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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Oct 1977, p. 18

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fAGE 18 - PLAINDEALER HOW TO BECOME A WINNER... (Continued from page 1) engine park'. They played and I bunted, first the big rock, then the band -shelter, then the picnic tables. I met a young woman there who had recently moved to McHenry from Elgin and I told her what I was doing. She hadn't heard about the treausre hunt, but she wished me luck. "Thursday night we got the Plaindealer and it had two clues in it. The second clue was North, South, East, West, you decide which is best'. We took out the map from the phone book and found a West street, a South street, a North drive and a North avenue and an Eastern street. We also tried to determine if there was Something on each side of town, like a church, school, park or something. "Friday morning it occurred to me that at the entrance to the city was a Welcome to McHenry sign and a population sign. So I packed the kids in the car and we checked those out. At the north sign the grass was *3 foot high and I could tell ^someone had walked around by fcthe sign so I searched to no ^avail On the east side there is vnone. £ "I was frustrated.. £ "After school we got the third >clue about the bridge. There •lare nine bridges in McHenry. '^My son and one of his friends ,-checked out the bridge at ^Whispering Oaks. They didn't "Jind anything. £ "So after I started supper cooking I took three of my other children and walked down to Jhe bridge by the police station. AVe hunted all over around Ihere and started home and decided to check out the island py Green street and Waukegan road. It was such an obvious 3)lace that I didn't really think it FRIDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1977 would be there. But there it was taped under the green urn. *> "A man and a woman were down by the bridge obviously searching. After I got home and told my son, he went back to see where we had found it and some man in a car said someone's got it already, so he had looked too. If we hadn't found it, someone else would have done so within the hour. "We are moving out of McHenry and this is a real nice going-away present. "We had fun looking. We probably spent ten hours in all gathering the clues and searching and that works out to $100 per hour. Nice work if you can get it**! Nice work, indeed, Lorette Rogers. DAMAGE VAN IN ROCK THROWING INCIDENT (Continued from page 1) E. Wonder Lake road in Wonder Lake told police that someone stole her bicycle Tuesday. She said she parked it at a gas station while she went to a store nearby, and when she returned, she observed a blond-' haired youth riding away on it. Although she called to him, he did" not stop and his identity is unknown. Friday night, police in­ vestigated a theft at the home of Duewan Johnson, 2609 Indian Trail road, McHenry. A neigh­ bor reported having observed two men carry a pyramid- shaped fireplace from the Johnson porch and load it into the trunk of a dark-colored vehicle and depart. The identity of the offenders is unknown. Sunday evening, Robert Steck of 1711 Sunnyside Beach drive, McHenry, reported that someone apparently used a large firecracker to destroy the homemade cover over his mailbox. The explosion had B STOP IN TODAY AND COMPARE SERVICE AND PRICES. DROP-OFF & SELF-SERVICE 35* *2™? m WASH at all Times DRY MILLSTREAM COIN WASH 3612 W. ELM ST. MCHENRY NEXT TO FIRE STATION OPEN 7 AM to 10 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK 385-2042 FISH FRY FRIDAY $Q IJC 4 -10P .M . V«Z3 PRIME RIB SATURDAY £•#% 5-10 P .M . 0 «0U FAMILY STYLE CHICKEN SUNDAY $ A Ag 1 -8 P .M . 4 «ZO Also Serving Steaks-Ribs-Whole Catfish Shrimps and Sandwiches PISIAKEE COUNTRY CLUB 815 W. BayRd. Phone 385-9854 lowerwo i cJ BRBMELIflDS House Plants! These spectacular, unusual and hardy plants will be the center of attention in your home or office! PRICE LARGER SIZES ALSO AVAILABLE IK SEVERAL COLOR VARIETIES SALE *1.50 to *15.00 (Reg. $3.00 to $30.00) Limited Supply FREE care and information sheet with purchase Sale ends Nov. 1st. ( FLORIST NURSERY GARDEN CENTE* | M0N.THURS. owerwood 815 459-6200 Sun. 10 S Hwy. 14 & 176 Crystal Lake been heard, and an auto had been observed fleeing the scene, but the identity of the offender is unknown. Finally, Phillip * Kowall of 2719 Myang, McHenry, reported that sometime Friday night, someone entered his open garage, stealing three sets of socket wrenches. The of­ fender is unknown..