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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1977, p. 20

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SECTION * - PARR 2 - PI.AIwn«PA|.ER - FRIDAY DECEMBER It. 1177 had beaten the Warriors 81 to :tt. . * Twice Told Tales Holiday Softly Tip #• •'•r- FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of December 15, 1927) McHenry was. visited by burglars last Friday night, at which time they entered the clothing store of Ray McGee in the new Carey building on Green street and got away with about $1,500 worth of clothing, neckties, etc., besides about $30 in change which was in the cash register. The thieves would have been able to carry away much more loot if it had not been for the barking of a neigh­ bor's dogs. The robbers became frightened and left several overcoats on the ground in the passageway between the two buildings, where they werje found the next morning and returned to the store. One of the well known business houses on Main street changed hands last week when Glen Wattles took over the drug store formerly owned by Walter F. Vogt. Glen has assisted at the drug store since he finished college and is familiar with the stock and the patronage. He is a registered pharmacist, having graduated from the school of Pharmacy at the University of Illinois in 1926. Good progress is being made on the widening, straightening and improving of Boone creek, between Green street and the river, and the work will con­ tinue as long as the weather will permit. This project has been launched by Julius Keg and F.A. Beller for the development of their property which borders on the creek and which is situated in one of the most desirable spots in the city. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of December 16, 1937) McHenry and northern Illinois residents awoke Wednesday morning to find the countryside sheathed in a glaze of ice, resulting from a sleet storm and rain, which froze as it fell, and continued most of the night after it started about 5 p.m. Tuesday Trees and shrubbery hung heavy with an icy covering and pavements and sidewalks were one un­ broken glare of ice which was extremely difficult for pedestrians and motorists. Most of the cars moved very slowly, avoiding the hills until cinders and sand were spread and state men were out early covering icy hills and curves on the highways. The Leviathan, a mighty ocean liner, is about to make its last voyage to Great Britain, where it is destined for the boneyard. It was the Leviathan that carried doughboys to and from Europe during the war, among them were local boys, Ray McGee, James E. Doherty, William H. Althoff and Louis Stoffel. Plans have been completed by officers of the McHenry high school Alumni association for the alumni dinner dance to be held at the Riverside hotel, Dec. 26. John Karls will cook the turkey and other food on the banquet menu which will be a delicious one. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of December 25, 1952) During the last very cold < weather, the Salvation Army chapter in McHenry demon­ strated their generosity in a pre-holiday gesture when they assisted a family who became stranded here in making a trip between Nebraska and Iron Mountain, Mich. They were given a full tank of gas for their bus, which had been converted into a dwelling place as well as a means of travel. They were given fuel oil and a large sack of groceries. The parents and three children went on their way with a warm feeling toward this wonderful organization which exists to help others. More long distance telephone users will take to the "voice highways" this Christmas-time than on any previous holiday. Special holiday telephone equipment and operating procedures will become ef­ fective Dec. 24. More operators will be on duty than on any previous week day. The Barrington Broncos came to town Friday night and showed why they lead the North Suburban basketball con­ ference. When the cease fire buzzer sounded, the Broncos TEN YEARS AGO . (Taken from the files of December 22, 1967) Discussion of boundary lines between city of McHenry property and the Landmark school was the main issue at the City Council meeting *Monday night. Maps from as far back as 1898 were reviewed in an at­ tempt to trace exchanges of property. The possible sale of school property brought up the subject of surveys and the resulting attempt to trace transactions down through the years. Very Rev. Eugene Jung, M.S.C. superior of Sacred Heart seminary, Shelby, Ohio, has been named to succeed Rev. Edward Jaindl, M.S.C. as provincial procurator of the American Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC.) with headquarters at Sacred Heart Monastery, Aurora. Following an executive session Tuesday evening, the board of School District 156 . -onvened for the purpose of v«o motions concerned with naming principals of the two high schools for 1968. Gerald Fain, assistant prin­ cipal at the present high school, was offered $14,000 to act as principal of the freshmen- sophomore school and Richard Swantz was offered the same amount to act as principal of the new junior-senior high school. Both have accepted. Two large telephone cables, one containing 100 wires and another with fifty, melted aqd, disrupted phone service in the Johnsburg community Wed­ nesday afternoon -'after a powder bomb was detonated' under the bridge. Sheriff John Carroll said it was his opinion someone had the bomb in his home and wanted to get