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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Oct 1977, p. 2

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ijmimwmwo ME. AND MRS. PATRICK J. O'DONNELL RAINBOW WEDDING-Rainbow colors were chosen by Mary Sue Seharf and Patrick James O'Donnell for their wedding Saturday, July 16. The couple repeated their vows at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church before the Rev. Roger Schneider. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scharf of McHenry and the poom's parents are Mrs. Edna O'Donnell of St. Charles, 111., and the late James O'Donnell. A month-long wedding trip throughout the western states preceded residency in Island Lake. SARNWICK PHOTOGRAPHY PTO Auction To Feature Holiday Items The Valley View PTO is planning an auction Saturday, Sov. 5, from 1 to 4 p.m. in the School cafeteria. All merchandise to be offered for sale is new and would make wonderful Christmas gifts. Among items donated by McHenry area merchants are small appliances, radios, toys, gift certificates, etc. Refresh­ ments will be available. The proceeds will be used for needed equipment and extra activities for the students. Anyone who would like to donate new items is asked to call 385-4505. AT THE TOP DECK 1232 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY COSTUMES IH PRIZES MGAMES MUSIC BY: 3 M and Company 385-9836 VFW Auxiliary Members Attend Dinner-Dance The 5th district of Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies auxiliary annual membership kick-off dinner-dance was held recently at Tioga Veterans of Foreign Wars Post in * Ben- senville, with over 400 mem- bers attending Membership transmittals exceeding 600 were reported by the Ladies auxiliary of the 5th district. Guest speakers for the evening were Art Roth, Illinois State commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Eileen Tanner, Illinois state president of the Ladies auxiliary. Representing Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600 and Ladies auxiliary were Mr. and Mrs. W. Abbink, Mr. and Mrs. L. Jende, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kuemmel and Mr. and Mrs. W. Kuck. MR. AND MRS. THOMAS M. DRAYTON WONDER LAKE HOME-Thomas M. and Sharon J. (Smith) Drayton are making their home in Wonder Lake following a June wedding at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic church. Marital promises were exchanged before the Rev. John Holden during a 3:30 p.m. ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drayton, all of Crystal Lake. The bride's aunt is Nancy Olson of McHenry. PHOTOGRAPHY BY NIES Senior Walk-In Center Meals are served Monday through Friday at the Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 2 p.m. the day before at 385- 8260. The menu for the week of Oct. 31 through Nov. 4 is as follows: Oct. 31: Swiss style steak- brown gravy, roast brown potatoes, mixed vegetables, peaches and milk. Nov. l: Fried chicken-cream gravy, mashed potatoes, broccoli, cake and milk. Nov. 2: Meat balls-tomatoe sauce, fried potatoes, cole slaw, pudding and milk. Nov. 3: Fried shrimp-sauce, macaroni & cheese, zucchini squash, pears and milk. Nov. 4: Spanish noodles-ham, corn, salad, jello and milk. Pilot's Wives Plan Monthly Meeting Nov. 1 The Extra-Care club of United Airlines, a pilot's wives organization, will hold its next monthly luncheon meeting Tuesday, Nov. 1, at Benihana of Tokoyo, located in "The Backyard" of Lincolnshire, Rt. 22 and Milwaukee avenue, Half' Day, 111. Lunch is at 12 noon. In lieu of a program will be shopping in the mall. The luncheon is open to any United Airlines pilot's wife and her guests. For reservations or information call 815-455-2237. FINE ARTS TOUR A bus tour to the Chicago Historical society is being sponsored by the Woodstock Fine Arts association Monday, Nov. 14. A self-tour of the museum will be followed by luncheon. School children are welcome to join the tour. A walking tour of the Lincoln Park conservatory will con­ clude the day. The bus will leave the Ace parking lot on Rt. 47 at 9 a.m. and will return at approximately 3:30. For fur­ ther information and-or reservations, call Mrs. John (Virginia) Peschke, Wood­ stock. ENGAGEMENT-Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gattone of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Theresa, to Richard William Rehberg of Monroe, Wis., son of Mrs. Sandra Kegebein, also of Monroe, and Richard Rehberg of McHenry. Mary is a 1*77 graduate of McHenry high school and to employed in Crystal Lake, in addition to attending McHenry County college. Her fiance to a 1975 graduate of Monroe high school and to engaged in farming with his stepfather, Robert Kegebein. The couple plans to reside in Monroe following an Aug. 5,1978 wedding. Handmade Items Abound At Zion Bazaar Nov. 9 The Zion Ladies aid is in preparation for its annual fall bazaar which will be held Wednesday, Nov. 9 from 1 to 7 p.m. at the Zion Lutheran church, located at 4206 W. Waukegan road, in McHenry. The bazaar will feature a variety of sales. There is the fancy goods table which will hold many lovely and beautiful handmade items. Also there will be two full-sized beautifully handmade