• / • PAGE IS - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31.1177 tw- Lakeland Park and Lakeland Shores Sharon Gocek Sue Warren Anne Moore Grandparents Are Tickled Pink-Twice Uoyd and Gerry Wagner are very happy these days and that's because they've become grandparents for the first time. And what a double thrill it was! Their son, Tom, and his wife, Dottie, became parents of identical twin girls Monday evening, Aug. 22. The little darlings were born at 5:40 and 5:45 p.m. and were a complete surprise for the new parents. Christina Lynn weighed 4 lbs., 9M oz., and was 17 inches long and Angela Lee weighed 5 lbs., 1 oc., and was 19 indies long, when their happy parents first saw them. The babies and KIKOfBSKHUl cvpct during writs! (At fo-H-romtff prices) 315-3777 3SS-4SSS em tneir mommy anl daddy make Ibeir home in Dalian, Tex. H a p p y m a t e r n a l grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Itebert Johnson, also Dallas residents, and paternal great gramfearents are Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Harbaugh of Lombard and delighted paternal great grandmother is Mrs. Kathryn Wagner of lakeland Park. Our congratulations to the very happy Wagner family and a special hello to pretty Christina and Angela. WOMEN'S CLUB Tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m. the members of Lakeland Park Women's dub will meet once again for their regular monthly meeting. Many things will be discussed with emphasis on an active fall schedule. A report on the picnic will be presented and it promises to be an interesting meeting. Hostesses are Anne Moore, Sharon Gacek, Sue Warren and Mary Pautz. Why not plan on joining us? The meeting will be held at the community house, 1717 N. Sunset. We'll see you there. CONSERVATION CLUB NEWS The McCullom Lake Conservation dub has received their (kedge and it is now being (ttt Nn. ONLY niOO FOR 24 HOURS. ACE HARDWARE 3729 W. Elm St . Mti Have you women sent in your recipes to Harriet Hammer? They want to done the recipe book and have it sent off to the printers. Now that the dredge has arrived there are some activities planned for launching of this machine. There is a picnic in the planning and auctions, and, of course, there is a "name the dredge" content Have you thought up a good name for it? Please watch thin column for - r further information! COLORADO VISITORS Ralph and Gertrude Worth were happy to have some from Colorado last Their son, Ronnie, and Us wife, Mary Ellen, and their chikken, Timmy, Danny and Becky, were visiting from Grand Junction for a couple of days. While they were here they met with the David Worth General Electric 5-Cycle, Sound Insulated POTSCRUBBER H Spedm ,/ Triced!. /oft limited rime. • Big Spacious Capacity. • 5-Cycle Wash Selections Including Power Scrub® Cycle. • Sound Insulated. • Dial-A-Level® Upper Rack. • Decorator Reversible Color Panels. „ MODEL Q9D950 • Power Saving Drying Option. • 3-Level Washing Action. • Built-in Soft Food Disposer. • Quiet PermaT uf™ Interior. .audit's on/if Museum of Science and Induntry for a day. The cousins from Broadview, Rita, Renee, Davie and Patrick and the cousins from Harvard, Stephanie and Jennifer, had a good time with their Colorado counina and enjoyed all the fun they had together. PICNIC REUNION On a recent Sunday afternoon Uoyd and Gerry Wagner were the host and hostess with the montena. They held a picnic reunion for fourteen friends from the Lombard and Villa Park area where Lloyd and Gerry are originally from. Guests who enjoyed the get together were Arlene and Gene Anderson, Ernie and Ester Zeiss, Nancy and Norm Bach, Dell and Gene Westendorff, Marlene and Otto Aubunchnt, Eleanor Roberts and son, Ronnie. ^ Everyone brought pietrts* of their chikken and a terrific time was had by all reminiscing over the pant and we are sure they won't wait another eighteen years for their next get-together! NEIGHBORHOOD GET-TOGETHER Several families from Lakeland Shores had an ible afternoon at a lborhood get-together organized by Ken and Barb Schuerr and Scott and Karen Griffith. With everyone bringing part of the menu the families enjoyed meeting some of their neighbors and participating in volleyball and games that were organised for the children. - The children as well as the adults enjoyed the puppet show put on by their own Mr. BlackweQ and just plain getting acquainted with the neighbors. The families that attended were: The Schuerr children, Steve, THcia and Scotty as well as mom and dad; Marilyn and A1 Etheridge and children, Mark, Billy and Mary Ellen; Bob and Candy Young; John and Bonnie Gaza and boys Erich and Brian; the Buases, Gary, Jean, Brian, David and Danny; Gerry and Jean Eiaerman and children, Jenny and Greg; Gerry Bunting and son Mike. ^ Others who stopped in to say "hello" were Marilyn