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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Sep 1977, p. 17

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Legal Notice > ORDINANCE NO, 77-0-6 s A N O R D I N A N C E I! establishing charges and fees for connection to the sewerage svstem of the Village of Lakemoor, McHenry County, Illinois, and providing for the regulation of said system. WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and expedient for the protection of the public health, safety, comfort, and con­ venience of the inhabitants of the Village of Lakemoor, McHenry County, Illinois, that the use of the proposed and anticipated sewerage system be required and that con­ nections to said system be regulated; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to provide for the construction, expansion and extension of< saia system in order to meet the requirements of the residents of the Village and to provide adequate capacities for the treatment and disinfection of sewerage discharge all in accordance with rules and regulations of the State of Illinois En­ vironmental Protection Agency and other regulatory agencies; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Brovisions of Section 11, division 150-1 of the Illinois Municipal Code and all laws amendatory and sup­ plementary thereto, the Village of Lakemoor is authorized to assess a connection charge to be assessed against new or additional users of the system for the construction, expansion and extension of said system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lakemoor, McHenry County,Illinois, as follows: Section 1. APPLICATION REQUIRED: No person, persons, firm or corporations shall make any connection to the sewerage system of the Village of Lakemoor, McHenry County, Illinois, except upon written application to the Village Clerk and the issuance of a permit by said Clerk for such connection. Each ap­ plication shall state the name of the applicant, the permit desired, the location to be used, and the fee to be paid; and each application shall contain such additional information as may be needed for the proper guidanceof the Village officials m the issuing of the permit. Section 2. SEWER CON­ NECTION CHARGE: Pursuant to authority granted in Chapter 24, paragraph 11-150-1, of the Illinois Revised Statutes, and upon authority contained in other provisions of the State Statutes, there is hereby established- within the Village of Lakemoor »a charge for connection*iRtO' 4h§ sewerage svstem of the Vmage. Such charge is to be assessed against new or additional users of the sewage collection and treat­ ment system and shall be known as a "connection charge;" and shall be payable as follows: Tap-on-Fee: For service to each user for which an ap­ plication and sewer user s agreement has been filed, there shall be a connection tap-on fee in the amount of $300, providing that said fee is paid prior to December 31, 1977. For said fee, the applicant will receive a sewer service from the main to the property line of the premises to be served. For all premises containing more than one dwelling or commercial unit, the sewer connection charge shall be $300 plus $100 for each additional unit. The sewer connection tap-on fee beginning January 1, 1978, to December 31, 1979, shall be $400. In addition thereto, the applicant shall pay all costs of materials,' labor and other* expenses in the installation of the sewer service from the sewer main to the premises to be served. For all premises containing more than one dwelling or commercial unit, the sewer connection charge during this period shall be $400 plus $150 for each additional unit. Beginning January 1, 1980, and thereafter, the charge for connection to the sewer mains shall be $500 for a residential connection plus $200 for each additional unit in the premises to be served. • In the event of a business or commercial establishment having more than ten em­ ployees, or in the event of any school or other public facility having more tnan ten em­ ployees, students, or residents, then the user shall make one application for the establish­ ment, school, or facility, shall have only one service line, but shall pay a tap-on fee deter­ mined by multiplying the tap- on fee hereinaDove set and fixed in SECTION 2 times the number of. employees, students, or residents, divided by ten. In the event of public housing units, the user snail make one application, shall have only one service line, but shall pay a separate tap-on fee for each family unit. * For other connections, dif­ ferent than those set out above or outside the corporate limits of the Village, the permit fee for a sewer connection shall be determined by the