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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1977, p. 4

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r \ < ; K I - 1 M \ I \ T ) F \ 1 . E R F R I D A Y . A P R I I . S . 1 9 7 7 Honor Memory Of Girl Scout Leader CROSSWORD PUZZLE U I In memory of her outstanding contribution to Girl Scouting in Mcllenry. the Girl Scouts of Valley View neighborhood have donated a set of reference books to the McHenry library. Shown above, from left, are Stuart Engh. husband of Claire Engh; Kitty O'Neill. Valley View neighborhood chairman; Bobbi Lynch of Gary, North district chairman; Joyce Smart of Algonquin, president of the board; and Dolores Rogers, librarian, head of the Children's section. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD In memory of Claire Engh. the girl Scouts of Valley View neighborhood. which en­ compasses McHenry. East­ wood Manor. Holiday Hills. McHenry Shores and John- sburg. donated a set of reference books to the McHenry library These publications include Girl Scout and Leader Hand­ books. History of Juliette Low . Trefoil Around the World, songs, games and recipes They cannot be taken from the library, but can be found in the reference area which is located on the balcony of the Children's section Girls and adult volunteers will find these books- to be useful in their Girl Scouting activities Also. anyone generally interested in learning about the Girl Scouts is en­ couraged to visit this section and look through the new material Claire Engh believed in the Girl Scout movement so .strongly, she was an active member for over twentv-five years. She was a part of a small group of women whose efforts gave Girl Scouting its start in McHenry. and her continued enthusiastic support of the program was an inspiration and help to countless girls and adults up to the time she died about a year ago. Open Historical Museum May 15 At the last meeting of the board of directors of the McHenrv Countv Historical Firs* for Fashion Elgin and Crystal Lake Hang Spring on Your Windows Now in Our Made-To-Measure Sale! 20% OFF 38.40 p. DRAMATIC DRAPERIES Example 48 W*81 L Unlined Reg 48 00 P' Example 72 Wx81 L. Unlmed. Reg 85 00 pr 52.00 p* YOU SAVE 9.60 YOUSAVE 1 3.00 SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP that is what you can expect when you order your made-to- measure drapene* from Spies* Read all the deluxe features in the construction of Spiess label drapenes Besides the expert construction we offer a huge se­ lection of fabrics >n solids, colors and designs to complement any decor Choose from contempo­ rary traditional or floral prints, rich sotid color antique satins, elegant sheers and casements Select your r»«* spring draperies now and save a great 20 - Re­ m e m b e r . m a d e - t o - m e a s u r e drapenes will fit even problem windows Come te Spiess Let t i t thow you th« wonderful array of drapery fabrics from which you can choose Our trained staff is waiting to help you make your selection and advise you on how best to dramatize your windows DRAPERIES, ELGIN. CRYSTAL LAKE Doubif 4 I«c* 'O* S»r#nflh and If Q*0 4 on rM'l P«f«n»n#nt buchrpfr he»4 T» p<« l»C*90 0«ncf &•••<» O««rlOCh»0 #n<3 ft* D«CO'«tO' l«6r>CS • '••I CO*OM Doufrt# 4 -nc* hOHO«! Kirch drapery hardware available (W £*J BUY WITH CASH OR YOUR SPIESS CREDIpJ" CARD ELGIN FREE PARKING CRYSTAL LAKE FREE PARKING JANE PAGE PERSONAL SHOPPER EESa Master Charge- Bank Amer icard society, it was decided not to open the museum for visitors until Sunday. May 15. This is due to the fact workmen will be in the process of putting up additional peg board on the walls of Eckert hall and doing other repair work Beginning May 15. the hours for the museum will be Sun­ days. 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., and after school is out for the summer. Wednesdays from 1 30 to 4:30 p.m. Cases are being changed and painted, displays are being rearranged, and there will not l>e room for workmen and visitors moving about ACROSS - ^1 au lait 5 Outbreaks 11 Mad scientist's assistant 12 Lustrous 13 Pop star of the 1950's 14 Card combi­ nation 15 Building extension 16 Make lace 17 Pledge 18 Surcease 20 Memorable period 21 Sallow 22 Sunday punch (si.) 23 Jalopy 25 Punkin covering 26 In our company 27 Hymn of praise 28 An ex- Sinatra 29 Mariner's requisite (2 wds.) 32 Little Edward 33 lily Dache creation 34 Villain's cry 35 Clannish; kindred 37 Russian