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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jun 1977, p. 4

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PAGE 4 -PLAINDEALER- FRIDAY. JUNE 24. I»77 I RECOGNIZE BENEFACTORS - An impressive Mass was offered at St Paul's Episcopal church last Sunday, followed by a coffee hour in which persons outside the parish were recognised on Benefactors' Sunday. Later, they Joined members of the church for a social hour. From left, are Dan J us ten and Adele Froehlich of McHenry, Mrs. Norman Cram and Norman Cram of Kenilworth. Father Arthur McKay, pastor of St Paul's church, shaking hands with SUn Smith; Mrs. Smith and Charles Rhze, all of Kenilworth; Father Wayne Johnson, rector of the Kenilworth Episcopal church and Jerry Cordrey. bishop's warden of St Paul's. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Save HARMS FARM '"GARDEN CENTER 4727 W. CRYSTAL LAKE RD. McHENRY, ILL. 815-385-3074 HOURS: 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. i CLEARANCE OF PLANTS & SHRUBS Bedding Plants WERE6.SO 574 FLAT Vegetable Plants WERE I.2*1 95* DOZ. Potted Tomatoes WERE40' .35* EA. NOW STARTING FARM FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Delicious WATERMELON Field Grown TOMATOES State Office Gives Charter • Secretary of State Alan Dixon recently announced the issuance of a domestic cor­ poration charter to an area association. A charter was awarded to the K l a p p e r i c h K o r n e r s association, 4306 Riverdate drive, McHenry, for the pur­ pose of engaging in social and civic activities. WHAT S NEW A device for improving the taste of water for household use by screening out impurities is Instant Clean. The manufacturer says that the unit can be installed on a standard tap in 30 seconds and will remove 100 per cent of chlorine, sediment, rust, algae, bad taste, odor and color. The filter is supposed to need changing only about every three years. IS OVERSTOCKED WITH LINCOLN-MERCURY "SHARP"TRADE-INS! 1977 CHEVY MONTE CARLO S p o r t C o u p e A i l t h e t o y s s w i v e l b u c W o t s A m F m s t e r e o t i l t c r u i s e p o w e r w i n d o w s a i r c o n d i t i o n o d t i n t e d g l a s s 3 0 0 0 m i l e s ^ 5 7 0 ^ " 1974 MERCURY M0NTEG0 2 DR. VI, automatic, powar steering, powar brakes, factory air, tinted glass, AM radio, 45.000 milos. '2795 1976 COMET 2 DR. 4 cylinder. owtomatk. power storing, factory air, tinted glass, vinyl trim, whitewalls and whoel covars, 9,000 milos. '3795 1974 0LDSM0BILE DELTA 88 2 DR. Hardtop. VS. automatic, powar stooring, power brakas, tilt wbaal, fac­ tory air, AM radio, vinyl roof, 34,000 milos. 1976 FORD THUNDERBIRD A big lipstick rod beauty, loaded. 7895 • cylinder, automatic, powar stooring, powar brakas, vinyl top, buckot seats and consolo. 1975 MERCURY COUGAR XR7 2 DR. VI, automatic, powar steering, powar brakas, factory air, AM/FM radio, bwekat seats.'/» vinyl roof, 39,000 milos. '3995 1974 FORD PINTO 2 DR. COUPE 2,000 CID, 4 cylindar, automatic, radio, buckot seats, roof rack. '1995 1975 FORD PlnTO WAGON 4 cylinder. 4 speed, AM radio, oconomy with room. '2295 1972 BUICK LE SABRE 4 DR. HARDTOP Green, V-B automatic, power steering, powar brakas, air conditionod, tintod glass, roar defrost, vinyl top, AM/FM, only 45,000 miles. '1995 SERVICE 8-5 Moil, thru FrL Saturday 8-12 LINCOLN-MERCURY SALES 9-9 Mon.-Fri 9-5 Sat. 11-4 Sun. OPEN SUNDAYS M £ H E N R Y « I L L r > 4611 W. RT. 120 McHENRYf ILL BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE! 815/344-1200 REWTIKC Legal Notice BEFORE THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE CITY OF McHENRY IN THE MATTER OF THE AP­ PLICATION OF McLAKE CO. AN ILLINOIS CORPORATION F0« ENTRY INTO AN AN­ NEXATION AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF M c H E N R Y , M c H E N R Y COUNTY, ILLINOIS PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry, that a public hearing will be held before the ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS of the City of McHenry on the ap­ plication affecting the following described real estate: Lots 11 to 17 inclusive in Block 9 in West Shore Beach, McCullom Lake, a subdivision of part of the SE^ of Sec. 