President and Board of Trustees. The applicant in all cases shall provide and pay the cost of construction, both labor and material, of the sewer service from the main to the premises to be served. Section 3. SEWER IN­ SPECTION FEE: The Village shall inspect the sewer service to determine that the con­ struction is in accordance with specifications established by the Village and the charges for making said inspection snail be as follows: Single sewer inspection fee- to* Oft Duplex and multiple dwelling unit-$15.00 per unit Such charge shall not be part of the connection charge authorized by statute, but shali merely defray the cost to the Village for employing and maintaining personnel to carry out the inspection of tap in connection into the sewer system. SECTION 4. SEWERAGE FUND: All sewer connection charges described above paid on applications submitted prior to December 31, 1977, shall be paid into the Sewer Con­ struction Fund Account of the Village of Lakemoor to be used and held for use for the con­ struction of improvements and extensions to the sanitary sewerage system of the Village and all sewer connection charges made on applications dated after January 1, 1978, shall be paid into the Sewerage Fund of the Village of Lakemoor. Section 5. SIGNED PERMIT NECESSARY FOR CON­ NECTION : No connection shall be made with the sewerage system without the signed permit of the Village Clerk. Any connection or opening made with the said system without such signed permit or in any manner different from the mode prescribed for such opening or connection, shall subject the maker to a penalty as hereinafter provided Section 6. SPECIFICATIONS AND RULES: The President and Board of Trustees are hereby authorized to make such rules and regulations consistent with this Ordinance for the connections to the sewerage svstem, specifying the types ana sizes of pipes ana all the other appurtenances and extensions thereto, and amend the same from time to time as may be deemed necessary. All service pipes and connections to the said svstem shall comply with the saia specifications ana rules. Any person, firm or corporation not complying with the specifications and rules for connection to the system shall be subject to a penalty as hereinafter provided. ' ' «» Section 7. RIGHT OF AC­ CESS FOR OPERATION AND M A I N T E N A N C E O F SYSTEM: Employees of the sewerage system snail have the right of access to any premises served by the sewerage system for the purpose of making in­ spections in order to maintain in good condition and provide for the protection of said system and the efficient management thereof. Where such inspections are not of an immediate or urgent nature, employees of the system shall arrange for appointments mutually convenient to the persons of the premises served and said employees. Any person refusing the right to permit the saia employees of « the sewerage system the above described right of access to his premises shall be subject to a penalty as hereinafter provided. Section 8, USE OF, PUBLIC SEWERS REQUIRED: It shall be unlawful to discharge into any material outlet within the Village of Lakemoor, or in any area under the jurisdiction of said Village, any sanitary sewerage, commercial or in­ dustrial waste or other polluted solids and liquids except where suitable treatment has been Srovided in accordance with le subsequent provisions of this ordinance. Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool, or other facilities intended or used for the disposal of sewerage. It shall be the duty of the owner, occupant or party or parties in possession of any house, structure, factory, in­ dustrial or commercial establishment or any others building of any other character located on property abutting on the public sewerage system, to cause such house, structure, factory, industrial or com­ mercial establishment or any other building of any other character to be connected with the said system within ninety (90) days from the date of passage of this Ordinance or within ninety (90) days from the date that water and sewer facilities become available to such property, whichever is the event last to occur provided that said mains are within three hundred (300) feet of the property line. It shall be the duty of the owner of premises hereinafter constructed in the Village which shall be located along the public sewerage system to immediately connect with said system. Section 9. CONNECTION OF DOWNSPOUTS PROHIBITED: It shall be unlawful for any house, building, or properties used for human occupancy, em-* ployment, recreation or other, purposes situated in the Village of Lakemoor to connect any downspout to the sanitary sewerage system of the Village. Section 