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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Nov 1977, p. 3

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Missionary Recipient Of Circle Benefactor At a well attended November meeting it was unanimously agreed that a Christmas check will be sent to the missionary for which the Marcia Mary Ball circle is named, now serving in Rhodesia r,' • The circle members also agreed to again send money to Lake Bluff Homes for Children, which has been one of their projects for many years. Florence Colby had the very interesting meditations, assisted by Esther Sims. Hostesses Florence Colby and Esther Sims served very delicious refreshments. The ladies took bows for their fine work at the fall bazaar and luncheon, which was rea! successful. The project was discussed in detail, and several suggestions were offered which may be of help for the next bazaar and luncheon. The next meeting of the Marcia Mary Ball circle will be the annual luncheon and Christmas party, Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 12:30 p.m. at the church. Marilyn Haines and Lyda Radisch will be the hostesses. Club Speaker On RTA Urges Correspondence Gues^ speaker for the November Pioneer club meeting was Mr. C.W. Coons of Woodstock. He is chairman in the Senior Citizen council for Transportation in McHenry county and spoke on RTA. He urged all to write the Legislature House of Representatives, Springfield, with opinions expressing the feelings of the McHenry people. The opening prayer was said by Vera Frey and a dessert lunch was served to fifty-four members. The pledge of allegiance to the flag opened the business meeting. Correspondence read by the secretary included an acknowledgment from Grace Lutheran church for a memorial sent them. A motion was made and approved that a contribution be made to the Richmond Rescue squad in their annual drive. An invitation from the Crystal Lake-Cary League of Women Voters was read. A meeting was held at the Branded Steak House, Crystal Lake, Nov. 16. Guest speaker was John Castle, director of Department of Local Govern­ ment Affairs. He answered questions on new assessment laws and problems of Senior Citizens. The Sunshine chairman reported sending get well cards to Frank 1 and Frances Heinemann, and Elsie Hepp- ner. She also visited Jeanette Arp, who is not well. The Heinemanns are better and were present at the meeting. A shopping trip is being planned for Dec. 9 and Dec. 20; the annual Christmas dinner, will be held at Orsolini's, served family style at 1 p.m. The By-Law committee will meet before the next meeting, Dec. 6, at 9:30 a.m. .Any changes to be made must be in writing and turned over to the secretary before Jan. 17, 1978. It was decided that everyone bring small gift-wrapped boxes of cookies, preferably plain, soft cookies, to the next meeting, Dec. 6. A nursing home will be chosen and these cookies will be delivered by some of the members. Belonging to a Senior Citizen club has many advantages. Besides the companionship and friendship shown at meetings, there are many social ac­ tivities. All bus trips, lun­ cheons, theatre parties and tours have special discounts. The Pioneer club welcomes new members. Committee for December meeting: Edith Buchert, Cora Westmont, Agnes May, Charles and Vera Frey, Winona Arp and Mamie Tinnev. KDll'iV Grandma Scz • • • Here we be, another Thanksgivin' at hand. One wonders where all th' time has gone. Wi' th' long summer, an' th' lovely Indian summer, we've been pretty fortunate this year, sort o' making' up f'r th' early winter we had last year, a jumpin' from summer, right into th' cold winter weather that put a big hole in th' pocketbook, an' a big dent in th' Christmas. When a body hears o' all th' trials, a goin' on in other places o' this world, we need t' be more thankful 'n ever, ev'ry day o' th' year, seems t' me. - So much is taken f'r granted, these days, wi' th' many things t' have, an' th' means t' procure em. It amazes this granny t' hear o' young teenagers a bein' able t' earn as much in a day, as it took two weeks t' get paid f'r, back in th' thirties. It weren't until th' war broke out, that things got better, an' a body could get enough money t' live better. But, it's a sad sitiation, when it takes a big war, t' improve th' economical status, an' we c'n be thankful for th' fact that we ain't in­ volved, though prospects o' keepin' clear o' that hideous condition seem t' threaten, wi' things a coin' on, like they be. in countries across th' sea. Th' world has grown so close, miles don't seem t' be so long, these days. It's a bit like havin' neighbors a livin' too close t' one another. They git t' know each other's private troubles, an' first thing ye kqpw, someone gets nosy, an' in­ terferes, an' b'fore ye c'n turn about, their a quarrelin' wi' th' ones that try t' help. Then it all ends up wi' th' do-gooder a gittin' th' blame. So it goes, an' it always has. It ain't easy t' solve th' problems ' o' such great magnitude, as th' world is encountered wi' in this age. Only th' good Lord c'n know what's ahead. One man*d have t' be pretty wise, t' come near a solution, an' wi' all th' men in government, seems that it's stumped 'em