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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1977, p. 4

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PAGE 1 • PLAINDEAI.FR . KR1DAY, APRIL IS, 1»7? •I MEANWHILE BACK AT THE COI RTHOLSE" BRANCH COl'RT Associate Circuit Judge Conrad Floeter Kenneth R Witz. 7% Nanc> lane, McHenry, uas found guilty of resisting a peace of­ ficer. and was fined $50 and costs He was then found not guilty of disorderly conduct Associate Circuit Judge William Block Vincent S Simonson. 518 N Kent road. McHenry. uas not prosecuted on a charge of driving in the wrong lane Michael P Moran. 1812 Orchard lane.' McHenry. did, not appear in court to answer a charge of improper lane usage, and was declared guilty with his bond being used to pay the fine Jay T Aldrich 217 Forest. Island Lake, did not appear^in court to answer a charge of speeding 70 in a 55 mph zone, and was declared guilty with the bond being used to pay the fine Gregory A Haze. 5703 W James street. McHenry. was not prosecuzed on a charge of speeding 71 in a 55 mph zone Robert J Kappel. 3722 E Lake Shore drive. Wonder Lake, negotiated a guilty plea to a charge of maintaining unsafe equipment. and received thirtv davs of court supervision After thirty days, if Kappel is not rearrested, the incident will- be completely struck from his record Robert E Matchen. 7718 Deep Springs road. Wonder Lake negotiated a guilty plea to a charge of improperly clispiaying -his license plates, and uas placed on ten days of court supervision After completing the supervisory period, the incident will be completely removed from his record ... Craig P Ackerman. 4804 N Rt 31. Ringwood, was found guilty of speeding, and was fined S16 and costs Sandra Cannestra. 2609 S Highwood road. McHenry. was not prosecuted on a charge of speeding Walter A Conrad Jr . 3504 Fairview drive. McHenry. did not appear in court to answer a charge of speeding 55 in a 45 mph zone He therefore was declared guilty with his bond money being used to pay the cost of the fine David J Henderson. 1921 Lakew%od. McHenry. was found guilty of having no valid safety test, and was fined $10 and costs He was also found guilty of having no valid registration, and was fined another $15 and costs Kenneth L Moehling. 5106 E Lake Shore dri»e. Wonder Lake, did not appear in court to answer a charge of having no valid safety test and also for ha\ ing no valid registration .As a result, he was declared guilty of both charges with his bond money being used to pay the fine BRANCH III Associate Circuit Judge Michael Sullivan David J Meyers. Richmond, had a charge of DW1 amended to reckless driving On the lesser charge, he pled guilty, and was fined $350 and costs. Scott M Wilson. 2602 S Holiday drive. McHenry, pled guilty to a charge of making an improper left turn, and was fined $10 and costs Leland A Anderson, 1705 W. Indian Ridge. McHenry. pled guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of a personal injury accident, and was fined $50 and costs He was not prosecuted on a charge of improper lane usage Richard E Wood, 524 Kingston boulevard. McHenry, was found guilty of speeding 51 in a 35 mph zone, and was fined $16 and costs Doyle W Keith. Island Lake, did not appear in court to an­ swer a charge of speeding 50 in a 35 mph zone As a result, he was declared guilty and his bond was used to pay his fine. William J. Huemann. 2505 W. Johnsburg road. McHenry. Crystal Point Mall. Shop Friday til 9, Saturday til S: 30. Sunday noon til 5. 