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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 May 1977, p. 19

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Ringwood News 728-0343 653-9262 728-0295 Offer Speech Service At Easter Seal Center SECTION 2- PAGE 1 • PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MAY 27. 1977 Everything Damp Except Camper Spirit It was a successful campout except for the rain that fell. Happiness was no telephone, no TV, no doorbell and just sitting around the campfire singing and listening to Reinhold play the accordian and Trudy leading us all in song. The call came to "come and get it, the chicken is done", while in the background someone was heard to say "look at those clouds, let's put the food on the table under the canopy". So all had filled their plates and were at the long table when it started to rain so everyone scurried to the dif­ ferent campers in the circle. No one got really wet until someone dumped a canopy of water on "guess who". There were seven campers and visitors Friday night and one more camper joined the group Saturday night. Sunday we had seven families join us for the noontime meal which was delicious with all the chicken and all those delicious salads and desserts. You missed a good time! GRADUATES Following graduation exercises for Mark Steinmetz, Sunday, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Steinmetz, hosted a reception in their home for about fifty guests. Among those attending were Mark's grand­ mothers, Mrs. Ada Steinmetz of Baraboo, Wis., and Mrs. Lorene Brand of Sauk City, Wis. Mrs. Brand's sister, Mrs. Irene Kessler, also attended. Mark was a member of the Richmond-Burton graduation class. ABOUT TOWN Mrs. Sophie Jirousek of Park Ridge and daughter, Georgiana, took Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Art Jensen out for dinner last Sunday. Recent visitors at the Brennan-Hepburn home were Mrs. Hepburn's sister and brother-in-law, the Russell Soddys of Kenosha, and Mr. and Mrs. ""Charles Glossen of McHenry. OPEN HOUSE i _ Friends and relatives of Bob and Sue Low of McHenry are asked to help them celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary by attending an open house for the occasion at the Ringwood church Sunday, June 5, from 2 to 4 p.m. The open house is being hosted by son, Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low. The actual date of their twenty-fifth is June 7 but is being celebrated Sunday, June 5. RECITAL A dance recital was held a week ago in West campus by forty girls for the benefit of Cerebral Palsy victims. The girls from Ringwood were Antoinette Visconti, Jenny Bauer, Sara Knight and Cathy Price, from Spring Grove was Sherry Bruce, and Stacy Sch- mitt, from West Shore beach. These girls -are taught by Mrs. Barbra Kline. A total of $267. was made. The dance steps included jazz, tap and ballet. Sorry that more of you did not attend to see how well our youngsters are doing. NEW GRANDPARENTS Chuck and Bev Ackerman are the new grandparents of a little fellow named Ralph Clayton Robinett, of Milton, Fla. His mom and dad are Resae and Charles Robinett His namesakes are Uncle Ralph Ackerman of Ringwood and grandpa Clayton Bruce. Hope to see you soon, young man. SURPRISE LUNCHEON A surprise luncheon was given for Gloria Mack by Joyce Lehman and Dee Price, Wednesday, May 18. The Mack family will be leaving us for eighteen months. Ed Mack is in Taiwan now and the family will be joining him in June.4 Joyce and Dee had a lovely luncheon with everyone bringing a dish and lots of gag gifts. Guests were Gloria's friends . from Johnsburg and Ridgeway road neighbors. A book was passed to be signed. We'll all miss this fine family. CAMPERS The Walt Lows went camping this past weekend up into Wisconsin with the Freunds, Adams and the Moores, all of McHenry. Friday they arrived at their campsite in the rain and Sunday coming home they came through one of the worse dust storms that any of them had ever seen. Saturday was warm but windy and buggy. BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday to Gary Hosier May 28 and to Albert Oonk, Ricky VanEvery, and to Tom Walkington May 29. Fred Bowman, J**., and