PAGE 15- PLA1NDEALER- FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1977 I OA Ho The name Idaho come; from an Indian word meaning "gem of the mountains." 'Put all your eggs in one basket and watch that basket." Mark Twain TTT77 GOT A SICK SEPTIC SYSTEM? GET THE FS POROX TREATMENT TM Tall and small marigolds blend at the entrance to an inviting home garden to add an extra touch to the landscape. Buying plants from a professional plant grower and transplanting them is an effective way of developing a beautiful garden. G a r d e n i n g w i t h professionally-grown com mercial transplants is the easy way to get the most out of a garden. Whether it is a flower or vegetable garden, its days ;ire numbered from the last frost of spring to the first one in the fall. Transplants allow the home gardener to skip the days that seeds need to rest in the soil, absorbing enough moisture to send out tenuous small roots and shoots. A garden with started bedding plants can be soaking up sunlight energy for rapidly- expanding growth before seeds planted in the same garden are barely started. Modern garden centers catering to gardening demands stock large display areas with choice, stocky young plants brimful of that stored-up energy ready to be turned loose in prepared garden soil. Smart gardeners will have their garden areas ready for setting out started plants before they go shopping for the varieties, colors and sizes they need. Knowing the number of plants required to plant a garden before shopping enables the gardener to buy the precise number needed. Conscientious bedding plant growers are trained, skilled professionals with well- equipped greenhouse ranges for germinating, transplanting and rearing seedling plants in order to make them ready to set out in the outdoor garden at the proper time. Since some garden plants are grown from seeds which are tricky to germinate or which take an extra long time for sprouting, commercial growers begin their greenhouse operations soon after the New year. The seed geranium is only one example of a plant which must accumulate many hours of sunlight energy before it can begin to flower. To achieve flowering in the late spring and early summer, it must be started into growth early in the year. by Bob Bnwttor MERCURY OUTDOOR CONSULTANT USE NO HOOKS! Fish should be plainly marked, "Fragile, handle with care!" Or perhaps, "This side up!" Such warnings about the frail nature of fish when they are handled might be of value to fishermen who want to return their catch to the water. Fish are, indeed, very delicate creatures. Their vulner ability to injury and disease is increased manyfold when they have been caught and released. Incorrect handling before replacing the fish in the water will create stress conditions that may kill it many days later. The proper way to handle a fish, according to the angling department at Mercury outboards, is to grip it by its lower lip. If you intend to release the fish unharmed, leave it in the water so there will be support for its body and internal organs. Work the hook loose and let the fish go. Toothed fish such as pike and walleye, which can't be held by the lower lip, should be gripped across the gill covers with a wet hand. The hook can then be removed and the fish released with a good chance of survival. Grabbing a fish at the middle and squeezing is like signing its death warrant. You'll bruise the muscle tissue and could collapse the rib cage. And without realizing it, you'll remove the skin slime which protects the fish against harmful bacteria. Tank tests have shown that bass treated in such a manner take as long as 22 days to die from bacterial infection. Handle your catch with care, and the fish you release will live to provide better fish ing in the future. Growers manipulate light, temperature, and watering with professional expertise to produce young plants which are vigorous and healthy. When ready to ship to garden center markets, plants are dark green, compact and disease free. With minimal care on the part of the purchaser, they are ready for transplanting as soon as purchased. Growers caution, however, that plants coming from a controlled greenhouse environment should be kept out of the direct sun and should be watered thoroughly to * help acclimatize them to natural garden temperatures and light. r^ Bet Youfo Always Wanted Well Here If Is, And It's. RAND McNALLY ROAD ATLAS * Has your septic system failed9 If your septic drain field is soggy, or embarass- ing, offensive odors occur in your yard call FS for a free diagnosis Before the development of the POROX Treat ment. you either had to "rest" your system for a long time or install a new drain field or extension at considerable expense But now you have a less expensive, more con venient alternative the POROX Treatment! Here's how it works: Special environmentally-safe POROX chemicals are inserted to destroy the porcelain-like crust that's clogging the soil below the septic drain field Within hours, drainage is restored without ever interrupting water service CALL FOR A FREE INSPECTION. Copyright 1977 ; . i 1 m .-•jJfA" A i'\ a- j i Vx"'*"'1 » • f f H - i \ira dpW' Alexandre Eiffel not only built the tower that bears his name, he designed the framework for the Statue of Liberty and the locks o n t h e P a n a m a C a n a l . FARNITOWN 'Wt<1 idttine u*' BY'00 M ..O -^1 foiieston N» Woi"L< & rcHVS ICAGO 211 N. Virginia Crystal Lake, Dl. Hours: Mon. • Fri. 9-9, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-5 <3*0̂ cHickij 1 HOURS Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. g26 FROM RT.3l| 815-385-9303 { CLEARANCE SALE 45 "SELECT" USED CARS & TRUCKS 1976 MINI HOME NEW 1977 MALLARD 23 FT. MINI HOME 1976 CHEVY •blazer! 4 *im. Mtoaitk. pwm N"* torn, ra% «*•*. m two-to* pwrt, 2.(00 m*m, caa't te |rowi n^|| ««'13.900 KKi '15,410 ' /jM" u o* *AC*e r the 1977 XS360 A Street Machine with Racing Heritage Offer Good While Supply Lasts i LIST PRICE* 1197 It's Easy To Get One... Subscribe To The McH&nry Plaindealer For One Year at *10.50 (NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS ONLY--WITHIN McHENRY CO.) Now Only *1089 ! •"PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE TITLE, TAXES, LICENSE, SET-UP OR FREIGHT." 1977 XS 360, Sure Handling Motorcycle with •Electric Push-Button Starter * Front Disc Brake •Four-Stroke Twin Engine *6 Speed Close-Ratio Transmission •Remarkable Performance and Economy When you know how they're built, you'll buy a Yamaha WOODSTOCK 1601 S. Route - Woodstock, III. 60098 - 815-338-6454 The McHenry PLAINDEALER 3812 W. ELM ST.-McHENRY-ILL. * \