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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jun 1977, p. 8

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PAGE 8-PLA1NDEALER -FRIDAY, JUNE 10. 1977 MUSIN' AND MEANDERIN' (Continued from page 1) this consideration, will the structure bring enough money so that the financial burdens that exist will not become greater0 A study indicates that operational costs with all students housed at West 'in­ cluding an addition to the present building1 would result in savings as high as $300,000 a year However, this would be realized only after the bonds are paid off. probably in twenty years. ; according to the Facilities committee report Recommendations for an answer to the immediate problem included zero based budgeting in all departments, each charged with the responsibility to prove a need tor a supply before money would be allocated No dollar savings has been estimated An overall review of the committee reports indicate the problem is not solved despite the great amount of effort expended On one point there is unanimity The board, ad­ ministrators and committee members feel the public will not be willing to assume the financial load of an increased tax rate in the amount deemed necessary to reduce the deficit by $600 ,000. On the other hand, the majority of Task Force members have been reluctant to make the necessary cuts June 14 is the date of the next meeting, following three weeks in which they have met to give further consideration to possible reductions. One thing is certain. The financial dilemma in District 156 is serious. Probably at no other time in recent years has the public been so aware of the schools' problems or so sympathetic to them But knowing this fails to alter the fact that the taxpaying public has its own financial problems As individuals, each of us must agree to make some sacrifice for the sake of good education in McHenry But the Task Force (also taxpayers) must realize the futility of asking for more money than there is any reason to believe the district will bear The name of the game is "Tightening the Belt". Everyone has had to do this at some time as an individual. While we believe educational leaders Jpcally view the situation practically and have attempted to operate the schools economically, there are few institutions as large as the McHenry school system which cannot find places to "tighten" if it is absolutely necessary And we sincerely believe it is necessary this year of 1977 before we ask for a tax rate increase so important to the district KAF We frame Rigid Frame widths 40 to 120 businesses! Tapered Beam widths 40' to 80' Our computer-designed Behlen buildings go up fast Bolt-together steel construction assures rugged strength and low cost. Clearspan interiors invite efficient work layout, good working environment. Easily expandable. Steel roof and wall panels in 5 long- lasting colors (mix in other materials if you wish). Give us a call! 385-5520 Tonyan Construction Co* Inc. IBB GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1309 N. BORDEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. W "QUALITY BUILDINGS SINCE 1925" I I I I 16 Glorious Days SPAIN & PORTUGAL ; Departing from Chicago Oct.2,1977 London - Madrid - Lisbon - Barcelona Montserrat - Grenada - Seville Costa del Sol - Torremolinos COST FROM CHICAGO - *989.00 Deluxe throughout Trip Includes round trip air fare; every night In first class hotel with bath/shower; continental breakfast and full dinners daily; all sightseeing as outlined in Itinerary; all transfers, hotel taxes, and luggage handling. - Limited Space Still Available - SUBSCRIBE To The McHenry Plaindealer And Save *10.30 Over i Newstand Price FILL OUT AND MAIL OR BRING TO: McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry,III. 60050, with check or money order for '10.50 for one year subscription within McHenry County. NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP THWART STORE BURGLARY WITH ARREST OF TWO (Continued from page I) During the owner's absence in the afternoon, someone gained entry to the home by ripping the screen of a bedroom window Taken were a bank bag and eight dollars in change from a dresser drawer Also Monday afternoon, police investigated a theft at the home of Thomas Walsh. 1103 W Northeast Shore drive. McHenry A youth in a small fishing boat had been observed to approach the Walsh pier. The youth stole a canoe paddle and a life preserver from the boat, and then sped away to the opposite side of the lake. Walsh was unable to identify the youth At 12:55 p.m. Monday. John Steger. 