quilts for sale through a silent auction. For plant lovers there will be a plant table offering a variety of pretty potted plants. Hie white elephant tables will offer many new or like new items for the individual or the home. There will alio be a bake sale to tempt the buyer with many delicious homemade things such as bread, coffee cakes, pies, cookies, etc. Last but not least, there is the country store which features homemade candies such as different fudges and peanut brittle, along with homemade preserves. While browsing, coffee will be served. poooooooooooocoooooc; Community Calendar < iooooooooooodboooooo OCTOBER 29 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM--Cards~St. Mary's Oak Room-7:30 p.m. SMILES-Halloween Party- First Baptist Church--6 p.m. Free Children's Cartoon Movies-McHenry Public Library-2 p.m. OCTOBER 30 Pancake Breakfast & Bake Sale-Johnsburg Community Club-Benefit, St. John's Restoration Fund-Sponsors, St. Agatha Court 777, National Catholic Order of Foresters. Lakeland Park Women's Club-Halloween Party for Children-2 to 4 p.m.-- C o m m u n i t y H o u s e - - Reservations necessary at 385- 6448 or 385-3777. OCTOBER 31 McHenry Area Jaycees- Spook House-East Campus. McHenry Woman's Club- Board Meeting--10 a.m.-City Hall. NOVEMBER 1 U.M.W. Mission Team (Executive Committee) Meeting--8:45 a.m.--First United Methodist Church. Koinonia Group-10 a.m - First United Methodist Church. LndnUL JSHofl To Open Saturday (OCTOBER 29) Come see our lovely displays with beautiful gifts from around the world. Layaway now for Christmas! Soon to house (WinJfii£r± tPanca&z <PaxHox LOCATED: RIVERSIDE DRIVE'S DEAD END STREET McHENRY, ILL. 385-1172 DAILY 9 TO 5 FRI9T0 9 Marcia Mary Ball Circle Meeting--12:30 p.m.-First United Methodist Church-r Hostess: Esther Sims, Florence Colby. Free Blood Pressure Screening-First United Methodist Church -1 p.m. NOVEMBER 2 Edgebrook PTO Board Meeting-School Teachers Lounge~7:30 p.m. McHenry Grandmothers Club--ll:30 a.m.-Lunch at Crescent Bay Landing- Installation at Hall, 1 p.m. NOVEMBER 3 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Regular Meeting- Hostess, Mrs. Stacia Russell. NOVEMBER 4, 5, & 6 Northland Area Art League, Winter Dimensions, Ill-Nature Center, Veteran's Acres, Crystal Lake-Friday, Patron's Night, 7:30 to 10 p.m.- Saturday, 12 Noon to 8 p.m - Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m - Public Invited. NOVEMBER 5 Children's Free Cartoon Movies-McHenry Public Library~2 p.m. Ringwood United Methodist Chyrch-Annual Roast Beef Dinner & Bazaar-Bazaar, 3 p.m.-Family Style Dinner, 5,6, & 7 p.m.-Tickets are Available from Church Members: Valley View PTO Auction-1 to 4 p.m.-Valley View School. St. Margaret Chapter of Naim-Fish Dinner-Elk Club, Woodstock--5:30 p.m. P o l k a D a n c e - - V . F . W . Clubhouse--9 p.m.--VFW Auxiliary, Sponsors. NOVEMBER 6 NAIM Diocesan Meeting- Home of Catherine Seek, 3219 Highcrest Road, Rockford- Potluck-Bring Table Service-2 p.m. NOVEMBER 7 McHenry Senior Citizens Club-Executive Committee A demonstration by Linda Hillsheim showing how to decorate with plants and plants growing in stone will be featured at the meeting Nov. 10 of the Island Lake Woman's club. Because of the tremendous interest in growing things this will no doubt be one of the highlights of the club year. The meeting will start at 1 p.m. at the regular meeting place in the Community Congregational church of Island Lake. An in­ vitation is extended to all women in the area to come and learn more about this popular subject. Recently a certificate of award was presented to Mrs. Ford Marsh by Mrs. Paul Connelly, president of the tenth district of the Illinois Federation of Women's clubs in recognition of outstanding achievement in publicity. SEDOM Bazaar Proceeds To Equip Students The annual Christmas bazaar sponsored by the parents' group of Level I students at SEDOM center will be held at the center, 1200 Dane, Wood­ stock, Friday, Nov. 4, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 5 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In addition to the usual at­ tractive selections of Christ­ mas gifts, handicrafts, baked goods and plants, there will be a contest offering prizes. Proceeds from last year's bazaar were used to buy equipment for the contestants in the Special Olympics and to subsidize the gala graduation and sports banquet. The funds this year are earmarked for silk screening equipment for the students to make Christmas cards. For more information call the center at 338-3622. Meeting-3:30 p.m. School. -Landmark NOVEMBER 8 McHenry Area Jaycees- General Membership Meeting- McHenry Moose Lodge-8 p.m. Town And „ Country Newcomers-Monthly Meeting- -Silent Auction-St. Paul's Episcopal Church-7:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 9 Church Women United Medical Van--St. Patrick's Montini School-5 to 8 p.m. Public Book Review- Business & Professional W o m e n ' s C l u b - - H e r b e r t Duenow, Reviewer-Faith Presbyterian Church-8 p.m. McHenry Senior Citizens Club-Bus Trip to Chicago Loop-Leaving McHenry State Bank at 8:45 a.m. Annual Fall Bazaar-1 to 7 p.m.-Zion Lutheran Church. NOVEMBER 10 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting-7:30 p.m.