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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1977, p. 14

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PAGE 14 - PLAINnFAI.FR . WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1977 For Peace And Justice ! St. John's Home and School association met Oct 25 for the regularly scheduled meeting, with Sister Barbara Kraemer addressing the group. Her presentation was centered on the St. John's parish community's response to the bishops call for justice and peace in the world. Sister Barbara Kraemer is a School Sister of St. Francis. She is making preparations to leave for Honduras in January. Her work will center on studying and aiding the economically poor of that country. Above photo shows Yvonne Matt, Sister Viola Koenigsfeld, school principal; and Sister Barbara Kraemer. CATHERINE ANN MEEHAN The National Catholic Education association, headquartered in Washington, D C. has selected St. John the Baptist school in Johnsburg as one of forty schools throughout the country to pilot its Peace and Justice curriculum this fall. Justice and Peace is one aspect of the social teaching of Roman Catholic church doc­ trine. The program is being taught for a period of six weeks, and all eight grades are par­ ticipating. Workshops for the parents of the children involved were held in September and October. A special all-school Mass was celebrated Oct. 1 to inaugurate the Peace and Justice program. The theme for all subjects for the school year centers on peace and justice. The idea of a bread basket was chosen to bring the symbol of bread into each family's home in a way the family could keep throughout the year. The basket is made of single strands of dough woven together. The strands support each other, and it is their unity that gives them shape and strength. The families of St. John's school made baskets and brought them to the all- school Mass with bread that was offered to each other as a symbol of mutual support. School leaders point to bread as the universal food, the "staff of life". They continue, "It satisfies the hunger of all men, no matter what form it takes according to different cultures and customs. Bread, with its diversity of forms, is an ap­ propriate symbol for the Christian religion as it works toward peace and justice. To the Catholic church each person, despite differences of culture and race, shares a common right to peace and justice, and bears a common duty of ensuring that right for all people. Legal Notice NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF ) THE APPLICATION OF ) LASALLE NATIONAL BANK ) AS TRUSTEE UNDER ) TRUST AGREEMENT ) DATED JUNE 30,1975 ) AND KNOWN AS ) TRUST NO. 49167. ) Public notice is hereby given of a hearing to be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of McHenry on the Petition filed by the LaSalle National Bank, as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated June 30, 1975 and known as Trust No. 49167, concerning property situated in the City of McHenry and described as follows: That part of the Northeast, Southeast and Southwest quarters of Section 28, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as beginning at a point on the centerline of Illinois State Route No. 120 that is 1627.87 feet North 76 08' 48" West (Deed North 74 48' West) of the East line of said Southeast quarter; thence South 4 48' 12" West (Deed South 6 09' West) a distance of 559.00 feet; thence South 0 01' 03" East (Deed South 1 20' 32" West) parallel with the East line of said Southeast quarter, a distance of $50.50 feet: thence South 88 19' 29 West, parallel with the South line of said Southeast quarter, a distance of 2009.36 feet, to a point on the centerline of Draper Road as occupied: thence North 58 20' 26" East, along the centerline of Draper as occupied, a distance of 931.40 feet; thence Nor­ theasterly on a curve tangent to the last described course concave Northwesterly with a radius of 345.00 feet, an arc distance of 52.92 feet, more or lesS, to the North line of said Southwest quarter- thence North 88 11' 56 East, along the North line of said Southwest quarter, a distance of 124.36 feet (135.57 feet Deed) to the