James Segin Res. 648-2848 Church 653-6956 Sunday 9:15 a.m. Church Service Church School at 10:15 a.m. Church of God Creenleaf Ave. at Fairfield Dr. Island Lake Schoi Services: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Church Service, 11 a.m. Evangelistic Service, 7 p.m. Telephone: 312-526-8056 Alliance Bible Church 3815 W. Bull Valley Rd. Rev. Cera Id Robertson Sunday School - 9:45 A.M. Service • 11 :<M) P.M. Service -7:00 Wed. Bible Study & Prayer 8:00 p.m. Chain O'Lakes Evangelical Covenant Church 4815 N. Wilmot Rd. Rev. Mitchell Considine Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Church Phone - 497-3000 Parsonage - 497-3050 St Peter's Catholic Church Spring Grove, Illinois Rev. Kilduff, Pastor Phone 815-675-2288 MASSES: Daily 8 a.m. Saturday - 7:30 p.m. Sunday • 7 a.m.. 9 a.m., 11 a.m. Alliance Bible Church 3815 W. Bull Valley Rd. Rev. Cera Id Robertson Sunday School - 9:45 A.M. Service • 11 :<M) P.M. Service -7:00 Wed. Bible Study & Prayer 8:00 p.m. Chain O'Lakes Evangelical Covenant Church 4815 N. Wilmot Rd. Rev. Mitchell Considine Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Church Phone - 497-3000 Parsonage - 497-3050 St Peter's Catholic Church Spring Grove, Illinois Rev. Kilduff, Pastor Phone 815-675-2288 MASSES: Daily 8 a.m. Saturday - 7:30 p.m. Sunday • 7 a.m.. 9 a.m., 11 a.m. Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints James Hufford Branch President Phone: 459-3889 Meetings at Prairie Grove School, 8617 Ridgefield Road (Rt. 176} , Crystal Lake, Illinois Sunday School Meeting 10:30 a.m. Sunday Sacrament Meetings 5:00 p.m. Sunday Except on 1st Sunday of Month - then held at 12 noon. Chain O'Lakes Evangelical Covenant Church 4815 N. Wilmot Rd. Rev. Mitchell Considine Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Church Phone - 497-3000 Parsonage - 497-3050 St Peter's Catholic Church Spring Grove, Illinois Rev. Kilduff, Pastor Phone 815-675-2288 MASSES: Daily 8 a.m. Saturday - 7:30 p.m. Sunday • 7 a.m.. 9 a.m., 11 a.m. Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints James Hufford Branch President Phone: 459-3889 Meetings at Prairie Grove School, 8617 Ridgefield Road (Rt. 176} , Crystal Lake, Illinois Sunday School Meeting 10:30 a.m. Sunday Sacrament Meetings 5:00 p.m. Sunday Except on 1st Sunday of Month - then held at 12 noon. Christian Science Societyr Lincoln Road And Eastwood Lane Sunday Service • 10:30 a.m. Sunday School -10:30 a.m. Wed. Eve., Meeting Every Third Wed. - 8:00 p.m. St John the Baptist Catholic Church Johnsburg Rev. Leo Bartel, Pastor Rectory Phone 385-1477 Convent Phone 385-5363 Sal. night - 8:00 p.m. Mass Sun. Masses - 7, 9, 10:30. 12:00 Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints James Hufford Branch President Phone: 459-3889 Meetings at Prairie Grove School, 8617 Ridgefield Road (Rt. 176} , Crystal Lake, Illinois Sunday School Meeting 10:30 a.m. Sunday Sacrament Meetings 5:00 p.m. Sunday Except on 1st Sunday of Month - then held at 12 noon. Christian Science Societyr Lincoln Road And Eastwood Lane Sunday Service • 10:30 a.m. Sunday School -10:30 a.m. Wed. Eve., Meeting Every Third Wed. - 8:00 p.m. St John the Baptist Catholic Church Johnsburg Rev. Leo Bartel, Pastor Rectory Phone 385-1477 Convent Phone 385-5363 Sal. night - 8:00 p.m. Mass Sun. Masses - 7, 9, 10:30. 12:00 Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints James Hufford Branch President Phone: 459-3889 Meetings at Prairie Grove School, 8617 Ridgefield Road (Rt. 176} , Crystal Lake, Illinois Sunday School Meeting 10:30 a.m. Sunday Sacrament Meetings 5:00 p.m. Sunday Except on 1st Sunday of Month - then held at 12 noon. McHenry County Friends Meeting (Quaker) 1st & 3rd Sundays, 10:30 a.m. for information call: 385-3872 or 312-683-3840 As a finale of infant study. Sue Arimitsus's Child Growth and Development class at McHenry County college had mothers and their children of varied ages as guests. Students observed the children and had first hand experience in the study of the processes of growth and development in children. This is the first year the college is offering a Child Care program. The program is designed to meet the needs of persons who are employed in child care centers who need to meet the newly demanded educational qualifications set by the state of Illinois. The program is also intended for persons seeking entry into the field of human services, particularly in residential care or pre-school centers. Three Named Bellringer One way to prolong life is to make plans twenty years ahead. Nearly every man has a remedy for the troubles of everyone but his own. FRATERNITY MEMBER Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity, Zeta Nu chapter of Southern Illinois Universitv-Carbondale, 111., is proud to announce that Lynne McWhinnie, the sister of Bill and Sharon McWhinnie of McHenry, has been accepted into its spring pledge class, 1977. Lynne makes her home with her brother and sister. i Announce 1977 Lisa M. Newport, a 1976 graduate of McHnery high school, has been named to the :$.5 and above Dean's honor list at the University of Missouri. Columbua, Mo. By achieving this scholastic level Lisa becomes eligible for mem­ bership in the National College Scholastic Honor society Phi Eta Sigma. She is majoring in photo journalism and has also been named a student represen­ tative to the University Horse Recreation Governing council. Lisa is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Newport of 1616 Ranch road. McHenry. The Illinois association for Mental Health has named three local residents as mental health chairpersons for the May, 1977 Bellringer campaign. Mrs. Harry (Esther) Dubsky of McHenry, Mrs. Robert L. (Linda) Luerssen of McHenry Shores and Mrs. Richard (Betty) Messer of Sunnyside will recruit, volunteers to go house-to-house in ^©ach area during May. Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer may contact the area represen­ tative. MCHS Yocational Director Dale Halgren. left, and Jerry Gudauskas, placement director, review reports of the MCHS Employment Placement Services first year of operation. Volunteers jLEASE* * - A HILLY ! y iJ I I 'P tD * * * * P P I Y * J s 155 PER MONTH J GRAND PRIX S 1 cc * * * * O\ I;IM O\ - PON1 I AC kT 120 u>«' RI 3: M.HENRr 38S fcOOl

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