-- Lakeland Park Community House-Hostesses, Anne Moore and Sharon Gacek. NOVEMBER 12 Friendship Club-Potluck Dinner & Meeting~6 p.m.-First United Methodist Church. Free Children's Cartoon Movies-McHenry Public Library-2 p.m. NOVEMBER 13 Bus Trip to Baroum & Bailey C i r c u s , A m p h i t h e a t e r - Matinee-Ringside Seats-Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank 12 Noon-Public Welcome-Phone 385-8633-Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital, Sponsors. NOVEMBER 14 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting--7:30 p.m.-East Campus Cafeteria-Program: McHenry Choral Gub. NOVEMBER 17 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Regular Meeting- Hostess, Mrs. Joan Cornwell. McHenry Garden Club- Meeting-Home of Mrs. Ralph Smith-1 p.m. MONDAY NITE SPECIAL! SENIOR CITIZEN BUFFET $050 ALL YOU CAN EAT! REG. 4.25 LUNCHEON SPECIAL-11 to 2 2 • 1 COCKTAILS! INDIAN MANOR RESTAURANT & LOUNGE RTE. 31 SO. OF McHENRY 385-8600 MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL J. COUGHLIN CONCELEBRATED MASS-The Reverends William Schwartz, Michael Tierney and Michael Douglass concelebrated the nuptial Mass at St. Mary's Catholic church Joining in marriage Annette M. Pitxen and Michael J. CoughUn Saturday, Sept. If. The bride to the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore N. Pitxen and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Coughlin, all of McHenry. The couple are making their home in Johnsburg following a honeymoon trip to southern California. PHOTOGRAPHY BY NIES Court Joyce Kilmer Honors Charter Members At the last meeting of Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America, charter members of the court were recognized and honored. Those present were Florence Knox, Genevieve Knox, Laura Weber, Nellie Doherty and Dorothy Weber. Unable to attend was Gertrude Weber. Each charter member received a gift from the court in memory of the occasion. The Reverend Dorrance E. Tranel, Chaplain of the court, spoke of the Adult Educational center at the Resurrection center in Ridgefield, 111. This program was initiated as a memorial to Father Weideman. Father Tranel also urged members to use the Bible, study it, and use prayers in the missalettes. Regent Mary Agnes Hartmann then asked members to suggest topics of interest so that Father Tranel could best serve die court as its chaplain. During the October visit to Downey Veteran hospital, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson was honored for her many years of service in that most worthwhile project of the court. Twenty-six members at­ tended the Day of Recollection at Resurrection center in Ridgefield. Father Leonard Krzywada used "The Liturgy of the Eucharist" as his theme for the day. Regent Mary Agnes Hart­ mann, Vice-Regent Bertilla Freund and Monitor Jeanne Driscoll represented the court at the state workshop held in Galena, 111. Announcement was made of plans for the Illinois state convention of the Catholic Daughters to be held in Chicago April 29 and April 30, 1978. The national convention will be held in New York when the Catholic Daughters of America celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of its founding. Members were reminded of the Mass for the deceased members of the court in St. Mary's chapel at 9:45 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 6. The next meeting is scheduled Thursday, Nov. 17. Chairlady for th^ Mildred Dempsey. The ,con$j mittee to serve with her in­ cludes Margaret Cahill, Nellie Doherty, Genevieve Knox,.. Celia Blake, and Bertha Huff. MR. AND MRS. THOMAS LINGENFELTER LATE SUMMER WEDDING--A late summer wedding Aug. 27 in Anneheim, Calif, united in marriage Valerie Kim Ford and Thomas Lingenfelter, formerly of McHenry. Pastor Carl Berner, Jr., officiated at the double ring ceremony at St. Mark's Lutheran church during the 2:30 p.m. service. The bride to the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Ford of Placentia, Calif., and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. William Lingenfelter of McHenry. The bride to employed as a secretary and the groom as a draftsman. Both are part time students at Fullerton Junior college. Couple Set November Wedding Date Mr. and Mrs. John Crouse of 3506 W. Broad street, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Yvonne Carol, to Donald Ray Fernstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fern­ strom of 4115 W. Waukegan road, McHenry. A November wedding date has been set after which the couple plan to make their home in McHenry. PANCAKE DAY Money raised by the Huntley Lions club through its Nov. 6 pancake breakfast and din­ ner, will be used to promote youth activities throughout the area. The Lions club invites all to come to Huntley that day and enjoy a delicious meal in a congenial atmosphere while aiding this worthwhile organization. DR. THOMAS J. FRYMARK ANNOUNCES THE ASSOCIATION OF DR. PHILLIP C. NEAL In The Practice Of General Dentistry AT HIS OFFICE IN JOHNSBURG 2301 JOHNSBURG ROAD 385-4140 OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1977 Decorating With- Plants Demonstration

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