;?<?{ ,si ./AraaJT. rs make stained-glass look ornaments Create beautiful Christ mas decorations with the look of stained glass simply by using construction paper and colored cellophane!- To create a hanging pseu- do stained-glass decoration that can be used anywhere, you will need black con struction paper, colored cellophane, clear glue, transparent tape and a rul er. All of these supplies are available at art supply or hobby/craft stores. . Begin by drawing an o. ot r«cî 4W- SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER - PAGE 26 - TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1«7 . - V • • jw.j •• er than the open cefller of orations to si* of the win- the triangles. Apply clear dows and let them dry. glue to one side of each Then spread a very equilateral triangle measur ing 4)t inches on each side on the construction paper. Draw another triangle in side of the first that is par allel to it and X inch from the outside line. Cut out the triangle, including the center, leaving a triangle border measuring inch deep. Use this as a pattern or stencil for drawing and cutting out 11 more tri angle borders. Next, cut out 12 pieces of cellophane slightly larg- triangle border, spreading it sparingly on all three bars or the border. Next place a piece of cellophane over each triangle border, completely covering the center opening. Allow them to dry while you assemble small designs from old Christmas cards, bits of foil, little stars, beads and other odds and ends that can be used to decorate six of the cellophane windows of the ornament. Carefully glue your dec- Don t Do It... Yourself This Christmas! Let Us... ...Do Your Christmas Baking For You! Place Your Order Early - Call RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 1309 RIVERSIDE DR., McHENRY 385-0044 HAPPY HOLIDAY'S! For Your Party Needs WE RENT: • Extra Tables & Chairs • • Roll-Away Beds • • Coffee Urns ( 100 Cup) • Glasswear Punch Bowls Chafing Dishes Are Your Carpets Ready for the Holidays? We Also Rent the AMAZING STEAMEX! Plus Other Party Helpers To Make It Easier For Entertaining Large Groups! A ATA •mercan rental Msocwtion„ Mc Henry, III. tUe Rent Wwt £u&ujtkuigf 385-3232 904 N. FRONT ST. OPEN DAILY 7:30 to 6 SUNDAY 9 to 1 Then spread a very thin film of glue evenly over the , six undecorated windows and place one plain win dow over a decorated one. Place a large book or oth er heavy object over the glued-together triangles for a few minutes to make sure that the cellophane win dows and triangle borders stay together. You should now have six "stained glass" triangles. Trim off excess cellophane. When the windows have , dried,' arrange three win dows in a row oh a flat sur face, decorated side down, so that the center one lies flush against the other bor- • ders. Don't allow sides to over lap. Place Sr Strip of trans parent plastic tape over the touching borders. Then fold the taped joints to form a three-sided triangle or pyramid with the decorated sides of the windows facing out. Tape the open edges together. Repeat this pro cedure with the other three windows and join the two pyramids at their bases with tape. Insert a hook at the tip and hang the ornament. (If you are planning to hang it on a Christmas tree, .don't use tree lights, too!) Praise ye the Lord; for it is good to sing praises unto God; for it is pleasant; and comely. -Psalms 147:1. SANTA IN THE PARK After The Parade-Frl. Nov. 25th Until 9:00PM AND SAT. NOV. 26 SUN. NOV. 27 SAT. DEC. 3 SUN. DEC. 4 SAT. DEC. 10 SUN. DEC. 11 SAT. DEC. 17 SUN. DEC. 18 FRI. DEC 23 1-5P* 1-5PM 1-5PM 1-5PM SATURDAY CHRISTMAS EVE 10AM To 3PM McHmtry City Park BROAD & PEARL STREET It's time. . . TO ORDER YOUR I CHOOSE FROM THE AREA'S Largest & Finest Selection AT REASONA8LE PRICES Fast Service ON ALL ORDERS ORDER NOW I ALXQIIR SERVICE, PRINTERS: PRINTING SERVICES 3909 W. MAIN ST. / 385-7600 VSX \