10. PROTECTION FROM DAMAGE: No unauthorized person shall maliciously, willfully, or negligently damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any sanitary appurtenances or equipment which is a part of the public sanitary sewerage system of the Village Any person violating this provision shall be charged with the commission of a misdemeanor, and placed under arrest. , Section 11. PENALTY PROVISIONS: Any person, firm, corporation, association, agent or legal representative violating the provisions of Section 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of this Ordinance shall be subject to a penalty of not less tnan Ten Dollars ($10.00) and not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and each day that the violation continues shall subject such person to an ad­ ditional penalty of not less than more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Section 12. EN­ FORCEMENT: That a copy of this Ordinance, properly certified by the Village Clerk, shall be filed in the ofnce of the Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County Illinois, and shall be deemed notice to all owners of real estate of their liability for service supplied to any user of the service of the sewerage system of said Village on their properties, and it shall be the duty of the Village Clerk and such other officers of this Village to take all action necessary or required by the laws of the State of Illinois thereunto enabling to file all claims for money jdue to the Village and to prosecute and enforce such claims in the manner, form and time as permitted by the laws of the State of Illinois. Section 13. All ordinances, resolutions or orders, or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 14. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or Brovision shall not affect any of ie other provisions of this Ordinance. Section 15. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed this 25th day of August, 1977. AYES: Margaret Coughlin, Harold C. Freeman, Connie O'Rourke, Edna Garbacz NAYS: None APPROVED: Richard J. Hyatt President ATTEST: Carol Schmidt Village Clerk (Pub. Sept. 14.1977) Legal Notice VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR McHENRY, ILLINOIS STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS AUDIT PERIOD MAY 1,1976 TO APRIL 30,1977 GENERALFUND CASH BALANCE MAY 1, 1976 RECEIPTS Taxes: Corporate Road and Bridge Municipal Sales State Income Licenses: Liquor 3,800.00 Vehicle 628.50 Business 360.00 Fines 1500 Permits: Building 356.00 Septic 115.00 Well 85.00 Electrical 25.00 Other 25.00 Rents 80.00 Miscellaneous 79.35 Douglas Glosson $ 1,100.00 L.DiH. Snow Plowing 720.35 McHenry State Bank 300.00 Total Disbursements 2,120.35 CASH BALANCE APRIL 30,1977 $11,858.60 FEDERALREVENUE SHARING FUND CASH BALANCE MAY 1, 1976 $ 861.73 RECEIPTS U.S. Treasury Depart­ ment Total Receipts $ 3,526.00 3,526.00 $ 4,387.73' Total Available DISBURSEMENTS Clarke Outdoor Spraying $ 1,180.50 McHenry Plaindealer 128.30 Total Disbursements 1,3^8.80 CASH BALANCE APRIL 30,1977 $ 3,078.93 SANITARY SEWER PROJECT FUND CASH BALANCE MAY 1, 1976 $ -0- RECEIPTS State of Illinois total Receipts Total Available CASH BALANCE APRIL 30,1977 $ 7,432.00 7,482.00. f $ 7,432.00 $ 7,432.00 CERTIFICATE I Margaret S. Hatch, the duly qualified and acting Treasurer of the Village of Lakemoor* McHenry County, Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing report of cash receipts and disbursements for, the fiscal year May l, 1976 to April 30,1977 truly reflects the financial condition of the Village of Lakemoor.. •Margarets. Hatch Treasurer - o ' Village of Lakemoor McHenry County, Illinois ATTEST Carol Schmidt Clerk, Village of Lakemoor (Pub. Sept. 14,1977) McHenry, McHenry Comity, Illinois, wiH be received by the City Council at the City Hall until 1:30 P.M., Tuesday*, Sept. 27,1977 and at that time will oe publicly opened and read. 2. Description of Work. The proposed construction consists of a new water supply well. Alternate well construction is proposed as follows: Alternate A consists of a gravel ppck type of construction with a well depth of approximately 110 feet. Alternate "B" consists of a composite gravel-limestone tubular type of construction with an approximate well depth of 120 feet. 3. Instructions to Bidders. All pertinent documents may be examined at the City Hall or at the office of Baxter & Wood­ man, Inc. Environmental Engineers, 8678 Ridgefield Road, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014. , Copies of the Plans, Specifications, Proposal, Contract and Bond forms may be obtained from the Engineers, Baxter & Wood­ man, Inc., on payment of $10.00, non-refundable. Not less than the prevailing minimum rate of wages as found by the City of McHenry or the Department of Labor or determined by the court on review shall be paid to all laborers, workmen and mechanics performing work under this contract. All proposals must be ac­ companied by a Bidder's Bond, Certified Check, Bank Cashier's Check or Bank Draft payable to the City of McHenry tor ten percent (10 percent) of the amount of the bid as Srovided in the Instructions to Adders. 