spurgeons /'V'Anmversary Sale ^^^Sho^gurgeoiVMh^amih t̂orejFirsHnOuojit̂ JJ^JÎ ljî ^^ .̂ Reg. $4.99 men's knit shirts -- choose from our entire collection of short sleeve styles in snappy stripes and solids. S, M, I. XL. Reg. $12.99 Bravo {eons. Choose from pre-woshed denims or camel, blue -or green cotton canvas cloth, with interestingly detailed back pockets. All sizes. $3.99 values of boys' shirts in sizes 3 to 18 -- our entire stock of sport shirts and knit shirts in many colors and styles, all with short sleeves. All $2.99 value shirts. . . 2.25 $3.99 values boys' jeans in 4 to 7. El Toro poly/cotton twills, $3. $6.99 value jeans, 8 to 18. El Toro twills or Tuff Buggy brushed sateens, both poly/cotton, $5 pkg. of 3 Tl pkg. of 3 Fruit off the Loom 100% cotton underwear for men. Stock up! Reg. $4.39 tee shirts ....... 3.25 pkg. Reg. $3.69 knit briefs 2.75 pkg. Reg. $3.69 athletic shirts . . 2.75 pkg. Reg. $5.29 fancy boxers $4 pkg. Reg. $2.29 pocket T-shirt . . . 1.25 ea. V Menswear not available in all stores. Reg. $6.99 dress disport shirts. Choose from a variety of short sleeve styles in all sizes. Sale prices effective April 11 through April 23, 1977 • 189 1656 9 tu+io--4i Add Up Your Spurgeon Savings and Charge Itl