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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jul 1977, p. 3

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Fill Top Legion Posts Lazy Day Barbecue PAGE S - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, JULY 29, 197V Hidden Part of Farm Growth A 4 o'clock afternoon joint installation of officers was conducted for American Legion Post 491 and its auxiliary unit at the Legion clubhouse last Sunday. It was followed by a buffet dinner and dancing. Installed as new officers in the post were, left to right, Lloyd Scharf, assistant sergeant-at- arms; Sheldon Bauer, sergeant-alarms; Fred Schoewer, chaplain; Francis Pickett, Junior vice- commander; Edwin Held, finance officer; and Jim Chester, commander. Missing from picture were Stan Burlack, senior vice-commander^ Martin Ehlen, adjutant; and Bernie Mate hen, historian. Lydia Fenner, left, front row, was installed as president of the Legion auxiliary. Sitting beside her are Grace Latimer, first vice-president; and Betty Bockman, second vice-president. In second row, from left, are Betty Lingenfelter, recording secretary; Dorothy Messer, treasurer; Eleanore Held, chaplain; Tina Boeker, historian; Margaret Datx, sergeant-at-arms; and Midge Scharf, assistant sergeant-at-arms. Absent was Pearl Cooper, corresponding secretary. OTAFT, I Good/ food beautifully prepared doesn't have to mean dawn-to-dark kitchen duty nor must "convenience food" always be a culinary cop-out. When there's seafood from the icy depths of the North Atlantic on the menu -- you can have it both ways . . . fast and fabulous, too. Though these fillets from the fishing ports of Canada, Norway, Iceland and Denmark 4»ave long held a special place in the finest international cui­ sines, they're just naturally a convenience food. Skinless and boneless, delicate in flavor, they're every cook's answer to hot weather lazy day menus. Usually one pound of fish will serve four, but when it's barbecue time -- better count oft one-half pound per person. Marinate thawed fillets in al­ most any sauce -- curry, western barbecue, sweet/sour or lemon and oil. Then cook over medium/hot coals until the flesh is opaque and flakes easily with a fork. indoors or out, youll find preparation fast and easy, the choice of cooking methods wide, the flavor great and the price right! Grilled North Atlantic Fillets 6 Servingt 2 lb. North Atlantic Cod or Pollock Fillets, thawed 2 cups bottled barbecue sauce % cup salad oil Additional barbecue sauce for basting Green pepper slices for garnish (optional) Combine barbecue sauce and salad oil in shallow baking dish. Place fillets in marinade; cover and let stand at lesst 30 minutes. Grill over hot coals (using grill basket if desired) approx­ imately 3 to 4 minutes on each side, brushing with addi­ tional barbecue sauce through­ out cooking time. Fish is ready to serve when flesh flakes easily with a fork. Serve gar­ nished with green pepper strips. Are Rates Fair On Car Insurance? ' " New York State has kicked off a deep investigation of whether the way automobile insurance companies pick which drivers get low rates and which pay more are really fair. At issue are the so- called "good driver" low rates for motorists with accident-free records--and the hefty increases that can come when those drivers do have an accident. A single in­ cident, even one that is not the *" " • ' : Legal Notice McHenry County college is accepting sealed bids on automotive and welding equipment until August 5, 1977 at 1:00P.M. Specifications may be obtained at the business office at McHenry County College, Et. 14 at Lucas Road, Crystal Lake, IL. Telephone 815-455-3700. (Pub. Jul 29,1977) Legal Notice IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION FOR ) AMENDMENT OF THE ) ZONING ORDINANCE OF ) McHENRY COUNTY, ) ILLINOIS ) NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in compliance with the McHenry County Zoning Or­ dinance, that a public hearing will be held before the McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS in connection with this Ap- Rlication for Amendment of tne IcHenry County Zoning Or­ dinance, which would result in a change in the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, to wit: Proposed Amendment to Section 1, "Definitions" of the Zoning Ordinance: "PRIVATE DOG KENNEL: Any building, structure or enclosure used or intended to be used for the housing of any number of dogs which are kept primarily for a commercial purpose. All dogs kept shall be the sole property of the owner or lessor of the site and the commercial purposes shall be limited to the raisins, breeding, training and sale of such dogs. fault of the insured driver, can boost overall car insurance rates by aa much as 25 per cent. "People feel that if they are safe drivers.they should pay lower rates, but they also feel that when an accident occurs, they should not be penalised," explains