335 Riverside drive. McHenry. reported that since the morning of June 1. someone entered his van and stole a two- drawer gray tool box, con­ taining special tubing tools and assorted hand tools. Also taken from the van was a spare tire. James Mentzer of 903 West boulevard in McHenry reported to police Monday afternoon that during the past week, while his camper pickup truck was not in use. someone stole the power steering unit and the battery from it. The truck was parked on his property at the time of the theft Monday morning, Jesse Slater. 332 N. Lake road, McHenry, reported that during the night, someone broke a vent window on his car to gain entry, stealing a CB radio. At 4:35 p.m. Saturday, police investigated a burglary at the home of Phillip Schoen, 1202 Main street. Spring Grove. Someone forcibly entered a storage shed behind the home and stole a silver and red 10 hp. lawn tractor with a 36-inch rotary mower. Also Saturday, police in­ vestigated a theft reported by Charles Follett, 2004 Barreville road, McHenry. During the night, someone stole an out­ board motor which had been mounted on his boat on a trailer in his driveway. Sunday night. Ben Smith. 4707 W. Wonder Lake road, Wonder Lake, reported that during the afternoon, someone stole a 5 hp minibike from the side of his home. Also Sunday night, police investigated a burglary at the home of Arthur Frenssen, 4704 W Wonder Lake drive. Wonder Lake While no one was home, someone entered the unlocked garage and stole his 9.8 hp. outboard motor with a six- gallon gas tank, and a 5 hp. gasoline engine Police also investigated a theft at Melody Maker Records. 2917 W/ Rt. 120, McHenry It was / discovered that a bank bag containing two $100 bills was missing from alongside of the cash register where it was left momentarily. Several youths had been in the store when the money was stolen, but the identity of the youths was not known. Joseph Jaworski. 5918 Nip- persink. Spring Grove, reported that someone broke into the vehicle parked in his driveway, stealing a CB radio, a brown eight-track tape case, and twenty-four assorted tapes. Kent Thomas of 2610 Thomas court. McHenry, reported that the four tires and wheels on his jeep were stolen. The vehicle was parked in front of his residence at the time of the theft. Hugh Fanning of Shorewood drive in McHenry reported that ten ash trees had been sawed down and carried away from the woods on his property on Pitzen road. McHenry. Finally, police investigated a burglary at Frams Material Service, 2018 Lily Lake road, McHenry. discovered by an employee arriving at work. Someone forced open the door of a storage building, stealing a large quantity of hand tools. DISCLOSE SUMMER RECREATION PLAN (Continued from page 1) final plans for the second an­ nual July 4 picnic at Petersen park The committee is rapidly securing entertainment, food, drinks, and other necessities. It is expected that the "Super­ stars" competition, which was ONE-STOP tra,el se"ice ^ • W • AW LINE Ml MS IK md AMTRAK TICKETS V«H A trip to Ewrep*.. .Mtiko .Hawaii? You can compare awoffkal Wa an o^anli far I I I I Chain-O-Lakes TRAVEL SERVICE 3405 W. Elm St. McH*nry, Illinois 60050 throughout tha world i Travel Since 1961 3t5-7500 Area Code 815 A itinerary; all transfers, hotel taxes, ana luggage nanaung. A - Limited Space Still Available • a Your Hosts: A I PASTOR & MRS. W. GAIL RABE f 169 Maple St., Crystal Lake, III. 60014 * I (815)459-1447 I W Write or call today for a detailed brochure. I • w .<£ K Father's Day Cards Sunday, June 19 And see our selection of Hallmark graduation cards. U\ai£n i" oji 1238 N. Green Street McHenry, IL 385-6750 FIELD DAY FOR "SHOPPERS" - This scene was repeated throughout the week as eager "shoppers" made their choice from collections of items placed at the curb on Clean-up days. This unidentified woman brought along her station wagon, which was just right siie to carry home something she could use from among items that had served their purpose for others and were discarded. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD held last year, will be repeated. Further details on the July 4 picnic will be forthcoming. To insure safe swimming at the city beach this summer, the city rehired Candice Bolger as a lifeguard However, another lifeguard is needed to share the work load and supply adequate protection. In order to qualify, a person should live in the city and hold life safety certification. In other discussion Monday, City Attorney Bernard Narusis stated that an Appellate court decision concerning the fate of Jake s Dead End lounge would probably take from ten'months to one year. His statement came after Mayor Joseph Stanek reported that a request from tavern owner Richard Jager to remain open while the Appellate court was deciding the case, was denied The tavern, thus, remains closed. Construction of the new bridge is right on target, ac­ cording to Stanek. The mayor stated he talked with