A \ Lakemoor-Lilymoor Margaret Karas 385-4934 Senators To Review Village Lake Problems State Senators Jack Schaffer and Karl Berning will be at the Lakemoor municipal building Tuesday evening, Oct. 11, to share information $h the where-what-why-when-now Lily Lake can be remade into a safe, healthy recreational body of water. All of our community will benefit from the information these knowledgeable, in fluential men can give us. Can we forget little problems of individuals and communities and really cooperate with all our neighbors to solve a common problem? Let's prove to everyone in McHenry county that Lily Lakers are deter mined citizens. Remember our night is Tuesday, Oct. 11. Call Bruno Karas for information, etc. AILING (BESIDES OURLAKE) Edye Pitts cut the tendon in her right arm pushing paper into a waste basket which contained broken glass. She is now developing the muscles in her left arm, as it takes more than a completely bandaged arm to slow down this hard working lady. And we're glad to see Kathy Gosell walking without crut ches again. Shirley Ewig is still suffering with severe back pains, as is my husband. Get well, you-all! NATAL DAYS Sundae Morrison will be 15 years old Oct. 1 but she will have to wait until her sixteenth year for a big party. Birthday happiness to Helen Freeman, Bridgett Heald, Danny Withrow Sept. 30, and Terry Greene and Scott Meyer Oct. 4. VANDALISM Some of the streets in Lakemoor were darkened last week when the overhead lights were shot out. The sheriff's office was finally notified by Rich Dunnagan who reported the vandalism. The deputies asked residents to please call immediately when anyone notices the especially when itaiftoctft tne safety of all in the £fea, or any other suspect activity. Only if called can the police be made aware of problems and patrol the area. LIBRARY STORY Do you realize that our McHenry-Nunda library had 100 percent more public representation at our budget adoption meeting last week than McHenry school District 15 with its budget of almost 4^ million dollars? Our area is very public spirited and well informed-just ask Karen Perrota who came to the meeting. The copying machine is now ready for use-another service that we hope will fill a com munity need. Call 385-6303 for hours open and other in formation. FUN TIME The Ladies league Sept. 20 meeting was a combination social and business meeting, with Helen Para and Carol Voelke as hostesses. The bunco winners were, in order of their performance, Helen Netzel, Carol Voelke and Lu Gravenstuk. The booby prize winners? The club secretary, Connie O'Rourke. Do not know what the prize was, however. Among the players was Anna Brzezinski's guest, daughter Mary Ann Klein. As always, the ladies enjoyed their get- together. v TRAGEDY AVERTED Vicki Brindise, two year old daughter of Susan and Ralph Brindise of Lakemoor, is feeling well and dry after her near drowning in the Fox River last Tuesday. Sue and Vicki were at the laundromat when Vicki decided to follow a little friend out on the pier in the river. She fell in, but the little boy held on to her wrist Until the proprietor of the laun dromat found them. Average Meat Consumption Only Few Ounces Per Day PAGE 13 - PtJkgNDEALER • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. II77 Shock., There are those who say Americans consume too much red meat. How much is too much? Except for strict vegetarians, most people - and certainly not nutritionists - would not think 3 oz. a day is too much. But according to the National Live Stock and Meat board, in annual session in Chicago, Aug. 29-31, average per capita meat consumption, cooked weight basis, is only 2.9 oz. per day. David H. Stroud, Meat board president, explained that most statistics showing per capita meat consumption are based on "carcass weight." On that basis the average consumption of beef, veal pork and lamb per year amounts' to over 190 lbs. "But that's arrived at by dividing the carcass weight meat production by the number of people in the U.S., " said Stroud. "That's the weight before the bone and fat are removed which never reaches the retail counter." "Using carcass weight is a practical method of comparing meat consumption with other commodities, which also are V.A. NEWS EDITOR'S NOTE: Following are representative questions answered daily by VA coun selors. Full information is available at any VA office. Q - What is farm cooperative training? A - An eligible veteran on this program is concurrently enrolled in an institution taking agricultural courses and engaged in full-time agricultural employment which is considered to be related. „ ^. Q -- How long after separation do I have to convert my Servicemen's Group Life Insurance to Veterans Group Life insurance (VGLI)? A - A veteran may convert to VGLI within 120 days after separation. Beyond that, and up to one year from date of separation, medical evidence of insurability must also be submitted. If totally disabled at separation, conversion may be effected up to one year from date of separation. Q - Is a widow of a veteran who is not on the military retirement rolls entitled to military commissary and exchange privileges? A - A widow of a veteran