Stanley Dorf, chief ac­ tuary of the state insurance de­ partment and head of the new study. "These are two inconaia- tent positions that need to be ex­ plored." Insurance companies say that a driver in an accident--even one not his fault--is more likely to be in another, and therefore is a ris­ kier policy holder. Dorf wants to see the evidence for that claim. He also wants to consider whether an accident in one car should lead to higher insurance rates for other cars owned by the same person. * • * Man Talk Man to man: "My wife hates all four-letter, words except SALE." -Tribune, Chicago. To The Point Outside a San Fran­ cisco home: "Trespassers will be prosecuted to the full extent of one German Shepherd." •Examiner,San Francisco. McHenry Plaindealer McHenry, Illinois MOM Published Every Wednesday 8 Friday et McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHCNRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund-- Publisher I mm SUSSMPTION RATES £: i Year S10.50 1 Year. SI5.00 fat McHenry and Lalce Outside McHenry and County Lake County In no event shall any item or produce of any kind be for sale." •PROFESSIONAL DOG KENNEL: Any building, structure, or enclosure other than a 'Private Dog Kennel' used or intended to be used for the housing of any number of dogs kept for any commercial purpose and which may offer for sale any item or product related to dog care. A 'professional dog Kennel' shall be considered a conditional use and shall be subject to all of the requirements of Section 15 of this Ordinance." A hearing on this Petiiton will be held on tho.^th day of August, 1977. at 2:00 p.m. at the McHenry County Courthouse located at 2200 N. Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, AT WHICH TIME AND PLACE, any person desiring to be heard may he present. DATED: This 13th day of July, 1977. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By : June Girard Its Chairman (Pub. July 29,1977) MODEL FV15CR I luLpuoint- BIG-CAPACITY FOOD FREEZER MODEL FV15CR 14.8 cu. ft. capacity • 32" wide, 63%" nigh • Built-in door lock • Magnetic door gasket • Automatic interior light • Large slide-out basket • Throe refrigerated shelves • Top cold plata • Four door shelves • Two juice-can shelves in door • Defrost-wator drain • Door stop LEE ft RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. Front <$. Rte. 31) McHenry, hi. Bridal EafHes?^ Let us show you the elegant and easy wayJ All the partyware and accessories you'll need for upcoming bridal showers, parties, and receptions are available in our complete Wedding Depart­ ment. Everything horn cups and plates to center­ pieces and table covers. Let Hallmark designers help you celebrate the wedding in style! % 1238 &N. (3/izzn Stxtei 385-6750 niy, ULL. Unknowingly, even if you're a center-city resi­ dent, you may be helping farm expansion. The recent continuing trend in agriculture has been a decline in the number of farms, accompanied by a corresponding increase in the size of individual farms. Over the past decade, nearly a half-million farms "disap­ peared," but the average size of remaining farms in­ creased by about 12 percent. In order to expand, many farmers are taking out real estate loans to buy more land. bacon and fish together, pin- wheel fashion. Thread fish/ bacon rolls and vegetables alternately on skewers, begin­ ning and ending with vege­ tables. Barbecue over hot coals for 10 to 12 minutes, giving skewers a quarter turn every two to three minutes and brushing often with re­ served marinade. Ka-bobs are ready to serve when fish flakes easily with a fqjk and bacon is delicately browned. A growing portion of these farm real estate loans are being made by life insurance companies. Thus, evln city life insurance policy holders Indirectly are a part of farm size expansion, now possible through more efficient mechanization and other advancements. \ In fact, life insurance companies increased thetr holdings of farm real estate loans by $1 billion last year alone. This illustrates that the close relationship between field and family can go well beyond the traditional as­ sociation involving food and fiber. Fun Fish Ka-bobs 6 Servings lb. frozen North Atlantic Sole or Perch fillets, thawed and cut in 12 portions jar (8 oz.) sweet and sour sauce slices bacon cut in half small onions medium zucchini, cut in half lengthwise, then cut crosswise in 1" pieces to 12 large cherry tomatoes Marinate fish fillets, cover­ ed, in sweet and sour sauce in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Meanwhile, partially cook bacon and place on paper towels to absorb excess fat. Peel and par-boil onions; do not fully cook. Remove fish portions from marinade and reserve excess sauce. Place half piece of bacon on each portion of fillet and roll 6 12 2 6 ^ MOVIES \ COME AS YOU ARE "JEANS OR MINKS" FRIDAYS 5 to 11 PM PERCH DINNER... $2M POOR MAN'S LOBSTER...... SMELT DINNER ... $2" $3»5 8 OPEN 7 DAYS PER WtEK LUNCHEONS: 