9^* firit lof f*shwn Elpn Crystal I»k* SAV E *40 MORE POWER! MORE FEATURES! EUREKA POWER TEAM with Roto-Matic Head REG. *209.95 NOW ONLY 169*5 MODEL 1266 • Motor-driven Beater Bar Brush deep-cleans carpeting even shags' Complete set of deluxe attachments K ROTO-MATIC" HEAD Ad justs automatically to any carpet height from low nap to high 'shags EDGE KLEENER Gets that last tough inch along the baseboard DELUXE CONTROL PANEL with bag guard Gauge tel ls when bag needs changing MODEL 3240 EUREKA CANISTER TOOL PAK' deiu«e 10 piece attachment set • Sturdy all steel construct ion • TOOL-PAK too* earner on top O' cleaner • Hinged top for easy Dag changes far EUREKA UPRIGHT • 6-WAY DlAL-A-NAP' • Top-Filling disposable dust bag • Daylight Headlight • Power-Drive disturbulator- • DUAL ACTION EDGE KLEENER ' MODEL 1454 7995 EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS, ELGIN AND CRYSTAL LAKE BUY WITH CASH OR YOUR SPIESS CREDIT CARD Master Charge Bank Americard TICKET VALIDATES FIRST 2 HOURS. UPfER RECK ELGIN PLAU PJUNINC CONVENIENT FREE PARXINC FOR 7M CARS AT CRYSTAL POINT HALL CALL ELCIN 74M3H CRYSTAL LAKE. 455 MM m 7 y pled guilty to a charge of speeding 49 in a 25 mph zone, and was fined $25 and costs. He was also placed on thirty day court superv ision At the end of the supervisory period, if he has averted any further of­ fenses, the incident will be dropped from his record Robert J. Taylor. 7612 Howe road. Wonder Lake, had his case dismissed. He was charged wth transportation or possession of alcoholic liquor Associate Circuit Judge William Block- Raymond H Carlson Jr. 5009 McCullom Lake road, Mc- Cullom Lake, was found guilty of improper lane usage, and was fined $10 and costs. Fredrick R Cooper. 3008 W Virginia street. McHenfy, had his case dismissed He was charged with speeding 50 in a 35 mph zone Nancy A Hinkal. 2612 S Thomas court. McHenry. was found guilty of speeding 57 in a 35 mph zone, and was fined $22 and costs. Sherry P Kiser. 1210 N. Riverside drive, McHenry failed to appear in court to answer a charge of disobeying a stop sign. As a result, she was declared guilty and her bond money was used to pay the fine Brian L. Morris. 1204 N. Gover lane, McHenry, was found guilty of violating his driver's license classification, and was fined $10 and costs. He was also found guilty of having no valid registration, and was fined another $15. Finally, he was found guilty of driving on a sidewalk, and was assessed another $10 fine Debra A Oldham. 2703 W. Kashmiri avenue, McHenry, was found not guilty on a charge of disobeying a police officer Jose Victor R Ovalle. 2620 Michael street. Wonder Lake, failed to appear in court to answer a charge of disobeying a traffic signal when the light turned red As a result, he was declared guilty and his bond money was used to pay the fine. James L. Pinkstaff. 714 Lillian street, McHenry, was found guilty of making an improper left turfi, and was fined $20 and costs. Victor J. Romandine. 3507 Vine street. McHenry. was not prosecuted on a charge of speeding 54 in a 35 mph zone. Gregory L. Thorson. 2710 Old Oak drive. McHenry, was found guilty of having no valid driver's license, and was fined $25 and costs Leonard A Pes^JUT^. Box 237. McHenry. negotiated a guilty plea to a charge of avoiding a traffic control device, and was assessed a $20 fine He was also placed on one day court supervision, after which time, the incident will be wiped off his record Stephan M Clark. 217 Cedar Dell street. McHenry. was found guilty of disorderly conduct, and was fined $25 and costs Kenneth P. Kohl, 2312 Country lane. McHenry. was found guilty of disorderly conduct, and was fined $15 and costs. The McHenry Plaindealer 3912 W*it Elm Str*«t Established 1875 McH*nry. Illinois 60050 Phon* 345-0170 Published Every Wednesday A Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postoge Paid at McHenry. Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY McMofiry 3812 W Qui St III 4H90 A dBductlon of OA# nuwlh from Larry E. Lund-- Publisher Adele Froehlich-- Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER mttiAfl* BBH Fret Press A Key gNNA SUSTAINING ;SMEMBER-1977| SUBSRIPTION RATES X| 1 Year . S10.50 1 Year S15.00 In AAcHenryand Lake Outside McHenry and County Lake County We Rent 'em! HOURLY & DAILY RATES AVAILABLE LAWN & TREE SPRAYER WITH 22 GALLON TANK CAPACITY The "Mighty Mac" sprayer is perfect for spraying your lawn or trees with liquid fertilizer, etc.! • 30 FT. TREE SPRAY • 6' LAWN SPRAYING ATTACHMENT Pulled by Hand or by Lawn Tractor! WE ALSO RENT Canoes! DAILY ft WEEKLY RATES lUe RenJ 385-3232 904 N FRONT ST ~ A amencan rental association McHENRY, ILL. Complaints Frank Pearson charges that on April 20. Thomas M. Pearson. 