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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 May 1977, p. 4

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PAGE 4-PLAINDEALER--WEDNESDAY. MAY 18, 1977 3 Legal Notice IN THE MAT TEH OF THE APPLICATION 07 SYLVESTER TON VAN. ELSIE TONYAN, HENRY TONYAN and CHARLENE TONYAN FOR RECLASS­ IFICATION, VARIATION AND AMENDMENT TO TIE ZONING ORDINANCE OF McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in compliance with the McHenry County Zoning Or dinance. that a public hearing will be held before the McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS in connection with this Ap- Slication for Amendment of the IcHenry County Zoning Or­ dinance. which would result in a variation and change in the "zoning classification of the following described real estate: PARCEL A: That part of Section 20. Township 45 North. Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at the center of Section 20 ana running thence North on the North ana South Quarter Section Line for a distance of 1432.60 feet to a point; thence East at right angles to the last described line, a distance of 277.85 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly on a line forming-an angle of 86 degrees and 36 minutes to the left with a prolongation of the last described line, a distance of 93.20 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly on a line forming an angle of 13 degrees and 45 minutes to the right with a prolongation of the last described line, a distance of I I i lflO^ UKVEBSUT SPECIAL! sengaro Sergeants MMvaar M Miw Serge SSfTKVft SSmusfu* SfUKiARO Sergei Sergeants Sergeants® SENTRY IV PET COLLARS For dogs and cats. Ki l ls annoying f leas and t icks for up to 4 months. *§ <198 i57 BEN FRANKLIN I 250 N Green St 229 41 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly on a line forming an angle 16 degrees and 46 minutes to the right with a prolongation of the last described line a distance of 58.35 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly on a line for­ ming an angle of 47 degrees and 12 minutes to the right, with a prolongation of the last describe! line, a distance of 257.70 feet to the Northwest Corner of a certain deed recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County. Illinois, as Document No. 129987; thence Southeasterly on the Westerly line of said Document No. 129987 for a distance of 566.14 feet to the Southwest Corner thereof; thence Northeasterly on the Southerly line of said Document No/ 129987 for a distance of 150 feet to the Southeast Corner thereof; thence Northwesterly on the Easterly line of said £>ocument No. 129987 for a distance of 30 feet, more or less, to the Northerly shore line of an existing lake; thence Nor­ theasterly on the shore line of said existing lake to a point which is 400 feet southwesterly of Point "A" and 1 350 feet Westerly of Point "B" as shown on the Annexed Plat; thence Northeasterly for a distance of 342 feet, more or less, to a point on the line of "A" to "B ". said point being 110 feet southeasterly of Point "A"; thence Southeasterly for a distance of 271.80 feet to Point "B"; thence Southwesterly on & line forming an angle of 46 degrees and 19 minutes to the right, with a prolongation of the last described line for a distance of 207.12 feet to a point; thence Southwesterly on a line forming an angle of 1 degree and 44 minutes to the right with a prolongation of the last described line, a distance of 543 feet to a point; thence Southeasterly on a line forming an angle of 22 degrees and 52 minutes to the left, with a prolongation of the last described line, a distance of 357.80 feet to a point; thence Southwesterly on a line forming an angle of 25 degrees and 30 minutes to the right with a prolongation of the last described line to a point on a line drawn 150 feet North of and parallel to the North line of Bay View Estates, according to the Plat thereof recorded as Document No. 388881; thence Westerly on the last mentioned parallel line to a point on the East line of Holiday Drive, extended North; thence South on the East line of Holiday Drive, extended North, for a distance of 150 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 5; thence west on the North line of Bay SView Estates for a distance of 60 feet to the Nor­ theast corner of Lot 10; thence North on the West line of Holiday Drive, extended North, for a distance of 120 feet to a point; thence Northwesterly on a curve convex Northeasterly « and having a radius of 30 feet to a point 150 feet North of and parallel to the North line of said Bay View Estates; thence