real good. Lots o' folks have some good idees, but they don't take th' trouble t' help, by writing't' th' senators, an' representatives. Wi' all th' prayers f'r a better world, it might be a good idee t' t' offer one f'r folks t' help, all they can, by a lettin' those in power know what's on their mind. Maybe, one day, we may be able t' offer thanks f'r a fh« Legal Notice IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF F A. GILBERT, W.R. SEIBERT, AND WILLIAM 0. BRACHMAN, AS TRUSTEES 6F THE WONDER LAKE REALTY TRUST. AN ILLINOIS COMMON LAW TRUST, F-K-ATHE WONDER LAKE SYNDICATE AND FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO. AS EXECUTOR 6F THE ESTATE OF MABEL M. JACOBSONAND MARGARET L. GILBERT FOR ENTRY INTO AN ANNEXATION AGREE­ MENT WITH THE VILLAGE OF SUNRISE RIDGE, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held J before the VILLAGE OF SUNRISE PLANNING COMMISSION on the application effecting the following described real estate: NOTICE TRACT A Of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 13, which lies Southerly of the center line of a public highway running in a Northwesterly and a Southeasterly direction and commonly known as Wondermere Road, (except the South 20 acres thereof and also excepting therefrom that part thereof described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of tiie West Half of said Northwest Quarter, said point being 246.05 feet South of the Northeast corner thereof, said point also being in the center line of Wondermere Road; thence South on the East line of the West Half of said Northwest Quarter for a distance of 435.10 feet to a int; thence Nor- westerly on a line forming an angle of 96 degrees ana 05 minutes to the right with a prolongation of the last described line, at the last described point for a distance of 593.17 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly tor a distance of 469.31 feet to a point in the center line of said Wondermere Road,, said point being 548.29 feet Northwesterly from the glace of beginning- thence outheasterly 54829 feet to the place of beginning) ALSO of all that part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 14, which lies East of the East line of the West 20 acres thereof, (excepting therefrom that part thereof described as follows: Beginning on the North line of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 14 at a point 248.15 feet West of the Northeast corner thereof; thence South at right angles to said Section line, a , distance of 330.00 feet to a point: thence West on a line parallel with the North line thereof for a distance of 448.0 feet to a point; thence North at right angles to the last described line, at the last described point, for adistance of 330.00 feet to an intersection with the North line of said Section; thence East 448.0 feet to the place II in 'pal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois. TRACTB Of that part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 45 North, Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian, which lies Southerly of the center line of a public high­ way running in a Nor­ thwesterly . and a Southeasterly direction and commonly known as Wondermere Road described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of the West Half of said Northwest Quarter, said point being 246.05 feet Soutn of the Northeast corner thereof, said point also being, in the center line of Wonclermere Road;' thence South on the East line of the West Half of said Northwest Quarter for a distance of 435.10 leet to a int; thence Nor- westerly on a line forming an angle of 96 degrees and poi fhw peaceful world, people wi' love an' charity in th' heart. Happy Thanksgivin' day. Grandma Radtke SOFT* WATER RENTAL No installation charge NEW fully automatic softeners TWO year option to buy with FULL rental fee deducted ONE phone call can answer any questions per month PHONE 312-259-3393 * Ront-o-Soft, a division of tho Arlington Soft Wotor Company, Arlington Hoiflhts, Illinois 60004 Serving McHenry Area 05 minutes to the right with a prolongation of the last described line, at the last described point, for a distance of 593.17 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly tor a distance of 469.31 feet to a point in the center line of said Wondermere Road, said point being 548.29 feet Northwesterly from the place of beginning; thence Southeasterly 548.29 feet to the place of beginning in McHenry County, Illinois. TRACTC All that part of the Nor­ theast Quarter of the North­ west Quarter of Section 13, Township 45 North, Range 7 t the Third Principal fdian, which lies of the^eenter line ad,(except thereof falling in tidge Unit 1 and according to the plat being recorded in the Recorder's Office of , McHenry County, Illinois as Document No. 316163. Document No. 515135 and Document No. 531853) ALSO: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12, which lies Easterly of the center line of Thompson Road and West of Die Westerly line of the Nippersink Creek, (excepting therefrom that part thereof described in certain deeds recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHennr County, Illinois in Book 262 of Deeds, page 492 and Book 264 of Deeds, page 166), in McHenry County, Illinois