Northeast corner of said Southwest quarter; thence North 0 41' 05" West, along the West line of said Nor­ theast quarter, a distance of 812.48 feet (812.76 feet Deed) to the centerline of Illinois State Route No. 120; thence Southeasterly along the centerline of Illinois State Route No. 120 on a curve whose tangent bears South 63 21' 52" East; concave Northeasterly with a radius of 3819.80 feet, an arc distance of 852.17 feet; thence south 76 08' 48" East, continuing along the cen­ terline of Illinois State Route No. 120, a distance of 316.43 feet to the point of beginning. Excepting therefrom that portion used for Illinois State Route No. 120 roadway rights of way as widened by State of Illinois Parcel No. 0045 Part "B" and taken by the State of Illinois by Eminent Domain Proceedings in the Circuit Court of the 19th Judicial Circuit, Case 72- 2779, Pursuant to Order entered July 12, 1973. All in McHenry County, Illinois. The above-described property is situated on the Southeast corner of Route 120 and Draper Road. The total area of tne property concerned is approximately thirty (30) acres. The property is presently classified under the Planned Unit Development section of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry and the Petitioners are requesting a change of Zoning Classification to B-3 Commercial for the subject property. Tne nearing has been scheduled for Friday, the 18th day of November, 1977, at the hour of 3:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City of McHenry, located at 1111 N. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois at which date, time ana place, anyone interested may appear. James A. Fouse Vice Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of McHenry (Pub. Nov. 2,9,1977) Legal Notice NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CON­ CERN: The Purchasing & Insurance Committee of the McHenry County Board invites anyone interested in providing deferred compensation plans for individual employees of McHenry County, to submit their desire to provide this service to said committee before Tuesday, November 8, 1977. In the near future these in­ terested parties will be given the opportunity to explain their «lans to county employees, /rite to G. Bill Hubbard, Chairman, Purchasing & In­ surance Committee, County Courthouse, Room 204, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock. Illinois, 60098, (Ph. 338-2040, Ext. 221). Signed, G. BilfHubbard Chairman, Purchasing & Ins. Comm. (Pub. Nov. 2,1977) Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) BEFORE THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE CITY OF McHENRY IN THE MATTER OF ) THE APPLICATION OF ) LASALLE NATIONAL BANK,) AS TRUSTEE UNDER ) TRUST AGREEMENT ) DATED JUNE 30,1975, ) AND KNOWN AS ) TRUST NO. 49167 ) NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on November 18, 1977 at the hour of 3:00 p.m., in the McHenry City Council chambers. City Hall, 1111 North Green Street, McHenry. Illinois, the Zoning Board of DIAL A/ PRAYER SERVICE NEWS I Dale Ambrose Weapons Air Force Graduate An official at Lowry AFB, Colo., has announced the graduation of Airman Dale R. Ambrose from the U.S. Air Force's weapons mechanic course conducted by the Air Training command. Airman Ambrose, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Ambrose of 2101 Delaware place, McHenry, is now trained to load and in­ spect weapons used in Air force aircraft, and will serve at Kunsan AB, Republic of Korea. Completion of the course earned the individual credits towards an associate in applied science degree through the Community college of the Air Force. The airman is a 1977 graduate of McHenry high school West campus. OFFICER ORIENTATION Howard C. Lysne, of 412 N. Shepherd Hill, McHenry, who is a commander in the Navy Reserve, has completed the Reserve Officers Orientation course at the Armed Forces staff college in Norfolk, Va. Mr. Lysne, who is with Wieser, Amore and Associates real estate in McHenry, has been connected with the Navy since 1958. He is currently serving the Navy Reserve as executive officer of a squadron out of Glenview Naval Air station. S A V E T H E M C C W A Y • Bank, as Trustee under trust agreement