- ARREST HARVARD MAN FOR ARSON IN BARN FIRE (Continued on page 18) owned by Victor Ft. Goad of 10305 Resse street, Harvard. The incident occurred at 11:40 a.m. Wednesday. At that time, McHenry county Sheriff's police were summoned to the Goad home, where Goad had apprehended Greshel. No estimate of the damage to the barn was made. HOSPITAL NOTES McHENRY HOSPITAL Recent admittances to McHenry hospital who requested that their names he published included from M c H e n r y : T h o m a s Lunkenheimer, Michael L. Adams, Clark Hanna, and Michelle Januschis; from Wonder Lake: Carl E. Seppala, Gwenevere A. Buikema, Kenneth Kuretski and Teresa Ison. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Recent admittances to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included from McHenry: David Kennebeck, Henrietta Davis, Rosemary Sexton, baby William Fish, Jennifer Krysiak, Karen Helfinstine and Master Gregory Szekeres; 'from Wonder Lake: John Whiteside and Stella Amund­ sen. HARVARD HOSPITAL Mrs. Robert Herne of Ringwood has been admitted as a patient to Harvard hospital. If we had no faults, we should not take so much pleasure in not­ ing those of others. -La Rochefoucauld. NUMBER, PLEASE. . . James Lemay, a male tele­ phone operator at Frankfort, Kentucky, is representative of the growing number of men entering a field once considered the exclusive domain of women. 4 Driver Forced From Road Injured Tuesday A McHenry man escaped serious injury Tuesday mor­ ning when he was forced off the road by an oncoming vehicle and run into a fence. The accident, which occurred at about 3a.m., injured Herbert W. Dettner of 4510 W. Clear- view drive. The driver of the vehicle which forced Dettner's auto off the road is unknown. Dettner told police he was southbound on Rt. 31 at about 45 mph when an unknown nor­ thbound vehicle came into his lane of traffic, forcing him off the road on the west shoulder, striking the end of a guard rail, and going into a ditch, hitting a wire fence. The fence is owned by Ed­ ward Blake of 2401 N. Rich­ mond road, McHenry. No estimate was made of the damage to the fence, but the Dettner car was demolished. In other accidents, Henry D. Sobers of Hebron and Helen Seborg of 7604 Deep Spring road, Wonder Lake, were in­ jured Monday afternoon when the vehicles they were driving collided on Ringwood road, just north of Martin road. Both drivers were tran­ sported to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, for treatment of their injuries. Neither driver was ticketed in connection with the crash, which caused more than $100 damage to each vehicle. Mrs. Seborg told police that she was northbound on Ringwood road when she ob­ served a vehicle in front of her slowing for a dog. She added that she then also slowed when she was struck in the rear by the Sobers pickup truck. Donald McArthur of Fox Lake was taken by the John- sburg Rescue squad to McHenry hospital early Tuesday morning when his auto spun out of control on Rolling Lane road, hitting a fence, a tree, and then rolling over. He was not ticketed in the crash'by Sheriffs police in­ vestigating the accident. His car was destroyed. McArthur told police he was westbound on Rolling Lane road when something ap­ parently went wrong with the steering mechanism on his car, causing the steering wheel to spin rapidly. He further stated that his car then left the road, striking the fence and a large tree before rolling over. Police did not estimate the amount of damage done to the lawn of Harold Jfrroompson, 1113 Rolling^ Lane road. McHenry, as a result of the accident. Virginia I. Karpawich of 4114 E. Lake Shore drive in Wonder Lake was transported to the emergency room of McHenry hospital by the McHenry Area Rescue squad for treatment of injuries sustained in a one-car accident Tuesday morning on Ridge road. Ms. Karpawich was not ticketed in connection with the collision, which caused an estimated $800-$1,000 damage to her vehicle. She told police she was south­ bound on Ridge road, just north of Valley Hill road, when she reached the top of a hill and not iced construct ion machinery in her lane of traffic along with another southbound vehicle at the intersection of Ridge and Valley Hill roads. She added that, seeing a trailer parked off the left side of Ridge road, she decided it would be better to go into the west ditch to avoid a collision, and in doing so, lost control and struck a tree head-on. Both Daryl J. Licastro of 1603 North avenue, McHenry, and Roger C. Brand of 2904 Hickory drive inMcHenry were ticketed by McHenry police wheir the vehicles they were driving collided late last week at the intersection of Front and Main streets. Neither driver was injured in the crash, which caused more than $100 damage to the Licastro vehicle, and destroyed the Brand vehicle. Licastro, who was ticketed for failing to yield the right of way, stated he was stopped at the stop sign on Main street, facing east. He added that there was no traffic so he continued east on Main. The Brand vehicle then came north­ bound on Front street, and contact was made. Brand was ticketed for