11:30-5PM DINNERS: 5:00-10PM FRI-SAT: 5:00-11PM SUNDAY: IsOO-OPM IT. 31 N. TO JOHNSBURO RD., IAST TO RT. 11, LIFT % Ml. TO NIW1NTRANCX CALL FOR RESERVATIONS 815/675-2302 COMflfTl BANQUfT MOUTHS AVAJiAMJ McHenry State Bank Founded in 1906 - McHenry County's largest Financial Institution Statement Of Conditions CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION of McHenry State Bank of McHenry, Illinois 60050 And Foreign and Domestic Subsidiaries, at the close of business June 30, 1977, a state banking Institution organized and operating under the banking laws of the State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published In accordance with a call made by the State Banking Authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. ASSETS Cosh and due from bonks > 7,929,000.00 U.S. Treasury securities. 12,870,000.00 Obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations 1,409,000.00 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 17,064,000.00 Federal Reserve stodt and corporate stock 193,000.00 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell in domestic offices 3,000,000X10 a. Loons, Total (excluding unearned income) .57,518,000.00 b. Less: Reserve for possible loan losses 546,000.00 c. Loans, net,...5............ f ...... fa 7;... 96,972,000.00 Bank premises furniture and fixtures, ond other assets representing bank premises ... 884,000.00 Other assets.!...... , * .7. T .798,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS (sum of Items 1 thru IS) 101,039,000.00 V '*• LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 18,499,000.00 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations .67,193,000.00 Deposits of United States Government ;..... 277,000.00 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 4,867,000.00 Certified and officers' checks... .^ 1,230,000.00 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFFICES 92,012,000.00 a. Total demand deposits 23,407,000.00 b. Total time and «nw|fias deposits 68,609,000.00 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN OFFICES 92,012,000.00 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase in domestic offices .. l ,101,000.00 Other liabilities....:.. .-.J. .. ,1,307;000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated notes and debentures) 94,420,000.00 EQUITY CAPITAL Common stock a. No.Shares authorised 160,000 b. No. shares outstanding iStOWr. 1,600,000.00 Surplus ,... * , 9M0,000.00 Undivided profits ... *. t 1749,000.00 Reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves 270,000.00 TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL (sum of items 32 thru 36) 6,619,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL (sum of items 30, 31, and 37) 101,039,000.00 MEMORANDA Average for 30 calendar days ending with report date: a. Cash and due from bonks (corresponds to item 1 above) 7,773,000.00 Federal-funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell (corresponds to item 8 above) v.......\ 3,133,000.00 Total loans (corresponds to item 9a above) 62,098,000.00 Time deposits of 9100,000 or more In domestic offices , (corresponds to Memoranda items 3a plus 3b below) 2,100,000.00 Total deposits in domestic and foreign offices. (corresponds to item 24 above) 91,231,000.00 Official Publication • • WILLIAM A. NYE, MD, ROBERT L. WEBER THOMAS P. BOLGER ELMER P. ADAMS JOHN L. COWUN LENORA E. FRI8BY ORMEL J. PRU8T FRANCIS M. 8CHMITT WILLIAM COWUN OFFICEBS WILLiAM A. NYE, M.D., Chairman of the Board ESTHER CAREY, Vice Chairman ROBERT L. WEBER, Chairman of Encsthn Committee THOMAS fTBOLGER, • > s. ORMEL J. PRUST, Executive Vice-President LENORA E. FRISBY, Vice-President aid Trvst Officer ROBERT B. SCHNEIDER, Vfee-Presideat and Trait Officer EDWIN J. BECKER, JR., Vice President and Cishlw JAMES E. LARKIN, Vice-President RONALD J. VACULA. Vice-President RICHARD A. LANE, Vice-Prcsldeat ROBERT POWERS. Vice-President DONALD H. MEYER. 1 * to repurchose {corresponds to item 29 above) , .' 1,322,000.00 Standby letters of credit outstanding as of report date 734,000.00 Time deposits of $100,000 or more In domestic offices outstanding as of report date: a. Time certificates of deposit in denominations of $100,000 or more.... .. 700,000.00 b. Other time deposits in amounts of $100,000 or more 1,690,000.00 I, Edwin J. Becker, Jr. Vice Pres. A Cashier, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true to the best of my knowledge ond belief. Edwin J. Becker, Jr. i so j a, m State of Illinois County of r-' •••**** ' We, the undersigned directors, attest the correctness of this report of condition ond deciarfe that it has been examined by us ond to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. Ormei J. Prust, Thomas F. Bolger, Lenora E. Frisby, Directors n • av, , JOHN MURPHY. LILLIAN CAIRNS, DONALD H. WATTLES. Assistant CashivH ALBERT G. VALEf Assistant Cashkrl PREDTOJFSm ; &

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