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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jan 1978, p. 4

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PATIE 4 - PLAIN DEALER - FRIDAY. JANUARY 20. 1S78 Legal Notice IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF JOHN W FRITSCH AND CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO .AS CO-TRUSTEED UNDER THE WILL OF WALTER FRITSCH- RESIDUARY TRUST AND JOHN W. FRITSCH AND CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGOjAS CO-TRUSTEES UNDER ARTICLE SEVENTH OF THE WILL OF DOROTHY M. FRITSCH AND McHENRY STATE BANK AND ^ THEODORE N. PTTZEN, AS TRUSTEES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF A TRUST AGREEMENT DATED THE 21ST DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1973 AND KNOWN AS TRUST NO 608, CLARA STILLING AND CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN- TRANSPORTATION COMPANY FOR ENTRY INTO AN ANNEXATION AGREE- ) MENT WITH THE CITY OF McHENRY. ) ) McHENRY COUNTV, ) ) ILLINOIS. ) > NOTICE ) NOTICE IS HEREBY ) GIVEN in compliance with the ) City of McHenry Zoning ) Ordinance that a public hearing ) will be held before the City CM ) McHenry City Council and ) Zoning Board of Appeals and ) Plan Commission on the > application of JOHN W. ) FRITSCH and CONTINENTAL > ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK > AND TRUST COMPANY OF ) CHICAGO, as Co-Trustees > under the Will of Walter Fritsch ) - Residuary Trust and JOHN W ) FRITSCH and CONTINENTAL ; ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK ) . AND TRUST COMPANY OF ) CHICAGO, as Co-Trustees ) under Article Seventh of the ) Will of Dorothy M. Fritsch and ) McHENRY STATE BANK and ) THEODORE N. PITZEN, as ) Trustees under the provisions ) of a Trust Agreement dated the ) 21st day of November, 1973 and ) known as Trust No. 6W, CLARA ) STILLING and CHICAGO AND , N O R T H W E S T E R N I TRANSPORTATION , COMPANY effecting the j following described property: TRACT A: All that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, whicn lies West of the center of the right of way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 3, and running thence North on the Section Jine 20 chains to the Northwest crrner of the said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence East 16 chains and 36 links to the center of the said right of way; thence Southwesterly along the center of said right ot way to the South line of said Section; thence West along said South line 5 chains ana 45 links to the place of beginning, (excepting and reserving therefrom right of way of said Railway Company)- also the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 4, also a part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 4. described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and running thence South 20 chains to the Southeast corner thereof; thence West 16 chains and 80 links to the center of the highway; thence' North 38 degrees East along the center of said highway, 25 chains and 38 links to tne North line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter- thence East 1 chain and 20 links to the place of the beginning, (excepting and reserving therefrom a piece of land conveyed by Lysander B. Compton ana wife to Homer E. Clemens by Warranty Deed dated April 19th, A.D., 1902 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHeniy County Illinois, in BOOK 107 of Deeds on page 306 described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 4 and running thence Weefalong the North 8 igi line thereof 54 feet to the East line of the highway; thence South 38 degrees West, along said East line of the highway, 91 feet; thence Easterly 146 feet to a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter 165 feet South of the Northeast corner thereof; thence North 165 feet to the place of beginning. Also excepting •efrom land granted, /eyed and dedicated to the State of Illinois by Document No. 607442.) Also a part of the Southeast Srter of the Southwest rter of said Section 4, cribed as follows : Beginning at the Quarter po6t on the South line of said Section and running thence West 12 chains ana 70 links to the center of said highway; thence North 38 degrees East along the center of said highway; 20 chains and 36 links to the East line of the said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter: thence South to the place of beginning, all of said above described premises being in Township 44 North Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois. Also the Northeast Quarter of Section 9, (excepting and reserving therefrom the right of way of Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company and that part conveyed by Deed Record Book 260, page 304)- also the North Half ot the FREE WATERI TEST AND RENTAL RATES ION REQUEST! SEE..... BEFORE YOU BUY. THE NEW, MODERN KINETICO WATER CONDITIONING SYSTEM •NO ELECTRICITY 'METERED WATER •LESS SALT .SAVES MONEY convt rom lana