rid of it. As it was thrown under the bridge the explosion resulted. lasUnclloa Wckontd Irate Parent-I'll teach you to make love to my daughter, sir. Cool Youth--I wish you would, old boy; I don't seem to be making much headway. Light Up But Don't Holiday festivities are once again the order of the day with Christinas and New Year's right around the comer. Ironically, the very objects which brighten the season can cause disaster if used unwisely. Christmas trees, decorative lighting and fireplaces add to the enjoyment of the season, but also add an additional fire hazard to the home. The following safety tips to keep in mind when purchasing decorative lighting, materials and trees are: Purchase only Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed lighting strings. The UL label indicates which light strings and extension cords are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Check all new and used lighting strings carefully. Each ishould be checked for frayed or bare wires, cracked sockets and plugs, and loose con­ nections. Be on the safe side and discard all unsafe equip­ ment. Do not overload the electrical circuits. Electrical wiring that is forced to carry more than it is intended to handle, may overheat and result in a fire. Check the wire capacity listing and follow the manufacturer's recommendation. Nevor place electrical lighting close to flammable materials. String lights should never be used on a metal tree. A short circuit in the insulation could make the tree electrically "live," resulting in severe electrical shock. Use spot lights to illuminate a metal tree. Remember...always turn off lighting when leaving home or retiring for the evening. The selection of a Christmas tree, whether natural or ar­ tificial, is an important matter. Artificial trees should carry a flame resistant label. A natural tree should be checked for freshness. Remember fresh trees dry out rapidly in heated rooms. Make sure to keep the base holder full of water by checking daily. When trimming the tree and fireplace mantel, use only n o n c o m b u s t i b l e a n d f l a m e - retardant materials. Never place trimmings near open flames, heat or electrical connections. On Christmas day remove all wrapping paper immediately after presents are opened. Place paper in covered metal trash containers or burn them in an incinerator. Do not burn them in the fireplace. A flash fire may result, as wrapping paper can ignite suddenly and get out of control. In case of fire, be prepared by sitting down with family members and drawing up an emergency escape plan and selecting a common meeting place outside. Keep a fully-charged fire extinguisher handy. Every member of the family should be familiar with its location and how to operate it properly. Don't place it next to the tree, it may be needed. difficult to get if Keep fire department, police, ambulance and emergency phone numbers posted on or near the telephone. The holiday season is a time for enjoying oneself. Look for and eliminate potential daqger spots and plan for safety. There is no substitute for common sense. Have a happy holiday! Protect Children's Health Being sick isn't part of childhood fun. It causes a child to suffer physically and miss a lot of school, time for play and family activities. .For a free copy of a valuable parents' guide on protecting their children's health, call or write your Lung association and ask for the booklet, "Your Child's Lungs are For Life", and "What You Should Know About Asthma"";.. "More than 12 million children in this country suffer from some sort of respiratory disease such as chronic bronchitis or asthma according to the American Lung association", stated Ben D. Kiningham, executive director of the Illinois Lung association. Constant coughing, which is the chief symptom of bron­ chitis, can cause an in* flammation of the lining of the tubes connecting the windpipe with the hmgs. Asthma, on the, *-H Christmas is... The dazzling color and beauty of living for your home and as gifts- ^ " TA SAV/ |NGS ALL P0INSETTIAS *1.25 OFF W Enjoy Coffee As You Browse tlnr regular price on all rmnsctha plants S8.SO and up when you pick them up. (While supplies last) Visit our greenhouses for an unforgettable display of Christmas color - HOURS Mon thru Fri 9 9 S«t 9 5. Sun 10 5 the complete Christmas-Shop Route 14 & 176, Crystal Lake - 815459-6200 other hand, is an abnormal response of the air passages of the lungs to specific substances or conditions. The passages constrict suddenly, triggering attacks of shortness of breath and wheezing. Fortunately, today both bronchitis and asth­ ma can be treated successfully. "Lung disease among children is particularly im­ portant," said Kiningham, "because little lungs are very vulnerable and delicate as they develop. Almost half of all deaths among children under one year of age are due to respiratory disease. And, half of all acute short term illnesses in children are caused by respiratory conditions." "Reducing death and illness from childhood lung disease is a primary concern of the Illinois Lung association", Kiningham asserted. To meet this need it supports research into the causes and treatment of . lung disease in youngsters besides its major goal of educating parents and kids themselves about the ways to protect their lung health. BIBLE VERSE "Repent ye, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out. spoke these 1. What does this verse mean? 2. Who words? 3. To whom were they spoken? 