West on the last mentioned parallel line for ^ distance of 260 feet to a Doint: thence Southwesterly on a curve convex northwesterly and having a radius of 30 feet for a distance of 30 feet to a gpint of reverse curve; thence, outhwesterly and Nor­ thwesterly on a curve convex Southerly and having a radius of 60 feet to a point on the aforesaid last mentioned parallel line; thence West on the last mentioned parallel line to a point on the Easterly shore of an existing lake; thence southerly, westerly, south­ westerly and northwesterly on the shore of said lake for a distance of 940 feet, more or less, to a point which is 550 North of the South line of the Northeast Quarter of Section 20; thence Southwesterly to a point 60 feet easterly of and parallel to the North and South quarter line of said Section 20. said point being 420 feet north as measured along the last mentioned parallel line from the South line of said Northeast Quarter; thence South for a distance of 420 feet to the South line of said Northeast Quarter; thence west 60 feet to the place of beginning in McHenry County. Illinois; PARCEL B: That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 20. Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian described as follows: Commencing at the center of Section 20, and running thence East on the South line thereof for a distance of 60 feet to a point for the place of begin­ ning ; thence continuing East on saia South line for a distance of 954.37 feet to a point; thence North parallel to the West line thereof for a distance of 350 feet to a point; thence Nor­ thwesterly on a line forming an angel of 34 degrees 00 minutes to the left with a prolongation of the last described line for a distance of 120 feet, more or less, to the Southerly shore line laic !y westerly on the shore line of erly sr of an existing lake; thence Westerly, Southerly and North- said lake for a distance of 630 feet, more or less, said point CLEARANCE THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY ALL BOYS - GIRLS - WOMENS - MENS SPRING JACKETS (INCLUDING 6 IRIS RAINCOATS) REDUCED 25* ft AU SALES FINAL ALL BRAND NEW SPRING-SUMMER CHILDREN'S BUSTER BROWN READY 10 WEAR REDUCED 25# AU SAIES FINAL I LOT GIRLS-WOMENS SHOES NOW % PRICE 1952 Ben Franklin 1250 N Green St. McHenry 1977 being 550 feet North of the South line of said Northeast Quarter; thence Southwesterly to a point 60 feet Easterly of and parallel to the North and South Quarter line of Section 20, said point being 420 feet North of the place of beginning; thence South 420 feet to the place of beginning in McHenry County, Illinois. PARCEL D: That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the center of said Section 20 and running thence East on the South line of said Northeast Quarter for a distance of 1014.37 feet to a pa No ay Dr extended; said parcel ter­ minated on the East by the point for the place of begin­ ning ; thence North and parallel to the West line thereof for a distance of 350 feet to a point; thence Northwesterly on a line forming an angle of 34 degrees 00 minutes to the left, with a prolongation of the last described line for a distance of 120 feet, more or less, to a point on the Southeasterly shore line of an existing lake; thence Northerly on the Easterly shore line of said lake to a point on a line drawn 150 feet North of and parallel to the North line of Bay View Estates, as recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, as Document No. 388881. extended Westerly; thence East on the last mentioned parallel line for a distance of 167 feet, more or less, to ajwint, said point beirig 60 feet Southwesterly from a point being formed by a point which is 180 feet North and parallel to the North line of said subdivision and 360 feet West of the West line, extended North, of Holiday Drive; thence Southeasterly and Nor­ theasterly on a curve convex Southerly and having a radius of 60 feet and 30 feet to a point on a line drawn 150 feet North of and parallel to the North line of said Bay View Estates, which is 290 feet West of the West line, extended North, of said Holiday Drive; thence East on the last mentioned parallel line for a distance of 260 feet to a point; thence Southeasterly on a curve, convex Northeasterly and having a radius of 30 feet to a point on the West line of said Holiday Drive, extended North 120 feet North of the Northeast corner of Lot 10; thence South 120 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 10; thence West on the North line of Lot 10, for a distance of 151 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 10; thence Southwesterly