t ••••• • Ouiklnl HOTMUSCLVI mate the non-dairy creamer from Carnation that gives cof fee more body, more flavor. 'Smell And Tell' Insert Included With Gas Bills NEWS 4 H Do you know what natural gas smells like? Customers of Northern Illinois Gas will be reminded when they receive their next bill. Beginning in early October, NI-Gas will include a "smell and tell" in sert with residential bills to familiarize consumers with the distinctive odor of natural gas. Because natural gas has no smell, NI-Gas mixes an odorant - mercaptan - with the fuel for easier detection. A small amount of this substance has been added to the scratch and sniff insert so that consumers will recognize natural gas. NI-Gas points out that a faint gas odor near an appliance may simply mean that a pilot is out and needs relighting. However, if there is any doubt, call NI-Gas right away - day or night. In most instances, the utility or your local fire department will visit your home to make a thorough in spection. If you detect an unusually strong gas odor, NI-Gas recommends that you observe these safety measures: , -Ventilate the building by opening windows at the top and bottom. Begin in the room where the odor is strongest. -Do not operate any gas or electric appliances, nor turn on any electrical switches. Ex tinguish open flames. -Call NI-Gas and your local Are or police department from a neighbor's telephone. It is a good idea to keep NI- Gas' local emergency number handy. It is also helpful to know where the gas shutoff valve for your home is located. This GENOA I" THEATRE OCNOACITY.wm. M 41U mum M ft •, * m. *. «f Mcta«ri • OPEN HITEIV, ft WMMTS FIOM 2 PM I I I |sOON: NmraDttll Moment; ZcffmRPi IROMMO and Juliet; STAR WARS at low LAST CHANCE (ail Oct 13: M Nils ton ii Ifukiiig TrtiiN* aim OCT. 14-20 ONE WEEK! FINAL CHAPTER WALKING TALL. Fit, Sat ft •n.-Hmi. 1 ft MS Sw.2dl.4JS, MS. MO valve, usually just ahead of your gas meter, shuts off all gas to your residence. Cancer Leader ARTHUR E. OSBORNE Arthur E. Osborne, a director of Marshall Field A company and president of its Chicago division, has been named 1978 chairman for the April Crusade of the American Cancer society, Illinois Division, Inc. The McHenry county unit of the ACS has over 560 volunteers involved in its Cancer Crusade. LINCOLN CLOVERLEAFS The meeting of the Lincoln Cloverleafs 4-H club was called to order at 7:45 p.m. Monday, Oct. 3, with the Pledge of the Allegiance, to the flag and the 4-H pledge. Roll was taken and the secretary and treasurer's report were read and approved. Shelly Von Bruenchenhein gave a short talk On state fair. Jodi Beutel told about the tour of the courthouse when twelve members attended. Sue Malenius showed pic tures of our club's window display that was in the window at Vycital's hardware store. The theme this year is 4-H "Freedom to be". Our display won first prize and best in the county. Debbie Griggs explained that she had taped a radio spot for WIVS radio during 4-H week. Judy Vyduna and Shelly VonBruenchenhein also ap peared on WIVS radio during 4- H week. Steve Smith talked about the 4-H project display planned to be held in the McHenry public library. Dan Miller told about the Federation Halloween party and handed out pamphlets on Halloween safety. Shelly VonBruenchenhein SHOW in HARVARD U.S. 14 Et 173 Harvard, III. 24 Hour Information 943-4451 OCT. 14 - 20 74)0 & 9:45 |fiOfl£PT SOW,;- I f OF BOURBON STREET STARRNG DawnCummrigsasCharlene HelgaTrixi as Maude Penelope Lamou as Penelope tooniqueMonod as Alice MALE CHAUVINIST Also at 8:30 WITH GEORGINA'SPELVIN RATED X MODERN, CLEAN, CONTROLLED i uiisasffflfcgfflTO Pippi on The Run talked about a day camp that our club is planning on that will be held Oct. 22. Jodi Beutel was elected program chairman. Mrs. Vyduna talked about 4- H in general and explained the 4-H foundation. The following new officers were installed for our 1978 4-H year: President, Shelly Von B r u e n c h e n h e i n ; V i c e President, Dan Miller; Secretary, Judy Vyduna; Correspondent Secretary, Sue Malenius; Treasurer, Kris Simmons; Reporter, Bev Fink- beiner; Sergeant at Arms, Chuck Wagner; Program Chairman, Jodi Beutel; Federation Delegates, Dan Miller and Sue Malenius; Song Leader, Jodi Beutel and Recreation Leaders, Debbie Griggs and Lynn Lupo. Eight members