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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1977, p. 11

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i PAGE 12 • PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1977 •t !• . .J ll.M '"• [ f ;,-i; t/ft/ay/ No cosh refunds on prepoid ods. Cords of Thanks. In Memoriam, Situation Wantod. Wonted To Rent, Wonted To Buy arid Garage Soles MUST be paid in odvonce. • The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in classified ads af­ ter the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS: MON -- FRI. 8:30o.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER--MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER--WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 ft* SALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HOP WANTED . SEASONED OAK FIREWOOD $35 per ton, split, delivered and stacked, caU 385-0655 or 385- ^1957. ' 40 Birch firewood $65 per cord. 385-1861. 39 AUTOS •• 73 CHEVROLET VEGA am-fm ,, radio, radial tires $450. 385- 3487. n 40 '69 FORD Custom Van, rebuilt engine and new water pump, and radiator, am-fm stereo 8 ... track CB unit, recently painted, < j other extras, asking $2300, call , 385-9382 after 5 pm or anytime weekends. 39 , •1971 DODGE MAXI VAN, 318 engine, power steering, 3 speed ,, stick. $1,000. 815-675-2157. 40 £,76 CHEVY CAPRICE air, power windows, power door locks, tilt wheel, am-fm CB, v excellent condition. Best offer. J, 815-344-0653. 40 w 1974 CONTINENTAL MARK IV This classic car will soon be out of production. It is loaded with every convenience including " auto., air, AM-FM stereo, "'-J power everything and Lincoln's t",Moon Roof, the car has less v than 29,000 miles, $4900 Phone ' 'days 815-385-0170 or after 6pm ~ '815-385-2718. TF Antique auto for sale, 1929 •* «Model A, excellent condition, i*2also 1968 Ford Galaxie 500. 385- JV?232. 39 BUSINESS SCftUICCS RUSSELL RH0T0N SEPTIC SERVICE 'PUMPING •REPAIRS •ELECTRIC SEWER R0DDING „ Installation of new septics '\ 815-385-6445 12-2TF GRANNY'S QUILTS & CRAFTS Afghans, Ceramics, ̂ Dolls, Macrame, Plaques Miscellaneous Items taken on consianment 4509 W.RTf. 120 815-385-5107 9-21-12-14TF1 I S3 m LE0P0 CON • NEW * ROOM * ANYTHING YOU WANT DONE IN CARPENTRY 497-3990 P1STAKEE HIGHLANDS 12-7TF 4105 E. Wonder Lake M. Wonder Lake, Illinois • Used furniture • Aotioues • Collectibles Hours: Thurs.-frf.-Set.-Sw«. 12:00 Noon - 4:00 ?M. Friday Till 1:00 P.M. •HONE^ 815-653-9824 s HI-FI REPAIR Record Changers Tape Recorders Amplifiers ALSO Antique Radios COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE 815-728-0247 AUTOS i classic 4 • door Hardtop. Excellent condition, low mileage, new tires, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, rear defroster, .$3,300 or best offer. Call after 5pm 344-1533. 40 75 RANCHERO GT, silver blue, blue stripes p.s., p.b., air, am- fm cassette, Elrancho top, hood scoop)-70 Sport Satellite, blue white interior, buckets and console. 385-2465 42 76 GRAND PRIX SJ all ac­ cessories imaginable, new tires, brakes, shocks, has damaged grill. Perfect con­ dition otherwise. $3,800. 815-653- 9559. 40 1969 Dodge Van, ton, stan­ dard transmission, make reasonable offer. Call 385-5500. 40 BUSINESS SERVICES E X P E R I E N C E D A U T O MECHANIC Will make house calls, Quality work at reasonable rates. 385-4309. 40 FREE PICK UP JUNK CARS and trucks. Day or night 815- 459-0081. 12-2TF SNOW PLOWING at reasonable rates, Contract suited to your needs. Call Harry .-815-385-3827. . 39TF r--i : * *6ENEWU. SHEET ' METAL* •Remodeling •Furnace Replacement •Heating & Cooling cleaning & senice •New Home Installations •Wood Burning Fireplaces Free Estimates Engineering & Plans on request. 50 yrs.Combined Experience McHenry, III. 815-385-4570 12-7/1-18 B0EDECKER UPHOLSTERING * Expert Workmanship * Large Selection of Fabrics * Free Estimates Phone 815-385-5478 11/2-1/25-TF-l m SAIi Round floor stand bird cage, like new $15, call after 3pm. 385- 3807. 40 Hacienda Entrance Doors, wine cabinet, brazier table, XV Century suit of armor from Spain. Call 312-296-6640. 