lake 38 Jewish ascetic 39 Spirit lamp 40 Whirled 41 Fish DOWN 1 Hard or sweet beverage 2 Sprightly 3 Pipe dreams abound here (2 wds.) 4 Sea bird 5 Revolve 6 Mountain crest • 7 Do wrong 8 Utopia (3 wds.) 9 Performers love them T O D A Y ' S A N S W E R aaciE aeuaEja bsb aos sso oaae aaam DBS3B aOflSB aSfflK SB as •se eooseyg asa oao BBS EJEQ23BO CSKOE amsDss eisan HBESQS PDEQE 10 Pop star, Rod - 16 Roof covering 19 Noggin 22 Viva voce 23 Babble 24 Football play 25 Exploit 27 Resounded 29 Alan Ladd film 30 African nation 31 Dieter's lunch 36 -- esprit 37 Roman bronze 1 2 5 J 5 7 e «» 10 II 12 vs 14 15 • lb Jj 17 IS- j| 20 HH 21 22 zs 24 n 25 2b • 27 IB u 2B 29 30 31 32 H c mrl 3S~ 36 37 36 39~ AO 4l~ ROUTINE...In Las Vegas, there's a chorus line everywhere you go. At Weeki Wachee Spring, Florida the attraction is lovely mermaids who perform intricate routines underwater. TICKET VALIDATES FIRST 2 HOURS, UPPER DECK ELEIN PLAZA PARKING CONVENIENT FREE PARKINS FOR 23M CARS AT CRYSTAL POINT MALL. CALL ELSIN 7*1-4300. CRYSTAL LAKE. 455 3SM. Some candidates offer only slogans, but GEORGE L. HARKER Gives you solid reasons why he should be elected MAYOR of McHENRY • HE WILL NOT LET THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TAKE OVER YOUR SEWER PLANT AND CHARGE WHATEVER RATE IT WANTS. In other areas where the federal government has had its way the rates are four to five times higher than what McHenry charges. • McHENRY'S TAX RATE HAS RISEN TO A HIGH LEVEL AND HARKER PROMISES AS MAYOR TO IMMEDIATELY BEGIN WORKING ON LOWERING IT. This will be a top priority of his administration. • HARKER WILL ASK THE CITY COUNCIL TO BEGIN IMMEDIATE NEGOTIATIONS FOR THE LAKELAND PARK WATER SYSTEM. It will be paid for with revenues from its users. • HE WILL IMMEDIATELY GET COST ESTIMATES AND BEGIN PLANS FOR A LONG OVERDUE NEW WATER RESERVOIR. A preferable location would be Sherman Hill, to reduce the cost factor due to height. • GEORGE HARKER WILL BE A FULL-TIME MAYOR WITH AN OFFICE AT CITY HALL. He will never be too busy to listen to your problem; never too busy to help. • HE WILL CONSULT WITH YOUR OTHER ELECTED OFFICIALS ON A REGULAR BASIS TO FORMULATE POLICY AND TO WORK OUT LITTLE PROBLEMS BEFORE THEY BECOME EXPENSIVE COURT CASES. • HARKER WILL RECOMMEND ALLOCATING SOME SALES TAX MONEY FOR PARKS AND RECREATION IN McHENRY. • HE WILL WORK WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS TO MAKE FULL USE OF PLAYGROUND AREAS FOR A MEANINGFUL NEW SUMMER PROGRAM FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE. • GEORGE WILL WORK WITH THE McHENRY COUNTY BOARD TO DEVELOP A MASTER PLAN FOR THE COUNTY. He knows it's important for McHenry city officials to know what the plans are for the surroun­ ding area. • HARKER WILL ASK THE COUNTY CONSERVATION DISTRICT TO SET ASIDE MORE ACRES IN THE McHENRY AREA. This would not only preserve some of our most beautiful land; it woul(f%l$o help slow down new sub-division growth and give our schools a chance to plan for gradual growth. On TUESDAY, APRIL 19th, elect GEORGE L. HARKER Mayor of McHenry A MAYOR FOR ALL OF McHENRY \ PAID FOR BY CITIZENS FOR HARKER ART JACKSON CO-CHAIRMAN Health Tip Tetanus With the advent of the spring season of 1977 most of us are beginning to get out of doors again There are gardens and lawns that need work and outdoor chores of all sorts that have accumulated during the winter With the return of outdoor activities comes once again the hazard of minor accidents, cuts and scratches. Most often these aren't serious and will heal quickly if properly cleaned and protected. The American Medical association cautions that sometimes these scratches can be more serious. Sometimes they are the channel through which you could get tetanus, commonly called lockjaw Tetanus-producing spores lie dormant in the soil of your garden, the dirt of your garage These spores can infect you through the tiniest wound -- a pin scratch, a bee sting or a small cut. Tetanus spores may remain in your body for long periods without producing the disease. Or, they may produce poison effects in five to fourteen days, even though the wound has healed. First signs of tetanus are irritability and restlessness. Muscles rapidly become rigid, eventually causing a clenched- jaw leer that gives tetanus the popular name of lockjaw. When symptoms appear, the outlook is grim, even with the best treatment. To avoid the deadly consequences, be sure you and your family are im­ munized