and Dan Drake and chikken, Tibby, enjoyat neightx Steve and Anne Moore and Brace and Sue Warren last week. They were among some 22,000 fans who went to the Neil Diamond concert last Thursday. In all we heard 45,000 fans showed for the two night stand, and Neil really wan a thrilling entertainer. It waa a fun night! A VISIT Jerry and Elaine Worth and their daughters Stephanie and Jennifer came back to Parte lane for a visit last week at the home of Steve and Anne Moore. They were so busy before they moved that the Moore's decided to give them a night out after they moved into their new home in Harvard. - Mike and Terry Hughes came over for a short visit and we all had a good time finding out what building a beautiful home is all about LEASH ANIMALS It has come to our attention once again that people are getting careless about letting their * dogs roam free throughout the subdivision. Please be considerate of your neighbors and keep your dog on our own property.' We understand this is a real problem on ShorehiH. CANDLE OCCASIONS JoAnne Gladman, Timothy Serritella, Susan and Kenny Henderson all will celebrate their birthdays Sept. 1. Marion Duffy will hear the birthday song Sept. 2 and Heidi LaRocco will celebrate Sept. 3. Happy birthday to you ail! CONGRATULATIONS Karen and Michael Aldrich celebrated their ninth wedding a n n i v e r s a r y A u g . * 30. Congratulations! Special anniversary wishes go out to Ken and Barb Schuerr who will be celebrating their tenth anniversary Sept. 1 Elmer and Flora Hagemann will celebrate fifty-five years of happiness Sept. 2. John and Maureen Johnson will celebrate their twenty-fourth wedding anniversary on that same day. Congratulations to you all! Sept. 5 is a very special day for Ron and Marily Nystrom as their anniversary is that day. Best wishes. Sherri and Damv J, David and Charlene Nylander and children, Jeff, Chris,Julie, Eric rind Timmy, and Terri Mai. All apeed it was a super day in spite of the threatening weather and are already I3SS5355S*? T-E-R-I&-F-I-<f * Terrific, that's what an evening spent up at Alpine Valley music theater was for Antique Auto Meet Registrations for the annual Antique Auto and Sports Car meet and Flea Market to besheld in Springfield are being accepted by Secretary of State ,Alan J. Dixon's office. Dixon d the event, information registration forms are available through his Research department, 248 Centennial building, Springfield 62750. Top Deck Fall Specials! 1232 N. Green St. 385-9836 McHenry EVERT MONDAY NITE A d*lkioo> combination ptoto of BARBEQUED CHICKEN & RIBS, Com on th* Cob and a Tossod Salad ONLY *5.95 ENJOY THIS SPECIAL IN OUR PRIVATE DINING ROOM OR AT THE BAR WHILE WATCHING THE MONDAY NITE FOOTBALL GAME. imTUBMSMTMIi Mouth Watering EYE OF PRIME RIB Potato and our famous relish tray ONLY *5.50 HUMY A SATMMY MTES Wo will bo Serving Our REGULAR MENU and wo invito you to vlilt tfco "OLD SHOE REPAIR SHOT" to kick up your Kools a bit to tho |wto box or to Ltvo Musk on occasion. THE NEXT OCCASION SUNG: SAT. NITE SEP.3rd «i HOI WAX ff will play for your enjoyment $?QQ95 LIMITED SUPPLY CAREY Appliance WB * SERVICE 1241 N. Green St 385-5500 McHenry, III. joiwtblng oho now otTOP DECK EVERY AFTERNOON -4:J0to*:*> * YOUARf INVITED TO A COCKTAIL PARTY ALL DRINKS 50* At IK Ml ONLY LUNCH -11:30 to 2:30 - MON. h SAT. (YES WE ARE OPEN FOR LUNCH NOWONSAT.) DINNER-Sto 10MON. thruTHURS. tto 11:30FM.«SAT. _ CLOSED SUNDAY * HOLIDAYS Set Career Awareness Workshop For Women McCullom Lake Mary Jo Fwrell 344-1575 "Really inspirational"- "Really motivating"-"Right onto our feelings "--"Good Practical help, fives confidence"-"The program was great and I'm glad I heard about if-'Super workshop, thank you". These were comments from participants of the successful workshop "Career Awareness" held at McHenry County college last spring. "Career Awareness" will be repeated this fall at the college campus on three consecutive '. Wednesdays, Sept. 21 and 28 and Oct. 5.Uie workshop will be of special interest to women who are considering entering or re-entering the job market or who are considering a career change. Topics include vocational testing and self-appraisal, information about careers and e m p l o y m e n t t r e n d s , educational wd training op portunities for women, job search techniques, improving job status and career satisfaction, making, and educational and career goal setting. ' . limes for all three Wed nesdays will be 0 a jn. to 4 p.m. with a break for lunch. C*t*t«rl« Uc'lltt*. wiU b. Dave Hansen and th. Little Registration may be done by phone up to ten days before the start of the workshop. After that time registration myst be done in person at MCC. For more,information on these and other MCC workshops and seminars, call the college at 455 Lakemoor-Lilymoor Alma Hueckstaedt 