r r # / ) PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRIOAV. JANITAPV 13. 1978 Childbirth Education Film Showing Jan. 16 HONOR BlKTIiDAY Perform In Recital % * / / » , , , - ? David Pierce of Woodstock, bassoon, and Carol Leighty of McHenry, soprano, will perform at the Woodstock Opera House Sunday, Jan. 15 at 3 p.m. Both young artists are junior students of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Piano accompanist will be Mark Ferrell. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Carol Leighty. soprano, and David Pierce, bassoon, ac companied by Mark Ferrell. piano, will present a recital in the Woodstock Opera House Jan. 15 at :5 p.m. Miss Leighty, a junior in applied voice at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign and student of Professor Frances Crawford, will perform lieder of Wolf, songs of Copland, and arias from "The Marriage of Figaro" by Mozart. She graduated from McHenry West campus in 1975. The talented singer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Leighty of McHenry Pierce, a junior in applied bassoon at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and student of Professor Sanford Berry, will perform Foresters Observe 60th Anniversary St. Agatha Court 777, National Catholic Society of Foresters at Johnsburg will meet Tuesday evening, Jan 17, at 8 o'clock in the community club hall. The second round of the card tournament will be played and it is also pizza party night. Mrs. Boyd Lindberg is in charge of the committee. The court is also planning to observe the sixtieth an niversary of its institution Feb. 12, beginning with the Mass at 10:30 in St. John's church. The court in Johnsburg was organized by the late Mrs Joseph King and Mrs. Joseph (Butch) Freund and was in stituted Feb. 5, 1918, by the late Anna Phelan, then High Chief Ranger of the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters. r ALANE MARIE LIPPKE , MARCH WEDDING-Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lippke of 1112 Florence street, McHenry, announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Alane Marie, to Terence Michael Doyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Doyle of Round Lake Beach, II. Miss Lippke is a 1969 graduate of McHenry Community high school, presently employed as a personnel assistant for a management consulting firm of Deerfield, U. Her fiance, a 1967 graduate of Carmel high school, Mundelein, is employed as a private siding contractor. A March wedding is planned at St. Joseph's Catholic church in Round Lake, II. On return from a honeymoon, the newlyweds will reside in Grayslake, II. / Applications for marriage licenses at the McHenry County Clerk's Office were recently made by: John A. Zimmy, McHenry, and Cynthia M. Ritt, Crystal Lake; Frank N. Pitzen, McHenry, and Mrs. Mary Sophia Hagen, Wonder Lake; Jeffrey K. Bonato and Donna M. Pollock, both of McHenry; James R. O'Brien and Patricia J. Emerson, both of McHenry. Robin's Roost miniatures and (tollhouses 2nd annual INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE buy it so we don't have to count it (we're lazy) every item in the shop reduced! furniture, wallpaper, wood, (tollhouses, accesories... absolutely ail sales final! 131 Center Street Grayslake, Illinois (312) 223-4455 0\ III! !§£ ill! sfh * ^ no exchanges or refunds 1 t T Tues. thru Fri. 10-3 Sat. 10-5 The film. "The Story of Eric"' will be shown Monday night. Jan 16. at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria of Woodstock hospital . The public is invited to view this film which shows a couple using the Lamaze method of childbirth preparation for their labor and delivery experience The showing is sponsored by the Northern Illinois chapter of ASPO (American Society for Psycho Prophylaxis in Ob stetrics. Inc > This is a national organization of physicians, teachers and parents devote to imparting childbirt education to parents, physicians, hospital staffs and the general public The Lamaze method allows the parents to share in the joy of birth and to actively par ticipate with the physician during childbirth Contrary to common belief. Lamaze is not necessarily painless or un- medicated childbirth. The method provides physical and mental means for dealing with the discomfort of labor con tractions. Medication, as or dered by the physician, offers chemical relief For further information about the film or classes please call Mrs. Tad < Marie) Walters of Crystal Lake or Mrs. Tyrrell iLila) Keller of Woodstock. Pledged Disco Dancers Help The Handicapped MARRIAGE LICENSES { On Feb 4, young people throughout McHenry county will be dancing to help the handicapped at the Easter Seal Disco