with tetanus toxoid. When you are immunized, your body manufactures antibodies that will fight tetanus. A booster is needed every ten years. If you aren't protected, in an emergency there is no time for immunization. If you have no built-in immunity, your physician may inject tetanus antitoxin. An emergency shot, however, is not always ef­ fective. Your only long-range guarantee against tetanus is immunization with tetanus toxoid Only one of everv four Americans has this protection. Have you9 Congressman To Tour Area Congressman John B. An­ derson announced recently that he will be spending the Easter congressional recess traveling throughout his district in a •'mobile office", in order to listen to his constituents' viewpoints on the issues now before congress. Anderson, third-ranking Republican in the House, stated, "I am deeply con­ cerned by the sentiment voiced so often, that no one in the government is listening. I am most aware that my con­ stituents ha^e suggestions and constructive comments on the critical problems facing the cquntry today, and I'd like to hear what they say. In addition. I will be available to try to help individuals with any personal problems they might have with the government, and to answer other questions on government programs. "I am strongly urge those who will not be able to talk to me in person to write me at either 401 W. State street, Rockford 61101, or at 1101 L o n g w o r t h b u i l d i n g , Washington. D C. 20515. Citizen participation is vital to the democratic process, and I hope my constituents will not hesitate to express their hopes and concerns on the issues which affect them," concluded Anderson. The schedule for Congressman Anderson's mobile office includes a trip A-l HEARING AID SERVICE Free Loaners - Complete Service on all Makes Custom Earmolds - 30 Day Trial on New Aids Try Before You Buy! Maico-Oticon-Radio Ear Qualitone Custom Made All in the Ear Models ROBT. STENSLAND & ASSOCIATES^ 3937 W. Main St., 385-7661 Be hind-the-ear AID Reg. $239 * into McHenry county on April 14 He will be at the corner of Elm and Green from 10 a.m. to noon, and in Harvard later in the day. Scholarships Offered Wonder Lake Residents The Woman's club of Wonder Lake is offering a college scholarship &to Wonder Lake residents, the organization requires the student to reside in the community and to be a full- time college student in the fall of 1977. Applications and information for the award are available through the McHenry County college Financial Aid office. Rte 14 and Lucas road. Crystal Lake, or call 455-2700 X 261 Applications must be returned to that office by April 27. Slate Clinic For Smokers Smokers who want to end the habit of puffing interminably on a hot item can get some help late this month A smokers clinic for those wishing to stop smoking is scheduled for five days starting April 25 at the Woodstock high school, Mrs. Lela Boerner. chairman, said recently. Persons from throughout McHenry county are invited to this clinic, to be conducted by a physician and clergyman. The group therapy sessions will start at 7:30 p.m. Persons wishing more information about this program and how it is effective should contact Mrs Boerner at 338-1618. Only cost is a registration fee at the time of the first meeting. Clean powder from rouge brushes by shaking briskly. Do not wash. A good pair of kitchen shears help save much time. Use shears to clip shells from shrimp and cut pie crust. Dip in water when cutting sticky fruits and marshmallows. STARTING THIS WEEKEND... RT. 31 NORTH TO JOHNSBURG RD.. EAST TO SUNSET RD. PRESENTS AN ENTIRE EVENING OF DINING. DANCING AND ENTERTAINMENT AT THE FINEST SCENIC NIGHTCLUB IN McHENRY COUNTY APRIL 8TH AND 9TH WOODY HERMAN AND HIS HERD APRIL 1STH AND 16TH BUDDY RICH AND HIS KILLER FORCE ALSO APPEARING -- THE SCOTCH LADS APRIL 22ND AND 23RD STAN KENTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA APRIL 29TH AND 30TH DUKE ELLINGTON ORCHESTRA UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MERCER ELLINGTON ENJOY DINNER IN THE SANDIA GOURMET ROOM OR IN THE NEW SOUP AND FISH SEAFOOD ROOM" THEN DANCE AND BE ENTERTAINED IN LOST VALLEY S SKYVIEW SHOW LOUNGE PRICE INCLUDES TAX AND DINNER GRATUITY FREE VALET PARKING NO INCREASE IN BAR PRICES FOR ONLY $25 00 PER PERSON LIMITED TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW ... FO* ALL INFORMATION CALL (815)675-2302

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