4. Rejection of bids. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals and to waive technicalities. Dated at McHenry, Illinois this 12th day of September, 1977. (Signed) Joseph B. Stanek Mayor (Signed) Barbara E. Gilpin City Clerk (Pub. Sept. 14, & 16,1977) II. PERSONNEL EXPENSES A. Salaries 5,400.00 B. Staff Develop­ ment x - 100.00 D. Bonding 75.00 PAGE 17 -PLAINDF.AI.ER- WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1977 Legal Notice Legal Notice $ 6,937.15 $16,167.44 2,384.09 6,489.25 10,394.21 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ESTATE OF ROBERT VIERKE Deceased, FILE NO. 77-P-284 Notice is hereby' given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on August 29, 1977, to JANET VIERKE, 5609 Wainut Street, Richmond, Illinois, whose attorney of record is JAMES M. McINTEE, 3436 West Elm Street, Mcfrenry, Illinois. ' m Claims may be filed witMn 6 as& '0rfW sttJ THE BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES OF THE MCHENRY-NUNDA TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT MCHENRY COUNTY, ' ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 1977 78-1« COMBINED ANNUALBUDGET AND APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR LIBRARY PURPOSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1977-78 WHEREAS, the Illinois Municipal Budget Law, 111. Rev. State., Chap. 85, Sec. 801, et seq? amended, requires any claim not filed within tha© a11 municipal cor- period is barred as to the estate «Ir which is inventoried within that budget and appropriation or Total Receipts 41,003.84 $47,940.99 Total Available DISBURSEMENTS Salaries: President: Richard J. Hyatt $ 480.00 Clerk: Carol Schmidt 1,200.00 Attorney: Thomas Baker 1,375.00 Trftumrpr" Margaret Hatch 240.00 Trustees: Harry Brady 240.00 Francis Coughlin 240.00 Harold C. Freeman v 240.00 Edna Garbacz \240.00 Alyce Kowal 240.00 Earl T.Reese 240.00 General: Ace Hardware 291.20 Adams and Borre, CPA. f 650.00 Thomas Baker 1,577.50 Branded Steak House 27.73 Chapman and Cutler 150.00 Colortone of Illinois 118.25 Commonwealth Edison Company 4,500.96 Walter Cenrad 56.00 Francis Coughlin 195.00 Raymond Embrey 610.69 John Foute 75.00 Douglas Glosson 890.00 Ron Glosson 106.36 Russ Hanlin 56.00 Margaret Hatch 195.00 H.O.D. Disposal 9,577.40 Richard J. Hyatt 210.01 Illinois Bell Telephone Company 360.36 Illinois Civil Defense Council * 8.00 Illinois Municipal League 82.80 Alyce Kowal 12.60 L.D.H. Snow Plowing 720.35 Little Store 3.72 Frank Low Insurance 1,248.02 Martinetti's, Inc. 15.33 McHenry Co. Municipal Assoc?. 317.15 McHenry Co. Sheriff's Department 2,942.89 McHenry Hospital 110.70 McHenry Land­ scaping' 2,650.00 McHenry Plaindealer 255:40 Lloyd Moon 20.00 Northern Illinois Gas Company 661.72 Mike Odarczenko 42.00 P.F. Pettibone 94.40 Tommy Reese 10.00 Riverside Press 238.02 William Rose 400.00 Carol Schmidt 24.00 Charles Schmidt 170.00 Mike Schmidt 30.00 Scott Schmidt 10.00 Alan Smith Excavating 435.00 Suburban Office Supply 99.81 Frank Thornber, Inc.. 95.71 Marian Vornkahl 250.00 Earl Walsh Insurance 90.00 period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood­ stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Sqpt. 7,14,21,1977) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF EARL McAN- DREWS Deceased, FILE NO. 77-P-238 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that sttera Testamentary were tsued on August 22, 1977, to (AMES I. McANDREWS, 7212 f. Bull Valley Road, McHenry. whose attorneys of rare Rhode & Lynch. 875 Main Street, AntiochT Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate • should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood­ stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. ~ MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court {Pub. Aug. 81, Sept. 7 k 14, 1977) Legal Notice - -NOTICE Public Notice it hereby given that on AUGUST 29th. A.D. 1977, a certificate was filed in the Off ice of tiie County Clerk of McHENRY County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of a^PfrMMc^n%e°biiB^n known a* HOUGHTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, located at 19411 Davis Road, Woodstock, Illinois 60096. Dated this 29th day of AUGUST, A.D. 1977 Vernon W.Kays County Clei*. \ $ 5,575.00 III. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES^ A. Library Supply 145.00 B. Maintenance 260.00 C. Rent 2,640.00 D. Heat 600.00 E. Electric 180.00 F. Telephone 180 00 G. Travel 150.00 H. Postage « 100.00 I. Legal Fees' 500.00 J. Equipment 500.00 IPPublications 100.00 L. Insurance 200.00 $ 5,555.00 IV. CONTINGENCY 200.00 V. WORKING CASH FUND, pursuant to 111. Rev. Stat., Chap. 81, Sec. 1004- 17 $ 100.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATION $16,430.00 VI. FUNDS LEVIABLE IN EXCESS OF LIBRARY RATE; A. Municipal Retirement and Social Security, pursuant to 111. Rev. Stat., Chap i08-l-2, Sec. 7-171 or 21-124 200.00 B. Audit Expense (111. Rev. State., Chap, 83, Sec. 709) 300.00 C. Liability Insurance (Chap. 85, Sec. 9- 107 ) 26.00 $ 526.00 VII. WORKING CASH * ' ~ FUND, pursuant to H.B. 603 $ 4,000.00 VIII. SUPPLEMENTAL LEVY FUND, pursuant to H.B. 605, for library books and materials i 5,000.00 IX. BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT FUND, pursuant to H.B. 602 3,000.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL APPROPRIATED .00 Tom Disbureementa >35,432.12 (Pub. Aug. 81. Sept 7,14,1977) $12,506.87 CASH BALANCE APRIL 30,1977 V MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND CASH BALANCE MAY 1,1976 I 4,405 RECEIPTS State of Illinois Legal Notice NotteftoCoalnctar* >.8M-l 77163 . / f crrvoF McHENRY, ILLINOIS ' NOTICE $13,978.95 construction of Watw Supply * ' Well No. 6 for the City of % diance specifying the objects and purposes of expenditures; and theIllinois Public Library District Act, Chap. 81, Sees. 1003-1 and 1004-15, provides procedures for the passage of a midget and appropriation or­ dinance and a tax levy or­ dinance: and WHEREAS, pursuant to the above and other statutes, an ordinance has been prepared in tentative form and made available for public inspection at least thirty (30) days prior to the adoption thereof, and a public hearing on said budget and appropriation ordinance has been held prior to final action hereon, and notice of said hearing was published at least (30) days prior to said hearing in a newspaper published within the District: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by The Board of Library Trustees of the McHenry-Nunda Township Public Library District, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. The following budget containing an estimate of an receipts of said Library District, and of the ex­ penditures therefrom, be and the same hereby is adopted as the budget for said District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, and the said sums are hereby appropriated as necessary to defray said expenses and liabilities of this Library District, for the objects and purposes indicated, for said year: FUNDS ON HAND AT BEGINNING OF FISCAL YEAR: $ 446.00 General Fund, serving as Working Cash Fund (includes possible transfers to Building Fund, pursuant to 01. Rev.. Stat., (Sap. 81, Sec. 1005-10) (exludes funds committed for 1976-77 fiscal year, pursuant to 111. Rev. Stat., Chap. 81, Sec. 10Q4-16) DOES NOT INCLUDE the following special reserve funds: IMRJL Fund Building Fund • $16,317.00 Special Reserve for new library site, building and equipment, pursuant to 111. Rev. Stat., Chap. 81, Sec. 1005-10 Trust Fund - Gifts -O- Audit Fund -Ov Liability Fund -0^ ESTIMATE OF CASH EX­ PECTED TO BE RECEIVED DURING FISCAL YEAR: Estimated Tax Income. 1977 78 Tax Levy $27,956.00 Fines. Grants, Interest Transfer and Other Fund Sources 554.00 EST AIM ATE ~OF EX­ P E N D I T U R E S C O N ­ TEMPLATED: $*,966.00 Section 2. There is hereby appropriated from the taxes to be levied for the fiscal year and other sources of income the sum of Twenty-eight Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-six Dollars ($28,956.00), the same to be divided among the several corporate objects and purposes as hereinabove specified for said District purposes for the aforesaid fiscal year. Section 3. All unexpended balances of proceeds received annually from public library taxes not in excess of statutory limits may be transferred to the Special Reserve Fund, heretofore established ac­ cording to HI. Rev. Stat., Chap/ 81, Sec. 1005-10, pursuant to plans developed and adopted by this Board, and said unex­ pended balances shall be ac­ cumulated In this Fund for the purpose of erecting or pur­ chasing a new library building, purchasing a site for the same, or building an addition thereto, or furnishing necessary equipment therefor. Section 4. Except as other­ wise provided by law, no fur­ ther appropriations shall be made at any other time within such fiscal year, provided that this Board may from time to time make transfers between the various items in any Fund, or appropriations in excess of those