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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1977, p. 8

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SPECIALS! PAGE H - PI MNDEALER- FRIDAY. APRIL 29. 1977 MUSIN AND MEANDERIN' (Continued from page 1) to cast barbs at the opponent, and seldom were their tactics carried out with finesse. The coaching was apparent in the various sized pieces of paper containing questions, some with merit. others of little value, from which members of the audience addressed the candidates On occasion, the questioner reigned supreme in expressing his own opinions rather thajji asking those of the men seeking office Candidates' nights such as this are an experience, to be sure Whether they are of sufficient value to merit their continuation is something sponsoring organizations must decide for the future KAF NOMINATE SEVEN FOR MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (Continued from page 1) cha i rman of humani t i es and communica t ions a t MCC: Mar ie Yos and Ar t Thorsen . Crys ta l Lake , and Jeanne Adams. MCC s tuden t f rom Woods tock Cowgill explained that SI.300 in donations make it possible for the college to make the scholarship a perpetual one. awarding the interest earned on the money each year Students are eligible to receive th^ award only once. Cowgill said, but both current MCC students and past MCC students enrolled at other colleges can qualify The winning student will also have his name engraved on a plaque which will be displayed at the college Donations may still be made to the memorial fund for Kenna. which makes "the scholarship possible by con­ tacting the MCC office of business services CRIME RING BREAK BRINGS ARREST OF ELEVEN JUVENILES (Continued from page 1) pickup truck which was stolen sustaining severe damage Two bicycles were recovered, although both bikes were badly damaged The cycles were stolen from Lorie Fountaine. 4315 Crestwood drive, and James B Pinkstaff. 714 W Lillian street A CB stolen from a car owned by Fred Dolby was also recovered While McHenry police were busy clearing up the numerous crimes committed by the juveniles, numerous other thefts were occurring in the McHenry area At 5:10 p.m. Sunday. Orval Abney. 4114 * Crestwood. McHenry. reported that the previous evening, while his auto was parked at the Wonder Lake Bible church. Howe road. Wonder Lake, someone suc­ ceeded in gaining entry to the locked auto and stole his tape player, a tape case containing several tapes, and a tool box containing assorted hand tools Also on Sunday. Edward Hauri. 609 S. Emerald. McHenry. reported that during the night, someone syphoned five gallons of gasoline from his auto while it was parked in his driveway, and also bent the gas tank cover and the antenna In both cases, the offender had not been seen or heard At 6 pm Saturday. Robert Dorazil reported ihat after moving from his old residence at 1215 Eastwood lane. McHenry. someone came onto his property and stole the outdoor swimming pool cover, slashed the line, and broke the electrical meter on the home Also on Saturday. Jacqueline Palmer. 3320 Bull Valley road. McHenry. reported that during the night, someone stole her ten-speed bicycle from a neigh­ boring yard Lorraine Fejedelem. 7614 Wooded Shore drive. Wonder Lake, reported that someone stole her red and white rototiller from her yard. A neighbor reported seeing it along the road, but when police returned to where the rototiller had been seen, it was not there Two churches in McHenry were victimized by thieves last week Zion Lutheran church had approximately S30 taken from it while Shepherd Of The Hills Lutheran church lost about $5 McHenry police are in­ vestigating both burglaries. At 8 15 p.m. Tuesday. Harry Jones. 2203 Country lane. McHenry. reported that during the night, someone removed a case of twelve quarts of club soda from his back porch. The offender carried the case to the back of the property where six bottles were broken. Finally, at 2:15 p.m. Tuesdav. Gertrude Brock. 306 FRIMY FISH FRY.. INCLUDES SALAD BAR SATURDAY SATURDAY tf* PRIME RIB M> BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SPECIAL! 