men in charge of the construction, and they were pleased with the progress All abutments are now in, and the steel is ready to be delivered The City Council also agreed to pay the sixth installment of the bill for the bridge con- ' struction. The aldermen also agreed that an emergency plan to be used in the wake of disasters should be formulated. John Shay, director of the McHenry County Emergency Service Disaster association, will appear before the Council at a later date to discuss a plan for the city of McHenry. Presently, the city has no plan in the event of a flood or tornado. Finally, the Council okayed the purchase of furniture for the family room in the police department. The room is used for families waiting while one member of the family is being questioned by police. BICYCLIST HIT BY CAR (Continued from page 1) tow truck to remove the vehicle. Police had the vehicle towed until the owner can be con­ tacted. Evidence at the scene indicated that Galvin was northbound on Barreville road, and while going around a curve, lost control, crossed over to the west ditch, and entered the cornfield. Elsewhere, Mark P. Elgar, 8709 Memory Trail, Wonder Lake, was taken by the McHenry Area Rescue squad to McHenry hospital for treat­ ment of injuries sustained in a two-car collision Saturday afternoon at the intersection of Crystal Lake road and Wood street. Elgar was ticketed for im­ proper lane usage in the crash which caused an estimated $600 damage to both his vehicle, and one driven by Susan C. Robe of Crystal Lake. Ms. Robe las also taken by the rescue squad to the hospital for treatment of her injuries. Ms. Robe stated that she was southbound on Crystal Lake road at approximately 25 mph. She added that she observed the Elgar car northbound on Crystal Lake road, with more than one-half of his car in the southbound lane. She further stated that she tried to steer around the on­ coming car, but could not. Elgar was unable to give a statement concerning the crash. Jeffrey B. Hunt of 7304 Hiawatha, Wonder Lake, was ticketed for having no valid driver's license following a two- car collision last week on Rt. 120. Neither Hunt, nor the driver of the other vehicle, William M. Fraser, 3322 N, Rocky Beach, McHenry, was injured in the crash, which caused more than $150 damage to each car. Hunt stated he was west­ bound on Rt. 120, and was changing lanes from the center lane to the outside lane when Fraser pulled out of a parking space and impact was made. Fraser stated that he pulled out of a parking space into what was a clear lane. He added that as he entered, or partially entered the outside lane, the crash occurred. Gregory J. Boggs, 2014 Oak drive, McHenry, was not in­ jured when he ran over a bicycle while backing into a driveway Friday afternoon. Boggs' car was not damaged in the accident, but the bicycle, owned by Barbara J. Jackson of 4300 W. Shore drive, McHenry, sustained ap­ proximately sixty dollars worth of damage. Boggs, who was not ticketed, stated that he was backing into a driveway and didn't see the bicycle until someone called to him to stop. A three-vehicle accident Wednesday afternoon on Rt. 120 found a truck driver being ticketed and two other drivers sustaining minor injuries. Injured were Bernice Bruhn of 6111 N. Solon road and Ar­ thur Cicchini of 803 Oakwood drive, both in McHenry. Ticketed for driving too fast for conditions was Charles Sumner of Genoa City. According to the police report, Mrs. Bruhn was east- bound on Rt. 120, waiting to turn left onto Meadow lane. She said she saw her light go Now's tho tim® to chock your Screens THE BUGS WILL SOON BE BUZZIN -- ANO YOU'LL WANT TO KEEP THEM OUT I WE REPAIR ALL KINDS OF SCREENS. WOOD OR ALUMINUM FRAMES. SEE US FOR YOUR CLASS NEEDS TOO! WE REGLAZE IN OUR SHOP OR IN YOUR HOME. McHenry Paint, Glass % Wallpaper A 3411 W. ELM McHENRY 3*5-7353 from green to yellow, and seeing a break in traffic began her maneuver. She added that while turning she saw the McHenry Ready Mix truck coming, and was struck in the right rear, spinning her vehicle into the Cicchini auto. Cicchini stated he was stopped at Rt. 120, going north on Meadow lane, waiting for the light to change. He further stated that he saw the light change from green to yellow, and seeing that the Ready Mix truck was not going to stop at its speed, he stayed where he was. Sumner, the truck driver, stated that he was eastbound on Rt. 120 in the curb lane when the light turned from green to yellow. He added that he applied the brakes but was unable to stop in time and the collision occurred. Finally, Steven A. Seger- strom of 11419 Zarnstorff road in Richmond was taken by the Woodstock Rescue squad to Memorial hospital for treat­ ment of injuries sustained when he fell out of his van while driving