competed in the Health poster contest that our club held. Renee Mercure was the winner. The meeting was adjourned and the Beutel and Finkbeiner families served refreshments. Bev Finkbeiner, reporter Optimism is that quality that permits us to hope that someday some one else will do something for us. PAGE 19 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1977 BASEBALL OUTING--The altar boys of St. John's parish in Johnsburg were treated to an afternoon of excitement and fun when they were taken to Wrigley field in Chicago to see the Cubs whip the Phillies 10-7 recently. The event is a token of ap preciation extended to the servers by the parish and is a yearly event. The servers are under the direction of Sister Carol, fifth grade teacher at the parish school. Pictured are Sister Carol and several of the forty-one boys who attended the event. The chaperons were Betty Hettermann, Bill Haag and John Meehan. GIVES ACTION TALK Sam Brown, national director of ACTION, the organization under which fall the volunteer programs of the Peace Corps and Vista, will be speaking in Woodstock this Sunday mor ning at 11 a.m. at the Univer- salist Congregational church on the corner of Dean and South Streets. He will be speaking of "The Politics of Hunger-Is the Carter Administration Making a Difference?" Following Mr. Brown's speech there will be an informal international pot luck lunch. The public is invited to attend both. > • • • • B E F O R E Y O U B U Y . THE NEW, MODERN FREE WATER TEST AND RENTAL RATES ON REQUEST KINETICO WATER CONDITIONING SYSTEM •NO ELECTRICITY 'METERED WATER •LESS SALT *SAVES MONEY CALL YOUR LOCAL WATER CONDITIONING DEALER: KINETICO 0runer TOM HUEMANN WATER CONDITIONING 2103 W. CHURCH ST. - JOHNSBURG MCHENRY, ILL 385-3093 "UWCBT SbftlCE DOT. IN NMTHERN ILLINOIS" ^OUTDOOR IBGRAYSLAKE RT 120 & 83 ** 223-8155 WEEKENDS ONLY AT 730 FRI. - SAT.-SUN. ADMISSION Adults $2.00 7-UPS ALSO OUTLAW J0SEY WHALES ra. Ftl.-SAT. LATE (HOW NICKtU HOI PG CMcFENRY OUTDOOR WEEKENDS ONLY AT 7 JO FIL -- SAT. -- SUN. ADMISSION Adults S2.00 ST. IVES ALSO OUTLAW J0SEY WHALES FRI.-SAT. LAT| SHOW WHITE LINE F1VW PG "STAR WARS" n flU. ft N0R.-INMB. 7ft fclS BkSHOWHACE 3 C R Y S T A L L A K E / 4 5 S - 2 I D O W N ' TOWN 2000 SHOW PI ACE 2 RTES 14 A 31 455 1005 Lincoln "mm*** S '"afcftWi.tfl" HIDDEN FOR TOO YEARS ARE NOW REV1ALED. BRADFORD DILLMAN FtLlMW.j-TMKS. 7 ft *15 MT. ft SM. 1.&S. 7.* ~ McHENRY OUTDOOR EVERY SUNDAY 8 A.M. TO 4 P.M. FLEA MARKET BUY-SELL- FOR INFORMATION -- BUYING OR SELLING, CALL (312) 223-2644 HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS In Restaurant Display Hnmni ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. 'BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" FEATURING COMPLETE LINES OF: • OLYMPIC STAIN • LINCOLN WINDOWS • BRAMMER CABINETS • GAF SHINGLES • ANDERSEN WINDOWS • BUILDERS HARDWARE • PRE-HUNG DOORS • PREFINISHED PANELING • NORD SPINDLES • MOORE-O-MATIC • JIM MARTIN PAINTS GARAGE DOOR OPERATORS Phone 385-1424 909 N. FRONT ST., McHENRY LMSiMtMI'i.oo »"'i.oo OUTLAW J0SEY WHALES S* ~T FRI.-MON. THUR. 7-9:30 <AT.-SUN. 1:30-7-9:30 PG and loan association MARENGO: 200 E Grant Highway • 815/568-7268 McHENRY: 4400 W Route 1 20-81 5/344-1900 WOODSTOCK: 118 Cass Street • 815/338-2900 The beautiful Bengal tiger that to upstaging Ned Payne, left, and Dick Matt has become a permanent resident of Crescent Bay Landing restaurant in Johnsburg. Ned Payne, former AAU weight lifting champion, film maker and one time big game hunter turned conservationist, shot this magnificent trophy in 1967 in Nagpur, Central India. Because of his interest in the outdoors and animals, Payne has traveled and photographed big game animals all over the world and has produced two outstanding feature films on outdoor life that have been seen in many major theaters. He is a long time member of the Adventures club and frequent guest on out-door-adventure television programs. Payne, who is now a vice-president of Crescent Bay Landing and is also associated with Dick Matt in the production of outdoor adventure films, has given the tiger and a beautiful Central American Jaguar to the restaurant for permanent display as part of the new dining rooms now being completed. FREE Mb. can Maxwt House A.D.C. brand coffee specially blended and for automatic -drip makers.