failure to display his driver's license. Finally, Bohnita L. Reith of 8617 W. Sunset in Wonder Lake escaped injury early Tuesday morning when she struck a cow with her automobile on W. Wonder Lake road. The collision caused about $400 damage to the Reith auto. She told police she was south­ bound on W. Wonder Lake road at about 40 mph when she ob­ served a black cow in the roadway. applied her unable to avoid the collision. Final Interviews For College President Held When the board of trustees for McHenry County college held a special meeting recently, the first order of business was a presidential candidate interview. Out of 171 applicants for the position of president, several had been invited by the board for an interview. Three were then selected for a second interview. The board has held a second interview for two of the ap­ plicants and the third candidate was on camous for his second interview recently. In other busineiss the board tabled until the regular October meeting any action on the cooperative agreement with Elgin Community college relative to the nursing program. Gerald Smith, chairman from Woodstock, requested that the board committee (formed at the regular September meeting) meet with two Elgin Com­ munity college board members and the deans of instruction of both colleges. The MCC board committee meeting with MCC administration to review the agreement are Dr. Bill Ryan, Crystal Lake, and Gerald Smith. Action was taken on a request from the Illinois Capital Development board. The request in the form of a letter stated..."recent legislation enacted provides that federal monies received by benefiting agencies, departments, in­ stitutions, etc., for capital projects be remitted to the CDB. The purpose of this legislation is to provide for the utilization of federal funds. These federal funds may be used during construction or used to replace state bond funds after the completion of a project." The action taken by the board was that no funds be returned to Springfield because of questions of validity. The matter will be referred to the board's legal counsel. The board also received communicat ions from Governor Thompson stating that he had signed Senate Bill 1149. As a result of the bill, community college elections will be held in November of each odd-numbered year, beginning in 1979. The bill is designed to consolidate all ejections in the State. It allows only five times during each two-year period at which public officials can be elected and referenda can be subject to vote. In other business the board appointed William Butkus, Crystal Lake, basketball coach for the college. Butkus is an English instructor at the Crystal Lake high school. He also coaches football at Cary Grove high school and baseball at Crystal Lake high school. ASC Mail Elections Slated Only a few days remain to nominate farmers as can­ didates in the upcoming Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASC) community committee elec­ tions, reminds Jim Lucas, county executive director, McHenry county ASCS office. First duty of the newly elected community committee members will be to serve as delegates to elect new mem­ bers to the county ASC com­ mittee. Lucas reminds producers that this is an im­ portant occasion for the responsible, farmer-chosen team of ASC community committeemen who will help adminis ter government programs. The ASC community com­ mittee election will be con­ ducted by mail from Nov. 25 to Dec. 5. By turning in a total of six or more petitions, farmers in each ASC community have the opportunity to prepare the slate of nominees themselves. Lucas hopes that farmers will submit enough valid petitions to fill the slate. Shortly after Oct. 31, all petitions will be reviewed. If six or more valid petitions have been received for an ASC community, the county ASCS office will prepare a slate containing the names of all eligible nominees. If less than six valid petitions are received for any ASC community, the job of slate completions will be turned over to the incumbent community committee, which will add nominees needed to complete the slate. The county ASC committee will review all community slates prior to the mail election and will advise all candidates of the duties of ASC com­ mitteemen. In order to submit a valid petition, three or more ASC farm voters must sign a statement endorsing an eligible candidate. The statement must include certification that the nominee will serve if elected. Petitions must be dated and mailed or hand-delivered to the county ASC office no later than Nov. 1. McHenry Hospital R.N. Heads New Association Ste added ler brakes, SERPO Views Effect Of Law On Handicapped A new federal law, became effective Oct. 1, 1977, giving parents more participation in preparing their child's education. This new law, P.L. 94-142, and its