SWi-UfiMENT TO IUcffiKNKY ^LAIIN^Ai^n r r A<jE 23 • WEDNESDAY, OCfOBER 5. 1977 AUTO TIPS Sir PATRICK KBLLY Women, take note! Espe cially those who have as sumed full responsibility for your car's upkeep. With so many women fend ing for themselves these days, they need to be informed on how a car operates so when they have car problems, they will understand the necessary repair work done by me chanics. To assist women in learn ing more about how cars function, companies like Fire stone and local car dealers are conducting free car care clinics across the country. The clinics, often held at a retail auto service center, usually consist of four ses sions, each lasting approxi mately two hours. A portion of each session is spent in lecture with the help of visual aids. Participants also see demonstrations of what had been discussed during the lecture period. In some cases, volunteers get a chance to lubricate an automobile or change its oil under the watchful eye and direction of a mechanic. The women are encouraged to ask questions if they do not understand mechanical or technical matters. Many ask questions about specific prob lems they have had with their cars. The person conducting the clinic is often able to ex plain what caused the partic ular problem and what might be done to prevent similar problems in the future. Also included in the course are booklets which olfer gen eral tips on car care and normal maintenance proce dures. « * * How can you get longer, reliable service out of your car? Owners with six figures on the odometers generally take good care of their autos. They read the owner's man ual and follow suggestions. Millions of Americans get more than their money's worth. The files of all the auto companies are thick with complimentary letters from owners reluctant to give up the old family buggy long past its reasonable scrapping date. Example: A Calif ornian took a subcompact 1971 car into Alaska with the odome ter approaching 100,000 miles. The woman drove through snowstorms, a wind storm that ripped a bolted- down luggage rack from the roof and endured a wind chill factor down to 60 degrees below xero. Alaskans were so impressed they offered her $600 more than she paid for the car when it was pur chased. The 1973 model year cars were not especially famous for good gas mileage but a New Jersey resident bought the car used. He spent $36 on repairs, reported 20 miles to the gallon. That wouldn't be good enough for the 1986 federal standard but it was pretty good for 1973. While he thanked the company for the product, he admonished: "I could go on and on, but I wouldn't want you folks to get a swelled head." A Massachusetts couple was so delighted with the company's cars that it pur chased four of them and sent a photograph of the fehicles parked in the front yard. Three of the cars were owned by the children--all of whom had learned to drive in the couple's 1970 model. *** • • • • Three generations ago a boy was lucky to have a goat to ride; now it's the latest sports automobile. UP AND AWAY...The start of each America's Cap race in Rhode Island Sound is marked by signals and cannon shots from aboard the Race Committee boat. This year the boat was equipped with precision radar and other electronic equipment to set an exact race course each day and monitor the progress of the race. • * • • Intolerance is largely a matter of believing that one knows it all-on any subject. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A NEW CAR, SEE A NEW CAR DEALER. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A GOOD USED CAR, TRUCK, VAN, RECREATIONAL OR 4-WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLE, SEE US. Why? Because we specialize in used cars, trucks, vans, 4-wheel drive vehicles, and new and used recreational vehicles. Every vehicle we have for sale has been personally selected by George Hickey. There are no auction vehicles on our premises. Our business is to bring you the finest vehicles available at the fairest price. WE ARE ALSO NORTHERN ILLINOIS FRANCHISED DEALER FOR NEW MALLARD MINI-HOMES 815-385-9303 MdKNRV, •ILLINOIS! HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. I p.m. Satar day 9 a.m.*5 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. TURTLE GARAGE BUILDERS AND -MK REMODELING ^C0MPANT,INC. s450 M STAKE! »w v» < r - r - H - V \ v ' • > . . \ * \ \ x % Oj /• : • DON'T MAKE A YOU CAN OWN THI FAMOUS TURTLE Vh CAR GARAGE!! LONG TERM FINANCING AVAILABLE . . . NO PAYMENT 'TIL 1978 SPECIAL! BOISE CASCADE TEXTURED PREFINISHED SIDING. SitilWCUC DLf tUiUJivi Call And Com fare. Gat The Turtle's Special Winter Ctose-Out Prices elVWili* OPEN DAILY 12 to 8 SAT. & SUN. 10 to 5 ROUND LAKE BEACH R O L L I N S & R 1 S 3 546-6500 GURNEE 3 5 6 7 G R A N D A V I . i R T F 1 3 2 ) 336-5510 carpTi 'cente. P McHENRY * » - R T £ . l ? 0 £ B £ A C H R D . 700 E. Rollins Rd.^'I ~ Round lake Beach 54« esoo ~ ( A R E A C O D E 8 1 5 ) ( A R E A C O D E 8 1 5 . ) 344-1700 ••• . MM « * j* 1* m 4 ' / « • » ' W 4 i % ' * • i • ' " $ * ̂