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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 May 1977, p. 27

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SECTION 2-PAGE ,3LAINDEALER--WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1977 EDITORIALS Retirement Planning If vou wish to plan for retirement, a recent book might help. It's "The Complete Retirement Planning Book" by Peter Dickinson (E.P. Dutton, 1976). Dickinson explains how inflation affects fixed income retirement programs with charts and projections based on likely conditions twenty or thirty years hence. For example, if you need $1,000 a month today, and want to have the same buying power twenty years from now. you'll need to provide for a monthly income of $2,191. Thirty years hence you'll need $3,243! Dickinson savs people at age 45 should put about 70 percent of their capital in common stocks, real estate, management trusts, etc. When one reaches 65. however, he thinks half one's capital should be guaranteed money, only 25 percent in growth investments. ' >'>' 0 The important thing, the author believes, is to begin planning, which can help those who do add more life to their years, and more ' years to their life. Sports On TV A recent newspaper survey charged that ABC television has become the unquestioned leader in creating "phonysport" and selling sports' non-events to sponsors at a nice profit. Various sports events are billed as important, or as meaningful competition, when in reality they are nothing more than contrived hokum. But they make money-and so the process is likely to continue. Here again one comes face to face with the disturbing reality that most of the good television channels in the nation are not being used for the benefit of the people but for the benefit of corporations- -to sell, to sell whatever it takes. If it takes violence, sadism, raw sex, dishonesty, degeneracy, shock or vulgarity, the networks employ it-to get the biggest possible audience for their selling. The networks pay limited attention to uplifting the public's standards, educating public opinion, programming designed to improve manners and moral behavior. And sports' fare on television is now often phony showbiz not what most people consider competitive sport. Cancer Scoreboard Special scoreboard helps you knoto how frequently you should obtain a routine checkup for cancer. This scoreboard is included in an Aiherican Cancer society pamphlet being distributed nationwide during the Cancer Crusade, "What Do You Do About Cancer." What your score suggests: 150 and higher-get a checkup soon. Repeat annually as your doctor advises. 80-145: Get a checkup at least every two years, more often if recommended by your doctor: under 80-have an initial checkup if you're 35 and repeat as your doctor advises. Age-Sex Age 15-34 35-54 55-64 65 + Male 10 50 60 100 Female 15 60 40 80 Family History children, parents, grandparents) Your Score (your brothers and sisters, No Cancer 1 1 with Cancer 2 or more with Cancer 5 20 50 Your Score Your History Your Score Daily Cigarette Habits Your Total Score If you have one of the warning signals listed on the back of this leaflet, see your doctor promptly, no matter where you are on this risk scale. from HISTORY'S SCRAPBOOK DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS May 20, 1927--Charles Lindbergh begins the first solo nonstop airplane flight across the Atlantic Ocean. May 21, 1881--Clara Barton organizes the first American Red Cross in Washington and consents to serve as its first president. May 22,1819--For the first time in history, an American steam­ ship, the "Savannah", sets out for a transatlantic voyage. May 23, 1792--Recognized as the birthday of the Democratic Party. May 24,1844--Birth of the modern telegraph industry. May 25, 1935--Babe Ruth hits the 714th home run of his illustrious baseball career (it was his last homer). May 26, 1945--Almost 20 square miles of Tokyo are ablaze following raids by U. S. B-29 bombers. For Your Information Dear friends. Too often. a»*et* muat be hastily liquidated at a IOHN in order to meet inheritance taxes, both federal and state. A sufficient amount of readily available cash should be planned to meet inheritance taxes while keeping the estate intact. Respectfully, milt u I PETER