Dance-A Thon, to be held at Woodstock high school. Dancers will receive pledges f r o m i n d i v i d u a l s , organizations, and area businesses for each hour they participate in the 24-hour marathon event. Prizes, including a ten-speed bike, gift certificates, radios, a watch, and an airplane ride, will be awarded to those dancers collecting the most money. Anyone wishing to help works of Vivaldi, Spohr, Fasch, Grovlez. Kozeluh. and Bozza. He graduated from Woodstock high school in 1975. The bassoonist is the son of Mr. smfS" Mrs C. David Pierce of Woodstock. Ferrell is a graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and studies coach accompanying with John Wustman ip r aS sponsor this event by making a pledge for each hour danced should contact the Easter Seal Therapy center at 338-1707. The public is also invited to attend the dance-a-thon to encourage the dancers. Tickets at a minimal charge to the event, may be purchased at the door during the dance. Registration deadline for dancers has been extended to Jan 27 Dancers do not need to have partners. Registration forms and pledge sheets for dancers can be obtained by contacting Mrs Robert Jessup qf McHenry, or the Easter Seal herapy center in Woodstock There's Ati Answer (by Norman Vincent Peale and Ruth Stafford Peale) Is There An Answer? Q. I have questions 'hat keep digging into my soul. All my life I have been looking for meaning or truth. I am not satisfied with the concerns of daily living as being the purpose of man. I've begun to find that only God could be infinite enough to fill all the gaps, for without Him it is a horrible chaos. Yet something is wrong. I continue to question, to test, to search with a frightening zeal for something. Where do I turn for a community of God to find answers that are not mirrors of other people's narrow-minded "pat" answers? I sense in your answers to questions a deeper understanding, a fuller wisdom perhaps, that is truly guided by the presence of God. Is it a flaw in me that rejects what has been already established as ultimate truth? Do you suggest that I settle down my mind and humbly surrender to a God who comes only upon that surrender? A. We are impressed by the quality of your mind. You are a thinker. And it's healthy to ask questions, to search for truth and meaning. „ You seem to have, however, an overtense attitude that could lead you into the erroneous feeling that everything is bad. Look for the good. Emphasize love. Strive to know the compassion and understanding of the good God. Then we think you will find a satisfying belief that in life's trouble goodends are developing. We have a booklet that has helped otnfen with questions such as yours. It is entitled Faith Builders, and a copy of it is on its way to you. Anyone reading this column who wishes a free copy may receive one by writing to us in care of Box 500, Pawling, NY 12564. Wife's Friends On Dope Q. My wife of one year has left me, the main reason being that I will not associate with her friends who stay high on drugs all the time. I'm at the end of my rope, and I have become depressed to the point of not wanting to live like this any longer. I love my wife very much, and I will not live without her. Please help us. A. It is understandable that you do not want to live as you describe. But you owe it to your wife to be patient and understanding. If you treat her lovingly the chances are that you can lead her to different associations. If she is on dope herself she can be cured by proper treatment. If you love your wife very much, as you say you do, you must just hang in there and help her. A Sign From God? Q. Three years ago I had a stillborn, deformed son. Also, I was ill with complications for almost two years afterward. This turned my marriage "inside out" so to speak. Now we are thinking of trying again but are so afraid. Is what happened a sign to us from God not to have any more babies? Thank you for your words of advice. A. Medical advice, as indicated by your question, could be very important. It is also true that no one should live in fear ever. Unless there are medical reasons that your doctor may give you, as husband and wife, put your lives in God's hands and believe that another child would be well-formed and healthy. But do not allow another child to be born in a negative and fear-filled mental atmosphere, for that itself is unhealthy. If there is something you would like to ask Dr. and Mrs. Peale to discuss in this column, write to them in care of Box 500, Pawling, NY 12564. If you would like to talk directly with a prayer partner, call Prayer Line (212) 481-1050. Reduced long-distance rates are in effect nights and weekends. "If