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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Nov 1977, p. 23

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Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 404 N. Or--II It. Phone 384-7708 or 388-4030 Mnurooy WE'RE BUSTING AI THE SEAMS! Starting Safely . . . - How To Select And Use Booster Cables Booster cables and winter seem to go together. Although it can cause problems at any time of the year, a rundown battery is most common dur­ ing the winter months--and with good reason. At 0° F, a battery may have lost up to 60% of its rated efficiency when new. Combined with other problems, such as cold- stiffened lubricants or a poorly tuned engine, this may be too much to start the engine. Starting a vehicle with a rundown battery is not dif­ ficult, but doing it safely re­ quires following the rules. Belden Corp., manufacturer of Belden PowerPath™ brand and NAPA Belden brand wire and cable products for the automotive aftermarket, has some tips on selecting and us­ ing booster cables safely. Here are four things- to consider when buying your booster cables. 1. The Conductors -- Cables are usually made from cop­ per or aluminum. All cables suffer power loss caused by heating of the conductor. Copper minimizes the loss because it has less resistance to electrical current moving through the cable. Aluminum wires can do the job, but the oonductor has to be signifi­ cantly heavier to deliver the same power. If the package doesn't say "all copper con­ ductor," closely inspect the cables by pushing back the Insulating sleeve on the han­ dle and looking at the ends of the wires. The gauge, or size, of the conductor is very important. The smaller the gauge num­ ber, the larger the wire con­ ductor. For example, a 4 gauge conductor will carry more current than an 8 gauge. For the average motorist's use, cables between 8 and 4 gauge are sufficient. If the cables get heavier workouts -- such as regularly starting all the neighbors' cars -- get larger gauge cables. If you're buying aluminum, it should be ap­ proximately two gauges larger than copper to deliver the same power. _ 2. The Clamps--For an aver­ age car owner's use, the clamp should have a rating of 200• to 400 amps. A higher amperage rating means the clamps have been designed to safely withstand more cur­ rent. Also check the feel of the clamps--they should resist twisting from side to side. A strong spring and good grip­ ping power assures a strong connection during use. Solid copper, copper-coated steel or solid steel all perform well if they are built sturdily and carry a high enough rating. Many manufacturer*: color STARTING SAFELY: Belden recommends the following se­ quence for booster cable hookup: Connect (1) the positive (+) terminal of the good battery to (2) the positive (+) terminal of the rundown battery. Then connect (3) the negative (-) terminal of the good battery to (4) the engine block of the stalled ear to insure a good ground. code one clamp red and the other black to indicate polar­ ity and reduce confusion when hooking up the cables. 3. The Insulation Designed to protect the user. Insulation on booster cables Is usually made from rubber or vinyl. Quality ryh'ts maintain their flexibility at sub-zero temper­ atures without cracking or breaking. Hie cables should be replaced if the insulation is cracked or damaged. 4. The Length -- Always buy and use the shortest cables that will do the job. Longer cables mean increased elec­ trical resistance and greater power loss. Special care should be taken when jumping a battery. Here are a few tips on how to safely start a car that has a rundown battery: . 1. First determine the volt­ ages of the two batteries -- they must be the same. Most late model can are made with 12 v systems, but double check older and foreign cars. Check.your owner's manual. Do not connect 12 v and 6 v systems together. Determine whether the car is positive ( + ) or negative (-) ground. 