PAGE Z3 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1978 Twice Told Tales I ?po'nt New Dlrec.tor FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of February 2, 1928) According to Editor M.W. Walsh of the Harvard Herald there are at least four and perhaps five Republican candidates from Lake county for the Lower House in the next Illinois Legislature, four from McHenry countyaml one from Boone county, ifra remain in thi race at the coming primary. Peter W. Frett, mayor of McHenry, is setting a fast pace in his campaign for member of the Legislature on the Republican primary ballot. The McHenry mayor has been devoting considerable time to Lake county and finds it an inviting field, he admits. Mr. Frett was in Harvard yester day for a brief time. The big barn on the corner of John and Center streets, which is owned by F.H. Wattles,' is being razed this week, the work progressing very satisfactorily. The job is being done by E.G. Peterson and will be a very noticeable improvement to the street mentioned. Last Saturday night the McHenry high school boys shook off their jinx and won an easy victory from Richmond on the local basketball floor, with a score of 32 to 19. FORTY YEARS AGO • Taken from the files of February 10, 1938) The City Council convened on Monday evening for the regular February meeting. Bills for the month were exceptionally high, due mostly to the repairs necessary in checking in filtration into the sewer pipes New pipe has been used on that section south of Elm street from Green street, east to Kiverside drive Work progressed very nicely on the job, giving employment to many men in the city. The improvement is expected to effect considerable saving in operation at the disposal plant. The sum of $795 which has shown in the regular balance for some time was transferred to a separate motor fuel tax fund since this money can only be used on street im provements as approved by the State Division of Highways The Fox river went on another rampage the first of the week--or continued its former ohe--iS unseasonable •rainHvef tte weekend sent, it rushing to heights not attained for more than a decade. In twenty-four hours, from Sunday noon to Monday noon, the usually placid old Fox river rose six inches at the dam submerging the water front and covering the lock to give the appearance of a lake, while north of the dam the flow was checked somewhat by ice which refused to budge. When the ice goes out it is expected that, at least below the dam, /the water will rise even higher TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO • Taken from the files of February 5. 1953) A number of burglaries in the McHenry community during recent weeks are expected to be cleared up with the arrest of three youths by sheriff's deputies on Monday night of this week. Separate warrants charging burglary and larceny, issued by Justice Charles F. Hayes, were against Charles Wilson, 17, James Pennington, 17. and Richard Gullion, 24, Wilson was reported to be from Fox Lake. Pennington from the McHenry community and Gullion from an R F.D. Ringwood address. Following a long period of special study, Paul R Yanda, McHenry high school music director, last Saturday com pleted work toward his master's degree at Vandercook School of Music, Chicago. He has been studying at the school for two years, having attended the 1951 and 1952 summer sessions as well as making weekly trips on Saturdays since last September. Mr Yanda received his bachelor's degree in music from MacPhail School of Music in Minneapolis, Minn., in 1930. He has been teaching in the local schools since 1937. McHenry welcomes a new business in the Main Paint center at 418 Main street, West McHenry, which opens either this weekend or the first of next week. Vaughn Jones is owner and operator of the new store and will be associated by his wife. They plan to carry a complete line of paints and wall paper TEN YEARS AGO • Taken from the files of February 7, 1968) At the Monday meeting of the board of School District 15, a transportation policy was approved in which Districts 15 and 156 will purchase all ad ditional busses needed and will buy all busses necessary to replace contracts given up by present owners for vehicles they are now operating. No new owners for bus contracts for the >chool year 1968-69 or hereafter will be recom mended. The body of Edward Doran, 74, formerly of McCullom Lake, was found in a wooded mountainous area last Saturday afternoon in Hot Springs, Ark He had been missing from his home since Tuesday. Jan 30. The most memorable annual meeting of the Lake Region YMCA's five-year history was held on Feb. 1 at the McHenry Country club Sixty persons turned out fo^r the evening's program of smorgasbord, fellowship. a rewarding business meeting, and a throught-provoking keynote speaker Congressman Robert Mc- Clory has announced the nomination of David Harry Dowell. son of Mr and Mrs. Harry Dowell. McHenry, for appointment to the United States Air Force academy in Colorado Springs, Colo. David's excellent academic record has resulted in his membership in the National Honor society. He is a senior at McHenry Com munity high school The McHenry County Township Officials association will hold a workshop for all officials Wednesday, Feb 14. in the court house annex. For Camp Fire Girls CONSERVATION MEETINGS The trustees of the McHenry Couv Conservation district will hold their meeting on the first and third