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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Nov 1977, p. 11

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PAGE ll^PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18. If77 XStSf/TXeMuffOitttfa#!* H 5 No cosh refunds on propoid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Mamoriam, Situation Wanted. Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garoge Sales MUST be paid in odvonce. I The Ploindeoler is not responsible for errors in classified ads af­ ter the first insertion. Check your od after the first insertion arid coll our attention to any mistakes. " OFFICE HOURS: MON.--FRI. 8:30a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER--MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER--WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 Mm *5970 Plymouth Satellite, win­ terized, recent tune up, new ^exhaust new transmission, ji\M-FM 8 track, asking $800. -385-6212 after 4.30. 32 *3 • \ >75 Pinto MPG, AM-FM radio, sZiebarted, 15,000 miles, perfect -Condition. $2,200.385-3249 29- fcTF C_ Si974 CADILLAC COUPE j£>eVTLLE, all accessory op- • Jions, deep red fire mist color. : Priced to sell $3,700.385-1814. •• 32 ..... J*1968 Mustang needs work, call J^after 5:30pm 385-2335. 32 ,*1964 Chevrolet, four door, ;»Biscayne, 6 cyl., clean and •^dependable, good tires & •^battery. $150. 385-8472. 32 •!1969 FORD runs good, needs itxxiy work, reasonable. 815-728- :4098. 32 I73 Chev C20 Suburban, air ^conditioned, power brakes & ; steering, auto, trans. $1,200 or *J>est offer. 385-0293 after '6:30pm. 32 V *3965 Gran Prix, in good shape, *$300 or best offer. Call after AUTOS 72 Pontiac Grandville, full luxury, excellent condition, air, cruise 8 track, etc. 47,000 miles. $1,900.815-385-2570. 32 75 Eldorado, luxury, loaded, excellent condition 27,000 miles. $6,900.815-385-2570. 32 1973 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON, good condition, $1200 or best offer. 815-653-2611 or 653-. 5696.« 32 '76 DODGE TRICK VAN "The Wizard" V8, automatic, p.s., p.b., stereo capt. chairs and more $4100 or best. 815-653-9636 after 5pm. 32 1972 Cougar XR 7, excellent condition, $2,200 or best offer. 497-3847. 32 r m. 385-0028 32 •J969 Pontiac Catalina, 4 door, jwer steering and brakes, 385-5814. 32 75 Gran Torino, Elite, a-c, wer steering, power brakes, 900.728-0006 after 6. 32 £ :?3 BUICK ELECTRA, am ;air, etc. 385-7441 after 3pm 1976 Chevy Vfc ton pick up truck, low miles, like new, $3,200. Call 344-0893 after 6. 32 67 Ford LTD, good condition, power steering, runs good, little rust. $200. 385-0308. 33 CHEVY WAGON $150 good starter 385-7970. 32 BUSINESS SfBUKES SEWING DONE ijl my home. Alterations, minor tailoring, hems, patches, etc. 385-7888 j32 ELECTRICIAN. No job too •mall. Don Koster. 312-587-8293. 36 Painting Services. Interior, exterior, free estimates, references. 385-4319. 32 BUSINESS SEMMCES ERVICE 24 HOUR TOWING & EMERGENCY SERVICE ooc n A J O Complete 00D-/440 Body-Shop 4250* Vfc Bull Valley Rd., y^mi. West of Rt. 31 11-4TF2 AUTHORIZED AMOCO AGENT WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING tNC COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL T serving your area- ; 20 Years experience yVe are now taking orders. Deal direct with owner & save! I -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE-- GKAYSIAKE 312-223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312-367-0676 _ 11/2-w mooooooooooooooooooooooi ROBERT S. STECR & SONS, INC. ARE BUILDING HOMES ROOM ADDITIONS