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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1977, p. 8

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PAGE t - PLAINDEALER • FRIDAY. DECEMBER It. 1977 NORTHSUBURBAN BASKETBALL / ?••••••••••••••••••• • Vnnufmnhilo • Varsity North Chicago Crystal Lake ii-MI .1,1,1,, MIBKMAoll * Zion Benton Lake Forest McHenry Crown Libertyville Name Hutchinson Roweil Uschewski Clemens Cain Boothe Grab Games Tonight McHenry at Lake Forest Crystal Lake at Zion Benton Clown at Libertyville North Chicago at Mundelein Games Tuesday Mundelein at McHenry Eon Benton at North Libertwille at Lake Forest Crown at Crystal w 1 Pis on 2 0 163 116 2 0 106 87 1 1 110 ' 104 1 1 111 119 1 1 111 126 § 1 48 45 0 1 58 84 0 2 103 121 SCORERS School ft ft tp Mun 15 15 45 N.C. 15 4 34 Lib. 14 5 33 L.F. 10 10 30 Z.B. 12 3 29 Mund 11 7 29 L.F. 8 11 27 Snowmobile News Sno-Bugs Snomobile club now taking application for associate membership. The club meets every second and fourth Friday of the month at Raymond's Johnsburg Bowl lower level. All marked trails in McHenry County are private trails. Snowmobilers are required to follow rules of the trail. Listed are a few rules many forget. Please follow these rules for the safety of fellow snowmobilers and non -snowmobilers. 1. Ride only on marked trails and remain on trails at all times. 2. Head lamp must be on at all times, day or night. 3. Snowmobiles should be at least 10 feet from state and county roads. Cross roads at a 90 degree angle. 4. Speed not to exceed 10 miles per hour when riding through populated area. Subdivision or city. 5. No more than (2) two people to a snowmobile. 6. All snowmobiles must be registered with the state of Illinois Conservation .Dept. Registration numbers are to be posted on lower right of machine. McHenry county now has 35 deputies who will be riding trails to make sure these rules are followed. These dedicated men have taken a course in snowmobile safety and first aid. They will be there to help in any way they can. Deputies can be identified by their bright orange vests. Ride carefully and Think Snow! Keep a piece of clean dry chamois handy when you en­ tertain. It will give a quick, last minute shine to silver,, stainless steel, and waxed or varnished furniture. DISCOUNTS!! MICROWAVE Demonstration This Saturday 12-3pm December 17 Lee & Ray Electric 1005 N. Front (S. Rte. 31) McHenry, 111. EVERY FRIDAY NKHTi §4*50 Perch 2 (LARGE SALAD BAR INCLUDED) NO COVER! NO MINIMUM! SAT Belly Dancers 3 BIG SHOWS! RESTAURANT ft LOUNGE S. RTE. 31 McHENRY ItStl-- Marengo Chrysler Dodge. Inc. PARTS LEASING RENTACAR rSfoTreasons why NEW and USED SALES and LEASING Ovp, 100 Cats & Trucks in StocK IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 5 vr or bO.OOO mi le guarantee ava i lab le on a l l new Cars & Trucks We have the car or t ruck v i th term to f i t your budget 2 yr or 20.000 mi le guarantee ava i lab le on most Used Cars & Trucks " "Ren t by t he i l ay , mon th o r ye .u . 21308 W Grant Hwy Phone 568 7281 Rt 20 1 Mi West Dai ly t i l 8 PM of Rt 23 Sat Sun t i l 5 PM ^ ,3 ;< • • now is the time I SINGLE STOP SERVICE Al l Makes & Models Fore ign o r Domest ic We honor a l l Chtvs ler Warrant ies regard less o f where vour vehic le was purchased Exper t Bodv & Fender Repa i r s TRY US ' YOU 'LL L IKE OUR SERVICE 120 W Pra i r i e Phone 5G8 7271 2 B locks N . o f R t 20 Da i l y 8 t i l 5 :30 PM 1 B lock E o f R t 23 Sa t t i l Noon Free Loaner _ S to Deal with us. Planned bridalhood Anxious to make the right arrange­ ments for your wedding? The details fall into ploce after a WELCOME WAGON Engaged Girl call. As your Hostess, I hove some lovely gifts, useful suggestions, and