who died on active duty or who was 100 per cent disabled, due to service-connected conditions, at the time of death is eligible for commissary and exchange privileges. Q - My 18-year-old son is receiving VA pension benefits. He is enrolling in college. Will Per Capita consumption -1976 CARCASS WT. RETAIL WT. COOKED WT. COOKED WT. (lbs. per yr.) (lbs. per yr.) (lbs. ptryr.) (oi. per day) Beef 120.0 90.7 44.7 2.0 Veal 3.7 3.0 1.2 .05 Pork 58.2 46.6 20.5 .90 Lamb 1.9 1.6 0.7 .03 All Red Meat 192.8 141.9 67.1 2.98 SERPO Joins Advisory Committee In Hearing The first SERPO (Southeast Regional Parent Organization) meeting for the 1977-78 school year will be held Tuesday evening, Sept. 27, at North Junior high school, 170 Oak street, Crystal Lake. SERPO is joining its meeting with the McHenry County Special Education Advisory com mittee's public forum. The SERPO meeting will begin at 7 p.m. to elect officers and conduct a short business meeting and then will join the public forum at 7:30. The public forums were set his pension benefits be con tinued? A - An eligible child may receive pension benefits until his twenty-third birthday if he remains single and enrolled in an approved school. up to provide parental input to the Advisory committee about We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities On Sale Items calculated on the raw basis," he said. "But it badly over states actual meat con sumption because processing, trim and cooking losses are not calculated.;; Starting with the carcass weight figure of 192.8 lbs. per capita last year, the Meat board estimates that actual consumption-cooked, lean, on- the-plate consumption-* averaged about 67.1 lbs.-which as shown in the following chart comes down to 2.98 oz. of red meat per day. Stroud said that for 1977, government and industry forecasts estimate that per capita meat consumption will be just about the same as last year's with a slight drop in beef being almost compensated for by an increase in pork ~ and with the daily cooked per capita consumption still below 3 oz. a day. He said the actual consumption for both 1976 and 1977 is less than half the amount recommended by nutritionists. the fulfillment of special education needs in McHenry county. Parents may ask questions of, or state concerns to the committee. There're more football experts than players. B DISPLAY HOSPITAL GIFTS - Mrs. Elvera Boswell, R.N., left, shows the defibrillator and cardlo scope while Mrs. Mary Downes, auxiliary volunteer, shows the Mercy radio used to communicate with the rescue squads. Both gifts of equipment are from the Woman's auxiliary, a gift made possible through generous public support of the Woman's auxiliary for Memorial hospital for McHenry County Holiday Hospitality day. This year's event is Oct. 5. (DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY) Abortion Funding Governor James Thompson recently vetoed legislation that would have denied state funds for abortions to women on public aid. In vetoing House Bill 333, Thompson said he acted out of a sense of duty and conscience. Specifically, Thompson vetoed the bill because it denied a con stitutional right to some women FIRST SEPTEMBER 30 AND OCTOBER 1 10* OFF HATS, BOOTS, SHIRTS -15* OFF JEWELRY • SPECIALS • •FREE B0L0 TIE TO THE FIRST 100 CUSTOMERS •$4 TURQUOISE DOT PIERCED EARRINGS mm $1.50 •TURQUOISE HEISHI NECKLACES now$28 * DRAWIM6S • •GORGEOUS MINI-SQUASH NECKLACE, RETAIL $100 •EXCLUSIVE SCH0TT BROS. PRIME GOOSE DOWN OR LEATHER VEST I NO PURCHASE NECESSARY, „ • ' j • I /-Arizona ^Arizona sun ̂ 3321 W. ELM ST. MC HENRY. ILI_ 615-305-1033 HOURS: MON.-THURS. 104, FRI. 10-9, SAT. 94 MERCHANTS because they are poor, it did not make provisions for victims of rape or incest, and there would be no significant reduction in public aid costs as a result of the bill. Sale Beer Not Iced WINES AND LIQUORS SEPT. 28 TO OCT. 4r 4610 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILLINOIS; No Sales To Minors EVERY DAY PRICE! CALVERT Clll 6" 1.75 LITER ffc - t#4M * ̂ PEPSI RE6.-MET- UCKT 8-16 0Z. BOTTLES PLUS DEPOSIT WOLFSCNMIDT VODKA «79 1.75 LITER K IMPORTED BARRELHEAD REGULAR OR DIET CANADA MY «A|| B & L SCOTCH 8" SEAGRAM'S V0f CANADIAN WHISKY 11" 1.75 LITER" LIMIT ONE 1.75 LITER 8-16 0Z. BOTTLES FRESCA 19911 PUJS DEPOSIT B0NDED-100 PROOF WALKERS PRIVATE CELLAR BOURBON 9 WHISKEY 1-75 LITER COMFORT HALF GALLON mJGh WAFERS JUST IN TIME FOR THE WORLD SERIES AND FOOTBALL I WE HAVE JUST A FEW 1977 ZENITH AND RCA MODELS LEFT AT PRICES TOO LOW TO PRINT. AND THEY'RE PRICED EVEN I; LOWER NOW TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE 7rs COMING NEXT WEEK. STOP IN TODAY I </n(/frnrcA A PREMIUM CALIFORNIA VARIETAL SALE! INGLEN00K 1972 ESTATE BOTTLED OAMAY FIFTH OLD MILWAUKEE jggk "THE ORIGINAL" MacKAY'S TV 7224 Barnard Mill Wonder Late, III. Top-Line Products - Tops in Service PICNIC PAK 24-12 0Z. CANS A MED. DRY RIESLING FRANZIA SOIIVERAIN OF ALEXANDER VALLEY 1976 NORTH COAST PIN0T N0IR ROSE FIFTH GOLD 12 PAK 12 0Z. CANS 79 Have a Nice Cold Girl IMPORTED GERMAN ST. PAUII GIRL 6-12 0Z. 4|99 NR BOTTLES ^ BUY THE CASE-*!#" STROHS 6-12 01 CANS I "STAY TUNED! FURTHER NEWSi VISIT OUR CHEESE SHOP 461 U W. Rte . 12 fJ Ph 815 385 3200