OARAOIS WITH 16" OH CENTER CONSTRUCTION Homes are now being built for your inspection. We also do all types of flat cement work, all reinforced Phone <15-385-0804 BUSINESS StmST BUSINESS SCRUKCS SttSMESS SiftUKB BUSINESS SCftUKCS RUSSELL RH0T0N SEPTIC SERVICE 'PUMPING * REPAIRS •ELECTRIC SEWER R000ING Installation of new septics 815-385-6445 II-10/11-24TF! D & D MATERIAL * Light howling •Sand •Grovel * Block Dirt •Miscellaneous 815-385-1970 U-16-11-25 M A I Expni Carp*t A fphabhry CUmieg • FREE ESTIMATES* CoMMrical 4 Residential <•11(015)305-6570, ll/ll"»12/23TF COMMUNITY I' TREE SERVICE Complete tree and stump removal Fully insured Free Estimates 385-673? 11/2-TF Do you need Hospitalization Insurance? Call us Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815-338-3328. . 32 FREE PICK UP JUNK CARS and trucks. Day or night 815- 450-0081. 11-2TF GENERAL HAULING I * Cnieked reed frevel • • Ore4a Hordrleewyi | * Pm gr*v*i I* Sand * Block Dirt 815-385-5827 815-385-4835 I JOHN FICKEN, JR 11-4TF2 SOMETHING DONE? No Job Too Largo Or Small «u._ J.S. BUKE CONSTRUCTION FOR SALE Improve Landscape without costly additions •Trimming -fertilizing REMODELING SPECIALISTS PROMPT SKtVICE •Genmrel Cleanup •Consulting A Designing IRE :ES 815-385-0218 11-11 A 11-18 LEOPOLD CONSTRUCTION • NEW HOMES * ; • ROOM ADDITIONS • ANYTHING YOU WANT DONE IN CARPENTRY 497-3990 PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS. 10-19-12-2 • Family Room* . Geraaes • Room Additions - r y Slip sirs O.E.A. Construction . 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-3444)748 11-4TF2 1 Kwrmnc BIG WINTER AHEAD. All repairs at reasonable rotas. Pick up and dolivory sorvko avallabla. L&M SNOWMOBILE and Small Engine Repair . 385-1842 CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. 14 HP Case front end loader, Model 644, 1 year old, like new, 12,500.815-385-0048. 32 2 Clarinets, 1 wood, 1 snare drums. Excellent condition. Reasonable. 815478-6231. 32 -10/28-12/ 6TF-2 TOP DOLLAR for your used Spinet Console or Grand Piano. 312-639-4106. 11-2TF 12' Church Pews $55 each, or less if purchased in quantity. Call 815-385-6960 or 815-385-1327. 11-2TF TELEPHONE ANSWERINC& LETTER SERVICE • 24 Hour onsworing ••rvtc* end complete • Paging Sorvko Printing toograpl Typing 3509 W. Pearl St. j McHonry, III. 60050 .816-385-0258 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE • ALL TYPES WELDING* SPECIALIZING IN Mil PROP WARS CUSTOM RUft MTCHB Motorcycle Snowmobile Parts A Repairs MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE On McCuHom Loins Rd McHeniy 385-1321 OpoaMon. Thru Sat, t-4 . * 11-4TF2 2912 W. Rio. 120 815-385-4929 • 11-4TF2 CUNAT BROTHERS PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTORS * Rosldontial * Commercial * Agricultural Sorving McHonry County Aroa Quality work at ; roasonablo pricos. 815-385-6513 WmSST SEPTIC INSTALLATION AND REPAIR • Custom Trowelling • Farm Land Drolnaga 3S5-7791 10-21-1-13TF2 RECONDITIONED PIANOS, ORGANS FOR CHRISTMAS 18 Pianos $495, Up 12 Organs $995, Up 6 Grands $695, Up 10% down, torms to suit at bank ratas. Full valua Trade-Up Option good 1 yaar. Soil-out pricos now in offoct on guitars, amps I CART MUSIC D0WNT0WNCARY,IL 312-639-5717 11-11TF2 11-4TF2 BUSINESS SERUKES CHUCK S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE fo< AM rour * IQWlNf, Nff OS T O W I N C * IU/»iN(, NFiDS * STARTING PR0BLIMS * TOW BAR Rf NIAL Two Phones For Service 385 5840 385 0258 11-4TF2 GET YOUR SNOW SEASON PROTECTION 11-4TF2 With Snowmobile Insurance From FITZGERALD INSURANCE AGENCY Onlj $25.00 per year for $50,000 liability Protection DON'T WAIT! CALL US TOMY! 4721 West Route 120, McHenry 385-4619 Michael i. Fitzgerald • Agent 11-18 m SALE FMMLT 1909 JEEP COMMANDO 225, V6, 4 wheel drive with 4 way western plow $1700 or best offer; 14 ft. aluminum boat $125. 