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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 May 1977, p. 3

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Seniors At May Birthday Party PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MAY 27. I5f77 Fifty-seven enthusiastic seniors enjoyed the May bir­ thday party and potluck lun­ cheon held Monday at the McHenry Senior Citizens' Walk-In center at the Moose lodge. Those honored were John Schulz, Ella Reuter, Erna Eschenlahr, Mae Eltoft, Estelle White, Florence and Victor Hopp, Bill Meyer, Uola Johnson, Mathilda Motch, Raymond Nagele, Marie Poweison, Concetta Pierpaoli, Angela Pugh and Catherine Guzzardo. Following lunch, a talk and demonstration on making fine jewelry was given by Gertrude McBain, creative jewelry designer from Burton's Bridge. The seniors are busy telling plans for- many regular ac­ tivities at their center such as a painting group scheduled every Wednesday afternoon under the direction of Fred Turek, local artist; handicraft classes; a sewing group led by Alice Wilke who are very busy; scheduled films and travel slide shows will be shown; interesting speakers Will be periodically scheduled; horseshoes and wood carving are being con­ sidered. The busy group would like to invite others to come and take part. The hours of the center are Mondays from noon until 4 p.m. and Wednesday and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with plans already made to increase the hours in June. The center is located at the McHenry Moose hall, 2816 W. Route 120. Ted Eltoft and Marilynn Hamilton are the host and hostess. fitter U&. fi£OVT4 WERE A«ERl£AN iupiAAJ$ WHO - T^VEtEP AHEAP OF THE AKWV*' TO APVl4£ OK TH£ TF«?EAINJ ' Freeze Strawberries To Enjoy Year Around Mary Kantorski, left, Gold Star chairman, Angela Freund, Evelyn Justen, Eleanor Strache and Marie Bykowski are shown at Legion auxiliary annual Gold Star pot-luck dinner. A me r ica n L eg io n Auxi l iary News Thirty-two members and six guests were on hand to honor the Gold Star members at the annual Gold Star pot-luck dinner. The Gold Star members present were Evelyn Justen, Eleanor Strache, Marie Bykowski and Angela Freund. Mary Kantorski, Godl Star chairman, presented each Gold Star member with a corsage and a gift. A very impressive memorial service was held, with Chaplain Evelyn Osmon, President Margaret Datz, aided by Lauretta Homo, Midge Scharf and Betty Lou Smith, for Elsie Metz; Greta Gieske, Gold Star member; Ethel Low, charter member; Jean McCulloch, Gold Star member and Ruth Young. This ceremony was assisted by Dawn LaBuy at the piano and Sally Roth with the singing of the hymn. It was announced that Memorial day services would be held at the city park May 30. Betty Wehrheim and Dorothy Larson will represent the auxiliary in the parade. , AW members of the McHenfy unit are asked to attend these services and if possible, to march in the parade. The Gold Star members will be honored by riding in cars. A short business meeting was conducted by President Marge Datz. Americanism essay winners and their mothers were in­ troduced by the Americanism chairman, Lauretta Homo. Mrs. Homo presented Barb Pintozzi, McHenry Junior high, first place winner, with an United States savings bond. Second place winner was Karen Strohman of the McHenry Junior high and third place, winner was Darlene Grenier of Parkland school. Ms. Strohman and Grenier received cash awards for their efforts. Dottie Messer, Poppy chairman, announced that this year was a very good one for contributions for poppies. On behalf of the American Legion and auxiliary and V.F.W. and auxiliary, she expressed satisfaction for their very fine cooperation and assistance, in our efforts to help the disabled veterans. A total of thirty-one members and non-members assisted the drive with ninety- three hours of time donated. The nominating committee consisting of Betty Lingen- felter, Helen Birmingham, Doris Walker, Catherine Ed- strom and Reba Owen an­ nounced the candidates for office 1977-78. They are as follows: Lydia Fenner, president; Grace Latimer, first vice-president; second vice- president, Betty Bockman; treasurer,' Dottie Messer; chaplain, Eleanore Reid; historian, Tina Boeker; and sergeant-at-arms, Margaret Datz. The nominated slate was elected as