AiJLSTEN & SON FUNERAL HOME McHenry, Illinois 385-0063 How About a Diet! X'rf /&A/A//A/& cvr/ C S P S PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use thin column as an expression of their view on subjeets of general interest in our community. Our only request is that the writers give-signature, full ad­ dress and phone num­ ber. We ask too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectional taste.) INSPIRING EVENTS ."Editor: "Too many times we read about teenagers being in trouble with the law but on May 71 had the opportunity of seeing the opposite when a large group Building Permits No Cancer Previous Cancer 10 100 None Less Than 1 Pack 1 - 2 Packs 2 + Packs 5 40 80 100 Building permits recently issued by the Building and Zoning Department for McHenry County include: Harold Little, McHenry, to build a ranch home at 4107 Billingsgate in the Crestview Subdivision'in Greenwood Township for an approximate value of $60,000. Permit and service fee- $238.36. Peter M. Weber, 4014 W. Kane Ave., Apt. 16, McHenry, to build a single family residence at 3009 Scott Ave., Country Acres Subdivision, for an approximate value of $70,000. Permit and service fee-$266.20. oger J. May, 2711 Apache Trail, McHenry, to build a single fam ily dwelling at 3013 Thompson Rd., Greenwood Township, for an approximate value of $29,000. Permit and service fee-$170.56. John Vesely, 1416 Francis Rd., McHenry, to build a private residential dwelling at 1714 Francis Rd., McHenry for an approximate value of $30,000. Permit and service fee-$233. David J. Laurine, 2535-37 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago, to build a residence at 11512 Burlington Rd., Richmond, for an approximate value of $100,000. Permit and service fee-$329 Richard Hewitt, 714 Ringwood Rd., McHenry, to build a single family residence at 4112 Kuhn Rd., Richmond, for an approximate value of $50,000. Permit and service fee-$222. Joel Scher, 17 Lippencott Rd., Fox Lake, to build a new house at 2210 Glenwood Ct., McHenry, for an approximate value of $40,000. • Permit and service fee-$200. Walter Riley, 2237 Glenview Ct., Schaumburg, to build a new house at 1407 Hillside Lane, McHenry, for an approximate value of $35,000. Permit and service fee-$182. R. Zerbicki and R. Czerlanis, 11302 Seaman Rd., Hebron, to build , a single family residence at 5411 Luella Ave., Pistakee Highlands, for an approximate value of $31,000. Permit and service fee-$197. Bruce Bykowski, 930 Irving Park, Apt. 3C, Bensenville, to build a new house at 1406 Hillside Lane, Eastwood Manor, McHenry, for an approximate value of $38,000. Permit and service fee-$218. Wendell E. Witten, 1540 Jackson, Beloit, Wis., to build a new home at 1405 Hillside Lane, Eastwood Manor, McHenry, for an approximate value of $38,000. Permit and service fee-$222. Thomas Cullotta, 1601 Woodlawn Parte, McHenry, to build a single family home at 1604 Mary St., Sunnyside Estates, for an approximate value of $41,000. Permit and service fee-$168. Walter J. Bert, 9700 Bianco Terrace, Des Plaines, to build a house with unattached garage at 1222 Old Bay Rd., McHenry, for an approximate value of $50,000. Permit and service fee-$205. Harry Ragusin, 8806 Coral Rd., Wonder Lake, to build a one story frame house at 4508 Dean St., Woodstock, for an approximate value of $37,000. Permit and service fee-$223. Raymond A. Bellon, 2103 N. Woodlawn Park Ave., McHenry, to build a new residence at 3513 Oakdale Ave., McHenry, for an approximate value of $65,000. Permit and service fee-$329.88. Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Miller, 1614 N. Richmond, McHenry, to build a garage at the same address for an approximate value of $4,500. Permit and service fee-$31. M. David Granger, 1115 Pine St., Fox River Grove, to erect a * family room at the same address for an approximate value $8,000. Permit and service-$45.80. Gordon Miller, 11412 Lakeview Rd., Richmond, to build an attached garage at the same address, for an approximate value of $4,000. Permit and service $25. Jose Francisco Escomella, 2503 S. Varpell, McHenry, to build a garage at the same address, for an apprc .imate value of $2,000. Permit and service fee-$33. Daniel C. Fry, 2602 Myang Ave., McHenry, to build a single family residence at 2507 Huemann Drive, Huemann's