21, North, Range 8, ETP McHenry County, Illinois The subject property com­ prises 175 feet Dy 125 feet of vacant land contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of McHenry and is located ap- Annexation Agreement such annexation would be contingent Twp 45 fPM, in W0RKWISE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1.1 am 15 years old and would like to work this summer. I know Illinois Law says I have to get a work permit before I can get a job. Can you tell me how I can obtain one. Fourteen and fifteen-year- olds may obtain work cer­ tificates from their local public high school or their county superintendent of schools. If you live in the city of Chicago, work certificates are issued by the board of education. 2. I was drawing unem­ ployment insurance for several months. I found a job during this time and worked for two days, but forgot to report it to my local office. So, I received an overpayment on my unemployment check because I worked those two days. Now that I'm fully unemployed again, will I lose my rights to draw unemployment in­ surance? Should I pay the money back? You should immediately report this overpayment to your local office. The over­ payment readjustment will be made by the Bureau of Em­ ployment Security. Our advice to you is - in the future, report any earnings to your local Unemployment Insurance office as soon as possible in order to avoid delays in your claim. (Questions may be submitted ^ to WORK WISE. 910 South Michigan Avenue, Room 1830, Chicago. 111., 60605) Now We Know It takes two things to conduct a successful po­ litical campaign: hot is­ sues and cold cash. -Press, Grand Rapids. proximately l2 mile north of Route 120, located on the east side of Ring wood Road, south of West Shore Drive, immediately north of the creek which is the xurrent City limits of the City of McHenry and has 175 toot frontage on Ringwood Road, McHenry, Illinois. The applicant is seeking to annex the above described real estate and any adjacent high­ ways or roads as required Dy law to the City of McHenry pursuant to an Annexation Agreement. Under the terms of said Agreem )iud be i upon an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry so as to classify the above described real estate as "B-l" Commercial Retail District. Under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry as now in effect, any property which is annexed to the City of McHenry is regarded as "R-l classification. The land is presently zoned under the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance and is classified as "B-l" and the applicant requests that the above described property be classified as "B-l Com­ mercial Retail District by the City of McHenry under the terms and provisions of the City Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing will be held before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of McHenry on July 15th, 1977, at 3:00 P.M. in the McHenry Municipal Building located at 1111 N. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, AT WHICH TIME AND PLACE any person desiring to be heard may be present. Dated: June 20, 1977 McHENRY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RONALD WILKINS, Chairman Leroy J. Welter Attorney for petitioner 1303 N. Richmond Road McHenry, Illinois 385-1333 (Pub. June 24,1977) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF CEASER BURALLI Deceased, FILE NO. 77-P-186 Notice is hereby giyen pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on June 16th, 1977, to DENO BURALLI, 616 Regner Road, Pistakee Bay, McHenry, Illinois, whose attorneys of record are NIDETZ & EISENSTEIN, 32 W. Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood­ stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Jun 24, Jul 1 & 8,1977) TO close-OUT WE'VE ) PRICED DOWN! -Hotpirint 2-Speed Washer with Bleach and Fabric Conditioner Dispensers M O D E L W L W 3 5 0 0 P • 181b capacity -- mixed heavy fabrics Normal and gentle agitation and spin Four water-level selections Three water-temperature selections Four soil-removal cycles Self-cleaning filter ring assures thorough lint removal • Perforated tub for improved washability, thorough rii>iing Porcelain-enamel protects tub and lid • No-kink drain hose • Automatic self-leveling legs • Heavy-duty pump • Gleaming dc finish prote< H CUSTOMER CAREl ... EVERYWHERE! H just $23900 LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. Front (S. Rte. 31) McHenry, I I I . 