Mark Gillespie will celebrate their special day Memorial day, May 30. May 31 is that special day for Barbara Flynn and June 1 is special for Elsie Ottoson. Happy Birthday goes to Wendy Bruce and Blanche Howe June 3. Happy Birthday to all of you wonderful people. - ANNIVERSARIES Happy Anniversary to Lil and Frank Visconti and to Helen and Lou Winn May 1. We wish both of you wonderful couples many more years of happiness together. THINGS TO REMEMBER Every Sunday -- Church Services 9:15 a.m. -- Ringwood church No church school til Sep­ tember. Every Tuesday - Bible study - 9:30 a.m. ~ Clara Cristy home. Every Wednesday - Choir The Easter Seal Therapy center in Woodstock is offering speech and language remediation services to all individuals from the pre-school child to the elderly. The Speech department will be pleased to receive referrals for evaluation and therapy at any time, in­ cluding the summer months. The center is interested in identifying early, those in­ dividuals in the community who have need of com­ municative assistance. Referrals can be made by simply calling the facility at 338-1707, and an appointment for an evaluation will be scheduled. Presently there are three part-time speech and language clinicians on staff, providing a flexible schedule for both evaluation and therapy ap­ pointments. Two pre-school language classes will be offered two mornings per week for tnose' children from age 3-5 who are experiencing difficulty with speech sounds and-or language formation. The classes meet for two hours each morning. Individual client sessions are also offered, as are small group therapy sessions. Each client is scheduled based on his in­ dividual needs in the areas of speech and language. Parents of children attending speech sessions recieve weekly feedback and counseling concerning their ' child's problem and progress. Parents of children in the pre-school language class are encouraged to participate on a rotating, basis in assignments given to supplement work computed wihtin each session. This greatly increases the child's potential for progress and improvement within the program. Busy Three 4-H Club To Host Sheep Clinic Darrell Hall, a young man well experienced in preparing sheep for the show ring, will conduct a 4-H Blocking clinic for all interested sheep breeders Saturday, June 4, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is a working clinic. Participants should bring an animal to prepare plus the necessary tools of a trimming stand, carding combs, pail, brush and shears. The animal should be washed a couple days prior to the clinic so the fleece will be clean and dry. Darrell Hall is an outstanding young sheep breeder of nor­ thern Illinois. He has taken top honors at county and state fairs as well as carcass exhibits in Illinois and nearby states. He has been active in 4-H and served as a state officer in FFA. The Busy Three 4-H club of the McHenry area will host this workshop on the Tomlinson farm at 2505 North Martin road, McHenry. Lunch will be sold by the club. iCollege Honors J Nursing Pin Presented To Lynn Tomlinson Lynn Tomlinson participated in the recent baccalaureate and graduation ceremonies at the 119th commencement program of the University of Evansville. The bachelor of science degree in nursing was awarded to Lynn. There were 951 degrees presented, eighty-six being in the field of nursing. The presentation of the nursing pins took place in St. Benedict's church May 14 by Dr. Helen C. practice - 7 p.m. - Ringwood church Memorial day weekend - drive carefully and God bless you. Dial-a-daily prayer, 385- 1234 LYNN TOMLINSON Smith, dean of the college of nursing. Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tomlinson, graduated from McHenry West campus in 1973. She has been an officer in Chi Omega Social sorority and Alpha Tau Delta Scholastic honorary. She will begin her nursing career at St. Clare hospital, Monroe, Wis. The FBI has 169 million fingerprints on file-no two of which are exactly alike. DIE CRSTINC RWRRENE55 DRY SUNDRY, JUNE 5th, 1977 Noon until A o'clock "Come and see, Come and share, Come and learn, but most of all become aware" -- Woodstock Die Casting employees' Open House invitation to the Community. BECOME AWARE . . . o f o n e o f t h e d i e c a s t i n g i n d u s t r y l e a d e r s . G a i n a n a p ­ preciation of the smelting process - view a die casting operation. Tour the finishing department - trimming, polishing, buffing, machining, plating, painting, assembly, and packaging. Visualize the pride in workmanship essential to the maintenance of the equipment and the facility. Note the broad scope of products -- the surface quality of the decorative items and the close tolerances of the functional parts - be an inspector for a day. BECOME AWARE . . . o f a t o t a l o p e r a t i o n - r e c o g n i z e t h e c o n t r i b u t i o n s o f engineering, purchasing scheduling, shipping, accounting, data processing. Evaluate the housekeeping, the orderliness, our safety awareness - identify them as the employees do - essential support efforts to a solid organization. BECOME AWARE . . . o f o n e o f t h e t o p f i v e e m p l o y e r s i n t h e c o m m u n i t y . A n active employer recently awarded for its EPA water treatment facilities; recently commended for contributing to the visual charm of our town. An in­ terested employer that has awarded annual scholarships to assist and encourage the continued pursuit of career objectives through further education. BUT MOST OF ALL BECOME AWARE of the employees, their work, and their pride -- they make the right things happen. Woodstock Die Casting an Eltra j Company * AWARENESS . Many Years Ago AWARENESS. .. A Few Years Ago AWARENESS . . Today syftfend mm* iftyssSs They are now pushed out of the nest. Meantime, these baby birds are still looking to their mother, ft ^ X-hirping for their food. She'll get it for them. But when the time comes to let them go, she will know it instinctively. SERVICES Mount Hope Church United Methodidt 1015 V. Broad*it*, Pidtakce Highland Rev. Lrn Srhnenliri r Sunday Wor»hip 11 a.m.. Sundav School 9:45 a.m. Faith Presbyterian Church l.i»« oli» * Chapel Hill Hondo William ClarK. Tliwin mm- Corporate Worship -10:30 a.m. Church School: Grade* 1-9 9:00 a.m. Adult 9:15 a.nv Pre-School * 10:30 a.m. First Baptist Church 509 IN. Front St. 385-0083 Rev. Marshall E. Werry Bible Study-Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Wonthip Service 10:45 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Training Union: 5:00 p.m. Interpretation for Deaf at all Ser­ vice*. Special Spanidh Serviced. Wed- St. Paul's Episcopal Church 3706 W. St. Paul'i* & Green Rev. Arthur I). McKav. Vicar 385-7690 Sunday Serviced Holy Fucharidt • 8 a.m. Family Fucharidt • 10 a.m. C'.hurch School & Coffee Hour Wedneddayd - Holy Fucharidt 9:30 a.m. Friday - Holy Fucharidt - 9:30 a.m. Human mothers are not always so wise. It is hard to see your children go out to face the world on their own. Sometimes your instinct is to keep them in the nest. You have to let your children go. But will they go with a firm sense of values, level hearts and heads, knowledge of the meaning of faith? Where to find all this? Try your church! Scriptures selected by The American Bible Society Wonder Lake Bible Church 7501 Howe Drive Wonder Lake, lllinoid Rev. Richard N. Wright. Padtor Sunday: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Morning Wordhip Service, 11:00 a.m. Bible Fellowship Hour 6:00 p.m. Wednedday: Midweek Prayer and Praide Hour. 7:30 p.m. Copyright 1977 Keister Advertising Service, Strasburg, Virginia Sunday Mark 12:13-27 Monday Luke 3:15-22 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday John John John John Acts 3:1-21 3:22-36 5:19-30 9:1-41 2:1-13 First United Methodist Church 3717 Wedt Main Street Church phone 385-0931 Ralph Smith. Padtor Pardonage Phone: 385-1352 Worship: 9:30 a.m. and 1 1:00 a.m. Church School: I 1:00 a.m. Church of God Greenleaf Ave. at Fairfield Dr. Idland Lake School Serviced: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Church Service, 11 a.m. Fvangelidtic Service. 7 p.m. Telephone: 312-526-8056 St. Peter's Catholic Church Spring Grove, lllinoid Rev. Kilduff, I'udtor Phone 815-675-2288 MASSES: Daily 8 a.m. Saturday - 7:30 p.m. Sundav - 7 a.m.. 9 a.m.. I I a.m. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Johndburp Rev. Leo Htirtel. Pastor Rectory Phone 385-1477 Convent Phone 385-5363 Sat. night - 8:(M) p.m. Madd Sun. Madden - 7. 9. 10:30. 12:00 Nativity Lutheran Church • 3506 F. Wonder Lake Rd. Box 157, Phone 653-3832 Wonder Lake, lllinoid Sun. Wordhip 8 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (Murdery Facilitied Available) St. Mary's Catholic Church Rev. Fugene Baumhofer Sat. Fve. Madd - 5 p.m. Fulfilld Sun. obligation Sunday Madded - 6:30. 8, 9:30, 9:45. 10:45. 11. 12 noon. Alliance Bible r irch 3815 W. Bull Va Rd. Rev. Gerald Rot «*rtdon Sunday School - 9:45 A.M. Service - 1 1 :(M) P.M. Service- 7:00 Wed. Bible Study & Prayer 8:00 p.m. Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints Jamcd Hufford Branch President Phone: 459-3889 Meetingd at Prairie drove School, 8617 Ridgefield Road (Rt. 176) Crystal Lake, lllinoid Sunday School Meeting 10:30 a.m. Sundav Sacrament Meetingd 5:00 p.m. Sunday Except on Idt Sunday of Month - then held at 12 noon. Christ The King Catholic Church 5006 F. Wonder Lake Road Wonder Lake, lllinoid Sunday Madded: 8. 10 a.m. and noon. Fve. Madd 8 p.m. Fulfilld Sunday Obligation Ringwood Methodist Church Ringwood. lllinoid Rev. Jamed Segin Red. 648-2848 Church 653-6956 Sunday 9:15 a.m. Church Service Church School at 10:15 a.m. Chain O'Lakes Evangelical Covenant Church 4815 IV Wilmot Rd. Rev. Mitchell Condidine Sunday S'hool 9:45 a.m. Wordhip Service 11:00 a.m. Church Phone - 497-3000 Parsonage - 497-3050 Christian Science Society Lincoln Road And Fadtwood Lane Sunday Service - 10:30 a.m. - Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Wed. Fve., Meeting Fvery Third Wed. - 8:00 p.m. McHenry County Friends Meeting (Quaker) Idt & 3rd Sundayd. 10:30 a.m. for information call: 385-3872 or 312-683-3840 George R. Justen Funeral Home 3519 W. FLM STREET McHENRY. ILL. 385-2400 Glaviano's Interiors & Palatine Millwork 385-3764 414 S. ROt TF 31 JI'ST NORTH OF McHENRY FLORAL Brake Parts Co. P.O. BOX 11 McHENRY. ILL. 385-7000 Ace Hardware 3729 Vi. ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL. 385-0722 Tonyan Construction Co. 1309 V BORDEN STREET McHENRY. ILL. 385-5520 First National Bank 7 of McHenr^ 3814 W. ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL. 385-5400 McHenry Savings & Loan rigs cv 1209 NX RE EN STREET McHENRY. ILL. 385-3000 HalmV Wonder Lake Funeral Home 7611 HANCOCK DR. WONDER LAKE 1-728-0233 The Bath Shop 3012 W. RTF. 120 McHENRY , ILL. 385-0048 McHenry State Bank 3510 W . ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL. 385-1040 St. Patrick's Catholic Church Rev. Edmund Petit, Padtor Rev. Raymond Kearney, Addoc. Padtor Sat., Eve. {Sun., obligation fulfilled 5 p.m.) Sundav 7:15.8:30,9:45, 11 & 12:15 Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 404 N. Green St. Rev. Roger W. Schneider Phone 385-7786 or 385-4030 Saturday Church, 5:00 pm School. 5:45 pm Sunday Church • 8:30 & 10:30 School • 9:15 & 11:15 Nurderv Serviced Available St. Francis National Catholic Church Flandent Rd., eadt of Ringwood Rd. Sunday Madded - 10 a.m. Father A. Wodka - Padtor Spring Grove Church United Methodidt 8102 N. Blivin, Spring Grove. III. Rev. Len Schoenherr - Padtor Sunday Wonthip - 9 a.m. Sundav Scho«»l - 10:15 a.m. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (Middouri Synod) 4206 W. Waukegan Rd. (W. Rt. 120) Rev. Hermann F. Graef 385-0859 385-1616 Sunday Wordhip, 7:45 & 10:30 INurderv Serviced provided at 10:30 Education for Eternity Sunday School - Children and Youth, 9 a.m. •?* McHenry Evangelical Free Church 1309 N. Court St. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Sunday Service - 11:00 a.m. Home Bible Studied Available Rev. David Fogleboch 344-1111 or 728-0516 Peter M. Justen Funeral Home 3807 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. 385-0063 Guettler's Service, Inc, 818 N. FRONT STREET McHENRY. ILL. 385-9831 Mitchell Sales, Inc. BUICK - OLDS - OPEL 903 N. FRONT ST.. McHENRY 385-7200 The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 WEST ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL. 385-0170 Coast to Coast Hardware 1400 W . RTF. 120 McHENRY MARKET PLACE 385-6655

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