the new officers. Joint installation with the American Legion will be held Sunday, July 24. The assistant sergeant-at-arms and the two secretaries will be announced by Mrs. Fenner at a later date. Rehabilitation chairman, Marie Howe, announced that a Marino's HAIRSTYUNC , ®Men •Women $j2°° FOR DETAILS CALL: 385-7771 Wm. Tonyrn BMf. South on RevU 31 ROOM 202 bus load of veterans from Elgin hospital would be brought to the Legion post home and will be served a chicken dinner and be entertained by the Legion and auxiliary^ members. She recognized all members for their donations of cookies and gifts. Delegates to the 11th district convention, to be held Sunday, May 22, were selected and they are Margaret Datz, Evelyn Osmon, Lauretta Homo, Pearl Cooper, Betty Lou Smith, Ruth Mrachek and Grace Latimer. It was announced that the next county meeting will be held in Crystal Lake June 3 and that Lauretta Homo will represent the unit at the division meeting in Gurnee June 12. Happy Birthday greetings were extended to Mary Freund, Eleanor Strache, Signa Miller and Marie Bykowski. Veterans' Craft prizes were won by Marge Datz and Marie Howe. Mayme King was not present to receive the attendance award. Theresa Huska was chair­ man for the Gold Star pot-luck dinner, with her committee Lillian Piszczek, Kathy Covalt, Lillian Bolger, Eddie Myers, Adele Weber, Danita Cheslar, Susan Borcovan, Ruth Mrachek, Clara Overton, Lydia Fenner, Madalyn Otto, Eileen Sperry, Helen Miller and Anne Kane. Marie Howe will be refresh­ ment chairman for the next meeting, which will be held June 20. THE TEMPTATION Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness , to be tempted of the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he anstoered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. St. Matthew 4:1-4 The peak of strawberry season is almost here. Strawberries have such a short season and are so perishable that they cannot be stored very long. Uncovered or loosely covered berries that are put in the refrigerator (40 degrees F.) will keep for just one to two days. Nancy Moore, University of Illinois Cooperative Extension home economist in McHenry county, recommends freezing strawberries for later use when strawberries can be obtained at a reasonable cost. Strawberries are easy to1 freeze. Select firm, full ripe berries and wash carefully before freezing. To avoid bruising and soaking the berries, wash a few at a time in cold water, says Ms. Moore. Drain on absorbent paper or in a colander or sieve. Remove hulls and follow directions for the type of pack desired. Use a dry-sugar or a syrup pack. The dry-sugar pack is especially easy and gives the best flavor and color. This method is usually used for sliced or crushed berries. For whole berries, Ms. Moore recommends a syrup pack because it produces a plump, well-shaped berry upon thawing. . For special sugar-free diets, freeze strawberries un­ sweetened. Unsweetened frozen berries are not as high in quality as sugar or syrup- packed berries. To dry-sugar pack, halve, quarter, slice or crush berries into a bowl or shallow pan. Sprinkle sugar over berries, using three-fourths cup sugar for each quart of fruit. Gently turn berries over and over until the sugar is thoroughly dissolved. Package and freeze. To make a syrup, use one and one-fourth cups water to one cup sugar. Dissolve the sugar in water. Chill the syrup before using. Use one-half to two- thirds cup of syrup for each pint Barbara Klein School Of Dance Tap and Ballet SUMMER CLASSES NOW FORMING ADULT - TEEN-AGERS - YOUNGSTERS For Enrollment Call: 8 1 5 - 7 2 8 - 0 1 6 1 or stop in 4403 Ringwood Rd. Ringwood, III. Member International Society of Teachers of Dance SAVE $ ] 0 0 TRY OUR QUALITY COIN-OP DRYCLEANING SAVE 25% Our Pledge to You -- If Not 100% Satisfied We Will Cheerfully Refund Your Money -- Our Attendant Does All Processing. --COUPON | SAVE GOOD FOR ONE 8 lb. LOAD SAVE DRYCLEANING AT '3.00 CHARGE. SAVE *1. REG. *4 NORMAL 1 HOUR SERVICE | Limit 1 Coupon Per Family Coupon Good May 30th thru June 3rd j SAVE TIME...DO YOUR LAUNDRY AND DRYCLEANING IN ONE TRIP. Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Attendant on Duty at All Time*. £IR CONDITIONED ft* FULL SERVICE LAUNDROMAT SOAR SOUTHGATE FABRIC CARE CENTER 810 N. FRONT ST., McHENRY, IL. 385-9517 BY CONVENIENT FOOD STORE container. Place whole or sliced berries in containers and cover with cold syrup. Package and freeze. For an unsweetened pack, place whole, sliced or crushed berries in containers. Cover with water or berry juice. Adding onie teaspoon ascorbic acid to one quart water or juice will help prevent browning. No matter which type of pack used, be sure to use moisture- vapor-proof containers. Do not fill containers completely. Allow a head space of one-half inch for pints and one inch for quarts. Be sure the berries are covered with syrup, juice, or water. Uncovered berries may change in color or flavor. To hold berries under the syrup, place a small piece of crumpled waxed paper on top and press berries down into the syrup or juice. Seal containers and label, with the name of the product and the date frozen. Freeze promptly, then store at 0 degrees F. or below. Use frozen strawberries within a year for best quality. Freshly made jam is more flavorful than that stored for a time in your cupboard. Use frozen berries any time of the year to prepare jam. • For more information on preserving foods, contact the McHenry County Cooperative Extension service at 815-338- 474, or stop in at the office at 11909 McConnell road in Woodstock. Services are available to all McHenry county residents. P>77 I f y o u ' r e a f r a i d o f b e e s , y o u r p h o b i a i s a p i p h o b i a Q*AOH6 TOPkf'6 ARMV SCOUTS APE AKMoeep f2FCOW(0Ai$SAw^E SPECIALISTS WHO MAP "THE &X1E ftTCTAMk.^ b/ fT* w The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 Wait Elm Street Established 1875 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone 385-0170 T h e w o r d " b o o z e " i s b e ­ l i e v e d t o c o m e f r o m t h e D u t c h b u i z e n , m e a n i n g " t o d r i n k t o e x c e s s . " THE McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP ANNOUNCES THE ASSOCIATION OF R. David Halstead, M.D. Practice Limited To General Pediatrics and Pediatric Cardiology Hours By Appointment Location Of Office: 1110 North Green Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 385-1050 Published Every Wednesday A Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Subtcrib«r« or. r« to provid. Imimdlat. notlc. of chong. of to Th. McH.nry Ploindoolor. Mil W. Elm St.. McHonry, III. 400SO. A deduction of on* month from Ik. ••plratlon of a subscription will bo mad. whoro a chong. of la provid.d through tho Post Otflc. Dopartmont. Larry E. Lund-- Publisher Adele Froehlich-- Editor mm NATIONAL NEWSPAPER mociMioN fwHH im Fret Prtss A Kty NNA SUSTAINING MEMBER-1977 SUBSRIPTION RATES \ I Year #10.50 I Y«-ur #15.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and Cqunty Lake County We're having an Auto Loan Sale! during the month of May 50 Gallons of Gas FREE* McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN is having a AUTO LOAN SALE during the month of May. We defy you to beat our rates ANYWHERE! WE WON'T BE UNDER SOLD! We'll help put you in the driver's seat of the new car of your choice at these special low rates. You also get 50 gallons of either unleaded or regular gasoline free. See us before you go car shopping; you'll be able to snap up a good car deal With our ad­ vance commitment. CHECK THESE RATES! $2500 Paymt * Per Mo $3000 Paymt * Per Mo $4000 Paymt * Per Mo $5000 Paymt £- Per Mo 24 Mos. 115.00 138.00 184.00 230.00 30 Mos. 94.00 113.00 150.00 188.00 36 Mos. 80.00 96.00 128.00 160.00 48 Mos. 63.00 75.00 100.00 125.00 * Because of rounding, interest rates vary between 9.25 and 9.75 percent per annum. No extra insurance charges if you don't want insurance. However, if you do, our low cost Credit Li|e and Disability is available. p * With each loan made on a new car. COME IN AND SEE JIM COUGHLIN TODAY... YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID, M c H E N R Y S A V I N G S I A HAS AIISClAI I IS McHenry Savings V AND LOAN ASSOCIATION W FSLir 1209 North Green Street 10520 Main Street • » McHenry Winois Richmond Illinois 385-3000 678 2061 Friday SAVERS nOURS 9 00 a m to 4 30 p m Monday Tuesday and Thursday 9 00 a m to e 00 9 00 a m to 3 00 p m Saturday McHenry Drive-In WmdOA open Wednesday 9 00 am to 2 00 p m Closed Wednesdaym Richmond McHENRY MONEY MACHINE OPEN 24 HRS A DAY EVERYDAY t k

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