granted, line to a point on the v ed and dedicated toK- line extended Northerl CALL YOUR LOCAL WATER CONDITIONING DEALER: KINETICO 0runer TOM HIIEMANN WATER CONDITIONING 2103 W. CHURCH ST. - J0HNSBURG McHENRY, ILL 385-3093 "LARGEST SERVICE DEPT. IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS" Southwest Quarter of said Section 9- also the Northwest Quarter of the""* Southeast Quarter of said Section 9; Also all that part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, that lies on the Westerly side of the right of way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway running through said ~uarter Section in a o r t h e a s t e r l y a n d Southwesterly direction- all of the above described premises being in Township 44 North. Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian in McHenry County, Illinois. TRACT 6: That part of Section 3, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as < follows: Beginning at the intersection of the West right of way line of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company and the North fine of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 3; thence Easterly along the North line of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 3 as aforesaid, a distance of 1607 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of said South Half: thence Northerly along the West line of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 3 and along said West line extended Northerly to the North line of Bull Valley Road; thence Easterly along said North line to a point on the West \ such annexation 'will be contingent upon the zoning of TRACTS A and B for a Special Use as a Planned Unit D e v e l o p m e n t ( P U D ) comprising single family attached and detached residences, multi-family, service and retail commercial uses, railroad right of way, recreation facilities^ open spaces, light industrial and public uses and the uses permitted under "R-3", SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT* "R-4", MULTI-FAMILV D I S T k l C T ; ' ' R - 5 ' ' , CONDOMINIUM DISTRICT "I P", INDUSTRIAL PARk and COMMERCIAL DISTRICT in accordance with said Agreement, the plan of Planned Unit Development and the provisions of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance. That TRACT C, comprising the existing railroad nght of way, be zoned for a Special Use as a railroad right of way in accordance with the provisions of the City of McHeniy Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing will be held before the city of McHenry City Council and Zoning Board of Appeals and Plan Commission on the 7th day of February, 1978 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, llll No. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois. AT WHICH TIME AND PLACE, any person desiring to EFFECTIVE: TO JAN. 31 Inventory Clearance Sale REFRIGERATORS WHIRLPOOL WUff&FRA&I PftOOfr*. 17.2 Cu. .... *459°° WHIRLPOOL WHITE FROST PROOF 19.6 Cu. Ft. Top Freezer *477°° J50500 HOTPOINT G 20.8 Cu. HOTPOINT WHEAT FROST PROOF 21.8 Cu. Ft. Side by Side *689°° HOTPOINT WHITE CYCLE DE-FROST 13.6 Cu. Ft. Top Freezer $342°° FRIGID AIRE A VAC ADO, HARVEST GOLD FROST PROOF 17.0 Cu. Ft. Top Freezer *472°° FRIGIDAIRE COPPER FROST PROOF 00 17.0 Cu. Ft. Top Freezer *446 FRIGIDAIRE HARVEST GOLD, WHITE CYCLE DEFROST 17.0 Cu. Ft. Top Freezer *437°° WASHERS AND DRYER FRIGIDAIRE 18 LBS. AVACADO Electric Dryer. *212°° WHIRLPOOL 14 LBS. WHITE tAOAOO Gas Dryer *230™ WHIRLPOOL JVWjWWTft TS Electric ®OLD.....$21300 HOTPOINT 18 LBS. 3 SPEED WHITE Washer *31100 HOTPOINT 18 LBS. 2 SPEED WHITE Washer *308°° HOTPOINT 14 LBS. HARVEST GOLD Gas Dryer.... *251°° FREEZERS WHIRLPOOL 15.2 Cu. Ft. Chest '32300 HOTPOINT 11.6 Cu. Ft. Upright '265°° HOTPOINT 14.8 Cu. Ft. Upright ,29800 HOTPOINT 15.3 Cu. Ft. Chest $320°° RANGES HOTPOINT HARVM1*?OLpV I 30" Self Cle&l&JILD... *357°° FRIGIDAIRE HARV 30" Self Cle (..'369 00 VESTA WHJjTE 30" Gas Cont. Clean $250°° PREMIER HARVEST GOLD »«•* « „ 30': Gas Cont. Clean....... . *27100 MICROWAVES WHIRLPOOL Time & Temp. Cook *41200 FRIGIDAIRE Time *436°° Time & Temp *403°° HOTPOINT NEW FOR MICROWAVE Mini Cake Maker 95* EA. ALL SMALL APPLIANCES ON SALE! LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. Front (S. Rte. 31) McHenry,.Ill 385-0882 rly of the East 2251.31 feet of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 3; the nee Southerly along said West line extended Northerly and along said West line to»the South line of said Southeast Southeast Quarter; thence Westerly along the South line o? the Southwest Sua rter of said Section 3 to le Westerly line of the Chicago ana Northwestern Railway Company right of way; thence North easterly along said Westerly line, to the place of beginning. Being situated in Nunaa T o w n s h i p , M c H e n r y County, Illinois. TRACT t: That portion of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company's right of way lying in the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 