3850882 Legal Notice AN ORDINANCE ̂ 10.21 AN ORDINANCE ... PROVIDING F< APPROPRIATION OF THE VILLAGE OF HOLIDAY HI! AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE,, ANNUAL THAT: ^ L , SECTION 1: The following sums, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, and the same are hereby appropriated to be provided for by the general tax levy and other revenues for the current fiscal year, for corporate purposes of the ViJUage of Holiday Hills in the County ot McHenry and State of Illinois, as hereinafter specified, for tne fiscal year commencing May 1,1977 and ending April 30,1978, an aggregate sum erf One Hundred Sixty Three Thousand Five Hundred Twenty and 00-100 Dollars ($163,520.00) and that the object and purpose for which said appropriation is made, and the amounts appropriated for the same a r e a s f o l l o w s , t o w i t : , n . FOR GENERAL CORPORATE PURPOSES LEGISLATIVE & EXECUTIVE President's Salary Trustees' Salaries Secretary's Salary Dues and Meetings ^ Books and Periodicals Village Telephone VILLAGE CLERK Clerk's Salary Deputy Clerk s Salary Printing Election Expense Gerk's Telephone Office Supplies Office Equipment Legal Notices TREASURER Treasurer's Salary Office Supplies Loss and Cost of Collecting Taxes LEGAL AND JUDICIAL Legal Retainer Legal Services STREETS Engineering Fees Repairs ana Maintenance-Streets Snow Plowing Street Lights Street Signs Traffic Control Signs Weed Cutting-Roadways POLICE Chief's Salary Patrolmen's Salaries Matron's Salary Gas, Oil and Grease Repairs and Maintenance-Equipment New Equipment 100.00 360.00 400.00 1,000.00 250.00, 200.00 ' 1,200.00'1 60.00 ' 900:00 250.00 200.001 I 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 300.00 250.00 3,000.00 1 600.00 3,000.00 < 1,500.00 , h 25,000.00 15,000.00," 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 <' 500.00 it 1,200.00 : 2,000.00,. 200.00 2,500.00 ! 1,000.00 1 6,000.00 ' 2,000.00 " 1,000.00 • 500.00 • 300.00 500.00 400.00 750.00 « 200.00 ' 500.00 1 500.00 v Uniforms and Cleaning Ammunition Stray Dog Control Miscellaneous Supplies Dues and Meetings Police Training Expense Police Telephone Police Forms Bonds PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS New Equipment Repairs and Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance-Equipment Village Hall Telephone Mosquito Abatement Construction of Village Hall WEED CUTTING - NON ROAD PROPERTY Weed Cutting-Vacant Lots CIVIL DEFENSE New Equipment Training Expense Books and Periodicals Dues and Meetings PLANNING COMMISSION Office Supplies Professional Planner Dues and Meetings Books and Periodicals Public Hearing Expense Printing Expense BUILDING COMMISSIONS Commissions on Building Permits Office Supplies CONTINGENT FUND GRAND TOTAL . , SECTION 2: All unexpended balances of any item or items of any general appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any insufficiency in any item or items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purposes or in a Eke appropriation made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be and is hereby published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate " e Village of Holiday Hills, Illinois. R. Saunders Village President 1,000.00 «•. 3,000.00 •• 300.00 >,• loo.oo ; 2,000.00 ,y 50,000.00 i(i 3,000.00 u 1,250.00 1,100.00 200.00 100.00 150.00 ~ 1,500.00 | 1,000.00 500.00 rt 5,000.00 ,, 500.00 . 12,000.00 $163,520.00 i! authorities of the ii ATTEST: Phyllis Bryan Village Clerk PASSED: This 16th day of June, 1977. j AYES: Dubsky, DeWitt, Hughes, Lewandowski, Roth, Van Duyn • NAYS: None J ABSENT: None , (Pub. Jun 24,1977) 8 VARESE'S i Foxes' Run § Party Nite! THURSDAYS 8 'TIL ? MEN'S AND LADIES' I All ! Cocktails V2 Price!!! AT THE' PLUS FREE MUNCHIES! "PUB' DOUBLE BUBBLE (MON.-FRI.) 4 to 6! : • lllli *!#:••! yiit fan • • • • | •DANCING •ELECTRONIC GAMES CORNER OF GREEN ST. I RTE. 120, McHENRY 385-3120 j

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