70thAnniversary Sale Take Advantage of Our Free Layaway -- Save While You Budget! A Reg. $8 half-size dresses in five flattering styles with short or cap sleeves. Softly feminine acetate and nylon jersey in muted floral or geometric prints, and every one wash and dryable in your automatic Sizes 14'/?-24 Vi, save 37%! Get a wardrobe-full! Reg. $12 blazers -- the one separate that goes with pants and skirts .-- really extends your wardrobe! Polyester seersucker weave in white, or smooth ponte stitch in navy or red. Sizes 8 to 20. Reg. $7.49 maternity T-tops that put the message succinctly. Poly/cotton in navy, red, white or pastels, sizes S, M, L. Every all-weather spring coat, in stock I Misses 6-18 and half-sizes 14Vj-24'/a! Save for a limited time! Polyester knits, woven oxfords and twills -- nothing held back! If a coat's not in your budget, put it on layaway and get your savings now! Reg. $19, 15.20; reg. $21, 16.80; reg. $22, 17.60; reg. $23, 18.40; reg. $28 22.40; reg. $33, 26.40 Choose It and Charge It at Spurgeon's 189 I6S6 9 *