Subdivision, McHenry, for an approximate value of $40,000. Permit and service fee-$160. May Dev, 9716 N. Rt. 12, Richmond, to put'in a basement at 110 Sullivan Rd., Seneca Township, for an approximate value of $3,000. Permit and service fee-$21. JOB SURVEY How many American workers are holding more than one job? How many are working overtime and what is their overtime pay? What are workers' usual hours on their jobs? Stanley D. Moore, director of the Bureau's regional office in Chicago, announced that information in response to these questions will be collected during the week of May 16-21 from a sample of households in this area. The questions are in addition to the usual ones asked in the monthly survey on employment and unemployment nationwide by the Bureau for the U.S. Department of Labor. Newfoundland Joins Newfoundland, joining with mainland Labrador, became Canada's youngest province in 1949. Until then she was a separate dominion and issued her own stamps commemorating her history, resources and rulers Are You New In McHenry Area? Do You Know Someone New? WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A ROYAL WELCOME TO EVERY NEWCOMER TO OUR AREA!!!!!!! CALL JOAN STULL 385-5418 McHenry KNOW YOUR AREA-ROYAL WELCOME DOES IT BEST 1 boooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooocS 1 Service Line McHENRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 3854300 FAMILY SERVICE * MENTAL HEALTH CUNIC 3409 W. Waukegan Road McHenry 385-6400 PARENTAL STRESS UNE OF McHENRY COUNTY Meeting Place: McHenry County 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Call 312-463-0390 STATE CHAMBER GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS HOTLINE 217-522-5514 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 202-755-8660 Hours7:30a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays (Ever had a problem involving the federal government and not know where to call? And then been given a runaround or referrals by persons who meant well but didn't know how to help? Ten specialists available at this center.) NATIONAL RUN-AWAY SWITCHBOARD Illinois Phone: 800-972-6004 (For confidential conversation on problems dealing with run-away children) MOVING HOTLINE Phone 800-424-9213 (Complaints about interestste moving by companies, buses or trains. Sponsored by Interstate Commerce commission) CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION Phone 800-638-2666 (For questions or complaints on products ranging from toys to ovens) NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Phone 800-424-9393 (Answers questions about automobile safety defects or whether a particular model has ever been recalled. Valuable for those interested in buying a used car) ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES Child Abuse Center McHenry County (312) 546-2150 CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION 800-638-2666 (Operates five national lines. Answers inquiries about, or reporting on, the safety of products from kitchen appliances to children's toys) NATIONAL SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING INFORMATION CENTER 800-523 2929 P.O. Box 1607, Rockville, Md. 20850 (Dispenses information on solar systems for heating and cooling to anyone from architects to home owners looking for a sun-powered hot-water system) CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION 1603 N. North Avenue McHenry, 111. John T. Licastro (Calls from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. - 385-1703; interviews Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) LET S GET TOGETHER AND TALK ABOUT LOW-COST AUTO INSURANCE. GIVE ME A CALL FOR THE FACTS ON LOW-COST HEALTH INSURANCE. TonvFick I 'D LIKE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS ON LOW-COST HOME­ OWNERS INSURANCE. Chuck Lewandowski Tony Fick Call us for Details I D LIKE TO SHARE WITH YOU THE FACTS ON LOW-COST LIFE INSURANCE. AMERICAN FAMILY N S U R A N C E AUTO HOME HEALTH UR AMERICAN FAMILY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY* MADISON, WIS. 53701 Chuck Lewandowski Phone: 385-2304 Tony Fick Phone 344-2438 of them met at the Moraine State park to walk 10 miles for the world hungry under the banner of C.R.O.P. "It was an inspiring sight to see these young people so concerned that they would deprive themselves