on Bull Valley road early Sunday morning. Segerstrom was not ticketed in the accident, which caused an estimated $175 damage to his van and also damaged 15 feet of fencing belonging to the James Hechts of Woodstock. According to the police report, Segerstrom stated he was eastbound on Bull Valley road at approximately 25 mph approaching a curve. He further stated that as he rounded the curve, his door opened and he fell out. The van continued around the curve, went into the fence, and stopped in a yard. DR. ROBERT BOOS LEAVES DISTRICT (Continued from page 1) regular meeting next week. Dr. Boos has accepted the position of superintendent in Libertyville Elementary School District 70, a post he will assume July 15. Following the executive session, the board approved a motion to employ the Illinois Association of School Boards to assist in securing a new superintendent. In expressing what he described as bittersweet feelings, Dr. Boos said Thur­ sday morning he "owes an enormous debt to McHenry". He continued, "Any personal or district success is due in large measure to the support, consideration and friendship of the community. The legacy is the finest staff ever assembled in District 15, one that will accept nothing less than the best for our children". STATE REVEALS BILL OF PARTICULARS ON WINDGATE (Continued from page 1) outlining its reasons for seeking to revoke the child care in­ stitution license of Windgate, Inc. of Woodstock. The document alleges abuses ranging from cruel and unusual punishment of a number of children to employee negligence in the drowning death of a Windgate resident. A hearing on the bill of particulars is scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday, June 27, at the JUST ARRIVED AND DON'T KNOW WHICH WAY TO TURN? Call The hostess in your area will call on you with a variety of helpful community,information along with gifts and greetings from local mer­ chants. r., . Mary Ann Belli Phone ---- . i Peggy Kaiser /923-2442 385-2710 State of Illihois building, 160 N LaSalle street, Chicago One of the charges designates injuries allegedly suffered in a two-year time, including broken legs, broken collarbone, bruises and abrasions to the retarded children Another charge is that as a direct and proximate cause of employee negligence, a mentally retarded child drowned at the facility within the last three years Employees are charged with withholding meals from one child, and using their hands to strike the faces and ears of the children One child, it is charged, was placed into a cold shower as punishment for behavior deemed unacceptable to the employees. The same child was forced, according to the ae cusation, to continuously run up and down a corridor at the facility for one half hour as punishment. Windgate is located at 11023 Rt. 14 and provides full time residential care for about fifty- three children under the age of 18 who are either mentally retarded or mentally and physically handicapped It has been in operation at this location since 1963 Robert Mariacher is executive director of the in stitution. Wonder Lake Youth Arrested On Three Charges A Wonder Lake youth was arrested on charges of speeding, transporting open liquor in a motor vehicle, and purchase or acceptance of alcoholic liquor by a person of non-age, following his ap prehension by McHenry county police Saturday evening Joseph Smola of 3011 Michael street in Wonder Lake was arrested, with total bond set at $1,100 for a June 9 court ap­ pearance. According to the police report, at approximately 8:40 p.m. Saturday, police observed the Smola auto traveling at a high rate of speed on Rt. 120. The officer followed the car as it turned northbound on E Wonder Lake road, where it attained speeds of 70 mph in a 45 mph zone. The officer stopped the vehicle and arrested Smola for the speeding charge as well as the liquor offenses. Nesting Time The Illinois Department of Conservation is requesting rural landowners to delay roadside mowing until mid- July to allow birds and animals to build nests and raise families. If noxious weeds are a problem, landowners are ad­ vised to use spot mowing or spot spraying for control. In­ formation on the Department of Conservation's "Roadsides for Wildlife" program is available by writing Division of Wildlife Resources, 605 State Office building, Springfield 62706. HANGING .In the Ger man-descent communities of Albers, Germantown, Bar- telso and Breeze, all in close proximity in So^jthern Illinois, "swiping someone's girl" usually results in an ef­ figy hung on a light pole. Jilted suitor is expected to cut down the effigy and find another "victim." CRYSTAL LAKE UPHOLSTERY SHOP SINCE REPAIRING & REGLUING Larry & Jim Seymour 815/459-0653 i I

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