we make an error Henry W. Block . on your taxes, we pay the penalty. And the interest." H&R Block doesn't make many mistakes. Our people are trained not to. But if we should make an error that costs you addi tional tax, you pay only the tax. Block pays any penalty and interest. We stand behind our work. That's Reason No. 14 why H&R Block should do your taxes. H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 3911 W. Main St. ENRY 815-385-8630 Open Weekdays 9am 9pm. Saturday 9am-5pm. Sunday 11am-4pm. , OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY JVI.IA B. Jl'STEN The family of Mrs. Julia B. .lusten extends an invitation to relatives, friends, and neigh bors. to an open house Sunday, Jan. 22. from 2 to 4 p.m.. at I50lt N. Richmond road. McHenry, to help her celebrate her nin- tieth birthday. Mrs. Justen is the mother of four children, Mrs. Harold (Bertha) Skow of Woodstock. Mrs. John (Ber- nice) Smale of Crystal Lake. I)r. Jerome W. Justen of Santa Maria. Calif., and rfr. B. Paul Justen of Glenview. She is the grandmother of ten grandsons and great grandmother of four great grandsons. The family requests that no gifts be presented. Staff Photo-Wayne Gaylord Senior Walk-In Center Meals are served Monday through Friday at the Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 2pm the day before at 385- 8260. The menu for the week of Jan. 16 through Jan. 20 is as follows: Jan. IK: Creamed turkey, mashed potatoes, green peas, hot biscuits, strawberry jellb and milk. Jan. 17: Beef pot roast, baked potato, mixed vegetables, iced cake and milk. Jan. IK: Meat balls & tomato sauce. O'Brien potatoes, lima beans, banana pudding and milk Jan. J«>: Barbecue pork spareribs. buttered noodles, tossed salad, mixed fruit and milk. Jan. 20: Beef Sukiyaki- vegetables, steamed rice, string beans, apricots and milk. McHENRY HOSPITAL JASON'S NEW SISTER Five-year-old Jason Weisenberger has a new baby sister born Saturday, Jan. 7, ah McHenry hospital. Their parents, Kurt and Joanne Weisenberger, named the 7 lbs. 3 oz. little girl Amy Jean. The family makes its home at 4903 McCullom Lake road. Proud grandparents include Mr. and Mrs. William Reid of McHenry and Mrs. George Weisenberger of Wonder Lake. The baby is the great granddaughter of David Reid of McHenry. HOSPITAL NOTES McHENRY HOSPITAL Recent admittances to McHenry hospital included from McHenry: Deborah Garcia, Winifred Jumper, and Rosemary Blake; from Wonder Lake: Mark Hardin. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Recent admittances to Memorial hospital. Woodstock, included from McHenry: Michael Harper, Dizie Slay, George Barber, and Anita Mlyniec; from Wonder Lake: James Connelly and Eugene Seaver. ^ poooooooooooooooooo^ I Community ' * \ Calendar i tooooocoooaoocoococ JANUARY 14 Friendship Club Potluck Dinner and Meeting~6 p.m.-- First United Methodist Church- -Program: Ruth and John Godtfredsen. JANUARY 15 Pi ftlpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Champagne Brunch. Third Annual Rescue 50 Snowmobile Marathon-- Information at 385-2095. Annual Pancake Breakfast -8 a.m. to l p.m .--McHenry American Legion Post Home- All You Can Eat-Benefit; Nurses Scholarship Training Program-Sponsors: 40-8 McHenry County Voiture 578. JANUARY 16 American Legion Auxiliary 491-Regular Meeting-8 p.m - McHenry Post Home. McHenry Woman's Club Hosts Fourth District Mid- Winter Meeting-VFW Hall Wonder Lake Senior Citizens Club-Meeting-1 p.m.--Blood Pressure Screening. 11 4.m. to 12:30 p.m.- Nativity Lutheran Church. Business & Professional Women's Club-Dinner Meeting-McHenry Top Deck- Cocktails, 6:30-Dinner, 7 p.m - Speakers, Nancy Gohla and Lynda Markut-Topic: Child Abuse-Reservation: Barbara Gerasch. 3509 W. Pearl Street. JANUARY 18 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus-Luncheon Tour To Clock Toiyer Museum & Art Museum at Rockford-Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank at 9:30 a m Edgebrook P T O. General Meeting-7:30 p.m.-Speaker, Rick Johnson of the McHenry Rescue Squad. / Family Service and Com munity Mental Health Center- Regular Board of Directors Meeting-8 p.m.-United Presbyterian Church Hall, Woodstock-Public Invited. JANUARY 19 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Regular Meeting- Hostess. Mrs. Lorene Farr. U.M.W. General Meeting- Agape Luncheon-12 Noon- First United Methodist Church. Town and Country Newcomers Club-Tea, Talk, and Sew-9:30 a.m. McCullom Lake Con servation Club Meeting-8 p.m - -Spojnia Camp-Agenda: Final Fish Derby Plans. Catholic Daughters of America, Court Joyce Kilmer 573 -Meeting "8 p.m .