11 A.M. TO 2 P.M. ALL COCKTAILS 50* (EXCEPT BLENDED CREAM & IMP DRINKS) INDIAN MANOR RESTAURANT & LOUNGE RTL 31, Vi Ml. S. OF 120, McHENRY LET S GET TOGETHER AND TALK ABOUT LOW-COST AUTO INSURANCE Tony Fick Chuck Lewandowski GIVE ME A CALL FOR THE FACTS ON LOW-COST HEALTH INSURANCE. I 'D LIKE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS ON LOW-COST HOME­ OWNERS INSURANCE. I 'D LIKE TO SHARE WITH YOU THE FACTS ON LOW-COST LIFE INSURANCE. AMERICAN FAMILY Chuck Lewandowski auto home hcalthufc ® Call us AMERICAN FAMILY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY* MADISON. WIS. 53701 for Details Highland. McHenry. reported to police that during the night, someone succeeded in gaining entry to her locked auto parked in her driveway, and stole her CB radio The offender had not been seen ADDED FACILITIES GOAL FOR RETARDED (Continued from page 1) munity Living facility, a residential facility for the high functioning developmentallv disabled 3 Develop an Adult Day- treatment program for the severely disabled adults 4 Expand transportation services to care for the in­ creased number of clients Lam bourn says he has two short range goals: A Establish a committee to determine why there is an apparent decline in people seeking help for their children at the Day Care center B Decide when during the year accreditation by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals can be achieved The public is invited to this annual meeting to hear the reports and learn more about how the developmentallv disabled children and adults are cared for Programs of service are incorporated under these departments Birth-to-Three. Respite Care. Follow Along. Day Care. Vocational Rehabilitation, and Residential Services Mrs Dixie Meyers. Crystal Lake, president, will preside Nominated to serve as direc­ tors are Mrs Melanie Frett. Johnsburg; Mrs. Katherine Vorisek. Cary. Robert Schneider. McHenry: Michael Lanphier. Harvard: the Rev. Fred Tozer. Harvard and Elmer Hill. Union The election will take place during this meeting INVOLVE JUVENILES IN DISTRIBUTION OF MARIJUANA (Continued from page 1) possession of more than thirty grams, but less than 500 grams, with bond set at $5,000 for a May 3 court appearance. Five juveniles were also charged in association with the Rivera arrest, with more juvenile arrests a possibility. The juvenile arrests are believed to be in connection with the distribution of marijuana at a McHenry area junior high school. The Rivera arrest resulted from an investigation into the delivery of narcotics into the school. The investigation is con­ tinuing as a joint effort between Sweet Adelines In Competition McHENRY CHAPTER. SWEET ADELINES The McHenry chapter of Sweet Adelines will compete in the annual regional chorus and quartet competition April 29 and 30 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare. The region includes parts of Indiana. Illinois and Michigan. Sweet Adelines is a corporation made up of women singing barber shop style and was made international when parts of Canada and England decided to form choruses to compete with the U.S.A. This year's international com­ petition will be held in England. This is the McHenry chapter's third year of competition under the direction of Mrs. Pat Gattone. The first year won them the novice award and last year the most improved chorus award. Also competing are two quartets formed from the McHenry chorus, the "Happy Times Four", who la^f year in its first year of competition took fifth place, and a newly formed quartet, "The Musical Express", both well representing the chorus. A portion of the November show proceeds went to the cancer research society. Meetings are held Tuesday nights at Zion Lutheran church. at INSTALL McHENRY CITY OFFICIALS (Continued from page 1) non-aldermanic appointments. On the important Planning ^commission. Stanek appointed jack Pepping to replace George Haasl. who resigned from the commission after seven years. Pepping, who did not seek reelection to the City Council, will be the Planning commission chairman, on an appointment by the mayor John W. Comerio. 3512 W First avenue, was appointed to the Planing commission, as was Willis W. Martin, 508 Kensington drive Martin's appointment brought heated debate from some members of the Council, as he is employed by the Residential Development group, formerly Robino-Ladd Aldermen Smith. Schaedel. Bolger and Adams voted against Martin's appointment, citing conflict of interest as the source of their objection The Residential Develop­ ment group works extensively in the McHenry area, and it was the aldermen's feeling that he would be unable to disassociate himself from his job to work for the betterment of the city. Aldermen Harker. Datz, school administrators, McHenry police, and county police LENNOX AIR CONDITIONING •TOP DISCHARGE •QUIET OPERATION •ECONOMICAL •COMPACT [ or, osznzz 312/526-6286 HEATING AND COOLING SINCi 1*11 UMSWttGHTM) « McHENRY. ILL. FINANCING AV Alt ABIC 815/459-2300 Cursing injustice is a waste of indignation. Tha i s do f a i r ' " Who hasn ' t hcau l a ch i ld compla in abou t the s t a t e o f l u s wor ld in those th ree s imple words ' What vo te r hasn t ^ loaned a t t he insu l t impl i c i t i n po l i t i c a l r l i e t o i i c ' "We mus t we sha l l co l l ec t t he inequ i t i e s o l t he pas t - p lu i i ' ^c couraseoush