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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 May 1977, p. 28

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SfeCTION 2-PAGE 6- PLAINDEALER- WEDNESDAY. MAY 4. 1977 MoCullom Lake Mary Jo Farrell New Board Takes Oath Of Office the new village board was sworn in Tuesday, April 26. and took over their duties from the old tx>ard members at the start of the meeting, as soon as old business was completed t -Outgoing Village President *Vtlan McKim gave Kurt Weisenberger the oath of office as the new president, after which President Weisenberger swore in the remainder of the new board The new board consists of. I-esley Curran, village clerk; Jerry Raycraft. trustee; Sharon Grutzmacher. trustee; Gene Huff, trustee; and Tom Farrell. trustee Two board members from the previous board still have two years remaining on their terms of office They are Terry Jordan and Monty Yates. Regular business was not conducted, as there is work to be done by the new board first to get their committees in order A few points were raised by the audience, and were noted by the board for future discussion 344-1575 The village clerk. Lesley Curran. announced that for the time being, hours would be the same as the previous clerk had followed, that is. at the beach house. Wednesdays from 12-4 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a m to 1 p.m. v . One very exciting piece of news was announced by the new board, the annual spring clean-up w ill resume this year The clean-up will be held May 21 and 22. the third Saturday and Sunday in May Six large dumpsters will be placed in convenient places around the village, and residents may bring anything they want to get rid of to the dumpsters. There are a few rules, however, which must be ob­ served if this thing is to be successful. Do not put any broken concrete or similar very heavy objects in the dumpsters. anything put in them should be able to be carried easily by two men. Also, the dumpsters must not be heaped full, a level load is all they take. If you have any questions about the spring clean-up. or if you are elderly or handicapped and would like someone to come to your house and pick up your rubbish, call Jerry Raycraft. and he will arrange for your contributions to be. picked up Don't forget the next board meeting, to be held Tuesday. Ma\ 10. at 8 p.m. at the beach house There will be a presentation by Tom New ley on the proposed annexation of the Mass property to the village All villagers are most cordially invited to attend and par< ticipate in all village board meetings. TAG DAY Once again. McCullom Lake Girls Softball association will be coming to your door to solicit donations for their teams this season The day is .Saturday. May 7. so be sure to give generously to this fine organization when the girls come around to your house They badly need the support if your girls are going to play Softball this season LITTLE TRIP Ben and Yi Gates recently took a little trip, just a little cruise, mind you. to Nassau Flying to and from Miami, where the Gates boarded ship, they spent three days crusing the beautiful island while luxuriating on board ship, and sightseeing in Nassau, enjoying the colorful life and beautiful flowers. WELCOME HOME Bruce Thacker has recently been discharged from the Navy, and his friends and family are surely glad to have him home to stay home. Bruce Welcome CELEBRATION As per my instructions in lpst week's column. Gloria Muise. who along with husband. Bob. celebrated an anniversary April 27. called me up and told me how they Nspent their romantic evening. Bob treated Gloria to a quiet, lovely dinner at a popular restaurant up in Richmond Gloria also is slowing down a bit for the summer, so some of you might be surprised to see her just lounging around in the village. Welcome back to leisure living. Gloria. LITTLE LEAGUE Practice times have been set up for the Little Leaguers of the village The practices, to be held Tuesday and Thursdays at t»:30, will take place at the beach house diamond, barring snow. rain, sleet, hail, or any of those other nasties. A few more players are still needed to make up the two teams, so boys and girls, get your parents, raid your piggy bank for the registration fee. and go over to Bonnie Morris' house on Maple Hill to sign up for little league SPECIAL GREETINGS A very special birthday is coming up this week. Frank Kurth. who gets around everywhere, and manages to help everyone, especially in and around the beach house, will be one year older May 5. A big happy birthday to you. HORNSBYS family centers -- DO-IT-YOURSELFERS AND SAVE1. Prices effective while i quantities last. We reserve the right to limit quantities PRICES EFFECTIVE THUR., MAY 5 THRU SUN., MAY 8. D Leviton Indoor Home Wire 50' -12 gauge Romex Extension Cord Set 50 ft. of handy outdoor e*- ^0 tension cord. Standard Reg. 5.46 construction. 