dated June 30, 1975, and known as Trust No. 49167, which petition prays for "R-4". Multi-Family District zoning of the following described real estate: The Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian (excepting therefrom the West 333.37 feet, as measured along the North and South lines thereof), in McHenry County, Illinois. Said real estate is located approximately 3,000 feet South of Illinois Route 120 and ap­ proximately 2,950 feet East of Draper Road in the City of McHenry. Said hearing may be ad­ journed from time to time. James A. Fouse, Vice Chairman City of McHenry, Zoning Board of Appeals H. Joseph Gitlin, Esq. Attorney for Petitioner 111 Dean St., P.O. Box 685 Woodstock, 111. 60098 815-338-0021 (Pub. Nov. 2 & 9,1977) Legal Notice The Johnsburg Community School District 12 Board of Education will be accepting sealed bids for the following: Sewing Machines Drafting Equipment Gym Divider Curtain Specifications for the above mentioned items will be available from Dr. Ken F a l k i n h a m , A s s i s t a n t Superintendent, at 2117 West Church Street, McHenry, IL, 60050 after 8:00 A.M., October 26, 1977. All bids must be returned by 2:00 P.M.. November 17, 1977. The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids submitted. Bobbie Hart, Secretary October 27,1977 (Pub. Nov. 2,1977) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on October 26th; A.D. 1977, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as McHenry Data Processing Services, located at 2917 West Route 120, McHenry. Dated this 26th day of Oc­ tober, A.D. 1977. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. Nov. 2,9,16,1977) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF FRANCES SCHLEICH Deceased, FILE NO. 77-P-309 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on October 17th, 1977, to ALICE GERTIG, Route 1, Box 398, Cary, Illinois, whose at­ torneys of record are NARUSIS & NARUSIS, 213 W. Lake Shore Drive, Cary, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood­ stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Oct. 26, Nov. 2 & 9,1977) V m for HARD of HEARING 385-1234 mm WE SERVICE ALL MAKES Of- COLOR T V S & STEREOS COMPLETE LINE OF COMPLETE ANTENNA SERVICE FACTORY AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER FOR ZENITH--RCA PANASONIC PRODUCTS McHENRY 385-0979 WONDER LAKE 653-7111 7224 BARNARD MILL ROAD, WONDER LAKE ilWU S A V E T H E M C C W A Y # S A V E T H E J n i > •aff-tmrw Wl̂ ^msna^TSDiscotjyTS A DIVISION Of JEWEL OltECT MARKETING 301 W. Virginia St. Sale DaVft Wed lVov 2 CRYSTAL LAKE • y wed' v-2 HS-4SS-9333 , thru Tues. Nov. 8 Moii.. Tims. 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Nod.. TInhs., Fit 9 a.m.-l p.m. Sat 9 a.m. 5 p.m.. Sim. 10 a.m.-S p.m. - While Quantities Last - Rt 14 MCC WE'RE EASY TO FIND) ;TELEPHONE EAR PAD: Helps Hard-of-Hearing Persons Use Telephone • • If you have difficulty hearing, • Maieo wants you to have this • patantad device for your tela- • phone. Reduces background • noise, helps you hear voices I better. Offered FREE by Maico B to demonstrate that hearing B loss can be helped in many H ways. Supply is limited-- • WRITE TODAY! McHENRY HEARING AID CENTER 3937 W. MAIN STREET McHENRY, ILL. 60050 I Nam* '(•••••••••••ai • EARLY BIRDS GET THE PRICE! GET "THAT" LIST TOGETHER AND VISIT OUR TOY DEPT. ALL TOYS WILL BE REDUCED. OFF OUR DISCOUNT PRICE ALL ITEMS INLCUDESi •LAMPS •END TABLES •COCKTAIL TABLES •DECORATOR SHELVING Decorator CLOCKS 40* OFF OUR REO. DISCOUNT PRICE WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE OF 23 CHANNEL CB RADIOS X-TAL CB RADIO *i Plus all CB ANTENNAS 40% OFF yi > 1! < i/I ^ Address = j ••••••••••• • ••••I 1 f \\)W:S FRIDRY NIGHT NOV.4 £ > . V ^ M G H ' T 7 : 0 0 t o I t i O O P . M . O N L Y 5 w I " i l l t al <>:<)<) I'M then n open at 7 I'M. tor 4 * ollc olir saIcs the year! Kverythinq in the ** V # ( v i 7 s , o u > , s ( e x c e p t s o c k s a n d u n d e r w e a r ! . I 40%OFF > I 7CS- OLL ITEMS IN THE STORE " > NOT CURRENTLY ON SRLE * t/) (Kc<|. Sale above will apply this imjht Socks \ I ndcrwiar not incln<lcri> » SAVE THE MCC WAY • SAVE THE MCC WAY* SAVE THE* < i

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