ahead to mee t t he demands o f ou r fu tu re . " Emptx e l oquence in t ended to pa ra lyze the mind of t he adu l t P la t i tudes tha t mock us wi th the i r ( a l . s e s ine cu t v Cosmet i c words th . i t t rv to cover the ug lv b lemishes o l t he n a l wor ld B \ wav o f con t ra s t t he re i s t he no nonsense candor o i Law Dav which we u leb ra tc a s a na t ion on Mav I s ; Thousands o i men and women ac ross the co i in t rv - jud^es l awve i s admin i s t r a to r s o l ou r bes ieged cou i t s w i l l l ead the en t i r e na t ion in examin ing th i s \ ca r ' s Law Dav th i me " / ' i n l i l t t n i n J i o t i t c " Outw.ud lv the theme i s s e rene and unassuming bu t do no t ! ) c foo ted Tin t a sk we face i s anv th in t ; bu t t ha t . The ques t ions tha t need to be a sked a re end less The need fo r workab le answers i s u i ncn t l luvv do we ensure tha t eu rv c i n / e n h a s i i a d v a c c e s s t p . t h e j u s t i ce s \ s t e in ' ' Wha t i s t o be done abou t c i i nn n t ou r socu tv ' I s i t t o con t inue i t s e ros ion o t ou t f r ee ­ doms ' When wi l l we face up to the weakness o l judges p icked p i i - ina r i lv to r | x>h t i ca l r easons ' In an inc uas iny lv complex wor ld how a re we to ensure the l ega l r igh t s o f ch i ld ren women and minor i t i e s ' ' Law Dav l aces t i l e r ea l wo i ld Jo in us on Mav 1s t I f we a re no t pa r tne i s in jus t i ce , we wi l l end up pa r tne r s in in jus t i ce "Tha t s no fa i r 1 Then he lp us make i t l a i r Schooley and Ms. Nolan voted to accept Martin as a member of the Planning commission, and Stanek broke the tie with his obvious 'yes' vote. "I'm just tickled pink with our Planning commission." Stanek said "There's an abundance of talent there." Ms. Nolan resigned from the Zoning board due to her new (position as an alderman, and Paul Fidler was not reap pointed to the same board. One of the vacancies was filled by Anna Mae Cuda, a loser in the recent city elec­ tions. Clint Claypool was reappointed to the Zoning board, and present member Ron Wilkins was named to replace Fidler as chairman of the same board. Since this was a special meeting, little other action was taken The Council voted near unanimously to purchase new squad cars from Torkelson Lincoln Mercury. The Council reuqested bids for new squad cars from all car dealers in the city. Three dealers submitted bids, with Torkelson being easily the lowest. The city will purchase five .squad cars, all Mercury Cougars with a 118-inch wheel base and a 400-2V engine, for $18,352.50. Last year, the city purchased four new cars from the same dealer, and car maintenance during the year was less than one-half of what it was with cars of a different make. In addition to the excellent maintenance record Torkelson has had, Torkelson's bid was more than $2,000 less than the next lowest. Some of the confusion surrounding the maintenance of the Mercury cars was caused by the aldermen not knowing that Torkelson was servicing all six squad cars, not just the four Mercury's which were bought last year Also, part of the maintenance cost, which was $4,090 for the Fiscal year as opposed to $10,000 last year, was not charged by Torkelson, but was accrued for radial repairs. Torkelson has also given the city a free car to use while one of the police cars is temporarily out of commission. The aldermen, with the ex­ ception of Schaedel, were completely satisfied with Torkelson's service, and ac­ cepted his bid by a seven to one margin. Two of the three retiring aldermen, James Wegener and Pepping, commented on their four years in office. Wegener thanked everyone for their cooperation and had HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS Renovate Theatre Drive-In Besides the completely new facilities inside the McHenry Outdoor theatre, extensive work has been done to make the exterior of the site pleasant to passersby. The entranceway has been repaired so that cars will no longer have to roll through huge holes, and new fencing makes the entire area pleasant to view. * « STAFF PHOTO--WAYNE GAYLORD When a city like McHenry, suffers from growing pains, it's always pleasant to find someone, or in this case a family, willing to sacrifice in order to better the community. Certainly the Ryan family, Henry and his sons, Tom and Jeff, have done that, com­ pletely renovating the old Skyline Drive-In, and opening Friday night with the NEW McHenry Outdoor theatre. new" «s not an The word ' exaggeration. Person? wno visit the drive- in; which opens Friday, will find just about everything j$ changed from last year- and changed for the better From the new fencing to the completely remodeled con­ cession area to the new washrooms, the Ryans have attempted to