44, Range 8 whose center line is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the North line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 3 with the center line of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company; thence Southwesterly along the center line of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company to the South line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 3 tor the terminus of the center line of said strip of land. Tracts A, B and C contain approximately 490 acres, more or less, are contiguous as a whole to the corporate limits of the City of McHenry and are located on the East side of Crystal Lake Road, Southeast of the intersection of Bull of a certain mortgage made by Kenneth E. Falk ana Lillian G. Falk to Modern American Mortgage Corporation as Mortgagee conveying the following described property and premises to wit: Lot 1 in Block 2 in Meier's of the intersection of Bull Township 44 Norths Range 4 Valley Road and Crystal Lake East of the Third Principal Road. Meridian, according to the The applicants are seeking to annex tne above-described real estate to the City of McHenry --suant to an Annexation ^ ;ment. Under the terms of said Annexation Agreement. Township 44 Nc East of the Thi. Meridian, according Plat thereof recorded August 18, 1927 as Doc. No. 79533 in Book 6 of Plats, page 31. in McHenry County, Illinois; commonly known as 336 Poplar St., Ktondez Xlake Onn • Dinner • Cocktails • Family Dinner NOW "Live Western Music" FEATURE SATURDAY NITES (STARTING FEB. 3-FRIDAY & SATURDAY NITES!) * CARRV OUT ORDERS! 5504 E. WONDER LAKE RD. WONDER LAKE. ILL. PHONE 115-721 0411 FACILITIES AVAILABLE FOR BANQUETS « WEDDINGS TO 150' |OPEN WEEKDAYS 4 TO 10 SAT. & SUN. 1 TO 11 CLOSED TUES. The McHenry Plaindealer Established 1*75 3S12 West Elm StrMt McHenry, Illinois *0050 PhofmMS-0170 Published Every Wednesday ft Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois •y McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY fcitocrW. «r. to pr*vM» nortc* «l dw.,. mddrwt to Tito IWtomy PtotariMtor. Mlt W. Urn St.. McHwwy,M.MN. A MucHm o« tm. Ifc* aspiration of a lubitflpMan wM ba marfa wfcara a dtoafa af artmi to pravMad tfcrevfh Hia Past OHica Cfepartmaxt. Lorry E. Lund-Publisher Adele Froehllch-Edltor EMz NEWSPAPER ] NATIONAL NEWSPAPER 2SDS smms: f ftt Prtis A Ktf NNA SUSTAINING MEMBER--1977 SUftSRIPTION RATES ' 1 Veer. S10.50 I Year *15.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and County « Lake County Crystal Lake. Illinois and which said mortgage was recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in McHenry County, Illinois as Document No. 600209 and for other relief: that summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law, and that the said suit is still pending. O R D E R THIS MATTER coming to be heard on the motion of the Plaintiff for an Order directing the Defendants Kenneth ET Falk, Lillian G. Falk, Kenneth Coss Sr. & Mildred Coss and UNKNOWN OWNERS, to appear and file their Answer or otherwise plead to the Complaint to ' Foreclose Mortgage heretofore filed in this matter and it appearing that an Affidavit of Non- Residence and a Petition for Order of Publication having Court been filed herein, and the being, fully advised in the be heard may be present. DATED: This 13th day of January. 1978. CITY OF McHENRY By: -s- BARBARA E. GILPIN City Clerk CITY OF McHENRY ZONINB BOARD OF APPEALS By: -s- Ronald J. Wilkins Chairman CITY OF McHENRY PLAN COMMISSION By: -s- F. Jack Pepping Chairman JOSLYN & GREEN PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Attorneys for Petitioners 116 No. Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois 60098 iTelephone: 815-336-1135 (Pub. Jan. 20,1978) Legal Notice IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, Modern A m e r i c a n M o r t g a g e Corporation Plaintiff, vs: Kenneth E. Falk, et al., Defendants, Case No. 77 C 4234 PUBLICATION NOTICE The requisite affidavit of non- residence having been filed, notice is hereby given you Kenneth E. Falk, Lillian G. Falk, Kenneth S. Coss Sr. & Mildred Coss and UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants, in the above entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division in premises; IT is HEREBY ORDERED that Defendants herein Kenneth E. Falk, Lillian <*. Falk, Kenneth S. Coss Sr., Mildred Coss and UNKNOWN OWNERS, file their answers or otherwise plead to the Complaint to Foreclose Mortgage heretofore filed by Plain off on or before March 6, 1978 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that notice of this Order be published in the McHENRY PLAINDEALER, once a week for six (6) consecutive weeks. ENTER * Judge MARSHALL DATED: January 16,1978 Now therefor, unless you the said Defendants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein in the Office of the Oerk of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division in the Federal Building at 219 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois on or before the 6 day of March. 