385-5286. 32 Barn Boards for sale, deep red to faded grey, 8" to 16" wide, 10' to 20* long, $1.75 running foot. Call 608-462-5028. 33 2 PIONEER PROJECT 100 speakers, $129 each new, pair for $100, Call 815-728-0535 after 5pm. 32 CHOICE OAK firewood, split, delivered and stacked, $35 per ton. Call Harry. 385-3927. 31TF Straw. 85c a bale. 385-0457*1407 Lincoln Road, McHenn . 28TF RAILROAD TIES. Fall Special! $5.50 each. Free delivery. Beat the Spring Rush 312-552-8316. 34 AFCO natural gas furnace, best offer. 497-3847. 32 All wood bedroom set, dresser, mirror, chest, night stand, and bed complete, 815-728-0308. 32 Old oak refinished kitchen cabinet, beautiful condition, old heavy oak rocker claw feet, oak square living room table ball and claw feet, more furniture and household things. 815-678- 4243. 32 Hammond Organ, Model 100, 3 years old, like new, must sell will sacrifice, call after 5:30. 385-2335. ' 32 .* 4 Washer & dryer (Washer needs work) $25 pair, 36" gas range $8, chrome kitchen set, 6 chairs $25, swivel rocker $8, mounted snow tires B78-13 Ford 4 lug rims $6 pair. Saturday only 344- 2647. 32 Lawn mowers, Sears electric 18" with bag, 100' cord $50, Sears gas self propelled 22", $25, also motorola stereo $25. 385-3743. 32 Moving sale, Stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, girls white Provencial bed complete, air conditioner, much misc. furniture, toys, baby items. 815-728-0389. 32 2 gas ranges, One 36" one 30", $15 each. 385-4596. INTRODUCTORY OFFER Rent a Senrisoft Water Conditioner FREE INSTALLATION Call Collect Senrisoft Water Conditioning Woodstock, III. 815-338-3344 IM1TF Motorola 25" color console TV, Drexal cabinet, sliding louvre doors, new picture tube, ex­ cellent condition $150. 385-3825 after 5:30pm. Ask for Ken. 32 Colored 19" RCA TV CtyoniaUn very good condition. May be seen Sat. A.M. or Sun. all day. 450-0334. ' pi --2L& Like new Zenith phonograi 8 track $350, reg. $850, mac 728-0166. Wheelchair, walker ft com­ mode $100, also iadding machine and check protector. 385-3778. . ~% * 1 1 8 ft. Pick-up Camper, sleeps4, icebox, furnace, sink, stove, 15 gal. water tank, excellent condition $750 or best offer. 385- 1460. 03 Firewood ready to burn. $35 per ton. Call Joe anytime In Ringwood 653-9075. 11-4TF2 WIG TRADE IN MONTH REED'S HUT Wmmm fashions and wig service Crystal Lake Plan Hwy. 14 Crystal Lake 815-459-5250 11-16-11-18 CHRISTMAS TOY SALE SALESMAN'S 1977 WY • HOMY MMftHU, 2919 WOODED LANE (•ndwf Jl*gn*r Rd.) • SATURDAY N0VEMBER19 to 12*0 MM • u-ii F0R3AIE Old walnut finish buffet, 66 x 36 x 22 dining table 54 x 45 x 29 in- four dining choirs to match. $110 for aU. Full size, on* ipud girl's bicycle, a dandy I $23. Koehler's sofa and matching chair, good springs cushioning, etc. but racovaring. $45. Weight drivon Ansonia tall shelf clock, circa 1090, runs fin*. $190. Call 344-1661 ft* SALE if ml TAPES Is having a THANKSGIVING SPECIAL! jr Just Bring This Coupon1" In and Receive $1.00 OFF Any Album Or Tape In Our Stock. This Coupon Good For One Dollar OFF Any Album Or Tape In Stock. Offer Good Only Nov. 21 thru Nov. 26 - • • •One Coupon Per Item X m Woodstock Records & Topes 105 Cbuick St. 338-8229 Woodttock

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