4. Where may this verse be found? Aiswtrs To Biblt Verso 1. That repentance is nec­ essary for forgiveness. 2. Peter. 3. To the Jews, gathered on Solomon's Porch of the Temple. 4. Acts 3:19. pEFOREYOUBUl THE NEW, MODERNl WATER CONDITIONING SYSTEM •NO ELECTRICITY -METERED WATER •LESS SALT #SAVES MONEY m POPULAR OCTOBER, 77 FREEWATEM •TESTANDI RENTAL RATES ION REQUEST! CALLY0UR1 LOCAL WATER| CONDITIONING DEALER! POM HUEMANNI WATER CONDITIONING KINETICO 2103 W. CHURCH ST. - JOHNSBURG McHENRY. ILL 385-3093 "LARGEST SERVICE DEPT. IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS' There's An Answer (by Norman Vincent Peale and Rnth Stafford Peale) * Lost Mother And Lost Herself l Q. I lost my mother a year ago and the loss has left me "absolutely lost" I made a home for my blessed mother for the last 28 years and I feel as though half of me went with her. I have lost weight, I can't seem to stop crying, and I am having very deep emotional problems. She was my strength and always there to help me. I have prayed and prayed to get over this but there must be something wrong with my prayers. Rather than finding that "time will heal I miss her more each passing day. Can you tell me something that will release me from my agony? A. First of all, you have not lost vour mother. Remember what the American poet Wittier said: "Love can never lose its own." I once thought I had lost my mother, too, but I feel her nearness often. Ana so will you. Another thing, since you love your mother and will do anything for her, then give up your grief. It isn't helping her, and it is ruining you. Your mother doesn't want your life ruined. You can make her 'happiness complete by adjusting to ber absence. Tune will heal if you do the above and go onliving your life as your mother surely wants you to do. We have a booklet, Help Yourself With God's Help, that has brought comfort to others with questions such as yours and a copy of it is on its way to you. Anyone else wishing a free copy may write to us in care of Box 500, Pawling, NY 12564. What About Sex Without Marriage? Q. I've been a widow for four years. I had two happy marriages. My question, can I have a friendly relationship without sex? Friends tell me I cannot And they say it is O.K. to have a sex relationship if both parties' mates have passed away. The way I was trained, it still is adultery unless you are married. Please make this dear to me. A. The loose and permissive morality of the present day would likely not look askance at sex without marriage. But you know such action would be wrong and a violation of the principles of responsible Christian living. It is perfectly possible for two mature, upright people to have a pleasant friendly relationship, with a clear understanding that there will be no sex involved. Confused By Psyehic Friend Q. I have met a delightful person who claims to be a psychic, and I believe she is. Now my mind is all mixed, up, for our church and our minister are against such things. I've never before considered reincarnation but now in the face of her evidence-I don't know. I've never thought my life was planned down to when I will move or have sickness or trouble with the children or get a new lob-now I don't know. This psychic can tell about my entire family, though she's never met them. Some say it is Witchcraft. What do you say? Is this sacrilege or can a person have such powers? A Some-people seem to be endowed with peculiarly sensitive perceptiveness. They can, as you say, give evidence of rather extraordinary ability, sometimes even to have precognitive awareness-tnat is, to prophesy something that has not yet happened. This is not witchcraft. It is simply an extra ability along a certain line, and we assure you it is extremely limited in most cases. You would be wise to look upon such a phenomenon as merely that; and certainly do not allow it to affect your life. If there is something you would like to ask Dr. and Mrs. Peale to discuss in this column, write to them in care of Box 500, Pawling* NY 12564. If you would like to talk directly with a prayer partner, call Prayer One (212) 481-1050. Reduced long-distance rates are in effect nights and weekends. ; : ~ ; , Apple Crabenry-JeBo Salad 1 pkg, raw cranberries, ground - 2 medium oranges, quar­ tered, seeded, ground 1 apple, *•; cored and ground ' 2 c sugar 1 pkg. strawberry or , 'raspberry jello 1 c hot water W ii cold water 1 c toasted pecans 1 c miniature marshmal- lows Combine sugar with ground cranberry-orange- apple mixture. Set aside. Dis­ solve jello in hot water. Add cold water, chill until syrupy. Fold in fruit mixture, pecans and marshmallows. Chill until firm. Apple Salad 4 large apples Vi c sugar 3 c water "• t '•?.'£ ' 4 oz. red hots (cinnamon candies) ; 1 (3oz.) pkg. Philadelphia cream cheese 2 T crushed pineapple Core and peel apples. Combine water, sugar and red hots; boil 5 minutes. Place apples In this syrup and sim­ mer until soft and apples are clear. Remove apples gently to plate; cool. Blend cheese and pineapple. Place in center at cooled apples. Chill. (If apples are prepared ahead of time, place cheese and pineapple in apples 2 hours before serving.) By Sarah Ami Sherldaa . Salads complement holiday meals with color and taste appeal. Both of these recipes can be prepared a day or two before serving. >U<UiTt & Give a gift thafs HEALTHY and FUN... all wrapped up in one! For Gift Certificate' and Membership Information Call ,255 •- ' ri«i »>* ?><» ft*

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