40 CHRISTMAS TREES Balsam, Spruce, Natural Green Scotch Pino Roping and boughs. DON'S DAIRY FROST 1 block oast of Bridge onRt. 120, McHenry 11/9-12/28-TF-l A ASHLEY WOOD HEATERS are the most popular wood burning heat stoves in America. Last winter we saved $400 with ours and kept our nome over /u degrees. Supplies ore very limited, so call today for more details. CALL GARY 815-459-5560 Before 9:30 PM 11-30-12-16 Mens all leather hiking boots, size 12 D, $15, mens insulated 10 lace rubber boots size 10, $10 mens Bauer hockey ice skates size 10, $10, all like new 385- 0147. 40 C O M P L E T E G O A L I E equipment, Jerseys, pants and chin guards, for information call Dave Schmitt, 385-5098 after 5pm. 39 Complete stereo, am-fm receiver, BSR turntable, cassette player, recorder, separate eight track. Must sell $350. Call 385-4794. 39 E l e c t r i c w h e e l c h a i r , Lakematic, $275.344-1464. 39 Wheel chair, $50, Walker $10, 653-5201. 39 Sears Electronic cord organ and bench. $150.815-675-2132. 40 24" Sears Spider bike, 10 speed, blue and white, like new, originally $112, selling for $60. 385-1737. 40 RCA 19" color portable TV with am-fm radio, still in box, 1 year warranty, $280.385-1082. 40 3M 217 Copier, 3 months old, $200.385-8140. 40 Bunk beds, very good con­ dition, $60, 3 dressers, $5 each, 385-5193 after 5pm: • 39 43" vanity and sink $125, Hot Point 18 cu. ft. upright freezer 1 year old $250, 60' tower $200, 40 channel CB with power mike and speaker, call 385-8333 if no answer 385-2238. 39 SPINEf ^COHSQLB PIANO FOR jjSALE ' #Wa«ted? Responsible party to take over spinet piano. Easy terms. Can be seen locally. Write: Credit Manager, P.O. Box 207, Car'-.le, 111 .62231. 40 TOP DOLLAR for your used Spinet Console or Grand Piano. 312-639-4106. 12-2TF 12' Church Pews $55 each, or less if purchased in quantit> Call 815-385-6960 or 815-385-1327. 12-2TF 3 black vinyl bar stools, with backs $15 each. 312-497-3182. 39 HELP WANTED •««•»»>»<• INCOME TAX PREPARER to work evenings and Satur­ days during filing period. Send Resume to: NO. DC. 1 McHCNRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. ELM ST. McHCNRY, ILL. MOSO '9-9-12-14 r BUS BOYS AND BUS 6IRIS J Apply in person INDIAN MANOR 217 N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, ILL. v 12-14-12-16 EXPANDING REAL ESTATE OFFICE has limited openings available | for experienced sales people. | Excellent Bonus commission | I I incentive. Join "our" world. Realty World Durbin-Stonll AH interviews confidential | Contact Mrs. Harriet torgstramf I 815-385-8060 "11-18TF | INSTALLER Looking for experience in field glazing, mirror and shower enclosure installation and general gloss work. Permanent position with established North West Suburban Company. Apply in writing ̂ giving brief personal information and recent employment history to: McHENRY PLAINDEALER BOXDB3 3312 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. 40080 SALES POSITION TOLL FREE 1-800-327-9696 Call for recorded ' Message 12-14-12-16 PART TIME 6IRL 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Must type Send resume to: McHCNRY PLAINDEALER BOXDE4 3812 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, HI. 40060 12-14-11-16 SOFT WATER salt delivery man. Delivery and service. Benefits. 385-3093. 39TF WANTED WOMAN Midnight to 8am, 5 day week. Call 385-8021. 36TF Need experienced electrician, must be able to work without supervision, good benefits, call Shafer Electric, 815-653-6033. 39 /WEEDED: Dry wall Taper for a one house job, $5 - $7 hour, depending on experience and tools. 385-5916. 39 KITCHEN HELPER $6 per hour, December 24- 4:30 to 8:30pm. Call 385-1891 December 16 & 17, otherwise 312-323-2199. 39 Part time, lpm to 6pm, MUST have experience in packing department. Must have knowledge in shipping. U.P.S. Some heavy lifting. 385-2172. 