THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKES REGION SINCE 1875 VOLUME 102 NUMBER 44 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1977 1 SECTION .18 PAGES 20 Leaders Look Ahead To "Modern technology, com petition and specialization make quality education a necessity, not a privilege. I fervently hope that a resurgence of public support, loyalty and pride in our school system is evidenced in 1978. "With a sincere effort by all elected officials and all of our citizens, 1978 can truly be a happy and prosperous new year." The goals for the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce, as expressed Jointly by its president and executive director, will bring an exciting new perspective to its role in the community: ...More than ever, the Chamber will assist the city in planning and growth. ...The Chamber sponsored events of the past year will be bigger and better in 1978. ...The return of the Trade fair in an enlarged and improved version. ...A substantial increase in members by means of in creased benefits, making the Chamber a better community organization. ...In general, making McHenry a more enjoyable place to live, shop, grow, wprk and play. force between the retail, in dustrial, service, medical, educational, governmental, social and other commercial enterprises in the greater McHenry area. This cohesion will help us recognize and reach our common objectives. McHenry will be a better city as a result". The mayor continued in setting forth his goals: "A new well and iron removal system should be in operation by May. Our water needs will be solved for several years with the pure iron-free water this improvement will provide. The plans, specifications and location for a new water standpipe should be developed in 1978 and possible construction begun. "Plans for enlarging the present sewer plant should be initiated. "A community center for all of our citizens should be designed immediately, with construction commencing in 1978 or early 1979.1 hope we can acquire property on McCullom Lake adjacent to Petersen park for a city beach. A new tennis court and skating area in Petersen park will be welcome additions. "The 8,4oo-square-foot city garage addition should be a reality by the fifteenth of April. "My hope is that the Carestoel Nursing home has a long and prosperous future while providing for our human needs. "Hopefully, our new police chief, George Passinelli, will be warmly received and sup ported. "The time has come for McHenry to receive some benefit from the RTA and for the state to assist us with our vexing traffic problems. Robert Prendergast, newly appointed executive director for the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce, if a native of Chicago and a graduate of Eastern Illinois university with a major in English. He moved to the McHenry area three years ago. Prendergast had two years of teaching experience in Arlington Heights and Wauconda before Joining the advertising department of the McHenry plaindealer in August of 197V. He and his wife, Catherine, have one son, Dylan. Third, get your friends in volved in a game so they'll forget about that next drink. Fourth, midway through the party begin de-emphaSizing drinks and serve filling foods. Fifth, about an hour before your.guests are due to leave, serve a rich dessert and coffee or tea. Contrary to popular belief, the liquids won't sober up anyone but they're good substitutes for that final 'one for the road'. Remember, it takes an hour for the effects of each alcoholic drink to wear off. And if that obstreperous guest still insists on overim- bibing, arrange for him (or her) to ride home with a sober friend, call a taxi, or offer to put him up for the night. And most important of all - remember this night of nights when you're planning the next party and leave him off the guest list! " KAF At a time when"Happy New Year" rings out so glibly that the meaning seems lost, we at tip Plaindealer office extend a thoughtful wish that 1978 may t^ing good things to our readers. We extend that wish to those of leadership in the community in the hope that the direction of progress may be in the best interests of all who reside within its boundaries. Our wish is thoughtful because we owe a debt of gratitude to those who have contributed in any way to our newspaper in the past twelve months. I N e w s p a p e r s h a v e traditionally been a form of public service ir. this country. The fact that the nation con tains more than 10,000 weeklies ;«|d more than a thousand dailies makes it impossible that any one philosophy or presentation monopolizes the news and editorial columns of America. . The great blessing of any community newspaper is that it offers a broad presentation of lot^l news and its editorial voice is locally controlled. Sometimes the voice is received with less than pleasure; sometimes it hurts; but it reflects an opinion which can always be answered by the people's voice. V We hope to continue this tradition and to deserve the support of the people of McHenry and the surrounding :ntea through adherence to a policy that calls for news for the news columns and opinion in editorials. •; So that we have readers around in 1978, we would like to pass on recommendations for celebrating its start in a leu than haphazard manner. l>ne suggestion, when serving alcoholic beverages, is to greet .flpests with a drink of moderate taspportions. After that, let .liam mix their own on the 'llisory they'll probably make tMr cocktails weaker and less often that the host would.(And who arrived at that theory?) • Second, provide an attractive amy of non-alcoholic or lightly spirited punches along with a fillet. Emphasise s variety of dips, snacks snd hot dishes rather than an elaborate bar. Child Hurt In Car-Truck Crash During Snow Squall 12Q, McHenry, told Sheriff's police he was northbound on Barreville at approximately 5 mph, and was turning left onto Bull Valley road. Gloeson told police the Sass car slid through the. intersection, striking the rear of his truck. 1 According to Sass, he was eastbound on Bull Valley road at approximately 5 mph starting to stop for the in tersection. The car began to slide, due to the slippery road conditions, striking the truck ^ which Sass told police was in I his lane of traffic. None of the other five paaengers in the Sass auto were injured. Glosson was ticketed for I making an Improper left turn at an intersection, and Sass was fl also tibketed by Sheriff's I police Slippery roads caused many I accidents involving parked I • cars in the city.In all, McHenry city police were notified of fourteen different accidents 1 involving parked cars. On Dec. 23, James J. Puhl, 3111 Shady drive, Wonder Lake, 1 backed into a car driven by David J. Henderson, of 1921 Lakewood, McHenry. Puhl was parked, and when he left the parking spot he backed into the * Henderson vehicle. No injuries were reported and no tickets were issued. Damage to both cars was* a minor William A. Knor, 1405 Glen J drive, McHenry. was backing J out of his driveway when be • struck a parked car owned by • C (Continued on page 13) B she was riding, driven by her father, Roger K. Sass, 3214 Pleasant View drive, McHenry, struck a truck. The mishap occurred at 9:45 a.rti. at the corner of Bull Valley road and Barreville road. The driver of the truck, Randall D. Glosson, 5402 W. Rt. Two McHenry drivers were ticketed by McHenry County Sheriff* police following a cai- truck accident Wednesday morning that resulted in one child being injured. Diane Sass, 9, was tran sported to McHenry hospital by the McHenry Area Rescue squad, after the car in which Inspiration For New Year » £./> jggijH Many McHenry residents are inspired by the start ef a new year. Bat the ladies pic tured above keep that sane spirit the year itmnd. The seven, whese service ranges from MM to S.SSS hoars, were among ninety volunteers hoaarad at the recent McHenry hospital aanaal awards luncheon. They are, seated flroaa left, Harriet Deid, MM hears; Kathleen Mars, SJM henrs; aad Alice O'Csl la ghee, MM hours; standing, from left, Patflsereceea, 3,383 hears; StsHe Rertvet, 3,740 hoars; Jan a Eeles, 3,SM hoars and Helen Spencer, SJS7. And if 34,90* hears ef voleataer eervlce to thoee ia aeed isa't the New Year spirit, ft doesn't extat! < niory on page 13)