effects on the education of handicapped children will be the topic of the next SERPO meeting Tuesday evening, Nov. 1, at Central school, Paddock street, Crystal Lake, starting at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Frank J. Gruber IV, currently the educational HOLY REINDEER! consultant for the DeKalb Program Service team serving McHenry and Boone counties, will offer explanation of the law along with film strips provided by the Coordinating Council for •Handicapped Children. One of the film strips will cover the parents point of view and rights under the new law. SERPO, the Southeast Regional Parent Organization, meetings and membership are open to anyone interested in special children. Heaven protects children, sailors and drunken men. Ron Cooker, R.N., director Of nursing service at McHenry hospital, was elected president of the McHenry County 8MSS-4SWkS meeting last week at McHenry County college. Cooker becomes the first president of the newly-formed organizaiton. He has been director of nursing for the past two years, after having served as assistant director at McHenry hosptial from 1970-75. Previously, he had been head nurse in the Spinal Cord unit at Hines VA hospital and in the urology department at Mt. Sinai hospital, Chicaog, for five years. He was assistant director at Alexian Brothers hospital and at Northwest Community hospital, Arlington Heights. A native of Great Britain, he received his education there and was a head nurse at a County hospital outside London for five years before coming to the United States. He and his wife, Dorothy, live in Cary with their children. Cooker is active in Scouting. ONLY 58 DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY SEASON BANQUET RESERVATIONS FACILITKS FOR 25 TO 200 PERSONS CALL 385-0333 2500 N. CHAPEL HILL RD. tY. ILLINOJ HILLCOLtf Now in McHenry! A & E VACUUM CLEANER Sale of Most Brands BAGS - PARTS - SERVICE FOR All MAKES OF Domestic & Industrial HdJUT 815/344-0899 nmmnnnnfl . . 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 President-elect of the organization is Barbara Mc- Cormich, R.N., a school nurse in Crystal Lake. Secretary is Donna Meyer, assistant director of nursing service at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock; and treasurer is Sandra Brenner, R.N,, of Crystal Lake, a nurse at the Crystal Pines Nursing home. In addition to the officers, the following board was elected: Jeslyn Bruce, R.N., retired school nurse of the Crystal Lake School district; Linda Kellogg, R.N., Crystal Lake, inservice instructor at McHenry hospital; Sally Leanna, R.N., staff nurse at the Kishwaukee Medical cento*, Woodstock; Mary Stauffer, R.N., Cary, staff nurse at Lutheran General Hospital's alcoholism treatment center; and JoAnne Wallis, R.N., Cary, staff nurse at McHenry hospital. The first workshop of th* Profess iona l Nurses association will be presented Saturday morning, Nov. 5, at McHenry County college, and will be on "liability." The workshop is designed "to acquaint the nurse with her legal responsibility regarding the patient and herself in all phases of nursing." Further infromation may be obtained by calling McHenry County college, and ask for Rebecca Strong. MENTAL HEALTH MEETING A special meeting of the McHenry County Mental Health board will be held in Room 112 of the county cour­ thouse, Woodstock, at 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 31. • Leave the caviar in the can. It's traditional to serve any hora d'oeuvre in its own tin or foil cup. So place the foie gras or cheese spread right on your ele­ gant holiday table among the crysthl and china. • Add a little punch to your holiday party with white wine sangria. XHisolve ' in 1 cup water. Add 1 thinly sliced, slightly crushed lime to sugar syrup. Add V& cored, peeled pineapple and 1 bottle (fifth) Chabiis. Just before serving, add 1 can (12 oz.) lemon-lime soda and pour over ice cubes. SAFETY- SAMPLER Gf*\\cre were *bour UQOqQ&Q people. injured m rnc last year using hedgefrimmers.« •stecles blade path, raay close attention Uibclesign when buying power hedgctrimmers® AVlwa/5 keep hands Traway from cutting Wades ooo«,«,000 or further information about hedge trimmer it yrifc: jisston a-callioll-See ' ' r • ...The House Thetl 6ood Wells Built... ood Service, qulpment. » Rite « Filters on a foundation of Gi and Quality Water E • Rod Jacket • Jacuzzi • Sta- ...The House Thetl 6ood Wells Built... ood Service, qulpment. » Rite « Filters WATER WELLS & PUMPS-WE REPAIR & SERVICE ALL MAKES McHenry County Well & Pump Co. 1V4 Mi No. of McHenry on Rt 31 01 c ooc com I 3200 N. Richmond Rd., McHenry 51 & i Gilead House WILMOT, WISCONSIN FISH FRY »2»5 Make Holiday Party. Reservations Now -- 4b Join Ua Far Luncheon, Dinner Vilru BALANCE •DIFFERENCE SSI (

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