40 HELP WANTED MECHANICS We offer year around employment for experienced Mechanics, and Boat Riggers. Work in a modern, well equipped service depart­ ment. Top wages paid to the right men. Paid vacation and benefits. PLEASE CAU BRUCE RORTMAN 815-385-2720 Clos«d on Mondays 11-25TF McHenry and Lake Counties Kansas City Life Insurant* Ch is expanding its sales force. We are interested in two ex­ perienced Life Insurance Agents. We have a storting salary plus bonuses 8 com­ missions. Leods are available. 815-653-4486 Between 9 & 5 SERVERS DISHWASHERS COOKS COCKTAIL SERVERS HOSTESSES 2 Miles Norlti of McHenry on Route 81. 11/9TF of Efnersort Electric is currently recruiting The qualified individual will possess experience in Q.C. procedures, and me use of all standard Q.C. gauges and in­ struments. Previous experience with inspection measuring equipment, and the ability to r^ad and interpret blue prints are also a basic requirement. Previous basic supervisory experience would be a definite plus. The individual we are seeking must be a self starter with the desire to advance and the ability to motivate others. If you are looking for growth potential, with a young dynamic organization, we have what you are looking far. For an interview send resume or phone Gearmaster Div. Emerson Electric 1809 S. ROUTE 31, McHCNRY, R. 40060 Phone 815-385-7020 An equal opportunity employer 9 1214 jbOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOCk AVON * 1 Even if you can only work a< 1 * 1 few hours a week, you can< > * * make them profitable, selling# ( } world-famous Avon Products J Call MRS. BAUER 815-385-5385 12-14-12-14 QUALITY CONTROL MANA6ER Spring manufacturer in far Northwest suburb needs ex­ perienced man to manage its Quality Control 6 Inspection department. Experienced in Metals Fabrication, or the Spring Industry is mandatory. Liberal benefits. Call MR. ANDERSON McHenry, III. 60050 815-385-6760 12-14-12-16 r i i i i i i i • SECRETARY Gearmaster Division of Emerson Electric is currently recruiting for a Secretary to our Sales Manager. The successful applicant will possess three to five years secretarial experience including: • Figure aptitude • Typing 40-46 W.P.M. * Use of all standard office equipment Including a dictaphone • Ability to organize and maintain a challenging and QIVtrllTIM OTTICV The ability to work with people Is a definite must for this position. Shorthand not required but would be considered a definite plus. If you are a self starting individual seeking a challenging and rewarding position, this spot Ts for you. For an interview, send resume or phone Gearmaster, Division of Emerson Electric 1809 S. ROUTE 31, McHENRY, ILL. 60060 815-385-7020 An equal opportunity employer 12-14 1 I I I I I Person Experienced in all phases of Office Procedure for position beginning mid January, 1978. Typing Skill Essential. Phone 385-0343 12-9-12-14 CUSTODIAN I IAUNDR0MAT ATTENDANT DAYS PART TIME 7:00 A.M. to 11:80 or 12 Noon 5 days a week. Also could use 2nd attendant some evenings and weekends. Prefer Mature Person lications at UUMDROAUff 810 N. Front St. .McHenry, III. 12-9-12-14 3-11 P.M. I We have an excellent oppor-l tunity for a mature individual' to work in our housekeeping! department. Previous ex- n perience in a health care| facility is desirable, but not! mandatory. Our salaries are competative with an excellent fringe benefit program. Call or opply Personnel PART TIME 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Apply at McHenry Burger King 4463W. Route 120 McHenry I I ! ••••••J McHenry Medical Group 1209 N.Green St. McHenry 12-9-12-14 I 'MACHINIST 1 Four Slide Set Up Operator Immediate opening available for an individual with basic experience on four slide machines. Previous spring making experience desirable. Multi-slide experience could quality you for this position. Apply in person or call 815-385-6760 Illinois Coil Spring Co. 1415 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, III. 12-14-12-16 PROCESS AND MANUFACTURING Leading manufacturer of Heat transfer equipment, has an opening for a results oriented individual with a proven track record in Process 8 Manufacturing Engineering. To qualify for this position, you should possess a B.S. Degree, Process and