Thursdays of each month at their headquarters office location at 6512 Harts road. Ringwood. The telephone number and post office address of the District will remain 338- 1405, P O. Box 502, Woodstock. Courthouse Squares Ignorance" is usually at the root of any argument. GEORGE KCARBINE The WaKiYaNcpuncil Camp Fire organization has an nounced the appointment of George F. Carbine a is their first full time executive director. Carbine is a 37-year veteran of Boy Scouts of America with over twenty years as a professional Scout. A resident of the Fox Valley area for twelve and one-half years, Carbine lives in Geneva with his wife. Shirley. Mrs. Carbine works for the St. Charles Park district as the secretary for the Baker Community center. With Camp Fire Girls being organized in 1910 by the same people who organized the Boy Scouts of America, Carbine is well qualified to help launch the national council's im plementation of "It's a New Day" program with planning the sustaining membership, training, camping, mem bership and management program in addition to building relationships with Community Chests and United Ways. Carbine wil work out of the WaKiYa council office, 164 Division st. Elgin, phone 742- 5150. Camp Fire Girls, the oldest national girls' organization, will celebrate its sixty-eight birthday in March. The WaKiYa council received its first charter in 1962 and ser vices girls in Elgin, Wasco, Lily Lake, St ream wood, St. Charles, Plato Center. Hamoshire. Crystal Lake, McHenry and Carpentersville. The council has 1,000-plus members, grades 6-12, who concentrate on earning individual awards and helping others. Open Refresher Course For Area Nurses Feb. 20 Mrs. Arlene Hosick, R.N., director of nursing services at the county-wide hospital in Woodstock, has announced plans for a four-week refresher course, starting Feb. 20. "Two good reasons," is the way Mrs. Hosick explains why Memorial Hospital for ' McHenry County is planning a refresher course for inactive registered and licensed practical nurses "We offer this period of in struction from time to time as a community service for those who feel the need of brushing up on their nursing skills. We are doing it at this time because Memorial Hospital is ex periencing a shortage of nurses as are a great many hospitals throughout the country." The program will be offered from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday for the four weeks, and lunch will be provided during the noon-time break No charge is made for this course in keeping with the community service aspect of the program. The course will include lectures by doctors and nurses. the showing of several films, demonstrations of new procedures and equipment and an opportunity for clinical experience. Because of the need for qualified nurses, Mrs. Hosick said those who complete the course will be eligible for employment. Among the eight films are movies on cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, infection control in urological care, hyperalimentation, and in travenous therapy. Persons interest in learning more about the program or in signing up are invited to con tact the nursing office at Memorial hospital betwen 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. Cat Coffee Costs Instant coffee is the least ex pensive of the brew--at about two cents ,pq: cup. Freeze-dried is about three cents and brewed cof fee may cost up to six cents --depending on the cost per pound and the amount used per cup. Pinching Q Your Pennies? Pinch away during WOODSTOCK'S FANTASTIC DOLLAR DAY Thursday, February 2 9a.m.'9p.m. Sponsored by The Woodstock Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Retail Division 6^ • 8 Racquetball/handball courts • Whirlpools/Saunas • Weight room & classes for men • Figure salon & classes for women • Attended children's nursery • Pro shop/relaxing club lounge FOR MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION CALL 815-338-7255 A DIVISION OF JEWEL DIRECT MARKETING i d 1 ^ . \ i r g i n i a S i . CRYSTAL LAKE MERCHMDia CUMMKf CtNlER 815 455 0333 s M o n T u e s 9 a m 5 p m W e d T h u r e F r i 9 a m 8 p m S a t 9 a m 5 p m S u n 1 0 a m 3 p m Rt 14 Virginia St L WL RE EASY TO FISD SALE DAYS WED. FEB. 1 thru TUES. FEB. 6, 1978 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST - BUY ANY TOY AT OUR REGULAR DISCOUNTED PRICE...GET 2ND OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE FOR A PENNY. "Our Past Christmas Toys are rolling Li - and our low prices are rolling JEAN JAMBOREE Save on our entire selection of Jeans, Vests, Jean Jackets. For the whole family OFF OUR DISCOUNT PRICE Ladies, Men's, Children's SLIPPERS ENTIRE SELECTION 1/2 PRICE TOMMEE TIPPEE Safety Center Protect your child from in- juried in the home. •SAFETY EDGES FOR - THE TABLES •SHOCK STOPS FOR OUTLETS •DOOR TOP LOCKS •DOOR KNOB COVERS (Acts like lock) •DRAWER STOPPERS •CABINET LOCKS •SHOCK GUARDS (appliance guard) VALUES TO $2.49 SALE W EACH CLEARANCE MEN'S LEISURE JACKETS and SPORTCOATS 60% OFF OUR ISCOUNT PRICE 7 Pc. GLASS SALAD SET 6-5" Bowls and 1-10%" Bowl Clear Glass with 'SALAD' printed on side. MCC REG. 8.99 24 PC. GLASS TUMBLER SET •8 Rocks*8 Beer •8 Hi-Ball MCC REG. 8.93 PLASTIC 'SOUPER BOWL' SET Set of 4 covered bowls. Use for soup, cereal, or salads. MCC REG. 4.13 $£99 $499 $199 CANDY CLOSEOUT OUR ENTIRE SELECTION OF CANDY IS REDUCED. HUGE SELECTION. BUY NOW AND SAVE. 3/$l00 S A V E T H E M C C W A T * S A V E T H I a