SECTION 2 - PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JUNE 22. 1977 ADVERTISED ITEM POUCY Each of these advertised items is required to be readily available for sale at or below the advertised price in each AErP Store except as specifically noted in this ad. PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT. JUNE 25,1977 NONE SOLD TO DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS. We pick the best fruits, vegetables, meats and poultry just for you. From around the world our buyers are constantly searching to bring you the finest products money can buy. Our meats are federally inspected, our poultry raised in controlled en vironments. Everything that can be done to assure you of the utmost in , quality is being taken care of at A&P. Our standards are high, but we don't stop there - we guarantee every purchase you make. If it's proof you want, come on in - we do pick the best, so you can, too. NEW HOURS McHENRY STORE ONLY SUNDAY X 9 AM TO 5 PM MON. -- FRI.. J 8 AM TO 9 PM SATURDAY 8 AM TO 7 PM FOR PEOPLE ON THE MOVE All UP STORES HAVE AN "EXPRESS LANE" CHECKOUT STAND FOR SHOPPERS WITH I ITEMS OR LESS, OPEN FULL TIME W«'r« kMping our A*P Exp rasa Lan«" checkout stand apmn av*ry hour your A&P Stora ia opart. You'll navar ba frustrated by a long lina whan you naad just a taw itams. You'll gat A&P s Famous Quality and Sanction with Low ' Pricas plus Tha Fsstast Checkout Sarvica going PEOPLE, PRIDE AND PRICE IT TAKES ALOT TO MAKE A FOOD STORE GREAT W E R E W O R K I N G A T I T ! BEER AVAILABLE ONLY IN LIQUOR LICENSED A&P STORES t$aHamm's Beer Wunit* 12-OZ. CANS Drewry's Beer 12-OZ. BTLS. Tomato Catsup 32-OZ. BOTTLE NAAS It 'V GALLON Laundry Bleach A&P 48 LARGE CALIFORNIA SWEET IN THE HUSK SweetCorn SUNKIST Lemons YOU'LL BE ABLE TO SATISFY THOSE HUNGRY APPETITES WITH A TASTY AND NUTRITIOUS DESERT. CALIFORNIA Avocados $100 18-OZ. NET WGT. Cucumbers $ SNAPPIN FRESH Green Beans GOURMET DELITE ROMAINE Lettuce WHY NOT SURPRISE THE FAMILY WITH A TASTY CUCUMBER SALAD! YELLOW Onions Tea BSGS TODDLER Pampers DISPOSABLE DIAPERS 12 COUNT BOX * 46-OZ. CAN Hawaiian PUNCH JUICY RED LIMIT FOUR PLEASE 4T 48-OZ. BTL. Crisco OIL FOR COOKING OR SALADS 100-CT. PKG. Lipton TEA BAGS ORANGE PEKO-BLEND GALA COLORED OR DEC. Paper Towels A&P MINI Marshmallows *159 • LIMIT THREE , PLEASE M JUMBO ROLL SANDWICH CREME b, HNO * BUTTER COOKIES J 10-1/2 OZ. PKG. 55c Asst. Cookies A&P KOSHER OR POLISH Dill pick|es 16 TO 18 OZ. PKG. 48-OZ. JAR A&P FINEST QUALITY 99c Applesauce SULTANA 89c Pork & Beans _ ^ A&P CUT GREEN BEANS OR 3 'cans l00 A&P Corn w^km%rthAle°" 3™*100 52-OZ. CAN 79c GREAT FOR PICNICS Hi C Drinks --•srsu FROZEN FOODS m iff: I \ Stood aJSSI&s JOHN'S Pizza SAUSAGE OR CHEESE 14-OZ. SIZE EA. n BANQUET Suppers r VARIETIES 2 a Awake Breakfast Drink BIROKVE uc% 49c PLAIN OreldaTaterTots OR ONION ^®z 79c Dean's Ice Milk FLAVORS , GAL. CTN. $lo$ Dean's Dreamsicles 12-cT. PKQ. 99c Swiffhing Shortening WITH THIS COUPON & $5 00 PURCHASE Butter 1-LB. SOLID-SILVER BROOK 5 ̂ 1°° DAIRY DEPARTMENT i WITH THIS COUPON & $5 00 PURCHASE • PRICE > PRIOE • PRICE > PRIOE » PRICE i PRIOC » PWtCE* PRIOE • J • PRICE & PRIDE • PRICE & PRIDE • PRICE & PRIDE • PRICE i PRIDE M'M SAVE 30c SWIFTNING SHORTENING am 99C PRICE WITHOUT COUPON $1 49 LIMIT ONE COUPON PEf| FAMILY. REDEEMABLE THRU JUNt 29, 1977 SUBJECT TO STATE SALES TAX AT REO. PRICE. Id _ t w _ _ 1 • pR»CE A PRIOE • PRICE A PRIDE • PRICE A PRIOE • PRICE A PRIOE • i • PRICE ft PRIOf • PRICE ft PRIOE • PRICE ft PRIpE • PRICE A PRIOE 22 M SAVE 30c SILVERBROOK BUTTER 1-LB OQ( SOLID PRICE WITHOUT COUPON $119 LIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY REDEEMABLE THRU JUNE 25, 1977 SUBJECT TO STATE SALES TAX AT REG PRICE CARY-Rte. 14 t Silver Lake Rd. HARVARD-106 W. Sumner LAND-O-LAKES Margarine '• QUARTERS 2 * 1-LB. PKGS. 100 SHARP CHEDDAR Cheese DARI-COUNTRY ti 11 TO 13-OZ. SIZES LB. |S9 Kraft OrangeJuice A&P 2% Milk A&P Buttermilk Dean's Yogurt HALF. GAL. JUQ HALF QAL. CTN. HALF QAL. * CTN. ASST. FLAVORS 99c 69c 79c 3 C'T°KV' *100 WOODSTOCK-220 N. Jefferson McHENRY- 3750 W. Elm St.