on the Westerly line of said Bay View Estates for a distance of 622.84 feet to the South line of the Northeast Quarter of Section 20; thence West 328 feet to the plac£ of beginning; ALSO; a arcel of land lying 150 feet orth of and parallel to the North line of said Bay View Estates, extended North, lying East of the East line of saia Holiday Drive and said Drive 1 t< )y t meander line of Lake Jerily, all in McHenry County, Illinois. This property has addresses at 312 and 512 West Bay Road, McHenry, Illinois. It consists of approximately 64 acres, ap­ proximately 20 acres of which are covered by lake. It is improved with two residences and is the location of the Office, Shop and Storage Area for Tonyan Bros., Inc., Excavating and Road Building Business. The Petition requests reclassification of the property from "F" FARMING DISTRICT to "E-2" ESTATE DISTRICT with a variation to permit the continued operation of the existing excavating and - road building business on a part of the property. A hearing on this Petition will be held on the 8th day of June. 1977 at 2:00 P.M. at the McHenry City Hall, 1111 North Green Street, » McHenry, Illinois. AT WHICH TIME AND PLACE, any person desiring to be heard may be present. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS BY: June Girard, Its Chairman (Pub. May 18,1977) Legal Notice STATE OF1LLINOIS ) )SS: COUNTY OF McHENRY) IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION OF ) LEONARD J. MOLEND\, ) LEONARD M. SMITH ) AND JUDITH SMITH, FOR ) AN AMENDMEN V JNDER ) THE CITY OF MCHENRY ) ZONING ORDINANCE ) limiting to 20 the number of apartment units allowable on this property and the remaining property in the same " ith to Lill Block Soutr Lillian Street. The Petition requests that the Zoning Ordinance be amended to permit the use of the property under the regular requirements for R-4 M U L T I P L E F A M I L Y DISTRICT without further limitation. The hearing will be held on the 3rd day of June, 1977, at 4:00 o'clock, P.M., at the McHenry City Hall, 1111 North Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, at which time and place any person desiring to be heard may be present. CITY OF MCHENRY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS BY: Ronald J. Wilkins. Chairman TERRY R. MOHR Attorney for Petitioners 3814 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 QQC IQIO J (Pub. May 18, May 25 & June 1,1977) Legal Notice IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION OF ) McHENRY HOSPITAL, A ) NOT-FOR-PROFIT ) ILLINOIS CORPORATION ) FOR AN EXTENSION OF > A SPECIAL USE PERMIT } . NOTICE Notice is hereby given in compliance with the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance had before the Citj that a public hearing will be ?itv of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals in connection with the application of McHenry Hospital for ex­ tension of a special use permit by amendment of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance to NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that public hearing will be before the City of McHenry held Art and Sport Maude--"It took nearly twenty sittings." Madge--"Why, darling! Don't tell me that you have had your portrait painted?" Maude--"Oh, no; Harry has been teaching me to skate." Zoning Board of Appeals in connection with the Application for Amendment under the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance for the following described property: Lots, 42, 43, 44 and 45 (except the North 41 feet of Lot 45) in the Third Addition to Cooney Heights, a Sub­ division in the City of McHenry, Illinois, ac­ cording to the Plat thereof recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County, Illinois. The property is located at 4301 West Sioux Lane, McHenry, Illinois, and is improved with a 4-unit Apartment Building. It is presently zoned R-4 M U L T I P L E F A M I L Y DISTRICT with a Variation the following described property, to wit: Lot 8 in Block 2 in Venice Park Addition to McHenry, Unit No. 1, according to the Plat thereof recorded February 25, 1941 as document number 152920, in McHenry County, Illinois; ALSO - The East 30 feet of Lot 1 (as measured along the south line thereof) in Block 3of the Plat of Venice Park Addition to McHenry, Unit No. 1, a sub­ division of part of the Southeast Fractional Quarter of Section 26 and part of the Northeast Fractional Quarter of Section 35, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded February 25, 1941 as Document Number 152920, in Book 7 of Plats, page 68, in McHenry County, Illinois: ALSO That part of Private Lane No. 1, shown in the said Plat of Venice Park Addition to McHenry, Unit No. 1, lying East of the Easterly line of Lot 5 in Block 2 of said Addition, in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. The real estate herein consists of one lot improved with a residence, zoned, "R- spurgeon sj/jf itft. r1 Save Now! Luxurious Royal Manor Draperies In Rich Jacquard Weave i o .pM SR.