87 Ceiling Fixture 83V ceiling fixture fits in with any decor. No. SL-468-4. Switch Boxes Handy Light Reel By Cordomatic Bathroom Light Fixture Wall - mount bath­ room fixture with pull-chain. SL-211. .v.v.v.v SSvto H V I ... j i VI Extension Light Semi - rigid impact handle with switch. Insulated open swing guard. No. 201. damp-On Light With Reflector 207 Vinyl clamp-on work lamp with 8 ' /J " reflector. No. 151. Reg. 4.96 Reg. 4.17 Roof Mount Attic Fan 14" roof mount attic fan. Keeps cool air circulating thru out warm weather. 76 Reg. 46,87 Frank; you're not getting older, you're getting better. BIRTHDAYS- ANNIVERSARIES Happy birthday this week to Chris Lawson, who celebrates May 3, to Gloria Muise, May 5. to Tom Jacobs, whose big day is May 6, and to Louise Berquist, whose birthday is May 7 Don and Lois Parenti celebrated their anniversary May 1, and it should have been in iast week's column, but I wasn't aware of it until a little bird told me. so Happy An- niversary a few days late. GREAT! Lots of people have been calling up lately with news for the column, as you can probably tell by reading it. and it has helped tremendously. With vacations and graduations coming up soon, be sure to call and give me all the details so that you'll be able to cut out the column and put it in your scrapbook. Sunnyside Area HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS MODINE SALES GAIN Modine Manufacturing com­ pany has reported that sales for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1977, were $144,119,000. up $26,532.000over the prior year's $117,587,000. Earnings for fiscal 1976-77 of $9,328,000 were 6.5 percent of sales and 43 percent over the prior year's $6,540,000. Per-share earnings were $6.64 compared with $4.71 last year, and return on shareholders' investment was 20.8 percent versus 16.1 percent the previous year. SPINAL HEALTH WEEK The week of May 1-7 has been p r o c l a i m e d I l l i n o i s Chiropractic Spinal Health Care week. The purpose of this special proclamation is to in­ crease the public awareness of the vital importance played by correct posture and proper spinal health care in the preservation and maintenance of overall good health. Betty Messer Musical Fun At Banquet For Senior Bowlers J/ . The Senior Citizens held their bowling banquet Thursday April 28 at the Branded Steak house in Crystal Lake. After an excellent dinner, they enjoyed an evening of dancing, music, and a sing-a-long Attending from the area were Mr. and Mrs Andy Eichhom, Sr.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nolan; Mr. and Mrs. Art Kunkel; Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schuberth, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill SandeH, Sr. : " The "youngsters" say we're not getting older, we're getting better. Cheryl Ripley, daughter of Marj Nolan, entertained on the piano. Cheryl is a very talented musician. A good time was had by all. WALK-IN Monday. May 2. marks the opening of the Senior Citizen Walk-In center. This is for those who would like to have an outside interest and enjoy the company of others in planned activities or just visiting. It will be in the Moose Lodge at 2816 W. Rt. 120 and open Monday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Come play cards, do crafts or just visit. Programs with planned activities are being worked on It's free to anyone 55 or over. Bill Sandell. Sr., former Sun- nyside resident, was sworn in as governor of the Lodge. Congratulations, Bill. BIRTHDAYS Birthday greetings go to Robert and Wayne Smith, father and son, of 1414 Sun- nyside drive. Both celebrated their special day April 29. Paul Metzger celebrates his day May 2. Best wishes to all for a happy birthday and many more to come. SUNNYSIDE NOTES It was reported that the lights 344-2494 at the beach on Riverview have been broken out. It seems some irresponsible children have been throwing rocks at the ducks and in the process have broken the lights. This is an unnecessary cruelty to harmless birds who hurt no one. To kill or cripple helpless birds is senseless. We're trying to preserve wildlife and keep the natural beauty of our area. If we are going to preserve the wildlife and restore our lakes and rivers, we can start at home. A word from parents to their children about being destructive and cruel to animals would help. The beach is for all in the area to enjoy so why destroy it? If we can't educate those who live here, how can we educate those who come to the area on weekends and make it a floating garbage dump? CONDOLENCES The village, friends and neighbors of Art Kussrath extend condolences to his widow. Louise, and her family. Mr . Kussrath passed away April 20 after a long illness. One of the oldest residents in the area, Mr. Kussrath came in 1939 to Sunnyside. He and his wife made their home at 1415 Sunnyside drive. They celebrated their fifty-sixth anniversary Feb. 26. He will be missed by his many friends and neighbors. BUNCO PARTY Several ladies from the area have formed a bunco club. The ladies meet in one another's homes to play bunco every other week. Last Wednesday, they met in the home of Emma Kunkel. 