authorized by the budget in order to meet an immediate and unforeseen emergency, by a two-third (3/3) vote of all of the trustees, as provided by Bl. Rev. Stat., Chap. 81, Sec. 1004- 16, et seq., and this Board may amend this budget and ap­ propriation ordinance from time to time by the same procedure as prescribed by statue for the original adoption of a budget and appropriation ordinance; provided that nothing in this Section shall be construed to permit transfer between Funds required by law to be kept separate. Any remaining balances after the close of the fiscal year shall be available until August 30th for the authorization of payment of obligations incurred prior to the dose of the fiscal year, and until September 30th for the payment of such obligations or for the transfer or unex- pendable balances thereof to be accumulated as provided by 111. Rev. Stat., Chap. 81, Sec. 1004- 16. Section 5. A copy of this or­ dinance in tentative form has been available for public in­ spection at the Library for thirty (30) days, and notice of said hearing has been given by posting for thirty (30) aays and by publication in a newspaper published In this District in substantially the following form: A public hearing will be held at the McHenry Nunda Twsp. Public Library District on Monday, Sep­ tember 12,1977 at 8:00 P.M. to approve a tentative budget and appropriation ordinance. A copy of said ordinance will be available at the library. Notice Is also given for a special meeting of the library board on tegtember 12, 1977 at 8:15 Marily Ryan, secretary Section 6. This ordinance is passed pursuant to statutonr authority, including the Illinois Library District Act. Chap. 61, Sec. 1603, et seq.. ana Sec. 1005- 10; and the Illinois Revenue Code, Chap. 110, Sec. 638, et Total Available DISBURSEMENTS 1 LIBRARY BOOKS MATERIALS A. Books 3,500.00 B. Periodicals 1,000.00 C. Recorded Materials 500.00 $ 5,000.00 7, Pursuant to H.B. 606, 80th General Assembly, there is hereby appropriated an additional .06 percent above the pre-existing annual public library tax rate for this District, but not in excels of .40 percent, being the ap­ propriation of $5,000*00 as set forth under "VIII. SUP­ PLEMENTAL LEVY, pur­ suant to H.B. 605, for library books and materials." This appropriation is designated hereby as a "supplemental levy, and is further subject to the provisions for petition and election as set forth in said H.B. 605, if any such petition should be filed within 30 days after such levy is made. , Section 8. Pursuant to H.B. 602, 80th General Assembly, there is hereby established a "Building and Equipment Fund." Tnere is hereby ap­ propriated an additional tax of .02 percent of the value of all the taxable property in this District, as equalized or assessed by tne Illinois Department of Local Govern­ ment Affairs, being the ap­ propriation of $3,000.00 as set forth under "IX., BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT FUND," above, for the purchase of sites and buildings, for the con­ struction and equipment of buildings, for the rental of buildings required for library purposes ana for the main­ tenance, repairs and alterations of library buildings and equipment. Any ex­ penditures of these funds from this special fund shall be limited solely to the purposes set forth in said H.B. 602, or such other purposes as set forth in said statute as may be from time to time provided by amendment. Such ap­ propriation is subject to petition and election as further set forth in said H.B. 602, if any such petition should be 'filed within 30 days after such levy is made. Section 9, Pursuant to H.B. 603, 80th General Assembly, there is hereby appropriated an annual tax, not to exceed .05 percent of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Illinois Department of Local Government Affairs for the year in which this ap­ propriation is made, on all taxable , property in this District, for the purpose of providing money to establish and replenish the Library District Working Cash Fund established by tnis Board, as set forth under "VII. WORKING CASH FUND, pursuant-to H.B. 603." in the amount of $4,000.00. Tne Public Library District Working Cash Fund tax shall be set apart in a special fund prescribed by 111. Rev. Stat., Chap. 81, Sec. 1004- 17 (Sec. 4-17). This Public Library District Working Cash Fund appropriation is subject to petition and election as further set forth in H.B. 603, should any such petition be filed within 30 days after such levy is made. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approved and posting accoi to law, and any resokitioi ordinances in conflict here; are hereby'repealed; should anv part of this / or dinance be adjuagea invalid or unconstitutional, such ad­ judication shall affect only that part of this act specifically covered thereby, and shall not affect any other provisions or parts of this act, which shall be severable therefrom. PASSED by The Board of Library Trustees of the McHenry-Nunda Township Public Library District, McHenry County, Illinois, on the 12th day of September, 1977, by a vote of: * AYES: Brindise, Gosell, Ryan, Leske NAYES: 0 ABSENT OR NOT VOTING: Garn, Adams (SEAL) Susan C. LaCroix Brindise President, The Board of Library Trustees of the McHenry-Nunda Township Public Library District, McHenry, County, Illinois ATTEST: Marilyn Ryan Secretary State of Illinois ) )SS County of McHenry ) Subscribed ana sworn to before me this 12th day of September 1977 Kathleen M. Blake Notary Public CERTIFICATE I, Marilyn Ryan, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I am the duly elected, qualified, and serving Secretary, and as such am keeper of tne books and records of The Board of Library Trustees of the McHenry-Nunda Township Public Library District, McHenry County, Illinois ; and I DO FURTHER CERTIFY that the above attached Or­ dinance* No. 1977 78-1. "Combined Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for Library Purooses for- JJbe Fiscal Year 1977-78" is a true and correct copy of said Ordinance which was presented, passed, and recorded by saia Board at their meeting, on September 12,1977, by a vote of: AYES: Brindise, Gosell, Ryan, Leske NAYES: 0 ABSENT OR NOT VOTING: Garn, Adams - DATED" this 12 day of Sep­ tember, 1977. (SEAL) Marilyn Ryan „ . Secretary SUte of Illinois, ) County of McHenry ) Subscribed and sworn to Subscribed and' sworn before me this -» «M,tsass?ber 1977 Notary Public • (Pub. Sept. H; 1977) Spring Grove Eva Freund ' 675-2135 Scholarship to Miss Sanda/I granddaughter, Annahlta Barros of Frankfort, Germany, who will spend a month with them. They drove to Chicago and took the WendeUa sight seeing boat ride viewing the Chicago skyline. , Then on to Water Tower Place, where they went to the ninety-fourth floor. Another great view of Chicago. The evening was spent dining at Sylvano's in Lake Geneva. CLUB MEETS 'Mrs. Peggy Buesseler was /hostess to the members of her <club at her home Thursday, Sept. 8. A dessert lunch was served and the afternoon was spent at cards. JOAN SANDALL Spring Grove's Joan Sandall has been awarded one of the Public Affairs scholarships offered by State Rep. Cal Skinner, Jr. The incoming freshman at the University of Illinois was valedictorian at Marian Central high school, as well as being extremely active in extracurricular activities. Miss Sandall served on the Student Council, as editoi'of the school paper and yearbook and par­ ticipated actively in sports. She also was selected as Miss Rich­ mond in 1976. "Joan's, activities in high school are the type that I'm trying to encourgge with my General Assembly scholar­ ships,M Skinner said. "I'm particularly impressed that Joan was able to maintain an outstanding academic record, while being as active is she was In extracurricular ac­ tivities." ASSIST DRIVE Julia Moore, Karen Ducey and Lynley Paulson are to be commended for their help in the Muscular Dystrophy drive. They collected $46 by going through town ringing doorbells, then called the Jerry Lewis telethon and sent in the amount of money. VISITS FROM GERMANY Mrs. Alice Weber was a guest recently of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Kort and their 13 year old Nu-Volce Completes One Year Sept 15 The September meeting of the Nu-Voice club for McHenry county will be held Thursday, Sept. 15, at Easter Seal Therapy center, 708 Washington street, Woodstock, at 7:30 p.m. The club, an organization for laryngectomees and their families has been In existence for exactly one year. A laryngectomee is an in­ dividual who has experienced the necessary removal of the vocal cords due to cancer of the larynx or trauma. These In­ dividuals are then able to learn to speak again, either through the use erf an air trapping method, called esophageal voice, or with artificial devices. The club now has eight members and ten associate members. All Interested in­ dividuals are Invited to attend. For further information, call Cheryl Van 3andt at 338-1707. CONSERVATION MEETINO A special meeting of the board of trustees of the McHenry county conservation district has been called for 7 p.m. the evening of Sept. 12, In the office of the district for the sole purpose of adopting a tax levy ordinance for the year ending June 30, 1976. The regular meeting of the board of trustees is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 15, at 7 p.m.

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