385-5689 Community Welcomes New Store Owners The Little Grocery store is under new managements To those of you who haven't heard about it, Ruth and Harry Mohrman moved here from North Lake, 111., to operate their newly purchased place of business. Stop in to say "Hello" and welcome the Mohrmans to ' your community. LADIES LEAGUE - The ladies met Aug. 17 for their social evening. Prize winners were Lu Gravenstuk, - first, Jean Dember, second, ' Connie O'Rourke, and Sophie Paterson won the booby prize. Hostesses were Betty Kmetz and sophie Paterson. LIBRARY NEWS Have you seen "the new. look" at the McHenry-Nunda Township library? It has been painted and new shelving has been added to make room for new books and records. There will also be a copy machine for public use. The annual book sale will begin Saturday, Sept. 10 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the library on Lily Lake road. The popular the little ones ^ill continue Call 385-6303 for library hours and-or information. OUTREACH PROGRAM The Mood pressure screening program of Lakemoor had a turnout of about twenty-five Monday, Aug. 15. The next date is Sept. 19 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the municipal building on Rte 120 in Lakemoor. HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL Friends and neighbors of Joe Yerkes will be very happy to know that he is now at home and recuperating. I spoke to him Thursday morning and he praised the nurses of the or thopaedic section of the hospital in McHenry. To quote Joe, "They are fantastic in the way they respond to the patient's needs." He told me that when a patient turns on the signal light onetrf the nurses is right there; but all in,all he is very very happy to be home. BIRTHDAYS A very happy birthday even though late to Danny Gosell who celebrated Aug. 26; to Scott Reese who celebrated bis first Aug. 27; to Kevin Epperson and Michael Martin sharing Aug. 28; also to Corey Krawczyk and John N. Nixon Aug. 90. Best wishes go out to Holly Hager and to Dick Mumma who share Sept. 2; to Laura Skelton Sept. 3; and to Anita Kunz Sept. 5. ANNIVERSARIES Many happy returns of the day to Mr. and Mrs. Rick Foss Aug. 29; to Mr. and Mrs. W. Mix, Aug. 30; and to Mr. and Mrs. James Kelley Sept. 5. •TIL NEXT TIME Auditions Sehodulod For Youth Onhosfra Musically advanced high school and college aged in strumentalists are invited to your moneys working foryou! Our bank turns your savings dollars into a skilled labor force. Under our wide-awake supervision, money in any of our savings accounts brings home the highest earnings any bank can provide. Your money may be weary after this kind of treatment. But you never are. Open one of our savings accounts and easy does it. The wide-awake savings account makes it all so easy. \ THE ( FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MCHENRY 3S14W.Hla, MCHENRY, ILL PHONE 385-5400 S3 B SM--O Laoo Shaffer Goktick Mr Int. Disassembled Lake Dredge Has Arrived Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work they go...the dredge has arrived and arrangements are being made to put it together and getit into the lake to start dredtfinir • Leaguers of McCullom Lake spent Saturday, Aug. 20, taking the pledge letters around to all villagers. Please do your part and turn in your pledge as soon as possible. If you did not receive a letter, please call Jerry Raycraft and he will be delighted to get one to you. The McCullom Lake Con servation club still needs help from you. Fall projects are going to need people to work on them, and if you can help out, come to the next Conservation club meeting Thursday, Sept. 15.1*11 let you know what time and where the meeting will be held in the next column. HOME AGAIN Vacation was wonderful, but all good things must come to an end, and the Fan-ells are back at home. I'm sitting here waiting for you to call me up with news of village hap penings. There must have been lots going on during the two weeks I was gone, so there should be lots of calls coming in with news of these events. Vacations, picnics, parties, sons and daughters home on leave, kids going off to college, and lots of other things. Give me a call and tell me about what's going on in your house. VILLAGE BOARD < The next meeting of the village board will be Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 8 p.m., at the beach house. All villagers are urged to attend. BEACH GALS The Beach Gals are coming out of the summer heat to start getting their fall and winter activities started. The next meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. 