4212 Riverview Everyone had a nice time. Prizes were awarded to the winners. Then all enjoyed the goodies served by Emma. The next party will be held in the home of Mrs. Ceila Katric, 1114 River Terrace. ERROR John Miedzianowski was elected to a two-year term as village trustee, not one year. VISITOR Ralph Rosinski of Conover, Wis., stopped in to visit with his in-laws, Betty and Rich Messer at 1405 Bayview lane. Ralph and his brother, Alan, also of Conover, were down to fish in the Midwest Open on the Chain- o Lakes HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION The Pistakee Terrace Homeowners association held its first meeting April 26, at the Busch school. An electipn of officers was held and included president, JoAnn Britt, (first woman president); vice president, Chas. Lovenguth, secretary, Sarah Maniscalco, and treasurer. Wolbur Griswold. Also elected was a board of directors. They are as follows, Jerry Connergy, John Busscher, Lew Pershke, and Russell Parker. There will be a board meeting May 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. JoAnn Britt, 4312 Riverdale. Conduct Charge Filed Against McHenry Man A McHenry man was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and resisting a peace officer following an unusual incident Sunday night in the apartment above the Foxes' Run restaurant. Alan T Sumner. 24, of 1254 N. Green street was arrested after calling police and apparently requesting medical attention. Police arrived at his apart­ ment and found the interior in complete „ disarray, chairs overturned, etc. Sumner stated that he had a fight with his girlfriend, who had since left the premises. He was injured, but refused to go to the hospital Sumner then apparently pushed, shoved, and attempted to punch McHenry Police Of­ ficer Robert Winters, and also threw a phone at him, striking the officer in the knee. He was arrested, with bond for the two charges set at $1,035 for a May 3 court appearance. HORNSBYS fami ly centers -- PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., MAY 4 THRU SUN., MAY 8 ' SPRING BARGAIN DAYS c CHROMACOIOMI The MALIBU • H1310C - Slim,line 13 diagonal, 100% Solid-State Chromacolor H Portable 100% Solid- ONLY St a t e C h a s s i s w i t h P a t e n t e d P o w e r S e n t r y V ° l l a g e | | | « A A A Regulating System Brilliant 110 Chromacolor line Picture Tube Solid-State Super Video Range Tuning System Ebony color cabinet with Silver color on top and base The SCOUT • H091J - Lightweight 9 diagonal B&W portable with energy saving 100% solid-state chassis. Custom Video Range solid-state tuning system with Perma-Set VHF fine-tuning and 70-position UHF channel selector Quick-on Sunshine" picture tube gives full bright picture in just 5 to 6 seconds without continuous energy drain. 4400 W. RTE. 120, AAcHENRY* RTE. 47 & CNTRY. CLB. RD., WOODSTOCK HORNSBYS ^ f a m i l y centers ^ OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 OPEN SUNDAY 10 to 6 Q* SOLID STdTEl IAGONAL cmoMACoioitn The MADEIRA • H1910C • 100% Solid-State Chromacolor II • Energy-saving Titan 260V Chassis • Patented Power Sentry Voltage Regulating System • Brilliant Chromacolor Picture Tube • Solid-State Super Video Range Tuning System • Synchromatic 70-Position UHF Channel Selector • Z f W I T H The ROYAL F51Y Royal F86Y SPICIM- PUSHBUTTON f OR 24-HOUR WUTHtR INFORMATION. 1 1 1 1 * Model RF88Y- B&W Portables Feature Packed Solid-State Reliability DIAGONAL Price* effective while quantities last. We reser­ ve the right to limit quontitie*. DAILY 9 TIL 9, SUNDAY 10 TIL 6 The CIMARRON • H121 -12" diagonal B&W portable with dramatic styling in a choice of three colors with complementary accents. Zenith energy-saving 100% solid-state chassis with Quick-on Sunshine* picture tube. Solid-state tuning system with Perma-Set VHF fine-tuning and 70-position UHF channel selector. RT. 47 & COUNTRY CLUB RD. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS HORNSBYS t a m i l y ( c r t t c i s 4400 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILLINOIS

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