lots of helpful information for you from a wide range of wedding professionals. And I'm as close as your telephone. Plan to coll soon. Mt Hostess: Carolyn Farrington 385-7980 McHenry PARTS DEPT Sing le Source Supp ly Fo re ign o r Domes t i c Comp le te S tock A l l Makes & Mode ls RETAIL * D ISCOUNT PRICES "WHOLESALE SW Corne r PHONE Da i l y 8 :30 t i l 5 30 Rou tes 20 & 23 568 6538 Sa t t i l 3 PM HOME OF THE '100* DEAL ns THE fftSTEST GROWING THUCK COMPANY * IN AMERICA | -- FACTORY OROEREO HP? 1978 CHRYSLER or DODGE For Only $100.00 over Factory cost ( HKVSLKR Choose VOUR CO,OR & °PTIONS' NOW! MARENGO CHRYSLERTDODGE Dodge Tntks yye Honor All Major Credit Cards Dodge M c H E N R Y McHENRY 385-0144 $1.M ALL SCATS $1.M NE W YORK NEW YORK [PG FKI.-MON.-TUE. 7-9:30 SAT.-SUN. 1:30-7-9:30 STARTS WIS. KC. 21 "I don't do miracles. They're too flashy." GoT WED.-THURS. 7-9 SHOWPlACf 4 R T E S 1 4 i 3 1 4 5 5 1 0 0 5 IN "DOLBY SOUND SYSTEM' JOHN TRAVOLTA "SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER". FRI. 7-9:15-11:15 SAT. 12:15-2:304:45-7-9:15-11:15 SUN. 12:15-2:30-4:45-7-9:15 MOH.-THUR. 7-9:15 C SHOW PI ACE 5 DOWNTOWN CRYSTAL LAKE DOWNTOWN CRYSTAL LAKS ENDS KC. 20 "Oh, God!" FRI. *4-10 SAT. 2-444-10 SUN 1-3-5-7-9 M0N.-TUL 7-9 COMMSDEC. 21 TO SMWPLACi THEATRES "GAUNTLET" "CHOIR BOYS" "CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND" PG-DOUYsou*r DEC. 23 WORLDS GREATEST LOVER Legal Notice The annual instructional assembly between Willard J. Hogge, CIAO. Supervisor of Assessments of McHenry County, Illinois, and the Township assessors of McHenry County, and their deputy assessors, will be held Thursday, December 29th, 1977 at 1:30 P.M. in the County Board Room. McHenry County Courthouse. 2200 N. Seminary, Woodstock, Illinois. (Pub. Dec. 16,1977) Legal Notice Public notice is hereby given that the regular board meeting scheduled to be held on December 21, 1977. at the village annex in the Village of McHenry Shores is hereby cancelled due to the holiday season. Linda Luerssen Village Clerk e of McHenry! (Pub. Dec. 16,1977) Village of McHenry Shores Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on December 12, A.D. 1977, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois, setting forth die names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as BILLS ELECTRIC, located at 1620 Highview Avenue, McHenry, IL 60050. Dated this 12th day of December, A.D. 1977 Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. Dec. 16,23.30,1977) Legal Notice NOTICE OF INTENTION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER 36, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS TO ISSUE $183,800 FUNDING BONDS PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that on the 13th day of December, 1977, the Board of Education of Schopl District Number 36. McHenry County, Illinois, did adopt a resolution declaring its intention and determination to issue bonds in the aggregate amount of $183,800 for the purpose of paying presently outstanding ana unpaid orders issued for the wages of teachers and the interest thereon, all of which unpaid teachers' orders having been heretofore authorized ana allowed for proper school purposes, and it is the intention of the Board of Education of said School District to avail of the provisions of Article 19 i Sections 19-8 to 19-14, in­ clusive) of The School Code of the State of Illinois, approved March 18, 1961, and all laws amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto and to issue said bonas for the purpose of funding and paying such unpaid teachers; orders and the interest thereon. A petition may be filed with the Secretary of this Board of Education of School District Number 36. McHenry County, Illinois, within