TRACTS A, B, and C contain approximately 146 acres, more or less, are contiguous to the corporate limits of the Village of Sunrise Ridge and are located at the corner of Won­ dermere Road and Thompson Road in Greenwood Township, McHenry County, Illinois. The applicants are seeking to annex the above-described real estate and any adjacent high­ ways or roads as required by law to the Village of Sunrise Ridge pursuant to an An­ nexation Agreement. Under the terms of the An­ nexation Agreement, such annexation would be contingent upon an amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Or­ dinance of the Village of Sunrise Ridge so as to classify TRACT A described above as "R", RESIDENCE DISTRICT and classify TRACT B described above as "B-l", BUSINESS DISTRICT. Under the provisions of the Comprehensive Zoning Or­ dinance of the Village of age of Sunrise Ridge is automatically classified "R", RESIDENCE DISTRICT until such time as Village of Sunrise Ridge Board of Trustees designates a per­ mitted use of the land in ac­ cordance with the provisions of said Zoning Ordinance. The subject property is presently classified '1*;', RESIDENCE DISTRICT under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the County of McHenry, Illinois. The application requests that TRACT A be classified "R". RESIDENCE DISTRICT and TRACT B be classified "B-l", BUSINESS DISTRICT. A public hearing will be held before the Village of Sunrise Ridge Planning Commission on Wednesday, December 7, 1977 at 8:00 p.m. at 8506 Dorr Road, Village of Sunrise Ridge, Wonaer Lake, Illinois. AT WHICk TIME AND PLACE, any person desiring to be heard may be present, v DATED: This 17th day of November, 1977. VILLAGE OF SUNRISE RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION By: -s- ELISABETH KELLY Village Clerk JOSLYN & GREEN PROFESSIONAL COR­ PORATION Attorneys for Petitioners 116 No. Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois 60098 Telephone: 815-338-1135 (Pub. Nov. 22,1977) Behind The Scenes At Lyric Opera The Woodstock Fine Arts association will sponsor a backstage tour of the Chicago Lyric Opera Sunday, Dec. 4. The tour includes a look at the stage, orchestra pit, wig and make-up rooms, props, ar­ mory, cyclorama lighting devices, dressing rooms, costumes and lifts. Before the tour com­ plimentary refreshments will be served onstage with a cash bar available. Cost includes this exclusive tour and bus transportation with reduced rates for members of the Opera guild or Fine Arts association. The bus leaves Ace Hard­ ware at 12:30 p.m. and should return at approximately 6 p.m. For reservations, please call Mrs. John (Virginia) Peschke. It's easy to find an excuse for delaying hard work. PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - TUESDAY, NOVEMBER St, 1ITI Gerald Voxels To Celebrate Silver Year Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Vogel, 37 Monica drive, Efkhorn, Wis., will celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Saturday, Nov. 26, with an open house at 8 p.m. at the Woodstock Moose Lodge for all relatives and friends. Mr. Vogel and the former Jeam Schmitt were married in St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry, Nov. 29, 1952. They have three children, Dennis, Vicki and Gary. BIRTHS HOSPITAL NOTES | McHENRY HOSPITAL Recent admittances to McHenry hospital included from Mcllenry: Dawn MUinac, Mrs. Edwin Heim, Todd- Donohue, Howard R. Parth, Sr . ; f rom Wonder Lake: Harriet Witsa; from Ingleside: Alphonse Lutz. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. WOODSTOCK Recent admittances to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included from McHenry: Bonnie Ketchum, baby Denise Zujewski, Sandra Diedrich, Constance Waddell, Patricia McCarthy; from Wonder Lake: Debra Thornton. HARVARD HOSPITAL Bridgid Fittanto and Robert McHENRY HOSPITAL TWO DAUGHTERS Richard and Kathleen Adler of 1204 W. Quincy, McHenry, are the parents of a second daughter. Sherri Anne. She is the baby sister of Jennifer Stacey, 2 years old. and weighed 8 lbs. 6 oz. at the time of her arrival Monday, Nov. 14. Proud grandparents are Mi*, and Mrs. Loyal Huson of Round Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Marty Adler of Ingleside. MEMORIAL IIOSPITAi; WOODSTOCK A daughter born W< Nov. 16, is welcomed into home of Mr. and Mrs. Stevfe) Norman of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold of Wonder Lake are the [ of a son bom Wednesday, 16. . V'-1 Pink prevails in the home W Mr. and Mrs. George Niederhofer of Wonder Late since the birth of a girt Thqt- sday, Nov. 17. "Ships and snails and pupiy dog tails" with the arrival oCa son Thursday, Nov. 17, at tfr# home of Mr. and Mrs. Haiiy Pierce of Wonder Lake. Krien, both of McHenry wcgre admitted as patients to Har­ vard hospital recently. W: wx • ~ • V! * / / o * / * t / c n u / r n j / n / a a n j r m v \.v. - 4 • ' 1219N.GREEN ST McHENRY PHONE 815 385 0182 /fcf&TZ/T AfOV.25 THAOUfH 7M/Kisatreec> 22.HOP4mCHA6£A/£CeS3Anr, ONLYPeOPLe Thpcm AA/P. Y0(///O*B AUYXef/STCA / THEY MUST BC AOCOMPANIBP BY 4V APUtT. Y&/r" -- to a*.pmeam*rr re w/a/.th* wnpmeer phon** Wu'- • * • i l inn • . r. : • • < ««|igp / • L , - • , ^ 1

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