make the drive-in a desirable place for family entertainment The emphasis is on "family . ' ' "We want the families to come to the theatre," Tom Ryan said "We don't want the beer drinkers. We just hope all this work will be appreciated by the public, and that they will act accordingly." To that end, no X-rated pictures will be shown at the theatre. special words for the residents of the third ward. ' ' A l t h o u g h p e r s o n a l responsibilities make it im­ possible for me to continue," he added, "we've got a good city here working together, and let's keep working together." Pepping expressed similar sentiments, adding that "It's been a very enriching ex­ perience for me. The city of McHenry is certainly moving in the right direction." Then, after explaining that business commitments forced his retirement, he stated that "It's quite conceivable that in two years I may be a candidate again." LaVerne Hromec was the third retiring alderman. In other action, Stanek an­ nounced that there will be a public hearing concerning the Regional Transit authority (RTA) at McHenry high school West campus May 13 at 7:50 p.m. Also, Richard Swantz, superintendent of McHenry high school, sent a letter to the Council requesting that the city take over maintenance of the school tennis courts. The matter will be studied further before any action is taken. Finally, Ms. Gilpin gave the annual city clerk's report to the Council. In the report, it was noted that $3,440 was collected in fees for death certificates and fishing licenses since November. More than one-half of that amount would normally be kept by the city clerk. However, since a new ruling, the money is now turned over to the city treasury. Ms. Gilpin's salary was raised $1,500 for this coming year, a year in which she will again turn over the fee money to the city. While Monday's meeting was held in the relaxed atmosphere of having friends and relatives abundant in the audience, the Monday, May 2 meeting will find the spectator section probably filled with anxious residents of Edgebrook Heights. At the next meeting, the Council will vote on the zoning request from Edward Buss and Anthony Pintozzi to rezone land across from the Indian Manor restaurant from residential to commercial and multi-family dwellings. The Zoning board recom­ mended the Council deny the zoning change. It will take a two-thirds vote (six out of eight) from the Council to override the Zoning board recommendation. One member of the Zoning board. Ms. Nolan, is now an alderman. She voted against the zoning change as a member of the Zoning board, and is expected to vote no' Monday n ght, meaning that proponents of the zoning change will need to get the approval of six of the seven other aldermen. Thank You Chuck Lewandowski Phone: 385-2304 Tony Fick Phone 344-243'8 LAW IIAY USA AMYI I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people of this city who have contac­ ted me personally, expressing disappointment f in my decision not to seek re-election. It was indeed gratifying to receive such kind words, and I do sincerely appreciate it. Special thanks to the people of the third ward who suPP°rted me. and gave me their cooperation these past four years. It was my pleasure to have served you, and altho it is I humanly impossible to satisfy everyone, I Because added personal responsibilities made it impossible for me to seek another term at this time, I will continue to be just as interested in McHenry and its future. Good Luck to the city council for a successful future. It has been a real pleasure working with you the past four years. We have a great city here. Work together, and keep it that way. Retiring 3rd Ward Alderman CLAIM STOLEN BIKES Persons who have lost bicycles, or had them stolen, are urged to make possible claim at the McHenry city hall Saturday, April 30, between 9 a.m. and noon. Police Chief Kenneth Espey said this week that those vehicles not claimed will be put up for sale. Air Conditioning Marilyn--Why are you wearing your sox inside out? Wayne--My feet were hot, and mother told me to turn the hose on them. START LOSING WEIGHT TODAY The hardest part of losing weight is getting started Supir OORINEX will give your will power that extra push it needs to start losing weight today Begin with this amazing tiny tablet You II eat less-turn food and exciss fat into burned-up energy instead of extra weight as you follow the Plan Clinically proven effective, the Stptr OORINEX Reducing Plan will enable you to lose pounds and inches without getting nervous-or money back. You can start losing weight today with new Super OORINEX and see the difference in your mirror You owe it to yourself •OLGER'S DRUGS 1259 N. Green St., McHenry r

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