of the use of the wonderful weather that they could be doing something else that would be more fun. But th?y arrived at the finish line tired but with the satisfaction that they did something useful for their fellow man. "I am proud of them all. "A1 Null "Ringwood" LAKE "Dear Editor? "The McCullom Lake Con­ servation club, an organization of interested property owners who volunteer time and energy to maintain and improve the condition of McCullom Lake, have proposed a dredging program for deepening portions of the lake, removal of weeds, and aeration of an area of the lake through the winter. State Marine biologists have recommended dredging the lake over the last couple of decades; however, the cost has always been prohibitive. "Recently we received quotes for the purchase of a dredge, donations from a local business man to supply various materials at cost or at no cost, to make the purchase of the dredge a possibility, if there is a combined effort by every property owner in the area. "The club has approached the Lakeland Park Property Owners association board to seek their permission to dredge, since the association owns 80 percent of the lake bottom, and also asked their aid in backing a bank loan in order to purchase the dredge, this loan to be paid back by securing pledges from every property owner. The proposed pledges would be a mere $6 per year for three years, and would cover the purchase price of the dredge, cost of operation and maintenance of the dredge, and also the insurance during the program. "We have now been informed that the newly elected board supports the dredging plan and have contributed several constructive financing proposals, and will place Uie program before its association members for a vote. However, it has come-to our attention that there is a lot of misinformation about the program. "The best way for anyone interested to learn all the details from the source, before making a decision on how to vote, is to attend the next scheduled meeting of the McCullom Lake Conservation club. May 19 at 8 p.m. at the Lakeland Park Community house. •' "Very truly yours. "Jerry Raycraft "The McCullom Lake "Conservation Club" BAND COMPETES The Crystal Lake high school marching band will be among marching bands from high schools throughout the United States participating in the second annual Marching Bands of America national cham­ pionship event at the Un- viersity of Wisconsin- Whitewater, June 1-5. The MBA national championship event is considered the top high school marching band contest in the country. Top winning band will earn $1,000 for its operating fund and also an invitation to appear in the annual Orange Bowl festival in Miami, Fla., orv New Year's Eve. EARL R. WALSH & JACK WALSH INS. Firt, Auto, Farm, Lilt Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES 4410 W. Rte. 120, McHenry MS-1300 DENNIS CONWAY AUTO-LIFE-FIRE State Farm Ins. Co. 131* W. Elm St. McHenry, III. JM-7111 DR. LEONARD B0TTARI 303 N. Richmond Rd., McHenry Eye* examined • Contact Lenses Glasses littod Mon , Tves., Thurs., Fri., 4-tp.m. IWs.1, Thurs., Fri., 7-*p.m. Sat 30 to 3:00 Ph. MS-41S1 or MS-214} McHENRY COUNTY OFFICE MACHINES SALES-SERVICE A RENTALS Mon-Satf-S-ja Friday til»:M »3 Grant St., Crystal Lake Ph.4S*-tn« McHenry Telephone Answering & Letter Service • Answering Service • Cor, Telephone ft Paging Service • Complete AAimeographing & Printing Serivce • Typing & Photocopying Ph. 385-0258 3932 W. Rt. 1 JO, McHenry "GATEWAY TO YOUR FUTURE" CALLUS (815) 385-4810 liatcNY^ REALTORS Farm Equipment George P. Freund, Inc Cote - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHENRY Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 vfmiT RADIAL TIRES FOR ALL CARS Europe Motors, Inc 2318 Rte . 120 815-385-0700 • PATZKE CONCRETE* McHENRY - ILLINOIS FOUNDATIONS • FLOORS • SIDEWALKS FREE ESTIMATES: 815-385-9337 815-385-5534 Omuit! -M. at our quick-quick-action copy center. FINEST QUALITY COPIES MADE ON XEROX EQUIPMENT See us, also, for every kind of Printing Need!! 3909 W. MAIN 385-7600 i NEW TRAILERS USED HILLSBORO A OWNES DUMP-FIATBEDS-CAR HAULERS * Stidham Horse & Cattle Trailers Plus A Complete Line Of Brod«n Winches ' ADAMS ENTERPRISES 3017 W. Rte. 120 AAcHENRY, ILL. 815-385-5970

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