2. Turn off all accessory switches on both cars and the Ignition switch on the car with the rundown battery. Place the cars in neutral or parte. Set the hand brake. Allow the booster car to run at fast idle. This will allow the alternator of the booster vehicle to assist in charging the rundown battery. Do NOT let any part of the two vehi­ cles touch. Arcing can result' if you try to attach the cables when the cars are touching. And dont smoke when work­ ing near the battery. 3. If the battery has vent caps, be certain the vent holes are clear to allow hy­ drogen gas to escape safely. The gas forms when the en­ gine is cranking or charging. In extreme cold, check for frozen water In the battery --replace the battery if any ice has formed. CAUTION- DO NOT ATTEMPT TO JUMP OR BOOST A FRO­ ZEN BATTERY. 4. If the terminals on the rundown battery are heavily, corroded, clean the terminal posts and battery cables. This will improve the connections and reduce power loss at the terminals. 5. Find the terminal on the battery whose cable leads to the car frame or engine block --this is the ground. On most cars, it's marked (-) for negative. If necessary, check your car's polarity in the owner's manual before at­ taching booster cables. Clamp the red end of the cable to the UNGROUNDED terminal of the good battery, usually positive ( + ). Connect the other red end of the cable to the rundown battery terminal with the same polarity: posi­ tive ( + ) to positive ( + ) on most cars. 6. Attach the other jumper cable to the remaining grounded terminal of the booster battery, usually nega­ tive (-), and then to the en­ gine block of the car being jumped. This should provide a good ground. DO NOT AT­ TACH THE BOOSTER CA­ BLE TO THE OROUND TERMINAL OF THE RUN­ DOWN BATTERY. Sparks and an explosion of the bat­ tery gas could result. 7. Turn on the ignition . in the disabled car and then at­ tempt the start for no moire than 10 sec. If the engine doesn't run, allow the cables to cool for 25 sec. before try­ ing again. If the rundown car doesn't start after three tries, something else is wrong. Common problems may In­ clude too heavy a grade of winter oil, a frozen fuel line or fouled spark plugs. 8. Once the car has started, run the engine at a fast idle to recharge the battery. 9. In removing the cables, simply reverse the hookup sequence. Disconnect the piarwpe ]n order: the ground from the engine block, the ground from the good battery, the nonground from the rundown battery, and lastly, the nonground from the good battery. Avoid touching the cable to­ gether or to other metal while the cables are attached to the terminals. church SERVICES CONSUMER GUIDELINES •r* wt ft ih if it is to your MVMtcQ# MITCHELL AMC/JEEP IN McHENRY RUSTPROOFING ON ALL REMAINING 1977 AMC CARS, GUARANTEED FOR 5 YEARS. SUGGESTED RETAIL ire* at. AHt THE 7Ts ARE COMING IN AND WE NEED 1HE ROOM! WE'RE NOT KIDDING! ^ 27 a ^ ̂ mm m ^ . 1977 AMC CARS WILL BE SOLD'. AT DEALER COST ( INVOICE SHOWN UPON REQUFST) SAVE A BUNDLE!" -- MAIN ST. . McHENRY 3717 *>"« deai MUh»r> Bed W» itindardi or lalieit a H m m od <fce wlm it mm paiuout Qe --mo dmrdm V bo imdmi «t nwuiiM>.CHelaili||Hi leM eHb«tw mm* leletrewtele Wnirt mdirtwIeelooiidiial.aMotuoh--•aowt*ba0l»rt|bt--Subtle mmewdeiel fiiintnhl* TWa »-- -0- -- ^ --a u*. - * • « -uuiiiotii. • iw rvmwvi rwwmwt^m MIPW WPf IN ND VMpM| fM WWnNW MVa One elvbe iiwhh In nri»*T tedey a SwinilM «f wwhtm. Vehei lefce Mgb» aliwp wMi S» mm el QW« WratiVepte wtidem lubeteere<lbele>d." Wbeeweleeeewr eeweelOefMreumi id».m eve --ly te wi tram mny dWtecent mrm, be« tbey ere preeewed by «be --«lirttj elOed. AMUmMMIIII presence. InlbeBate'i beefcefPrevevbi «*e ere Void. Tbe Immi 1^* Alliance Bible Church 3018 W. Bull Valley Rd. Rev. Gerald Robertson Sunday School • 9:48 A.M.Service-11:88 P.M. Service • 7(00 Wed. Bible Study 4 Prayer 1:00 p.m. St Francis National Catholic Church Flanders Rd., east el Rlngwood Rd. Sunday Meases • 10 o.m. Father A. Wodko • Poster Chain 0'Lakes Evangelical Covenant Church 4SISN. Wit mot Rd. • Rev. Mitchell Consldine Sundey School 9:48 e.m. Warship Service 11:00 e.m. \ Church Phone • 497-3880 Parsonage • 4W40N St John the Baptist Catholic Church Johnsburg Rev; Loo Bortel, Poster Rectory Phono MS-1477 Convent Phone 388-8343 First United Methodist Church S717 Weet Moin Street Church phone 3M 0911 Cjtolfti MMRI •WWW | uOT^v Poreenoge Phono: 383-1382 9:38 e.m. odd 1 liOO a.m. Sunday School St Paul's Episcopal