3915 Waukegan road, McHenry. committed the of­ fense of disorderly conduct in that he did, on Wednesday. April 20, sharpen a knife and threaten to kill the complainant and his family, and did act in such an unreasonable manner as to alarm and disturb Frank Pearson, and thereby provoke a breach of the peace. Bond was set at $1,000. Officer John D. Langdon charges that on April 19, William R Pinkonsly, 3111 W. Kinley, McHenry, committed the offense of unlawful possession of cannabis in that he did, knowingly and unlawfully, have in his possession more than thirty grams, but not more than 500 grams, of a substance con­ taining cannabis, otherwise than as authorized in the Cannabis Control act. Bond was set at $1,000. Deputy Sheriff George Sikorski Jr. charges (hat on April 23, Kevin S. Boden, 1416 Wauconda road, McHenry, committed the offense of possession of firearms without the requisite firearm owners identification card in that he did. knowingly, possess a .22 calibre rifle firearm within this state, without having in his possession a firearm owners identification card previously issued in his name by the Department of Law En­ forcement under provisions of the Firearms and Ammunition act. Bond was set at $1,000 for a May 5 court appearance. Deputy Edward McFadden charges that on April 9, Dale Adams. 3706 W. Clover, McHenry, committed the of­ fense of unlawful sale of alcoholic liquor to a minor in that he. an employee at Vick's tap, owned and operated by Victor Adams, located at 3944 Main street. McHenry, did knowingly and unlawfully sell alcoholic liquor, being beer, to a person under the age of nineteen, otherwise than as authorized in the Illinois Liquor Control act. Bond was set at $1,000 for a May 3 court ap­ pearance. Officer Robert F. Winters charges that on Sunday, April 24, Alan T. Sumner, 1254 N. Green street, McHenry, committed the offense of p resisting a peace officer in that he did, knowingly, resist the performance by Officer Win­ ters of an authorized act within his official capacity, being the arrest of Alan Sumner, knowing Officer Winters to be a peace officer engaged in the execution of his" duties in that he pushed, shoved, and at­ tempted to punch Officer Winters. Bond was set at $1,000 for a May 3 court appearance. Officer Robert F. Winters charges that on Sunday, April 24, Alan T Sumner, 1254 N Green street, McHenry, committed the offense of disorderly conduct in that he, knowingly, used obscene language in a loud voice, and threw a telephone at Officer Winters, striking him in the knee, and did act in such an unreasonable manner as to alarm and disturb Officer Winters, and thereby provoke a breach of the peace. Bond was set at $35 for a May 3 court appearance. James F. Gallagher charges that on April 14, David F. Fuller. 2210 Manor lane, McHenry, committed the of­ fense of disorderly conduct in that he did, while in the halls of McHenry high school West campus, knowingly use ob­ scene language in a loud voice, and did act in such an unreasonable manner as to alarm and disturb James Gallagher, and thereby provoke a breach of the peace. Bond was set at $25 for a May 4 court appearance. Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS > )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS JOHN RUZICKA and > VERA RUZICKA, ) Plaintiffs ) -vs- ) ERWIN STUDER, ) Defendant ) TO: Erwin Studer No. 77-L-551 PUBLICATION NOTICE The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you. ERWIN STUDER. defendant in the above-entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the circuit court of the 19th judicial circuit, McHenry County by the said plaintiffs against you, praying for payment upon a eneefc made by defendant and payable to plaintiffs upon which drawee has refused payment, and for other relief; tnat summons was duly issued out of the said court against you as provided by law. and that the said suit is still pending. Now, therefore, unless you, ERWIN STUDER. the said defendant file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your ap­ pearance therein, in the said circuit court of the 19th judicial circuit, McHenry County, held in the courthouse in the city of Woodstock, Illinois, on* or before the 22nd day of May, 1977, default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a judgment en­ tered in accordance with the Brayer of said complaint. lATED, April 15, 1977 Woodstock. Illinois. MARGARET O'NEIL, Circuit Clerk (Pub Apr 22, 29& May 6, 1977) Legal Notice Public Notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry Shores will not meet on the first Wednesday of May, but instead will meet the following Wed nesday. May 11th at the regular time and location. Linda Luerssen Acting Village Clerk Villageof McHenry Shores (Pub April 29,1977) OTHERS! SUMMER DAY CAMP GIRLS - 7 to 12 YRS. HAVE PEACE OF MIND KNOWING YOUR CHILD IS WELL CARED FOR WHILE YOU ARE WORKING. DAILY PROGRAM INCLUDES SWIM MING. CRAFTS. GAMES. ETC. ALL ACTIVITIES WELL SUPERVISED ASSURING YOU A FUN AND SAFE SUMMER FOR YOUR CHILD. CALL NOW -- LIMITED ENROLLMENT *25.00 per week FANTASY FARM OQC OAtkCk IN APPRECIATION A SINCERE THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST, VOTES & SUPPORT SHOWN ME AS CANDIDATE FOR CITY TREASURER. ROBERT P. BLAKE Police Tickets jj Jack K Bacaro, 1914 Eastern avenue, McHenry, speeding 51 in a 35 mph zone James I. Mathey, Woodstock, speeding 55 in a 40 mph zone Charles K. Bibby Jr., Palatine, speeding 56 in a 40 mph zone Terry L. Lueschen. Crystal Lake, speeding 52 in a 35 mph zone Fred H Holzrichter Jr., Woodstock, speeding 59 in a 35 mph zone. Genevieve T Oeffling, 3213 Vista terrace, McHenry, speeding 47 in a 30 mph zone Thomas P Mortimer, 616 Broadway, McHenry, speeding 49 in a 30 mph zone. Marilyn J. Griffin, 331 W North lane, McHenry, speeding 47 in a 30 mph zone. f Hector G. DeLaCerda, Prospect Heights, driving while intoxicated. Melvin R. Seeman, Dolton, improper lane usage. Esther M. Gunderson, 7003 McCullom Lake road, Wonder Lake, speeding 47 in a 30 mph zone. Melvin R. Seeman, Dolton, leaving the scenex>f a property- damage accident^ Melvin R. Seeman, Dolton, driving while intoxicated. William E. Thompson, 8610 Shady lane. Wonder Lake, operating a vehicle in violation of restriction. Cindy K. Armstrong, 503 N. Bayview court, McHenry, speeding 45 in a 30 mph zone. Brian E. Miller, 2718 Old Oak drive, McHenry, speeding 49 in a 30 mph zone. Nick E. Grimaldt, Fox Lake, speeding 45 in a 30 mph zone. Laura P Kuhns, 2502 Ringwood road, McHenry, speeding 45 in a 30 mph zone. Lisa K. Fairbanks, 5005 Westwood, McHenry, speeding 45 in a 30 mph zone. Tina R. LiCastro, 1603 North avenue, McHenry, speeding 45 in a 30 mph zone. Joseph A. Borgini, 2418 Channel lane, Mchenry, speeding 47 in a 30 mph zone. Lawrence V. Butler, 1602 Lakeview, McHenry, speeding 51 in a 35 mph zone. Arthur W. Harrell, Aurora, speeding 53 in a 35 mph zone. Kenneth D. Miller, 3613 Ellen, McHenry, speeding 52 in a 30 mph zone. Dennis A. Moore, 2017 Indian Ridge, McHenry, speeding 48 in a 30 mph zone. Treat Mom To Dinner Out on ROSES FOR THE LADIES Call Early For Reservations 815-385-0333 Mother's Day Champagne Brunch. 10 AM Dinners 2 PM J t Smorgasbord 3 PM MOTHERS DAY SPECIALS COMPLETE DINNERS - Baked Chicken Breast Ala Kiev W/Rice and Mushrooms. • • • Broiled Rainbow Trout W/Almondine Butter • • • . • Baked Cornish Ren W/Dressing and Orange Sauce Roast Prime Rib of Beef au jus. . FOR MOTHERS ONLY SSSSSr Cornish Hen Prime Rib of Beef $C00 • or Smorgasbord , %J $55° $525 $C75 *6" HILLGOLFD 2500 N. CHAPEL HILL RD. McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 815-385-0333 ELGIN FREE PARKING Li CRYSTAL LAKE FREE PARKING JANE PAGE PERSONAL SHOPPER

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