--K.C. Hall. JANUARY 20 St. Margaret Chapter of Nairn-Meeting-St. Mary's Oak Room-7:30 p.m. JANUARY 22 NAIM Diocesan Council-- Installation Dinner & Meeting- Cloven Hoof, Marengo-Social Hour 2 p.m.-Dinner, 2:30 p.m. American Legion Rifle Squad Meeting. € JANUARY 23 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting--7:30 p.m.-East Campus Cafeteria-Installation of Officers-Program: Slides & Talk. "To Communicate is the Beginning" JANUARY 25 Church Women United Medical Van-St. Patrick's Montini School-5 to 8 p.m. JANUARY 28 St. Margaret Chapter of Nairn-Cards-St. Mary's Oak Room-7:30 p.m. Town and Country Newcomers Club-Progressive Dinner JANUARY 30 McHenry Woman's Club- Board Meeting -McHenry City Hall-10 a.m. JANUARY 31 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi -Chapter An niversary. FEBRUARY 2 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Regular Meeting- Hostess, Mrs Jean Bialachowski. FEBRUARY 4 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Bake Sale. FEBRUARY 4 & 5 Annual McCullom Lake Conservation Club Ice Fishing Derby-9 a.m. to 4 p.m.-Beach House. Orchard Drive. Mc Cullom Lake. FEBRUARY 5 Spaghetti Dinner-McHenry American Legion Post Home-1 to 5 p.m.. FEBRUARY 8 Church Women United Medical Van-St. Patrick's Montini School-5 to 8 p.m. FEBRUARY 10 Barbershop Mardi Gras- McHenry West Campus-8 p.m.-Tickets, 385-3495. • FEBRUARY lF Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Valentine Dance. FEBRUARY 16 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Regular Meeting- Hostess: Mrs. Karen Colomer. FEBRUARY 22 Church Women United Medical Van-St. Patrick's Montini School-5 to 8 p.m. Precautions Prevent /> Foodbome Illnesses Soar Cream When storing dairy sour cream in the refrigerator, turn the car ton upside down to prevent air from entering the carton. Sour cream will last about a week when stored this way. Careful food handling can prevent many of the estimated 2 to 10 million cases of food- borne illnesses that occur each year in the United States. When preparing, packaging and storing foods, follow these basic precautions suggested by young people in the national 4-H food conservation and safety program: Start with clean food, utensils and hands, and a safe water supply. Don't handle foods if hands have open cuts or boils. Keep work, eating and storage areas clean and insect free. After preparing foods, keep them hot (140 degrees for above) or cold (below 40 degrees F.). Promptly refrigerate cooked meat and fish to be eaten cold or after reheating; never hold at room temperatures for more than 2 or 3 hours. Refrigerate cream, custard, or meringue pies and foods with custard fillings, including cakes, cream puffs, or eclairs. Do not allow them to stand at room temperatures after they cool slightly. Follow the same precautions for salads and sandwiches made with salad dressings containing eggs or milk products. 4-H members learn-by-doing that handling foods properly insures nutritional value and wholesomeness. They become aware of the wide variety of foods that can be prepared for cookouts, camping trips and other leisuretlme activities. And they study and apply scientific principles when handling foods. More information on the 4-H program is available from the McHenry county Cooperative Extension service. DIVORCES Decrees and Judgments of dissolutions of marriags recently granted by the 19th Judicial Circuit include: Charles R. Bilow and Bette Jane Bilow; Betty Lange and Leonard Lange; Rose M. Lasch and John J. Lasch. Peter L. Ronneberg and Melanie A. Ronneberg; Paula Rae Asper vs. Dale R. Asper; Betty Lee Thiel and Allan Joseph Thiel. Edna M. NOTICE CLOSED FOR REMODELING - SEE YOU SOON I INDIAN MANOR RESTAURANT ft LOUNGE S. RTE. 31-McHenry 385-8600 Melvin and William H. Melvin; Linda Sue Ackerman and Randy Lee Ackerman; Shirlee J. Howe and Robert E. Howe Jr.; Diane M. BoUensen and Robert B. Bollensen. PUBLIC NOTICE Nitice if Proposed Chaige in Gas Schedule NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY hereby give* notice to the public that it hu filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission on December 30, 1977, a proposed change in it* schedule for gas service. The Company has removed 2 06» per therm from thaJgurchased Gas Adjustment (PGA) and added the exact same amount to the basic rates. Tfiusthere is no change in your total bill. Further information with respect thereto may be obtained either directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at SpringAeld, Illinois. 62706. A copy of the proposed change in schedule may be inspected by any interested party at any business office of this Cowtpany. NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY L. L. Font 11 lit Vice Pmidtnt and Treasurer (Pub. Jan. (T& 1$,~1977)