manufacturing experience ̂ tooling background and some draf­ ting ability. We oHer the opportunity to be a contributing member in q challenging position, good salary and benefits. Qualified individuals should send resume including salary history and expected to: PERSONNEL MANAGER AA IS/I O D I INI EE MANUFACTURING COMPANY P.O. BOX 458 MCHENRY, ILL 600S0 Or call for appointment 815-385-3964 12-14-12-16 HEAT TREATER EXPERIENCED TOP WAGES AND BENEFITS PERMANENT Apply in person J.L HOFFMAN t CO. 739 N. lok. St. Mundelein, III. an equal opportunity employer 12-2TF1 -2 19.0.19-14 WANTED! Quality-Experienced NIGHT CHEF Apply in person Dr. Jay's 4512 W. Route 120 McHenry, III. 12-14-12-16 Experienced and capabtte of assuming responsibiiities for all phases of bookkeeping procedures! Permanent position with local firm now available. Starting "salary commensurate with ability. State particulars in first letter. BOX DE5 McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. MOSO 12-14-12-16 FOR RENT ENGINEERING APPRENTICE FULL TIME LL TRAIN able to work rotating shifts and weekends. Apply Personnel Dept. McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. W auk eg an Rd. McHenry, 111. 815-385-2200 _ ext. SfiT. an equal opportunity employer 12-14-12-1* Ell AHALL? THE KNIGHTS OF X0LUMBUS Have one for Rent For information Call 385-2452 P H 0 N E T 8 5j •! 0 it t 0! FOR RENT WAREHOUSE or factory space from 5,000 to 15,000 ft. 385-1079. 12-2TF STORAGE SPACE all sizes, inside or out. Monthly rental. The Keep Mini-Warehouse. 815- 455-0095. 12-2TF 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom apartments, stove, refrigerator air conditioning, no pets, 344- 1961 or 344-0880. 12-2TF 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom,* basement on route 120, $250 per month. 815-385-4039. 40 4 room house, Oakhurst, Subdivision, Lovely private area $175 month. Utilities not included call after 5pm 312-377- 2153. 39 IN VOLO 4 room modern apartment, 2 bedrooms, 2nd floor, heat, water, electric and gas furnished $200 month. Call 385-4139 after 6pm. ' 40 MODERN APARTMENT FOR RENT, 1 bedroom, Woodstock, $200 per month, plus electric, immediate occupancy, call JUlie 312-669-5181 ext 40, bet­ ween 8.and 5. 40 2 bedroom apartment for rent, also 1st floor office space, available on Rte. 12 and Rich­ mond, 815-678-4441. 42 Good farm acreage for rnt McHenry Twp. 1978 write P.O. Box 487, McHenry, for details. ' 39 2 bedroom apartment, $210 per month, included heat and appliances. Security deposit requred. 385-8489. 39 Wonder Lake, newer 3 bedroom raised ranch, just redecorated, immediate occupancy, $325 plus deposit, call after 5pm or weekends. 815-338-1596. 40 RENTAL * 1 bedroom apartment < ' Wonder Lake area ) All appliances included < $185 312-381-7046 •; 12 -14 -12-16 ( VFW HALL ft CLUBHOUSE OPEN TO PUBLIC Hall available for dinners, dances, bbnquets etc. PLAN YOUR XMAS PARTY NOW ̂ Seating capocity for 400 Call 385-9860 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6pm. Under New Management 10-19/12-16 CLEAN SLEEPING Rooms, Daily or weekly. Small fur­ nished apartment. 385-0266 or 385-8905. 12-2TF T 4 Dearoom townhouse, basement, garage, $375 month. 312-397-3952. 40 FOR RENT HOUSE IN TOWN. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, separate dining room, full basement, 2% cor garage. Completely remodeled. All draperies, cur­ tains, refrigerator, stove, washer and pool table. $400/month plus utilities. Im­ mediate possession. S ROOMCONDO. 2 bedrooms, 1V4 baths, 1 car gorage, air conditioning, stove refrigerator, dishwasher, car­ peting, draperies. Available Dec. 15. $350/month plus ' utilities. 7 ROOM MEDITERRANEAN RANCH. 2V4 baths, carpeting, range, refrigerator, fireplace, 2V4 car gorage. Large lot. $400/month plus utilities. Im­ mediate possession. REALTY WORLD DURBIN-STOVALL 815-385-8040 ... 11-15TF 19*14 Pasture. $40 mo] Box Stalls $75 ma! Daily Grain Turn Out _ Outside Riding Arena RAJA ACRES (Serving McHenry/Woodstock AroO) Call 815-648-4012

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