-" m . f ?l! 48x63" 1^# Reg. $12.99 48x84", Reg. $14.99 now 12.88 Choose these elegant foam lined draperies now and beat the energy crisis in style! You'll keep your house cooler all Summer and warmer all Winter! Made Of 75% cotton, 25% acetate with 100% acrylic foam linings. Just handwash in cold water and drip dry. Special prices on special order sizes: 3" Residential, located on the south side of Boone Lagoon and is commonly known as 3410b W. Waukegan Road, and the vacated portion of a road licated as private road number 1 Of Venice Park dedicated as private road Addition No. 1, together with the entrance to that road north off Waukegan Road. The land abutting the real estate herein on all sides excepting north across Boone Lagoon is classified Special Use for Hospital Purposes. The Petition requescs that the amended zoning ordinance of the City of McHenry, Illinois be amended to reclassify the subject real estate to Special Use for Hospital Purposes permitting the uses therein permitted by appropriate or­ dinance. Said hearing will be held on Friday, June 3, 1977 at the hour of 3:00 P.M. in the City Hall, Lower Level, in the City of McHenry. Illinois, at which time ana place anv person desiring to be hearcf may be present. CITY OF McHENRY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Ronald J. Wilkins, Chairman Attorneys for Petitioner: Kell, Conerty & Poehlmann 121 E. Calhoun Street Woodstock, Illinois 60098 Telephone: 815- 338-4511 (Pub May 18,1977) Legal Notice PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Change to Patrons of PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS WATER COMPANY Pistakee Highlands Water Company hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed • P with the Illinois commerce Commission a proposed change in its rates stad charges for general water service and proposed changes in its rules ana regulations for water service in the area known as the Pistakee Highlands sub­ division, in McHenry Cotinty, Illinois, and that said change involves a general increase m such rates. A copy of the proposed change in schedule may be inspected by any interested party at the offices of this Company located at 2335 Sanders Road, Nor- thbrook, IL 60062. All parties interested in this matter may obtain information with respect thereto either directly from this Company or by adclressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Com­ mission at Springfield, IL 62706. PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS WATER COMPANY By: Patrick J. O'Brien, Treasurer (Pub. May 18& 25,1977) RECIPE By Sarah Ann Sheridan Oven dinners are time sav­ ing as well as energy saving. Oven fried chicken and oven baked rice make a nourishing meal. Serves 4. Oven-Fried Chicken '/i c butter V* c dry bread crumbs '/« c corn meal l'/j t curry salt 1 3 lb. fryer, cut up 8 medium carrots 8 small potatoes pepper chopped parsley for garnish Preheat oven to 400 de­ grees about one and one-half hour before serving. In a 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking pan melt butter. Mix bread crumbs, cornmeal, curry and about 2 teaspoons salt in a bowl to use for coating chicken. Place coated chicken pieces in buttered pan; roll potatoes and carrots in butter and ar­ range around chicken. Sprinkle all with pepper. Bake, uncovered 45 min­ utes; turn chicken and vege­ tables and bake 20 minutes longer. Garnish potatoes with parsley. Baked Rice Dissolve 1 chicken-bouillon cube in 1 Vi cups boiling water in a one and one-half quart casserole. In a small skillet melt 2 tablespoons margarine and saute Vi cup white rice for 5 minutes until golden, stir­ ring occasionally. To broth in casserole, add rice, '/j cup chopped onions, '/« pound sliced, fresh mush­ rooms, Vi teaspoon each salt and pepper and 1/8 teaspoon thyme. Bake, covered about 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in Vi cup coarsely chopped celery and bake, uncovered 5 minutes. PUNCH LINE 77MT/A" Vi PC'S V . ' 3. * x Widths 72 96 120 144 63 18.40 24.00 84 21.60 28.00 37.60 44.00 90 23.20 31.20 40.00 47.20 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY Sale ends May 29 385-4100 9 WHEN YOU H/T MIDDLE AGE, IT USUALLY H/TS BACK.

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