thirty days from date of publication hereof, signed by not less than ten per cent (10 per cent) of the legal voters of this School District requesting the submission to the legal voters of this District of the proposition to issue such bonds, whereupon a special election shall oe called for voting upon such proposition. If no such petition is filed with the Secretary of this Board of Education on or before thirty days from the date of publication of this notice, then this School District shall thereafter be authorized to issue such bonds for the pur­ pose hereinabove provided. By order of the Board of Education of School District Number 36. McHenry County, Illinois. DATED THIS 16 day of December, 1977. S.L. Ruggero, M.D. President Jay W. cristy. Secretary (Pub. Dec. 16,1977) -f Political Corner SEEKS REELECTION Donald E. Deuster (R. Mundelein) has formally an­ nounced his decision to seek reelection to a fourth term in the Illinois Legislature. Deuster was first elected to the Illinois House in 1972 after returning from 10 years of service on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. where he was administrative assistant to U.S. Congressman Robert McClory. Decoupage an inexpensive unfinished footstool for an at­ tractive gift for a child. Use nursery rhyme pictures for decoration. Christmas goodies (cookies, candy and nuts) can be prepared at least two weeks before Christmas. Keep, sealed tightly in plastic con­ tainers. LENNOX HEATING UNITS «ffflCBT*(HHET THE DEPENDABLE WAY TO WARM YOUR HOME. • • ELECTWC • 6A5 • OH LIT US EXP1AM THIS CONVENIENT SERVICE. THAT WN1 SAVE YOU MONEY. Carl Woerner •15/459-2300 HEATING AND COOLING •ami M1ILWNNTB. 312/526-6286 McHENRY, ILL HNANQNGAVA&Aftl McHENRY AREA'S CERTIFIED HMMM DEALER WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF COLOR T.V.'S 8 STEREOS FACTORY AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER FOR ZENITH--RCA --PANASONIC |McHENRY| 3854)979 WONDER LAKE 653-7111 7224 BARNARD MILL ROAD. WONDER LAK Bad Days For Empires Empires and crowns have been much in the news, but when all is said and done, the only empire-building that seems to be flourishing these days is that which goes on in Washington's bureaucracy. Take the case of the new Central African empire. Jean- Bedel Bokassa, ruler of that dirt-poor, landlocked nation for twelve years and a great ad­ mirer of Napoleon Bonaparte, crowned himself Emperor Bokassa I the other day amidst 19th century pomp and splendor. Despite the dancing girls, gilded coach, parades and martial music, Bokassa couldn't hide the fact that his $30 million party amounted to a quarter of the country's annual income and he had extracted it by special levies on his poverty- stricken subjects. Even the Carter ad­ ministration's human rights people had to take notice. They took time out from scolding our allies to announce that future U.S. aid would be withdrawn from Bokassa's "empire" because of human rights violations and his ex­ travagance. About all Bokassa can hope to do now is attract tourists to see him in his regalia. The Wrong Horse The world's only full-fledged imperial power - Soviet Russia - has taken some lumps, too. The U.S.S.R., which had been slowly, but convincingly, ex­ panding its influence in the crucial Horn of Africa, so as to dominate the West's oil route from the Persian Gulf, ended up betting on the wrong horse. It had nearly had Somalia fully in its camp as a client state - building a deep water port installing "technicians" and so forth - when it also decided to back the Marxist regime in Ethiopia. This was risky move since the Ethiopians are the Somalis' achenemies and it is likely they will lose the Ogaden territory to them. While the two neighbors war in the Ogaden, the Somalis have kicked the Russians out lock,'Mock and samovar. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, continuing his initiatives to bring peace to the Middle East, also invited the Soviets out of their consulates in Egypt, though he' has not broken off diplomatic relations. The Egyptian government did not mince words. They said the Soviet Union had instigatfedihe anti-Sadat "summit" of hard­ line Arab states in Tripoli^nd the Russians had usedc their consulates in Egypt to try to stir up opposition to Sadat in his own country. Even a relic of ancient im­ perialism may not fall within the Soviet orbit. The Crown of St. Stephen, which was used by every Hungarian king since Pope Sylvester crowned the first one in the year 1000, has been safely stored in Fort Knox since the early 1950s Improveo delations At the close of World War II it had been given to U.S. forces in Austria for safekeeping by the Hungarian Crown Guards. Recently, the State department announced it would send the crown to the Communist regime in Hungary as a "gesture" toward improved relations. This raised a storm of prbtest from Hungarian-Americans. Congresswoman Mary Oakar i D-Ohio), who represents many of them in her Cleveland district, said. "It may be going on public display in Budapest, but the Freedom Fighters who were forced to flee Hungary in 1956 still are regarded as criminals there for seeking their freedom." She has in-, traduced a bill in the House to prevent the crown's return without congressional consent. A similar bill Is in the Senate. I asked an associate to call the State department for a; comment. The report: "Their press office spokeswoman said, 'The crown is definitely going to be returned, but no date has been set.' She didn't sound very confident." No wonder. A group of volunteer attorneys, aided by the highly effective Pacific Legal Foundation, has obtained a temporary restraining order from a federal district court, preventing the administration from shipping the crown to the Hungar ian government . Pre l iminary in junc t ion hear ings a re next . I f the plaintiffs are upheld, the crown will stay in Fort Knox. Timely Warning You can't change the past, but you can rain the present by worrying about the future. -Sun, Sac City, la. Abundant Supply Talk is cheap because the supply is greater than the demand. -Courier, Ottumwa, la. CONSUMER GUIDELINES Follow simple guidelines when shopping for ap­ pliances. Inquire about war­ ranties, understand what documents do -- or don't -- provide. Compare the efficiency of similar units and consider size of various models in terms of what each will cost to operate. YEAR ROUND GENOA THEATRE ; GCMOA CITY. WIS. ' MM U«Nm N 41,1WL % «f ttOmmt 0KR MOT. t SMMTS HUM I HI 414-2794491 MV-NfTE osS? iitmikctepsa 16-22 I taMIM •--| Hn.Itan.tJS pe milium-- • --! M«a • COMING SOON IUa Tot; SflMtof mtt Mm BhSK 1 mowismnmnrntm-vkstr; TlM Tkt DIGBY, mi SmMSUIS Come in and broww. yoall gel idea* for famishing your bath and discover many charming gift*. SThe uj) [fAom US 14 & 173 Harvard, II. DEC. 16-22 7:00 & 9:45 815-943-4451 24 Hr. Information THE* TlMjtTE- .MES • NINA FAUSE IRIS MEDINA VICKY KAUFFMANN-DOLORES COUBURN;PETER DUBOIS • - Stefia Derby 8:30 (DMYEKjOTtC WlFEs Rated X Starring Terri Hall & Wade Nichols SUN. - DEC. 18 FAMILY MATINEE Z0RRO ALL SEATS 754 1:30 Only Rated G 3012 W. Rte. 120. McHenry East of New Bridge-Free Parking 3854048 Mon.-Thur*. 9-5:30, Fri. 9^9, Sot. 9*5 Complete planning and installation of fixtares and i (•la Naw Yaar's Eve Patty Package FOR DETAILS PHONE DAYS 3SS-SS0t EVENINGS US MM CRESCENT qBAY* ^LANpiNQ 3309 N. Chapel Hill Rd., McHenry

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