Church 3704 W. St. Paul's • Groan Rev. Arthur D. McKey. Vlcer 345-7*90 (arwlrat •wnwiw #wi Holy Cuchorist • B A.M. Family luchertst -10 o.m. Church School ft CoNoe Hour Holy luchortat 9:38 o.m. FrtdoyHoly Suchorlst > 9:90 o.m. Christian Science Society I Isireilsi Boa^ei hincvin W And lostwood Lone Sundoy Service»18:33 o.m. Sundoy School -10:30 o.m. Wed. Ivo. B p.m. Christ the King Catholic Church 10041. Wonder lake Rood Wonder Lake, Illinois Sundoy Masses: B, 10 a.m.. on noon. Ivo. Mess Bp .m. Fulfills Sundoy Ohlipetlon Nativity Lutheran Church 34041. Wonder Lake Rd. Bex 187, Phone 883-3832 Wonder Lake, Illinois Sen. Worship 8 ft 18:38 a.m. Sunday School • 0 e.m. •--Hill., * . »«-«.« t ^iwrvery •'vcwwwp awiiwhv^ --r--r St Marys CathoHc Church Hwv • seP^p^PVe^R Set. Ivo. Mess • I p.m. Fulfills S^n obll|iHon Sundoy Messes«4:BB, B. 0:30, t:44,10:44,11,12 aeon. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) 4MB W. Weukepon Rd. (W. Rt. 130) Ion Mifeiaajaeeaa fl> "" INwwe nWVIMIVV W• Vflf f 344-0049 304-1414 Sunday Worship, 7:44 ft 10(30 h|ajMA#M lanilMS --- 4 ao^on nvrvvry ttrvicti provio#0 CV Ifil9 RXlff nlle • - ** •» •NwtNTINn FWv arNl IIIfy Suadey School - Children t end Youth, 9 e.m. George R. Juston Funeral Home. 3419 W. KLM STRICT 301-2400 Glaviano's Interiors ft Palatine Mlllwork 304-3744 414 S. ROUTI3I JUST NORTH OP McHINRY FLORAL Brake Parts. P.O.BOX 11 McHENRY, ILL. •• \ '•!f" v i" Ace Hardware J • 3729 W. KIM STRUT .ILL. 334-0722 Tonyan Construction Co. 1M1N. tOtMNirtUT McHCNftV, IU. 3M-4520 McHenry County Friends Mooting (Quaker) 1st ft 3rd Sundoy, 10:30 e.m. lor Information call: 334-3872 or 312-4033840 Church of God ftuA BmlsJlAlal f|a "•DwIIIDNI • OI rWVYVwIfi live Island Lake School Services: Sunday School, 18 e.m. Church Service, 11 a.m. BventettsMc S^^^rlco, 7 p.m. Teloahenoi 312-834^884 Mount Hope Church llaUmdi 11 alii will at WfllTW ^RwTflwwIBi 1011W. Plstekoe Highlands Rev. Ruth Wlckershem Sundoy Worship II e.m. Sundoy School 9:48 e.m. McHenry Evangelical Free Church 1389 N. Court St. Sundoy School • 9:41 a.m. eMntlM iM m ewnwy puwvcv * viowv*nii 344-1111 Ringwood Methodist Church Ros.440-M48 Church 4834984 Sunday 9:18 a.m. ^Church S^vrvlc^v Church ScheeletiBsIS a.m. Church Of iesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints (MORMONS) 8289 N. Wefttup Ave. (ocross from Veterans Acres) Cryefel Lake, Illinois Phone: 818-489-9702 Bishop: Alen Wernkk - Phone:818488-3271 Sunday School * 18:38 8:08 p.m. Sundey Except 1st Sundey of the month fapMMNNl 88^^11 ̂U U^IJ •x HVWVypW E9 ef 12 noon United Pentecostal Church '•i'DI^NOW e weeIWWSBN ; Roe. Dennis Penlolson 388 1974 Sundey 18 e.m. ft 7 p^a. Wed. 7i38p.m. Bible Study, Pri. 7tN p.m. Prayer Mooting First National Bank of McHenry 3314 W.ILM STRUT McHINRY, IU. 388-8400 McHenry Savings ft Loon 1289N.ORIIN STRUT 388-3000 mm .ILL. Halm's Wonder Lake Funeral Hopie WtMAHCOCKO*: ̂ The Shop 3012W.RTI. 130 McHINRY, ILL. McHenry State Bank 3818 W.ILM STRUT ILL. 388-1040 St Peter's Catholic Church Faith Presbyterian Church Useato • Aepol Ml RnOi Rev. Sfk J. ladder ' CuBaiUatllBMk. UL|fto M ImBeWRi Ckwell a i^ea^ __i vuvufy • pvifMeei * nweji Fvlweiy, AMler, Anlev Mp od Veeee Mult - MS e.m. A**. Seeeed S Seerth Swedeie • MS e^ Spring Grove Church 8182 N. BNvIn, SprtafOrave, HI. Sunday Worship • 9 e.m. Sundoy School • 18:18 a«m. St Patrick's Catholic Church U«aa Kalnaiiaifl Ulaftli B**Iam Nwv • aWVWVIw I Wll, rwVWv Rev. Raymond Vsmy, Assee. Pastor 8nf |w. /I... nLlloalle • •wit i ITfo wMVpWWP fulfilled I p.m.) Sundoy7:11,1:38,9:48, lift llsIB First Baptist Church AM m Ca aae aaaa www riwVn Wo w99"VIW«l Rev. MersheWI. Worry 9:38 a.m. www"envp vw«wiCv 10:44 o.m. end 4:00 p.m. Tralnlnf Union: 8KM p.m. a_ .. _ _a ^^^WPI^Wm^^ewuPee wwf IrWoT «* A|| O • S i c l S f M e n i e I t e Prayer Servko, 8:48 p.m. /%&C: -Jp]?"".; nil i i Peter M. Juston Funeral Home 3887 W-ILM STRUT McHINRY, IU. Guettler's Service, Inc. 818 N. FRONT STRUT McHINRY, ILL. 388-9831 Mitchell Sales, Inc. BUICK--OLDS--OPIL 981N. FRONT ST. McHINRY 308-7200 The McHenry Plalndealer 3812 W. ELM STUIT . ILL. 3M-8I78 Coast to Coast Hardware 4400 W.RTI. 128 McHtNtY MABKiT P1ACI ! - I'..- . . V

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