J. Be A hot Of Fun! A Leisurely stroll la the codniry? Not quite. Picture at left shows 8teve Cook switching skateboards while ridiag dowa a steep incline. The trick caa he difficult, especially If the froat skateboard flips over. At right, Steve and his dog race dowa a hlU, with the dog claiariag ALL YOU CAN EAT SPAGHETTI DINNER Svnday July 3rd-I to 9 PM CAN EAT salad, garlic bread, oice of plain, mot or 3612 W. ELM ST. NEXT TO FIRE \ 815-385-5252 SIS/471 SSSSE 6 9 Can nj" STAFF PHOTOS BY WAYNE GAY LORD One of the most popular summertime recreational activities for today's youth is skateboarding. Parents who often found their children bored after just a few weeks without school have discovered that turning a child loose with a skateboard (but not too looae) is one of the best entertainment values around. Of course, skateboarding is not without its hazards, whether it be oncoming cars on the roadway, or a dangerous trick which goes awry. As the picture at left shows, the aid of all rides is not all glory. However, the sensation erf speed, as one whips down an incline, more than compensates for any perils that may befall the participant at the end of his ride. Fifteen-year-old Chris Garza of Wwider Lake, shown above, and his two skateboarding companions, Steve Cook, 17, and his brother Vin, 12, have had skateboarding ground rules mapped out by their parents. Should they be caught skateboarding in the streets when a car is coming, they are immediately grounded. This type of agreement, while not limiting the child's fun, helps insure a safe afternoon in the sun. The three Wonder Lake boys have only been skateboarding since BS\ » H >. h :•&?* vim. id <f! Christmas, when the boards were delivered via Santa Claus. All three boys stated that they became interested in skateboarding because Mends were doing it They have already become proficient enough that they try tricks such as the "butterfly", which as the picture at loft shows, was not performed perfectly this time down the hill. / three boys practice on roafcfa near their homes every tty they get, meaning that if it doesn't rain, theyjU be out On days when the three boys aren't together, their dogs provide the company, racing their owners down the hill, and sometimes only Steve has been injured while on the board, some cuts and bruises when performing an ill-fated > boys are rapidly learning new tricks and gimmicks, some as intricate as those shown on television. Steve, Chris, and Vin an not champions yet, but they've discovered a way, and a safe way far, to enjoy the time between May andSeptember, when i out winning. / Ttius fur, :-j- - *v * A1 \<i , v ' --Ai. jMfr* .p* The Fourth Holiday From Festivity To Tragedy? Fun and frolic could easily turn into tragedy unless millions of Americans practice basic safety rules as they take to the highways during America's 20lst birthday, says the Insurance InformationJ institute. Last year 523persons died and 24,500 were injured in traffic accidents over the four-day holiday weekend. This year, the National Safety council predicts, between 500 and 600 persons will die in traffic ac cidents this Fourth of July weekend. In addition to this annual carnage on the highways,, boating accidents, drownings and accidents in the home add to the number of persons killed or injured. ' With speed, alcohol and fatigue proven factors in a large percentage of fatal and non-fatal accidents, the In stitute advises that a driver who observes the 55 mile-per- hour speed limit, avoids drinking before driving, and rests before he becomes overtired, will greatly increase his chances of survival. Motorists also are urged to do as much of their driving as possible during daylight hours. A safe speed limit, the In- also a factor in entering a super highway - a time when it is important to enter the flow of traffic at a speed comparable with that at which the traffic is moving. 12,000 Uvea would be saved annually Even the safest driver may be unable to avoid an accident if his vehicle is unsafe, the Institute continues. A safety , . cheelr Should include the stitute notes, is tied closely to The Institute emphasized ignition system, the exhaust road conditions. In other words, use of seatbdts, pointing to a system, tires, brakes, front and what is a safe speed under ideal National Safety council rear lishts. hood latches, wheel estimate that if all passenger » car occupants were to use seatbelts at all tiems, at least conditions could only become alignment and windshield appliances are wipers. use nearby, or by Carelessness around the without anyooe else house can be as deadly as Backyard barbecues carelessness on'the highway^ have tragic results says the Institute. / •' cook tries perking up a fii y a direct squirt iroro nis Backyard poolf can become ~ killers when people persist on The diving in them while electrical nets it suicidal in a dense fog, heavy rain or dust storm. Speed is AND COMPARE SERVICE AND PRICES. DROP-OFF & SELF-SERVICE 35S "onDuh* WASH at all Times DRY " ,