7, at 7:30 p.m., at the beach house. Any village women who might be interested in joining are cordially invited to attend this and any other Beach Gals meeting. HOWDY A big McCullom Lake welcome goes to the Drakes, Steve, Carol, and baby Melissa, who have recently moved into Jim and Ginny Franklin's old house on Orchard. Both the home and Melissi are new to the Drakes, Melissa having been born Aug. 2. Steve and Carol are from McHenry, so the area and some of the people are familiar to them, but I'm sure they'd love to meet you, too. We sure hope to see you at the Beach Gals meeting, Carol. * NEW ADDITION A new addition has been welcomed into Gil and Pat Anderson's house on Fountain lane. Kevin William Anderson was born Aug. 17, weighing in at a whopping 11 lbs., 94 oz. (Yes, you read it right!) Kevin was 23 inches long, and is ob viously a very healthy little boy. Sister Heather, who is 5H, will certainly agree that her new little brother is a pretty special baby. Congratulations to all the Andersons. IN MEMORIAL Residents were very sorry to hear of the death of Lillian Venable, mother, of Les Venable of our village. Mrs. Venable passed away Aiig. 18. The grief is hard to bear, but remember, you are not alone, there are always friends nearby to comfort you. ", MUCH BETTER Bob Raycraft had a little accident Aug. 22, necessitating some surgery, but he is doing just fine, and plans to go to school on time. He'll be bouncing around just like normal in no time at all. BIRTHDAYS Brian . Gates will be celebrating his second birthday Sept. 1, Jennifer Rourke ob serves her big day Sept. 5, and Bertha Hejkal will be having a happy birthday Sept. 8. Hope all of you have wonderful birth days with lots of fun and good times. Woncler Lake itions Rosen, will be scheduled by ap pointment only for Sept. 11, 18 and 25. Applications are available upon request, by writing to Metropolitan Youth Symphony O r c h e s t r a , P e r s o n n e l Secretary, P.O. Box 59318, Chicago, 111. 60659. The Metropolitan Youth symphony orchestra is made of over 100 musicians from sections of Chicago and its suburbs. They rehearse in down town Chicago every Sunday afternoon beginning in September. The orchestra performs in public several times a year, concluding with a concert in Orchestra hall. &ri 728-0267 Mother-To-Be "Showered" By Close Friends Mrs. Tony (Mary Jane) Mogdans of Oakwood Shores, was guest of honor at a baby shower Wednesday evening, Aug. 24. The shower was hostel by Mary Ja^ne's sisters, Marlene Malo and Joan Freund, and held in the Malo home in McHenry. A special, delicious German cake had been made by the baby-to-be's grandmother, Frieda Mogdans, along with a traditional cake decorated with the words, "Pink or blue, whatever you wish, we hope it comes true". Punch and cake were also served to the guests. Eleven friends and co workers of Mary Jane presented her with beautiful gifts for her expected baby. REGISTRATION R e g istration for Wonder Lake Girl Scouts is set for Thursday, Aug. 8, at Nativity Lutheran church from 7:30 to 9 p.m. This will also be a uniform exchange night. Anyone who is unable to come that evening for registration or uniform ex change should contact Judy Grauman. Anyone willing to help as a Brownie or Girl Scout leader should also contact Judy. ANNIVERSARIES Happy fourth wedding an niversary to Cathy and Tom Majercik Sept. 1. Happy thirtieth wedding anniversary to Ken and Betty Gabel Sept. 6. BIRTHDAY Happy nineteenth birthday to Ann Margaret Mathews on Sipt :TL Happy seventeenth birthday to Jferry Raske Sept. 3. HAPPINESS IS... Happiness is...sharing in the celebration of George and Sarah Oeffling's twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Aug. 20 at the Johnsburg Community <$pb (and many more happy an niversaries to you!) Happiness is...Ron and Nancy Parquette and sons, Todd and Scott, traveling to Michigan for a weekend at the races. Happiness is...the Don Huffs attending a gathering of the Huffs and Smiths at . Laura Kutish and Russ and Sue Chamber's home in Spring Grove Sunday, Aug. 21. Happiness is...going back to school and meeting your old friends and some who will be new friends. ' \ Happiness is...canning pickles and having all the jars seal. - ~- Happiness is...Joan and Larry Freund, John and Jill White, and Tony and Jane Mogdans, being among the 20,000 fans at Alpine valley Thursday, Aug. 25, enjoying the superb performance of Neil Diamond. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Sept. 8, Girl Scout registration, Nativity Lutheran church. > Protecting Eyes ' One in four children have a vision defect and one in ten have a bearing defecz. Most such defects can beeorrected if they are found and treated early, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health. A free brochure on the subject can be obtained from the Department of Public Health, Springfield 82781. some OUT OF BVSMESS SALE FINISHED ITEMS • SHADES - LAMPS LAST THREE WEEKS HOURS: 10 to 5 - CLOSED WED.&SUN. THE PLAQUE SHACK 3421 W. Petri SI. HtHwr, L l1S-3t$J11l