1978 default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a Decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. H. STUARTCUNNINGHAM, Clerk FISHER AND FISHER, Attorneys for Plaintiff 30 North LaSalle Street Chicago. Illinois 60602 (Pub. Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 3,10,17, 24,1978) Legal Notice ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE The w annual meeting of the McHenry Township Mutual Eire Insurance Company will tebeJdTue., January 2< 1978, at 1:00 P.M. at the offices of the Secretary at 2411 W. Church St., McHenry, ill. The Purpose of this meeting is to elect tnree Directors and any other business that may come before the meeting. Frank Schmitt, President Michael Schaefer Secretary (Pub. Jan. 18,20,1978) Hair dye revives contro­ versy in animal cancer tests. { POLICE TICKETS j - McHenry City police have issued the following tickets. Robert J. Redmond, Chicago, opening and closing vehicle doors. Burton E. Nydam, Hoffman Estates, failure to yield right of way at a stop intersection. Dorothy P. Scherzer, 1201 N. Park street, McHenry, failure to yield to oncoming traffic. Joseph P. Warden, 909 B l a c k h a w k , I n g l e s i d e , disobeyed red traffic signal. Mary L. MoU, 3907 E. High street, McHenry, disobeyed stop sign. Ronald M. Fisher, 1817 Sunset, McHenry, disobeyed stop sign. Debra A. Fox, Antioch, disobeyed red traffic signal. Jeffrey A. Werry, 2613 Michael, Wonder Lake, failure to dim headlights. Donald L. Lasco, 4902 Maple Hill drive, McHenry, failure to report an accident to police. 4 Cheryl L. Schwanke, 905 Plymouth lane, McHenry, disobeyed red traffic signal. John W. Mahr, 7405 E. Northwood, Wonder Lake, disobeyed red traffic signal. Stephan J. Lescher, 1711 Woodlawn, McHenry, illegal operation of a snowmobile on sidewalks. Jerry C. Jackson, East Moline, 111., driving while license expired less than six months. Kevin J. Baran, 3117 W. Freund, McHenry, illegal operation of a snowmobile on sidewalks. Widespread Outbreak Illinois is currently ex­ periencing a wide-spread outbreak of A-Texas influenza, according to Illinois Depart­ ment of Public Health Director Dr Paul Q. Peterson. Dr. Peterson said that in the majority of the thirteen "sentinel cities" participating in his department's flu sur­ veillance program, the num­ bers of physician and hospital emergency room visits for flu­ like illness have shown a steady increase during the past four weeks The thirteen cities are: Belleville, Blue Island, Car- bondale, Champaign-Urbana, Chicago. Decatur, Park Ridge, Peoria. Quincy.Rockford, Rock Island-Moline, Springfield and Waukegan. "Although the outbreak is widespread," Peterson said, "we would not classify it as an epidemic unless we were also ex­ periencing widespread closing of industry and schools due to ~ absenteeism." He said that epidemic conditions do not now exist Pro-Life Group In Commemoration A prayer service by combined Pro-Life groups of the McHenry county area will be held Saturday evening, Jan. 21, at 7:30 p.m. at the St Thomas Pierson street church, Crystal Lake. The service will commemorate 5 million babies aborted in the United States since 1973. The observance will mark the fifth anniversary of the infamous 7 to 2 Decision of the United States Supreme court This 1973 ruling legalized the killing of unborn human infants at any time from conception to birth. The main talk will be given by Father Paul Marx, a Benedictine monk, known for his writings and seminars on family life. Father Marx is an executive director of the Human Life center at Collegeville, Minn. He has lectured in forty-six countries and made frequent radio and TV appearances. He has taught Family Life courses to thousands of young men and women over the past thirty years and is the author of two best sellers in the field of Pro- Li fe literature, The Death Peddlers: War on the Unborn, and Death Without Dignity: Killing for Mercy. The public is invited. § CONSUMER GUIDELINES Here are energy saving measures for the home­ owner: • Insulate floors and attic space. • Weatherstrip windows doors. • Install storm windows. • Set thermostat at low winter setting, wear sweaters, warm clothing. • Close fireplace Hampers when not in use to re­ duce heat loss. • Shut off heat and cool­ ing in unused rooms. • Keep furnace clean/re place filters regularly. Join Your Friends For Lunch or Dinner THE TODAY AT. HERITAGE HOUSE Harvard ! I LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NITELY Featuring MICKI KLESPER From Europt In Our New Organ Lounge Hort D'oeuvre Everynite Except Saturdays •Noon Luncheon Specials Complete Dinners -Finest of Cocktails Private Dining Room For Parties Phone 943-6153 For Reservations HOURS: LUNCH - Tues- Fri. 11:30 -2:00 DINNER • Tuts. - Sat • 5:00 • 11:00 PM SUNDAYS 1:00- 10:00 PM CLOSED MONDAY

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